Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 304 Group appearance!This is what a man should do!

"I wonder if fellow Taoists from Mulan are interested in exploring the Falling Demon Valley?"

After Lu Tiandu and the four great masters talked for a while about the opening of commercial relations between Tiannan and the Mulan tribe, the topic changed to the treasure hunt in Falling Demon Valley.

"What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Lu?"

Hearing Lu Tiandu suddenly mention the famous ancient ruins Falling Demon Valley in Tiannan, Master Bi's eyes flashed and he asked.

"To be honest with all fellow Taoists, Huang Maple Valley and Hidden Moon Sect have gathered many formation masters and have developed a stable teleportation formation that can safely lead to the inner valley of Falling Demon Valley. It will be open to the public in more than ten years. All the monks in Nan can safely teleport to the inner valley through the teleportation array and explore on their own as long as they purchase a Demon Falling Order..."

Lu Tiandu said calmly, "Now I have a close relationship with the Mulan clan. If the monks of the Mulan clan are interested, I can make the decision to leave a part of the Demon Falling Order for the Mulan clan!"

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Zhu Shenshi's eyes lit up, "But I heard that there are dense movable space cracks all over the outside of the Devil's Falling Valley. Can the teleportation array you set up, Mr. Lu, still be able to pass through these space cracks?"

Although they are very interested in this ancient ruins, as old neighbors, they are also very familiar with various situations in Tiannan.

This is also after the Ghost Spirit Sect's Falling Demon Valley plan was leaked in the original plot, the Mulan people soon obtained part of the Falling Demon Order through transactions with high-level monks from Tiannan, and entered the Falling Demon Valley to explore.

Lu Tiandu was planning to make a fortune by selling the Demon Falling Order this time, and he was naturally very concerned about potential customers like the Mulan people, so he explained it carefully.

"Although the space cracks in the Fallen Demon Valley are usually extremely dangerous and elusive, there will be a relatively stable period every 50 years, which lasts for about a year. During this period, the space cracks at the entrance of the valley are basically stable. Naturally, there will be no surprises when transmitting...and 19 years later will be the latest stable period of space cracks."

"I wonder how much this teleportation order fellow Taoist is going to sell for?"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's explanation and seeing how confident Lu Tiandu looked, the four great masters naturally became excited.

There are definitely dangers in this kind of ancient ruins, but there are also many opportunities. There are definitely a lot of elixirs, ancient treasures, weapon refining materials, etc., which are still worth exploring.

"Ten thousand spiritual stones per piece!"

Lu Tiandu smiled.

In the original plot, because the teleportation array set up by the Ghost Spirit Gate has a teleportation limit, the number of places is limited. One Demon Falling Order can cost up to [-] spirit stones.

Lu Tiandu was fully prepared this time, and the teleportation technology from Xinggong was extremely stable, so he could teleport as many people as he wanted.

However, those who can enter the inner valley to explore must be Jindan or above monks. There are only four to five thousand Jindan monks in Tiannan and about three hundred Nascent Soul monks. Lu Tian wants to make a lot of money by selling tickets, so naturally he can't just go to Tiannan. Southern Monk's Wool.

Ten thousand spirit stones are not very painful for most Jindan monks. In this way, including the Mulan people, Lu Tiandu can easily earn tens of millions of spirit stones through this simple teleportation array.

However, with thousands of people entering the Valley of the Fallen Demon at once, it is difficult to say how many people will gain anything. This is one of the reasons why Lu Tiandu is not too ruthless in his efforts.

“The price is indeed not expensive!”

Master Zhu and others also breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that there were only [-] spirit stones.

After asking for some more details, the Mulan people have basically decided to participate in the trip to the Fallen Demon Valley 19 years later.

But before that, after Lu Tiandu returns to Tiannan and communicates with Wei Wuya of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance, he hopes to see the Mulan people at the next trading conference in Tiantian City.

