Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 302 is ripe!I'll get fucked!

Chapter 302 is ripe!I'll get fucked! (Please subscribe)
"This fellow Daoist Lu looks extremely young, and now he has an unusual relationship with my Tutu clan. There is also a cultivator of the God Transformation behind him, so he is worth trying to win over!"

The ancient immortal master saw Lu Tiandu flying to the place where Cheng Buxiu fell without any scruples, and this thought flashed through his mind.

His sense of Lu Tiandu is still very good. After all, without Lu Tiandu, the Tuwu tribe would definitely be in trouble this time.

However, if he had known that without Lu Tiandu's various involvements, the Mulan people they had beaten had already fled, I am afraid he would not have such thoughts!

As for Sun Qingfeng's behavior, the three great immortal masters naturally understood its meaning.

This is Sun Qingfeng's opportunity to get back the two ghost clones that were taken away from this fellow Daoist Lu. If these two clones are lost, Sun Qingfeng's strength will be greatly reduced.

The three of them no longer paid attention to other expressions. Everything was a foregone conclusion at this moment. They each issued orders to direct other monks to clean up the battlefield and prepare to leave this place.

On the other side, the Mulan people also have a tacit understanding and have already cleared the battlefield under the command of the four great masters and are preparing to return.

In the final analysis of this battle, except for Lu Tiandu who won the beauty, neither clan was the winner.

Not far away, watching Sister Qingfeng flying past, Lin Yinping suddenly remembered Lu Tiandu's special physique, and his expression changed.

"This carefree guy doesn't have any thoughts about Sister Qingfeng, does he?"

Looking at Sun Qingfeng's voluptuous back under the yellow dress, Lin Yinping's eyes flickered.

On the other side, Le Shurong's eyes also flickered as she watched Sun Qingfeng, the great immortal master of the Tutu people, fly towards Lu Tiandu.

There are not many female cultivators in the late Nascent Soul stage in this human world. She still doesn't want such a competitor in her heart, and she is from the Tuwu people.

The place where Cheng Buxiu fell was not very far away. Lu Tiandu had arrived here in a blink of an eye, and Sun Qingfeng was not slow either.

However, when this enchanting purple-haired beauty was about to approach Lu Tiandu, her expression suddenly changed and she stopped her fleeing figure.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I so flustered?"

Sun Qingfeng secretly used the Pure Heart Technique to suppress the strangeness in her heart, and immediately stared at Lu Tiandu's back. With her level of cultivation, how could she not be able to determine the source of the problem.

But at this moment, when she stared at Lu Tiandu's back, not only did the strangeness in her heart become obvious, but there was also some kind of strange excitement and impulse in her body, which made her feel confused all of a sudden.

This feeling was so strange, it made her extremely curious and felt very bad.

"Is this person so strange? Could it be that he has practiced some weird technique?"

Thinking of this, Sun Qingfeng felt a chill in her heart.

Because of her special physique, the exercises she practiced were also very different from ordinary people, and her magical powers were also extraordinary. She had been in a complicated mood when she fell into the hands of Lu Tiandu inexplicably before. As a result, as soon as she got close to Lu Tiandu, she Some were at a loss.

This emotion was too rare for her.

"Isn't Fellow Daoist Sun here to help? Why don't you come closer and talk?"

Just when Sun Qingfeng was hesitating and thinking wildly, Lu Tiandu's gentle voice came to her ears. At this moment, Lu Tiandu had turned around and looked at her with a smile.

"Oh, yes..."

Sun Qingfeng felt panicked and even stammered when speaking.

I don't know why, but the look in Lu Tiandu's eyes made Sun Qingfeng's heart tremble, and a strange strangeness hit his heart. His fair face also turned red inexplicably, and his whole person looked more and more enchanting.

Sun Qingfeng, who landed on the grass, originally wanted to pretend to pick up various jade boxes, bottles, cans and other things scattered nearby, and think about how to deal with them. However, at Lu Tiandu's signal, his body involuntarily moved closer to Lu Tiandu.

