Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 278 Goodbye Jinque Yushu!Palm Heaven Seal!

Chapter 278 Goodbye Jinque Yushu!Palm Heaven Seal! (Please subscribe)
Inside the stone palace.

Seeing the respectful look on the face of the middle-aged monk Zhang Qi, who was usually somewhat arrogant towards others, towards Lu Tiandu, Han Li had guessed that Lu Tiandu should have a lot of foundation or fame in Luan Xinghai, but I was surprised to see this man being so respectful.

"Sure enough, Uncle Lu is always the center of attention wherever he goes!"

This thought flashed through Han Li's mind.

He knew that Zhang Qi, like him, was a high-level monk in the late Golden Core stage, and one of the only few Golden Core monks in this land of darkness.

After all, because they may stay here for a long time, the monks in the village stick together and will naturally confess their cultivation to others.

As for deception, this is naturally impossible. You can find out the details by just talking about your practice experience.

Zhang Qi entered this land of darkness more than [-] years earlier than him, and seemed to have practiced some kind of body-training technique. He was considered the most powerful person in the village.

Han Li also convinced this person because of his martial arts and late-stage Jindan cultivation, and he was ranked second.

As for why he did not fight for the Grand Elder, it was naturally because he only wanted to obtain appropriate rights and protect his cultivation resources, and did not want to be entangled in other worldly matters.

And because both of them are late-stage Jindan monks, they often exchange experiences in practice, and their relationship is pretty good.

Another reason is naturally that neither of them wants to die here of old age. They both want to fight hard to leave this place and have a common goal.

"Does this person also want to leave this place through Uncle Lu?"

Han Li looked at Zhang Qi, who was respectful and a little excited, and this thought suddenly occurred to him.

At this time, not only Han Li's eyes were full of surprise, but the three gray-bearded old men were also shocked. They originally thought they were just "Li Feiyu"'s uncles, but seeing Lu Tiandu's young appearance, he only had a golden elixir cultivation level at most. The three of them had been a little worn out before. After all, there seems to be no difference between the foundation-building monks and the golden elixir monks here.

As a result, it was only at this moment that the young man in front of him turned out to be the old monster Yuanying. The expressions of the three foundation-building old men changed, and they hurriedly stepped forward and saluted:
"The junior has seen the senior!"


Lu Tiandu nodded casually and looked at Zhang Qi.

This person has just reported his name and origin. He is actually an island owner among the 24 star islands outside the Star Palace. During a certain operation to hunt monsters in the outer sea, he and his companions inexplicably broke into an ancient monk's cave and were chasing something. The treasure was caught in the ghost mist and was trapped here.

Lu Tiandu's name is more widely spread in Xinghai than in Tiannan. After all, the two great Yuanhou monks of Zhengmo Dao were killed by him. Zhang Qi was originally from Xinggong and participated in the war that year. Naturally, he was in awe of Lu Tiandu. add.

Lu Tiandu remembered that in the original plot, there should be no other Golden Core cultivators involved in this village during this time period except Han Li. It seems that because he eliminated the Counter Star Alliance in advance, the fate of many people under the butterfly wings was changed.

"I see that your energy and blood are unusually strong compared to others, and yet you are still injured. Is there a very powerful Yin beast here?"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu had already used part of his spiritual consciousness to check the situation of the person in front of him. Zhang Qi had already cultivated to the perfection of the golden elixir. As long as he had the opportunity to condense the baby, it didn't seem to be difficult.

What's even more valuable is that according to his induction, this person's energy and blood are also extremely strong. What makes him curious is whether this person has also practiced body training techniques?

"Reporting back to the seniors, I happened to take some kind of strange fruit when I was young. It has the effect of cleansing the muscles and cutting the marrow, strengthening the muscles and bones, and improving the aptitudes. Therefore, compared with ordinary pill-forming monks who only have the aura of heaven and earth washing their bodies when they form pills, they are faintly stronger. A few points.”

