Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 301 Lin Yinping returns home!Forgive Sun Meifu?

Chapter 301 Lin Yinping returns home!Forgive Sun Meifu? (Please subscribe)


It wasn't until Lu Tian pursed his soft lips, and a warmth and numbness spread from the corners of his lips to his heart, that Lin Yinping realized what had happened.

The eyes that were originally shy and angry mixed with a little joy were instantly filled with shock!

This... is this too fast?
Although she lost in the previous competition, she has decided to fulfill her promise.

Although she is very satisfied with the appearance of her future husband!
Although she knew that her future husband had the appearance of a god and was extremely talented, she admired him endlessly and was secretly a little bit happy!

But Lu Tiandu was so quick to stop treating her as an outsider, and directly supported each other, without giving her any time to relax. This made Lin Yinping, a great beauty, so shocked that she couldn't express it in words!
Not only is he bold, he is also very direct!
Lin Yinping suddenly had this idea in his mind.

But soon her heart, which had temporarily calmed down, started beating hard again. Her slightly rapid breathing and inadvertent jerky responses made Lin Yinping unable to continue thinking.

The fire slowly rising in her heart accompanied Lu Tiandu's meticulous guidance, and Lin Yinping's shy eyes gradually became more moist.

I don’t know when it started, Lin Yinping’s phoenix eyes were slightly closed, her holy face was full of rosy colors, her two jade arms were tightly wrapped around Lu Tiandu’s neck like soft snakes, their warm breaths were intertwined, and Lin Yinping's movements were no longer jerky as before and gradually became more familiar.

It was obvious that Lin Yinping was already immersed in it at this moment.

I don't know how long it took before Lu Tiandu let go of Lin Yinping, who was panting and blushing.

Looking at Lin Yinping, who had silky eyes in his arms, a slight flush on his pretty face, and who had not yet recovered from breathing rapidly, Lu Tiandu gently stroked the green hair of the beauty in his arms and said with a smile:
"Ping'er, you are so beautiful!"

At this moment, Lin Yinping still hugged Lu Tiandu tightly with his arms, and his whole body was pressed against Lu Tiandu's broad chest. The intimacy between the two of them was still in his mind. Thinking of the initiative and enthusiasm behind him, he felt more and more shy, and raised his head He raised his head, glanced at Lu Tiandu with his watery eyes, and said angrily:

"Mr. Lang is such a bad guy!"

"Hey, Ping'er, you're so beautiful, I almost couldn't help it!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled lightly, caressing the beauty's beautiful curves with his big hands, "Don't worry, Ping'erqian, from now on you and I will be one, and I won't let you down!"


Lin Yinping chuckled and put her slender fingers on the side of Lu Tiandu's face, looking unbelieving.

"Are you still asking me to swear that I can't do it?"

Lu Tiandu kissed Lin Yinping's forehead and said with a smile.

He had many confidants, and he was already a veteran of flowers. At this moment, he could see at a glance that although Lin Yinping said he didn't believe it, there was no concealment of the expectation in his eyes, just like a girl in love for the first time, just wanting to hear more of her lover's sweet words.


Lin Yinping squealed, her eyes staring at Lu Tiandu's handsome face as if she couldn't get enough of it.

Sure enough, as Lu Tiandu came closer and whispered into Lin Yinping's ear, this charming person's delicate body trembled slightly and she became more and more affectionate.

A moment later, when Lu Tiandu kissed Lin Yinping's lips again, the beauty responded enthusiastically.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Tiandu let go of Lin Yinping, who was pure and charming, with a tender body and endless affection.

The two of them whispered a few more words in a low voice. Lin Yinping hesitated and suddenly asked:

"Is Lu Lang and that Le Shurong..."

"Want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

"Hmph, I knew it!"

Lin Yinping gave Lu Tiandu an angry look.

She was a smart person, and she knew the result just because Lu Tian didn't answer the question directly. She didn't expect that this old rival was actually ahead of her!
Could it be that she has better judgment than me?

When I thought about Le Shurong's good looks and talent, it was normal for her to be taken over by Lu Tiandu, a playboy.

But when she thought about having to serve Kazuo with her former rival in the future, Lin Yinping felt complicated.

"I haven't practiced dual cultivation with her yet. Whoever among you will advance to the Yuan Queen in the future, I will cultivate dual cultivation with whoever first!"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu said with profound meaning.

"Bah! I'm not giving you an advantage!"

Lin Yinping smiled sweetly, a look of resentment flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Almost all of his women have learned this expression on their own and show it inadvertently. Lu Tiandu is almost immune to it.