What she didn't notice was that a strange color flashed in Lu Tiandu's eyes as he looked at her at the moment.

"Friend Lu, you..."

Sun Qingfeng's charming jade face was a little hot at the moment, her eyes were moving, she bit her plump lips, and finally wanted to ask what was going on.

Before she could ask the question, Lu Tiandu interrupted her and asked in a slightly friendly tone:

"Sister Sun, do you have any special physique?"

"Ah You……"

Hearing Lu Tiandu's affectionate address, Sun Qingfeng's delicate body trembled, and a hint of anger flashed in her eyes.Are we familiar with this person?Why do you look so familiar?
However, facing Lu Tiandu's questioning eyes, Sun Qingfeng didn't want to refuse for some reason and whispered:
"My physique is somewhat special, and the techniques I practice are also unusual!"

"No wonder! I felt that my sister was different before!"

Lu Tiandu took a step forward and got closer to the beautiful woman. With burning eyes, he continued to ask:

"What's your physique, sister?"

"...Xuansha Yin Body!"

While Sun Qingfeng responded, she thought to herself: He said he feels that I am different from other people?What's the meaning?
"Is this a feminine physique? Sister, are you practicing ghost skills?"

Lu Tiandu thought of the two ghost heads who were trapped before and asked curiously.

"Exactly, the two ghost souls that you took away before were obtained from the secret techniques in the exercises I practiced..."

Sun Qingfeng took the opportunity to mention the serious matter of her visit.

"Do you understand what sister wants to ask?"

Lu Tiandu didn't talk about ghosts and souls anymore and smiled slightly.

"Huh? What's the problem?"

Sun Qingfeng was a little confused, but after seeing Lu Tiandu's thoughtful eyes, he suddenly realized and said with a look of disbelief:
"That...that feeling you it because you also have a special physique?"

"That's right. My younger brother also has a special physique. I didn't expect that we would be attracted to each other. So as soon as I saw Sister Sun, my younger brother felt very close to me and wanted to take my sister..."

Lu Tiandu spoke softly, looking like he couldn't help himself.

But before he could finish speaking, Sun Qingfeng's pretty face across from him became more and more rosy, and she didn't dare to look at Lu Tiandu. She interrupted his words with a coquettish voice and hummed softly:
"It's nonsense, I don't believe it!"

But my heart became more and more panicked.If she hadn't suppressed it with all her strength, the excitement in her body that made her eager to throw herself into the arms of Lu Tiandu would have already reached its peak. And what Lu Tiandu said was that he couldn't help but want to hold her in his arms and comfort her. Ichiban?
What kind of physique does this guy have that makes him so weird?How could it actually cause people to have such disturbing thoughts?
When he thought of this, Sun Qingfeng's eyes flashed and he became more and more shy.

Lu Tiandu was also greatly surprised when he looked at the beautiful purple-haired woman opposite with a shy face and twinkling eyes.

He originally just thought that this charming purple-haired beauty was extremely sexy and charming. If the beautiful woman paid a sufficient price, it would not be difficult for him to return the two trapped souls.

As a result, as soon as the beautiful woman approached him, a strangely stronger impulse than what Lin Yinping had given him before hit his heart. Lu Tiandu knew that not only was the beauty still alive, but she also had some kind of special physique.

Only a female cultivator who not only retains her Yuan Yin body but also possesses a special physique can bring him such a strong feeling.

After having this feeling, Lu Tian changed his mind when he looked at the voluptuous and beautiful woman with a charming smile and a plump figure in front of him.

It would be better for such an extremely beautiful woman to be included in the harem.

If you let it go, it will be a waste of natural resources!

Moreover, the beautiful woman in front of her can use her special physique to cultivate to the late Nascent Soul stage on her own. This kind of talent can be ranked among the top among the harem girls in Lu Tiandu.

