Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 277 The underage true spirit Rahu?All the monks in the underworld!

Chapter 277 The underage true spirit Rahu?All the monks in the underworld! (Please subscribe)
"Soul Stone!"

Looking at the two turquoise stones that Han Li sent over, which exuded a cold aura, Lu Tiandu naturally recognized them at a glance.

According to the puppet jade slip left by Feng Xian, this type of crystal called "soul stone" that can carry the power of a monk's spiritual consciousness can only be formed in some kind of underworld place or in the body of some kind of ancient beast with a Yin attribute. .

It is obvious that the space in the body of this true spirit Rahu is a small space containing the power of the underworld, and the underworld beast here is naturally born for this reason.

"I didn't expect that there was such a thing as a soul stone here! It seems that these monsters must be some kind of ancient Yinming beast!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "This thing is rarely seen in the outside world. Now that you encounter it, you might as well collect more!"

"Uncle Master is right. This kind of monster is called the Yinming Beast by the people here, and the crystals in its head are called Yinming Beast Crystals, which can be used to set up some small magic circles..."

Han Li explained to Lu Tiandu.

He exchanged the method of refining the golden elixir puppet from Lu Tiandu, and soon understood what Lu Tiandu said at that time that he would not be able to refine the golden elixir puppet even if he gathered other materials - mainly because of the lack of This thing is called "soul stone".

Puppets below level four can also collect the souls of low-level monsters and condense the soul of the puppet through soul refining and other spells to carry a trace of the split consciousness of the person driving them, so that they can use spiritual stones to release some attack methods.

When reaching level five and above, if you want to release spells that are comparable to those of Golden Core monks, the puppet soul condensed from the spirit of the demon beast can no longer carry it, and you can only use this crystal stone containing the power of the underworld to replace it.

Han Li had previously obtained the method of refining a puppet and searched for it at auctions and various small trade fairs in Tianyue City. Naturally, he found nothing.

Only then did he sell some elixirs and unused magic weapons, and finally spent more than [-] spirit stones to auction two golden elixir puppets at that auction.

After all, in his opinion, if this kind of strange soul crystal cannot be found, this kind of golden elixir puppet is definitely very rare.

With a total of four golden elixir puppets and his own combat power, he would be able to fight even when he encounters Nascent Soul cultivators.

Later, he arrived at Wulonghai. Although he participated in several trade fairs, he only exchanged a soul stone, which surprised him.

This shows that although this kind of thing is rare, it can still be found.After several failures, he spent a lot of materials to refine a golden elixir puppet, which was very helpful in many monster hunts.

So when Han Li accidentally entered this place and discovered that the Yinming Beast crystal in the body of the Yinming beast here was the crystal that was called the soul stone by the outside world, he was naturally overjoyed.

It is indeed the source of misfortune and blessing!
After the experience of refining the golden elixir puppets last time, his weapon refining technology has improved a lot. If he has enough soul stones, he will definitely be able to cultivate an army of golden elixir puppets when he goes out, not to mention sweeping across Tiannan. But if dozens of golden elixir puppets were released at once, even the Yuanhou monks would probably feel numb!

However, the production of soul stones among the Yinming beasts was irregular. This time, two soul stones were found among the five Yinming beasts at once, which made him admire how lucky Uncle Lu was.

"Generally speaking, the more powerful the Yin Beast is, the higher the possibility of having a soul stone in its head, but this is not necessarily true. Sometimes the Yin Beast looks very powerful, but its head is empty. There are also some that are not as strong as this. The very powerful Yinming beast actually found a small piece of soul stone..."

Han Li also talked about some common sense about hunting soul stones, and then suddenly asked:

"This kind of small soul stone can be used to refine the golden elixir puppet. If you want to refine the Nascent Soul puppet, do you need a larger soul stone?"

"You guessed it right. In addition to rarer materials, refining the Nascent Soul Puppet requires soul stones roughly the size of pebbles."

Lu Tiandu nodded, "Do you still remember the "True Understanding of Puppet" in the sect? The founder of Dayan Shenjun is also in the sect now..."

"What? The Divine Lord Dayan from tens of thousands of years ago? How could he still be alive?"

Han Li had a look of disbelief on his face.

"Haha, you'll know when the time comes!"

Lu Tiandu smiled mysteriously, "When you get back to the sect, if you have any questions about puppets, you can ask God Lord Dayan for advice!"

Speaking of this, Lu Tian also remembered that the old devil Han in the original plot was also a bit unreasonable. Although God Dayan had been with Han Li for less than a hundred years, he helped Han Li a lot along the way, and even saved his life. kindness.As a result, after the old demon became the Taoist ancestor, he didn't even think about trying to help the Lord Dayan.