Lin Yinping naturally heard the hint in Lu Tiandu's words that whoever advanced to the Yuan Queen would be one step ahead. Although she didn't care, she still decided to strive to advance to the Yuan Queen than Le Shurong. She would not I hope to be ridden by my former defeated general!
"Don't worry, I will give you a good fortune pill in a few days. When you take the good fortune pill, it will not be slower than Ronger!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

"What? Good Fortune Pill? Lu Lang, do you still have this pill? Has she already taken it?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Lin Yinping was surprised and asked questions again and again.

"Well, Ronger took it more than 20 years earlier than you."

Lu Tiandu nodded, "When today's matter is over, I will give it to you when we meet again in a few days!"

"I won't advance later than her!"

Lin Yinping naturally heard what Lu Tiandu said that he thought Le Shurong would advance to the Yuan Empress level first, and she became unwilling to admit defeat and suddenly became competitive.

It seems that she and Le Shurong advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul at about the same time, but because Le Shurong is about forty years older than her, it seems that her cultivation speed is faster.

Although Le Shurong used the Creation Pill to realize the late stage of Nascent Soul more than twenty years earlier than her, she did not believe that she would advance later than her opponents in the future.

She knew how special the Good Fortune Pill was, and she did not ask Lu Tiandu how to preserve this pill at the moment. Instead, she looked forward to the meeting between the two in a few days.

Lu Tiandu looked at the change in the expression in Lin Yinping's eyes, and secretly smiled. Le Shurong was already sour from being stimulated. This time, Lin Yinping was slowly stimulated, and then the two saints competed with each other. He was good at it. The day is coming!
Next, Lu Tiandu took Lin Yinping to the other side to collect more than ten gold-eating insects that he had just moved out of the stone bead world, making Lin Yinping more and more curious about the power of Lu Tiandu's treasure.

After listening to Lu Tiandu introduce his natal magic weapon, Lin Yinping was also filled with admiration.

The two discussed Lin Yinping's magic weapon, the Heavenly Silkworm Transformation Spirit Diagram.

Lin Yinping was naturally surprised and happy when she heard that Lu Tiandu had several corresponding top-level materials for the other seven magical powers that she had not yet mastered, and was willing to help her refine her natal magic weapon.

In this way, the two of them lingered for half an hour. Only then did Lin Yinping remember that there was a god-transforming monk waiting outside. With a worried look on his face, he urged Lu Tiandu to go out.

Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded, without saying anything more.

At this moment, Lin Yinping seemed to remember something, looked embarrassed, and said softly:

"Lu Lang, although I am willing to accompany Langjun to practice, there is still a big thing in my clan that requires my help. I'm afraid it will require..." Before Lin Yinping could finish speaking, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"It's okay. You and I have a long life in the future. I will visit you from time to time in the next few years... You should also pay attention to your safety."

Although Lin Yinping didn't say it clearly, Lu Tiandu roughly guessed that the holy cauldron was used to make the sacred beast of the Tuwu tribe, the Cave Sky Rat King of the spiritual world, completely cast down a split soul in the human world.

Lin Yinping, the Tianlan Saint, is naturally very important.After that, if Lin Yinping steps down from the position of Saintess, she will naturally have to make a proper handover.

"Well, I will pay attention!"

Lin Yinping smiled softly and nodded.

Only then did Lin Yinping realize that Lu Tiandu, a man who had unknowingly left a deep imprint on her heart.


In the center of the grassland battlefield, half an hour passed. Everyone looked at the huge colorful scroll in the sky and murmured to themselves.

However, when they remembered that the senior transformation god was waiting quietly without saying a word, they naturally did not dare to complain and waited quietly.

At this moment, a silver light flashed from the golden and purple vortex in the center of the seven-color giant picture, and Lin Yinping's figure appeared. Although his face was still covered with white gauze, and his graceful figure was wrapped in a silver palace dress, everyone always felt that this figure was Saintess Tianlan is a bit different from before.

"Hmph, after taking this long, I really did lead this fox to do bad things!"

Le Shurong glanced at Lin Yinping's concealed expression, felt disgusted, and muttered secretly.

As a result, at this moment, Lin Yinping looked over and looked at Le Shurong.

The two women immediately understood each other's thoughts, snorted secretly, and inadvertently looked away.

Then a figure flashed in the whirlpool, and Lu Tiandu, dressed in white, appeared in the air. The obvious difference at this moment was that Lu Tiandu had taken off his previous golden mask.

Once he saw the true appearance of this fellow Taoist Lu, the Tuwu monk didn't feel anything strange, but he felt that this fellow Taoist Lu was too young.