Zhang Qi respectfully replied, "As for this injury, I just went to climb the Storm Mountain with Brother Han not long ago. I didn't expect that the Yin beasts at the top of the mountain were not only extremely powerful but also numerous in number. It was really unexpected." It was because of the junior’s surprise that he was seriously injured.”

Han Li on the side also nodded.

Although the two of them went together last time, Han Li realized halfway through that he couldn't continue climbing with his current strength.So later Zhang Qi continued to climb alone, but was knocked down by the Yin Beast. If Han Li hadn't rescued this person halfway, I'm afraid Zhang Qi would have died.

"I see."

Lu Tiandu nodded. As for the thousands of flying Yin beasts in Storm Mountain, he had expected it and was not surprised.

In the original plot, if Han Li didn't have the Crying Soul Beast that was advanced here, even with Mei Ning's help in opening the storage bag and taking out a lot of treasures, it's really unclear whether he could get out.

"I see that you have perfected the golden elixir. As long as you have the right opportunity to go out, it is not difficult to come to Ningying. This is an elixir for recovering from injuries, so I give it to you!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and touched the storage bag on his waist. In a flash of light, a small sapphire bottle appeared in his hand, and he poured out a red pill and handed it to this person.

Lu Tiandu is nominally the elder of Xinggong. Since he met this person, he decided to form a good relationship. After all, this person seems to have the potential to form a baby.

"Thank you senior!"

Seeing that Lu Tiandu was not affected by the spiritual energy here and was able to open the storage bag, Han Li and the other five people in the hall opened their mouths in shock. Zhang Qi reacted quickly and took the elixir with a happy face. A great ceremony was made.

"Uncle Master, has his magic power recovered?"

Han Li looked surprised and asked hurriedly.

"It's just a small part of it that's been restored."

Lu Tiandu shook his head and said with a smile, "But even if he hasn't recovered, it won't be difficult to take you out!"

"Senior, can you give me a ride?"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Zhang Qi looked at Lu Tiandu's expression with hope, "This junior is willing to dedicate all the treasures he obtained in the ancient monk's cave to his senior."

Since Zhang Qi is a high-level monk in the Chaotic Star Sea, he naturally knows that Lu Tiandu has demonstrated some powerful body-training techniques in several battles. It is said that even Man Huzi, a top monk who has practiced the first defensive magic technique in the Chaotic Star Sea, They all died in his hands, so when he saw Lu Tiandu before, he already had the idea of ​​​​seeing if he could use Lu Tiandu's power to escape from here.

As a result, Lu Tiandu was able to activate the magic power in his body, which naturally increased his chances of winning. He was also given a healing elixir as a gift, which greatly surprised him and made him even more confident that Lu Tiandu would be able to get out of this place.

Before Lu Tian could say anything, Zhang Qi continued:
"The junior told the senior before that the junior entered this place by mistake because he was chasing a treasure. This treasure is extremely strange. It can fly away on its own, and the escape speed is not slow. Such a treasure may be useful to the senior! "

Zhang Qi talked about this psychic treasure in such a hurry, naturally to attract Lu Tiandu's attention. He was afraid that Lu Tiandu would find it troublesome and not bring him with him.After all, for monks like Lu Tiandu, ordinary ancient treasures are really not taken seriously.

Sure enough, when he heard that it was a psychic treasure that could fly away on its own, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with curiosity and he said curiously:
"Is there such a treasure? Take it out and take a look!"

After all, this kind of treasure that can fly and flee on its own has seen the half-page Golden Que Jade Book before. Is it still a rare treasure of the level of the broken Golden Que Jade Book?


Zhang Qi nodded, groping in his arms and saying:

"This treasure flew very quickly in the outside world, but once it was involved in this place, it fell because it had no spiritual energy, but I found it quickly."

Under the curious gazes of Han Li and others, Zhang Qi took out a leather bag from his arms and pulled out a piece of cloth. He quickly opened it, revealing a fist-sized milky white jade plaque covered with faint silver. The runes look extremely mysterious.