War is basically impossible, and peaceful development will be the mainstream next.

While Lu Tiandu was talking to the Mulan people, things suddenly changed in the world of Shizhu, and the familiar phenomena of heaven and earth were staged again.

"It should be Yan'er Ningying!"

After a brief perception, Lu Tiandu roughly guessed the situation. After all, the only female cultivators in the late Jindan stage in Yaochi Tower were Yan Ruyan and Yuan Yao.

After chatting with the four great masters for a while, Lu Tiandu took his leave.

Returning to the palace arranged for him by the Mulan people, Lu Tiandu returned to the Yaochi Tower in a flash.

At this moment, Mo Fengwu, Mo Caihuan, the Guigui twins and other girls also flew out of the cave and quietly watched the vision of heaven and earth in the sky. Lu Tiandu also smiled and greeted the girls, chatting while waiting.

More than an hour later, when Yan Ruyan came out of the palace and threw herself into Lu Tiandu's arms with a smile on her face, Lu Tiandu also laughed:

"Congratulations, Yan'er!"

In total, Yan Ruyan is less than [-] years old now, which is much faster than Ning Ying, who was over [-] years old in the original plot.

Moreover, among the women who have condensed their babies in recent years, the female cultivators who are similar in age to Lu Tian and have entered the Yaochi Pagoda to practice early are basically around [-] years old. If we put them outside, every one of them would be a proud woman of heaven. .

After some celebrations, Lu Tiandu left the Yaochi Tower and spent time with Le Shurong day and night.

More than a month later, after bidding farewell to the reluctant Le Shurong, Lu Tiandu once again released the ancient demon clone as a free vehicle and sped towards the north.

After the ancient demon's clone returned to the Holy City of Mulan, he had already completed the deal with the Holy Bird of Mulan about the Lingxi Peacock, and Lu Tiandu didn't pay much attention to this matter.

After entering the Nine Nations Alliance, he went to the Huayi Sect and talked to Wei Wuya about the Muran people's request for a truce and opening of trade. Wei Wuya was naturally surprised.

After learning that Lu Tiandu had a close relationship with Saintess Mulan, and that the Hidden Moon Sect also intended to conduct business with the Mulan people in Tianyue City, Wei Wuya naturally understood what was going on.

However, as long as this matter is true, the first to benefit will naturally be the Nine Kingdoms Alliance monks. Now that Nangong Ping and Lu Tian have endorsed it, he will naturally agree.

As for the details, both sides can send envoys to the Mulan people to discuss it in detail, and there is no need for top monks like them to worry about it.

As for the path of evil, it was naturally ignored by them.After all, whether it is commercial interoperability or the following Falling Demon Valley, they are within the territory of the Nine Nations Alliance and the Tiandao Alliance, and have nothing to do with the True Demonic Path.

Wei Wuya was naturally surprised when he later heard that Lu Tiandu would open the teleportation array in Falling Demon Valley more than ten years later.

After thinking for a moment, Wei Wuya said:
"Do you have the teleportation technology that Tian Nan has long lost in your hands?"

"Friend Daoist guessed right."

Lu Tiandu nodded, "After the incident in Falling into the Demon Valley is over, Lu will provide some information related to the teleportation array. As long as each sect provides a small amount of spiritual stones, it will not be difficult to obtain this information... …”

"Fellow Taoist is really brave!"

Wei Wuya also marveled.

Nowadays, Tiannan's teleportation array information has long been incomplete, and the farthest teleportation array that can be set up is only about a thousand miles, which is useless for high-level monks.

And Lu Tian can have this sharing attitude, which is already very good.

Lu Tiandu didn't pay much attention to this.The Mulan people also had an extremely sensitive sense of smell before, and they also mentioned the technical issues of the teleportation array, but Lu Tiandu did not refuse.