This time, with the strong man Lu Tiandu here, Han Li's group of men naturally had more time to gather the fish and shrimps. Two quarters of an hour later, under the guidance of Han Li, everyone headed towards the village in the distance.

Along the way, Han Li also introduced this dark place to Lu Tiandu in detail.

This land of darkness is only a hundred miles in size.Although the space is not large, there are monster beasts, humans and various underworld beasts living there.

Needless to say, humans and monsters were all inadvertently wrapped in the black mist.

Over the years, the human race in the entire Yinming Land has developed seven or eight villages, scattered throughout this hundred-mile radius.

Han Li and the others were staying in the largest village.

These Yin beasts are different. They were born on their own due to the Yin Qi here. They are considered to be the indigenous people here and are almost inexhaustible. After all, even if a batch is killed, the Yin Qi will condense again after a while. The same thing was born again in the land.

"So, these Yin beasts are indeed the creatures born in Rahu's body."

After hearing Han Li's introduction, Lu Tian had this thought, "Since it can open up a space in the body, this Rahu is obviously born with the magical power of space, or it can be said that it is born with the ability to understand the laws of space!"

"And judging from the collision between this Rahu and the Kunpeng wandering in the void outside the boundary film more than a hundred years later in the original plot, this Rahu is obviously insufficient in strength. How can a true spirit that can wander in the void be an adult Mahayana? stage, is this Rahu not yet an adult? Even so, he probably has the cultivation level of the combined stage..."

Lu Tiandu was in a state of confusion.

It goes without saying that a true spirit is rare. Only some wealthy families in the spiritual world can afford to worship an adult true spirit.Not to mention this true spirit that was born with the magical power of space.

It is said that the internal space of adult Rahu can swallow the sun and moon, but this place is only a hundred miles in size, which is obviously too small.

This true spirit Rahu in the human world is most likely underage. If he can be contained, it will definitely be of great benefit.

He took the initiative to enter here this time, actually thinking about whether he could try his luck in this Rahu's body.

But, how can he safely get in touch with this Rahu?
"These Yin beasts naturally like to devour human flesh and blood. Almost every once in a while, powerful Yin beasts will come to human villages. Although most of them will be repelled by the people in the village, there are occasional cases in smaller villages. It was defeated and all the people in the village were devoured. Therefore, powerful individuals have very heavy authority here..."

Han Li was still introducing the situation here.

Originally, every few years, as the celestial phenomena changed, a group of people and fish and shrimps would accidentally enter here. Therefore, the strong people in each village would take the opportunity to rob fish, shrimps and other food while also taking the initiative to shelter a group of outsiders who entered here. As a result, only Lu Tiandu came in this time, which naturally made others curious.

Except for a few limited pieces of land that can grow some edible coarse grains in this hundred-mile-sized Yin Ming land, the rest of the ground is barren of grass because of the heavy Yin Qi.

As for the unique Yin beasts here, except for a few that can be eaten by humans, most of them contain highly toxic substances in their bodies and cannot be used by humans.

So food here is very scarce and very precious.

This time, because the location where Lu Tiandu appeared was not very far from the village where Han Li and others were staying, it didn't take long for everyone to enter a pile of rocks.There were other harassing Yin beasts along the way, but they were quickly killed by Lu Tiandu and Han Li.

As soon as they entered the pile of rubble, Han Li's men all breathed a sigh of relief and looked relieved.

The stones in this pile of stones were all strange in shape and black in color, giving people a gloomy feeling. Even Lu Tian didn't recognize what this thing was.

If it was useful, he wouldn't mind taking some away.

Lu Tiandu asked Han Li and found out that these stones are unique to this place.However, Lu Tiandu is still planning to secretly put away some of it, maybe it will also be some kind of weapon refining material outside.

Along the way, the sky above us was still dark, filled with dark clouds, with no end in sight.

However, as he got closer to the village, there were several more dark blue lightnings in the dark clouds. They kept jumping and ejecting, lighting up the place in light blue, making it look extremely eerie.

At this moment, the village was not far away in front of us. The clouds in the sky kept rolling, and the blue lightning became suddenly more frequent. From time to time, one or two lightning strikes directly hit the nearby ground, revealing stone pits of different sizes.

But the strange thing is that these blue lightnings seem to have eyes and will not hit people.

After everyone walked another hundred steps, their eyes suddenly opened up, and a tall stone wall appeared darkly in front of them.