After all, there are not many female cultivators in the human world today who can cultivate to the late Nascent Soul stage on their own. Wen Qing around Lu Tiandu relied on the double cultivation technique passed down from the Star Palace. Nangong Ping and Leng Qingqiu both relied on a lot of what Lu Tiandu provided. The realm-breaking elixir.

After such a comparison, you can see the amazing qualifications of the beautiful woman in front of you.The entire Tiannan and the Tianlan Grassland, which is several times the size of Tiannan, have just produced such a female cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage. It is not an exaggeration to call her Zhong Ling Shenxiu!

At this moment, he was sighing more and more about the move of using the Divine Furnace of Creation to transfer Xin Ruyin's Dragon Roar body to his body.

Over the years, after cultivating with beauties with different styles, the origin of the dragon's chant body has grown countless times. Now, even when facing this great monk from the Yuan Dynasty, he can make the beautiful woman in front of him fall in love out of thin air. It’s really extremely rare!
He is simply full of charm, a natural killer of the opposite sex!
Over the years, he has also studied the origin of the Dragon Roar Body. In addition to a certain masculine origin within it, there is also some mysterious origin power. Maybe we will know what it is in the future. Lu Tiandu is somewhat looking forward to this.

"Sister Sun, why don't we finish taking care of the things here first?"

Lu Tiandu looked at Sun Qingfeng, whose expression was changing, and smiled.

There are so many people here at the moment, and Lin Yinping and Le Shurong, who have just returned home, are probably observing secretly, so it is not easy to get too close to this beautiful woman.

"Oh, yes!"

Sun Qingfeng also reacted immediately, staggered away from Lu Tiandu without leaving any trace, and raised his hand to pick up the jade box nearby.

Lu Tiandu no longer paid much attention to Sun Qingfeng and concentrated on cleaning up the leftover cultivation materials here.

Now that he has thoughts about this beautiful woman, he wants to stay with the Tuwu tribe for a while this time and is not in a hurry to go back.

After a while, the two of them gathered the items here. Lu Tiandu moved his lips slightly and communicated a few words to Sun Qingfeng before he flew towards the Mulan people.

At this moment, Sun Meifu breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at Lu Tian going away, and at the same time her heart became confused...

Seeing Lu Tiandu flying towards her, Le Shurong had a smile on her lips.

On the other side, Lin Yinping looked at Sister Qingfeng's panic and shyness hidden in her calm eyes and muttered to herself.

"Lu Lang, follow me back to the Holy City quickly!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu's arrival, Le Shurong smiled and said.

On the other side, Divine Master Zhu and others also looked hospitable and invited.

Now Lu Tiandu is one of the few top-level monks in Tiannan, and there are also god-transforming monks behind him.Seeing that the Mulan people may not be able to launch an attack on the Nine-Nation Alliance, how to find other ways to slowly recover the losses from the two wars also requires Mulan senior management to reconsider.

In this short period of time, the four great masters have decided to contact Lu Tiandu first. The purpose is naturally to open up business contacts with Tiannan.

In this way, Master Mulan's recovery will definitely be accelerated.

After all, there is a huge Dajin cultivator world behind the Tuwu people. The fact that the Tuwu people can invite many Dajin Yuanying monks to assist them this time is naturally based on the trust established by mutual trade in the past.

After experiencing this major event of almost being exterminated, the Mulan people naturally had to change their strategies.

Lu Tiandu nodded, and just as he was about to say something, the Great Ancient Immortal Master also flew over from the other side, with a smile on his old face, and invited:

"Fellow Daoist Lu, thank you for your kindness this time. The relationship between Daoist friends and our Tuwu tribe is very different now. Please come to my holy city and let me entertain you!"

"Fellow Taoist Gu, you are so polite! Mr. Lu also has some selfish motives."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, looking like he was not taking any credit, "Since fellow Taoist has kindly invited me, how could Lu refuse?"