After all, they are separated from Tiannan by the Mulan tribe, and because Tiannan is barren, they naturally don't care about the changes in Tiannan's immortal world.

But when the Mulan people saw Lu Tiandu's true appearance, in addition to the four great masters who had already guessed Lu Tiandu's identity, several of them also looked in disbelief.

This Fellow Daoist Lu is actually Lu Tiandu, who is famous in the Tiannan Immortal Cultivation World? !

As Lu Tiandu landed, the colorful giant picture in the sky shrank sharply, and soon turned into a piece of clothing draped over Lu Tiandu.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, there was an accident during the process of gathering the gold-eating insects, which delayed some time!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist, it's just a little time, it doesn't matter!"

The ancient immortal master smiled happily at this moment.Today, this matter was finally over, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He hadn't figured out how to deal with the Heavenly Demon Sect's criticism in this incident, but in the end he saved the Tuwu clan. Although he sacrificed his own saint, the result was pretty good.

"What the ancient fellow Taoist said is that it's just a little time, not worth mentioning!"

Divine Master Zhu also looked like he was taking the initiative to show his kindness, then turned to look at the ancient demon clone on the other side of the sky and said:


"Well, that's it for today! Finally, I and Master Xu Xian of the Tuwu tribe want to complete a deal..."

The Ancient Demon clone responded and looked at the handsome young Master Xu Daxian in the Tutu camp.


A look of surprise flashed across Master Xu’s handsome face, and he looked stern and said:
"Senior, please speak frankly. I wonder if there is anything worth trading for me?"

At this moment, the ancient demon's clone moved its lips slightly and chose to transmit the sound.

Immortal Master Xu was stunned at first, and the expression on his face changed and he hesitated, but after hearing the exchange terms of the ancient demon's clone, he finally said via voice:
"In this case, the junior is willing to exchange the spiritual peacock in his hand with the senior."

Without saying much, the ancient demon clone took out a storage bag and flicked it, and the storage bag flew towards Master Xu Xian.

Master Xu Xian took the storage bag, checked it with his consciousness, and then gently touched a spirit beast bag on his waist. After releasing the restraint on controlling gods, he also threw the spirit beast bag towards the ancient demon clone.

"This time, I have fulfilled the two conditions I agreed to with Mulan Sacred Bird at once."

Lu Tiandu watched the ancient demon clone and Master Xu Xian complete the deal, and thought to himself.

Now that the Mulan tribe has been saved, this time I spent hundreds of thousands of spirit stones on two bottles of elixirs used by late Yuanying monks to improve their cultivation in exchange for this extraordinary-blooded peacock. The transaction finally helped him transform.

"Okay, that's enough for now. I'll leave first!"

After putting away the spirit beast bag and checking it briefly, the ancient demon clone glanced at Lu Tiandu, dropped these words, and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

As the ancient demon's clone disappeared, Tuwuren breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since Senior Xiao doesn't like that Taoist Fellow Cheng's storage bag, let me see if there is anything valuable!"

Seeing the abrupt monk whose mood suddenly eased, Lu Tiandu smiled faintly and flew towards the place where Cheng Buxiu fell, who had been slapped to death by the ancient demon's clone.

The storage bag had long since exploded under the burning of the blood-corrupting demonic flames. Except for some items, most of the treasures had either been destroyed in the battle or had been mutilated.

However, as the second elder of the Tianmo Sect, the leader of the ten demon sects, even though many treasures have been destroyed, the remaining items are of considerable value and cannot be wasted.

Others were afraid that the Heavenly Demon Sect not only did not dare to move, but also wanted to send back the relics. Lu Tiandu did not take the Heavenly Demon Sect to heart.

At this moment, the beautiful purple-haired woman surnamed Sun, one of the four great immortal masters of Tuwu, had a thought in her mind and smiled slightly:

"Let me help my fellow Taoist!"

After saying that, the figure flew towards Lu Tiandu in a flash.

"It seems that this beautiful lady Sun wants to claim back her two souls?"

Lu Tian, ​​who was on the run, heard what the beautiful woman named Sun said and immediately understood what she meant.

When he first came to the battlefield, he had been paying attention to the saint Lin Yinping, but he didn't pay much attention to the beautiful woman named Sun. Later, when the beautiful woman suddenly tried to test him, he noticed this woman.

Needless to say, the eye-catching purple hair and beautiful purple eyes contain a unique charm. What is even more eye-catching is the seductive and voluptuous figure of this beautiful woman. It is really unforgettable at first sight...

"Is it possible to forgive this beautiful woman in vain? Send the two souls back?"

This thought crossed Lu Tian's mind.

 Thanks to book friend "Sun Jianpeng" for the 200 book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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