"Let me see!" The moment Zhang Qi punched the card, Lu Tiandu had already determined that this "exotic treasure" was half a piece of gold and jade, and it was also the other half he was missing. He was overjoyed and secretly sighed that it was indeed fate. Okay, this time I entered Luohu's body at the right time.

Lu Tiandu took the jade token calmly, looked at it casually, frowned slightly and said:
"This object seems to be a fragment of something. This silver rune looks very mysterious. It is probably some kind of ancient writing. What should be recorded on it is probably some kind of skill or something..."

"Senior really has good eyesight!"

Zhang Qi flattered him without leaving any trace, "This object's aura flickers when it comes into contact with the aura of the outside world. However, when it enters this place, the aura is restrained, but it still looks extraordinary. I have tried several times over the years, only to find that the texture of this jade tablet is extremely hard, and the knife Even if it is chopped, burned, soaked in water, the color will not change..."

Lu Tiandu shook his head slightly after listening to Zhang Qi's various experiments.It is estimated that this thing can only be damaged by treasures above the level of the real Tongtian Lingbao, and based on the information he got from the ancient demon's clone, this outer page should be some kind of treasure that was destroyed during the battle between the human race and the ancient demon in the spiritual world. Split.

What he didn't expect was that the two halves of the fragments would actually gather in this human world.Could it be that these things can still sense each other secretly, waiting for the day they meet?
"But after this junior came in, he didn't use magic power to experiment because he didn't have magic power. Senior might as well give it a try..."

Zhang Qi saw that Lu Tiandu was not very surprised and showed little interest, so he said quickly.


Lu Tiandu suddenly understood what this person was thinking. With a tap of his finger, a purple-gold mana shot towards the jade token. There was only a "bang" sound. The jade token did not change at all. Instead, Lu Tiandu shot out This mana was bounced away.

"This material place is truly extraordinary."

Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded, "I wonder what else you have gained in this senior's cave besides this object? If there is other information, it might be easier to unlock the secret of this object?"

Lu Tiandu suddenly felt moved and asked.

"Others, I also got three intact ancient treasures, several broken treasure fragments, a few powerful-looking talismans, and some other refining materials. The junior only took a cursory look after getting it. I didn't expect what was in the jade box. The jade token suddenly flew away as soon as it was opened, so this junior quickly put away other things and hurried out to chase the jade token, but unexpectedly he bumped into Guiwu..."

Zhang Qi had an annoyed look on his face when he said this. He originally thought it was a great opportunity, but he didn't expect that the treasure was still trapped here before it was warmed up. "These things are all in the junior's storage bag. I'm going to Bring it to senior!"

In order to go out at this moment, Zhang Qi hurriedly left his stone house without saying a word.

He already had several storage bags. Although there were some personal belongings in the storage bags, he naturally didn't mind letting Lu Tian look through them at this moment.

And if he didn't take the initiative to take out the storage bag now, would he still wait for Lu Tiandu to take the initiative to get it?
Another advantage is that there are many things in this storage bag that he can use at the moment, such as elixirs, swords, magic weapons, monster furs, etc. He just takes the opportunity to ask Lu Tiandu to help him take them out for future storm climbing. Shandu will need it, so the chance of him following Lu Tiandu out later will naturally be greater.

At this moment, in the hall, Bao Huanzi from Wulonghai, the red-faced old man surnamed Yun from Dajin Tianfu Sect, and the hunchbacked old man surnamed Jin from Sihai Zhenyuan looked at each other, and looked at Lu Tiandu who was playing with the jade tablet in his hand. He opened his mouth to say something but finally sighed and fell silent.

Soon Zhang Qi returned to the hall, respectfully handed Lu Tiandu a gray storage bag, and said:

"Everything I got from that senior's cave is in this storage bag. Please take a look at it!"

"Don't worry, I am somewhat interested in this jade token. Even if there is nothing else useful, I will take you out later."

Lu Tiandu made a clear promise to Zhang Qi at this moment.