After falling into the Demon Valley, he will publicly sell the technology related to the short-distance teleportation array within [-] miles. One copy will cost [-] spirit stones. This price can be said to be high for a sect that cultivates immortals like the Seven Sects of Yue Kingdom. Very cheap.Of course, the premise is that this technology can only be purchased through Lu Tiandu, and others are not allowed to share it with others.

For a medium-sized country like Vietnam, it is only one hundred thousand miles across. As long as this teleportation array technology spreads, these sects' management of their own spheres of influence will surely rise to a higher level.

And with these transportation hubs, the internal connections among the four major forces in the entire Tiannan Immortal Realm will definitely be much closer.

After returning to the Moon Covering Sect, Lu Tiandu spent a few days with Leng Qingqiu, then went to the Boundless Sea, and sent the ancient demon clone into the Seven-Star Spirit-Transforming Demon-Locking Formation to restore his cultivation. Then he met Qi Zhenzhen again We spent a few days together in Lingkong Mansion, and then began the years of seclusion in the Hidden Moon Sect.

During this period, except for occasionally going north to Lingkong Mansion to accompany Qi Zhenzhen through the teleportation array, or going south to meet the three daughters Le Shurong, Lin Yinping and Sun Qingfeng, Lu Tian was either practicing at Lingyin Peak or accompanying his daughters in Yaochi Tower. .

I don’t know how many years have passed since I practiced. Time flies, and 15 years have passed in a flash.

On this day, Lu Tiandu woke up from practice, opened the restriction, and entered the secret room of Nangong Ping's retreat. He looked at Nangong Ping, who was still practicing, and left again without disturbing him.

In recent years, Lu Tiandu has refined a large number of elixirs and practiced dual cultivation from time to time. A few years ago, Nangong Ping had reached the perfection of the late Nascent Soul stage, and three years ago, Nangong Ping began to retreat to death.

According to the cultivation experience left by Feng Xian, if nothing unexpected happens, Nangong Ping should be able to break through to become a god within 20 years.

At this moment, Leng Qingqiu had also arrived outside, and Lu Tiandu smiled and said:
"Let's go, Senior Sister Qingqiu, let's go back to Yaochi Tower first and see if anyone else wants to experience our largest trade fair in the south of the world together!"

"it is good!"

Leng Qingqiu nodded with a smile.

When they heard that Tiannan's once-in-a-hundred-year trade fair was about to be held, the girls also became interested.

Over the years, each of them has been practicing hard in the pagoda, and their cultivation has improved a lot.

In addition to Yuan Yao who advanced to Yuanying three years ago, other girls such as the Mo family sisters, the Guijia twins, Ling Yuling, and Zi Ling have all advanced to the late stage of Jindan. Now Liu Yu and Han are in the middle stage of elixir formation. There are two girls, Yunzhi, and the two youngest girls, Wen Siyue and Mu Peiling, are still in the early stage of pill formation.

On the Star Spirit Shenzhou, the girls chatted non-stop. Lu Tiandu looked at the radiant beauties and saw their changes over the years, and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

With his arrival, their fates have changed a lot.

And this time, they also made a collective appearance in front of everyone.

Perhaps hundreds of years later, the monks who participated in the Tiannan Fair will still talk about the beauty of this talented monk in Lu Tiandu!

The Star Spirit Shenzhou exudes a faint green light and cuts through the sky towards the Tiantian City of the Nine Nations Alliance. About the Moon Covering Sect and Huang Maple Valley, they will join forces to set up a teleportation array to send the sky to the sky when the space cracks in Falling Demon Valley stabilize in four years. The news that Brother Nan entered it to hunt for treasure has spread.

Except for the Ghost Spirit Sect Broken Soul Master and the monk surnamed Zhong who secretly wanted to enter the Falling Demon Valley to seize the treasure and restore the sect's strength, the monks from other countries were naturally extremely excited.

Many golden elixir monks who came to the fair were already planning to sell some unused supplies to collect some spiritual stones as soon as possible to prepare for the trip to the Fallen Demon Valley four years later.