After saying that, Lu Tiandu turned to Divine Master Zhu and Le Shurong and said:
"Lu will go to meet fellow Taoists from the Tuwu tribe first, and then go to the Holy City of Mulan later!"

"Okay, fellow Taoist, go ahead!"

Master Zhu nodded.

Although Le Shurong was unwilling, she didn't say anything. She nodded with a smile and watched the two of them fly away.

Grand Master Gu knew that Lu Tiandu had a close relationship with Le Shurong when he first sent a message to Lu Tiandu to win over Lu Tiandu. Now that his own saint has returned to Lu Tiandu, he is naturally extremely curious about Lu Tiandu.

After a previous chat with Lin Yinping, although Lin Yinping did not explicitly say how amazing her future husband's talent was, she still pointed out Lu Tiandu's extraordinary qualities, which made the ancient immortal master more cautious.

In the blink of an eye, a few days later.

Lu Tiandu has been staying in Tianlan Holy City for the past few days and has been warmly received by the Tuwu people.

Accompanied by Lin Yinping, I also experienced some of the customs and customs of the Tuwu people. Although there was not much difference with the Mulan people, in terms of overall strength, the Tuwu people still surpassed the Mulan people by a lot.

Small tribes ranging from tens of thousands of people to super tribes with a population of hundreds of millions are spread across the entire southern grassland. The overall losses of the Tuwu tribe this time are not large. With the Jin Dynasty at their back, it will not be difficult to recover.

Lu Tian showed an indifferent attitude towards the wooing of unexpected people. In this regard, the four great immortal masters were no different.

However, hearing that Lu Tiandu came from the Tiannan Immortal Realm instead of the Great Jin Dynasty still surprised the Tutu people.

On this day, after giving Lin Yinping some meticulous guidance, Lu Tiandu smiled as he looked at the stunning beauty with charming eyes and endless affection:

"Ping'er, my husband, I will give you the Good Fortune Pill right now!"

Just as Lin Yinping was about to say something, Lu Tiandu lowered his head slightly and kissed Lin Yinping's lips again.

As Lin Yinping looked surprised, a pill slowly slid into her stomach.

"Okay, you should go into seclusion and experience it first!"

Looking at Lin Yinping with sparkling eyes, Lu Tiandu smiled.

"Well, thank you husband!"

Lin Yinping had a gentle look on her face, chuckled, blinked her eyes, twisted her waist, and turned around gracefully into the inner hall.

"Well, I have flirted with this beautiful woman several times in the past few days. I just want to go see her again today!"

Lu Tian felt hot in his heart when he thought of Sun Qingfeng, who looked shy every time he saw him, like a young girl in love with her.

Le Shurong and Lin Yinping have not yet reached the late Nascent Soul stage, so they can only watch but not eat, but this sister Sun is already completely cooked!
When Lu Tiandu came to Sun Qingfeng's cave again by familiar means, this charming and enchanting woman snorted softly, with a look of rejection on her pretty face, but when she entered the cave, After Lu Tiandu hugged her tightly from behind and gently bit her snow-white ear, the beautiful woman suddenly became short of breath and trembled slightly.

"Bad guy, didn't you say you would give me another soul this time?"

Hearing "Good sister" whispered in Lu Tiandu's ear, Sun Qingfeng's delicate body became softer and softer.

What a messy bad guy!

Thinking of what Lu Tiandu, a shameless bad guy, had done in the past few days, Sun Qingfeng became angry.

"Sister Qingfeng, you are dressed so sexy today, aren't you dressing up just for me?"

Lu Tiandu murmured softly.

"Who makes my sister so charming? Every time, I can't help but want to hold my sister in my arms and comfort her..."

I don’t know when, when the confused and obsessed Sun Qingfeng was skinned into a little white sheep, Sun Qingfeng realized that something was wrong.

As a result, at this time, Lu Tiandu muttered:

"Don't worry, sister, I'll just rub it in..."

(End of this chapter)

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