"Thank you senior!"

Upon hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Zhang Qi finally felt relieved, and his thin face became a little more excited.

Lu Tiandu wiped it casually, and the mark left by Zhang Qi on the storage bag was scattered. When he looked inside with his spiritual consciousness, Lu Tiandu soon knew roughly what it was.

Because some things were contained in various jade boxes covered with forbidden talismans, Lu Tiandu simply lifted the storage bag upside down, shook it gently, and in a flash of light, a large number of things exuding various auras appeared in front of everyone. before.

Zhang Qi quickly stepped forward, divided these things into two groups, and explained them to Lu Tiandu.

"Hey, these materials should be some spiritual materials, just right for me!"

Lu Tiandu did not look at the few treasures that were obviously high-quality ancient treasures. Instead, he looked at a pile of materials and picked through them.

In addition to a few pieces of fire-attribute spiritual materials, Lu Tiandu also collected three uncommon weapon-refining materials.

He has been collecting various fire-attribute spiritual materials that can be used to refine the spiritual treasure "Seven Flame Fan" since he fell into the Demon Valley. He did not expect to find several more here, which was an unexpected surprise.

Most of these spiritual materials require some rare materials combined with the power of heaven and earth to be made. In addition to the fire-attribute spiritual materials that Lu Tiandu picked up, there were also some earth-attribute spiritual materials, which surprised Lu Tiandu.

"There are so many spiritual materials here. Is it possible that this person is also a cultivator of God? Want to use these spiritual materials to refine some kind of spiritual treasure or imitation spiritual treasure?"

This thought suddenly occurred to Lu Tiandu.Thinking of this, Lu Tian also collected these earth attribute spiritual materials.

Next, Lu Tiandu looked through several broken ancient treasures. After a closer look, Lu Tiandu discovered that although these treasures seemed to have been damaged in the fighting, their refining techniques and material texture were obviously some kind of imitation. Lingbao.

There are two or three broken imitation spiritual treasures. After putting them together, you can find that one of them is something that looks like a small seal, and the other two are a sword and a small flag respectively.

Three broken imitation spiritual treasures, it seems that this person has encountered a big battle.

Lu Tian took a casual look at the other items. Although they were considered precious materials for ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators, Lu Tian looked at the remaining eight jade boxes without taking a second look.

One of them is empty, and the sealing talismans on the other two have been opened. I heard Zhang Qi introduce it before. Among the three jade boxes, the empty one is the jade box that once contained the Golden Que Jade Book, and the other two are each a demon Dan and a spiritual herb.

Lu Tiandu opened it for a moment and took a look before closing it.The ninth-level demon elixir and the 2000-year-old elixir in the jade box were not important to him, so they were left to this person.

Lu Tiandu casually grabbed one of the remaining five jade boxes, and with a flick of his hand, purple-gold light flashed, and several talismans fell down. With a "click", the jade box was opened.

It is still a level nine demon pill.

Lu Tiandu handed it to Zhang Qi casually, grabbed another jade box, and opened it again in the same way.

Inside is a golden jade slip.

Lu Tiandu was holding the jade slip, and a golden jade slip flashed between his eyebrows. Soon Lu Tian was surprised:

"It turns out to be a method for refining an ancient treasure!"

Although everyone secretly guessed that this treasure must be very powerful because of Lu Tiandu's surprise, they didn't know that what Lu Tiandu didn't say in detail was that what was recorded in it was actually the refining method of the spiritual treasure "Zhang Tian Seal"!

This kind of spiritual treasure is called the "Tongtian Spiritual Treasure" in the human world, and it is the highest level treasure in the human world!
"It seems that I really have a good chance this time!"

Lu Tiandu felt a little happy when he thought of the pile of earth and fire spiritual materials that he had put away before and the broken imitation spiritual treasure with a small seal.

According to the introduction in the jade slip, this palm seal is a treasure with dual attributes of earth and fire. After being refined, its power is absolutely amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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