These stone walls are all built piece by piece with huge stones about ten feet tall, and are twenty to thirty feet high.The distance between the left and right ends of the stone wall is more than a thousand feet wide, and every few feet, a sharpened piece of hardwood protrudes from the wall, looking ferocious and ferocious.

Soon everyone on the stone wall discovered the rich harvest of Han Li and others. Amid cheers, a huge wooden door was quickly lowered.

"Uncle, please!"

Han Li looked at the dozens of men holding white spears standing on both sides of the wooden door. He nodded and invited Lu Tiandu to speak.

"it is good."

Lu Tiandu glanced at it. Entering the stone wall, old, young, women and children could see them sporadically.However, most people wore weird green shirts. After all, there were only a few people like Han Li who could hunt monsters and use their furs to make clothes.

At this moment, these people looked at the fish and shrimp packed in more than a dozen green and big bags, and one by one they quickly stepped forward to help.

It was obvious that the harvest had excited the people in the village.

As for the strange weapons with white light shining in the hands of these guards, Lu Tiandu had heard from Han Li that these weapons were made from the bones of Yin beasts.

However, these animal bones must be soaked in a special liquid here called "sinking water" beforehand.As a result, these bone materials are not only stronger than before, but also have some Yin fire power. After being made into weapons, they will be more lethal to Yin beasts.

This sinking water is naturally the "yin spirit water" from the outside world, and it is also a liquid that can only be produced in cold places.

Since Lu Tiandu is here this time, he will naturally collect part of it.It will naturally be very useful to use this water to precipitate the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade from the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade veins.

Soon everyone came to a building built of dark stone.Most of these buildings are simple and crude, mostly square in shape.But the most eye-catching thing is a stone platform in the center of the village.

This stone platform is not big, but it is several times higher than other houses, it is three to four feet high, and a lavender mist is released from the top of the stone platform, covering the sky above the entire village. As long as there is a blue lightning in the sky When it fell into the village, it was immediately absorbed completely by the purple mist.

"Here is the formation arranged in the village. You can use soul stones as an energy source..."

Han Li explained as he saw Lu Tiandu's expression of curiosity.

"It's interesting, you can look back at it!"

A strange look flashed in Lu Tiandu's eyes.

Compared with outside, the closer he got to the center of the village, Lu Tiandu was surprised that he could use even the slightest bit of his previously motionless powerful spiritual consciousness and magic power.

"Is the Absolute Spiritual Qi outside weaker or is the Absolute Spiritual Energy here rarer?"

Lu Tian was confused.

He had heard from Han Li before that the space cracks were torn open even more this time, and the spewing spiritual energy was more violent than usual, so it restricted the monks' spiritual consciousness and mana even more.

Originally, Lu Tian thought that with his spiritual consciousness and magical power that had long surpassed ordinary Yuanhou monks, he would always be imprisoned, but it seemed that was not the case now.

Therefore, as he approached the central stone platform, in his perception, after the blue lightning was absorbed by the purple mist, some energy in the purple mist was significantly enhanced.

Soon, Han Li led Lu Tiandu around the high platform and towards several halls near the high platform that were much taller than ordinary stone houses.

As soon as he arrived here, Lu Tiandu kept hearing the name "Elder Li" in his ears.

"Hey, isn't Brother Zhang here? This is my uncle, please come and pay your respects to the three fellow Taoists!"

Han Li waved his hand to ask the other people to leave, and then he spoke to the remaining people.

It was obvious that the three people left behind were not only the core leaders of the village, but also monks.

These three people are all white-haired old men. One has a long beard, the other has the same white hair and long beard, but his face is very rosy. The last one is a little hunched and has a gloomy face.

After hearing Han Li's words, the three of them looked at each other in confusion. Just when they were about to speak, another person suddenly came in from outside. Before he arrived, an excited voice came first:

"It seems that Brother Li has gained a lot this time!"

"Hey, Brother Zhang, are you here?"

The person who came in was a thin middle-aged man in his fifties, but he didn't look very good. He had just exchanged greetings with Han Li when he suddenly saw Lu Tiandu next to him. His face suddenly changed and he said in shock. :
"I didn't expect that Senior Lu would be left here!"

"you know me?"

Lu Tiandu asked curiously.Could this person be a monk from Xi Country or a monk from Luan Xinghai?Only the monks from these two places would recognize Lu Tiandu.

"My fellow Xinghai cultivator, of course I know the name of my senior!"

The lean middle-aged man bowed respectfully and said.

(End of this chapter)

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