Khotan Tiancheng.

The main altar of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance is located in a city built in the mountains of Yu Kingdom. It is also the only city of monks in Tiannan.

The people living in this city, regardless of age or sex, are all monks with spiritual roots.There are six or seven old monsters from the Nine Nations Alliance who are in the mid-Nascent Soul stage and above who are stationed in this city all year round. Therefore, although this is the second time Tiannan Fair is held in Tiantian City, there are no other monsters from the other three major forces. The monks dare to provoke and cause trouble here.

Although this kind of trade fair is mainly provided for monks with cultivation level above Jindan, many monks also bring low-level monks such as disciples, relatives, etc. to see the world. Therefore, Tiantian City, which is usually a bit deserted, is now bustling with people. .

And because most of the monks came from afar in advance, although the official auction had not yet started, stalls were quickly set up in some markets in the city, and transactions had already begun.

As for the only auction house in the city, it is naturally run by the Nine Nations Alliance, and it has also begun to accept the submission and valuation of various rare items.

The entire Tiantian City gradually became heated.

On this day, there were still streams of various colors outside Tiantian City. However, when Lu Tiandu and others' star-spirited divine boat descended outside Tiantian City like lightning, it still aroused discussions among many monks.

After all, even ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators don’t have such treasures like the Feizhou magic weapon, which is nearly a hundred feet in size.

When the light cyan light curtain on the flying boat dissipated, revealing Lu Tiandu and the figures behind him, including orioles, swallows, flying red and green, the people who were spying in the dark also took a deep breath!

"It turned out to be Senior Lu and his confidante!"

More than twenty beauties of various colors with the lowest cultivation level of Jindan made everyone completely surprised, and looked at Lu Tiandu with envy.

He is indeed the famous Senior Lu!

When the Nascent Soul cultivator hidden among these Golden Core cultivators saw more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators around Lu Tiandu, he also took a breath of cold air!
"These female cultivators seem to be extremely close to Fellow Daoist Lu. Could they all be Fellow Daoist Lu's confidante?"

Someone looked at each other and said to his companion, "If nothing else, the fellow Daoist Leng next to you must not be the one, right?"

"Probably not. Last time I attended Daoist Fellow Leng's Grand Empress Ceremony, I didn't hear that Fellow Daoist Leng had any Taoist companions!"

At this moment, a ray of light shot out from the city, revealing the figure of a purple-faced old man, who was Wu Peng, the leader of the Baye Sect.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Lu and Fellow Daoist Leng, and fellow Daoists, please come in quickly!"

Seeing such a group of Nascent Soul cultivators and Golden Core cultivators, Wu Peng was also surprised.

"It turns out to be my fellow Taoist!"

Now that Qi Zhenzhen is at the critical moment of breaking through to the late Nascent Soul stage, it seems that Wu Peng should be the person in charge of Tiantian City.

Looking at Wupeng who looked surprised, Lu Tiandu smiled and continued:
"My fellow Taoist, these are Mr. Lu's Taoist companions. I'm afraid some of them are not familiar to you yet. Let me introduce them to you..."

"What? Are they all fellow Taoists?"

Wupeng looked surprised and looked at Leng Qingqiu, a late-stage Yuanying monk, and the three mid-stage Yuanying monks, Hong Fu, Wen Lan and Nangong Wan.

"how can that be?"

This thought flashed through Wupeng's mind.

Next to the four girls were Ni Shang, Cen Jingjun, Wang Yun, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei, Lu Tianxuan, Yan Ruyan, and Yuan Yao, ten female cultivators in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Behind them are fourteen golden elixir female cultivators including Zi Ling and Ling Yuling.

When the monks not far away heard what Lu Tiandu said, they all looked dumbfounded!
When everyone came back to their senses, they immediately thought, 'This is what a man should do'!

He is worthy of being the number one cultivator in Tiannan! (End of chapter)

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