Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 305: Don’t mess with me!This is too romantic!

"I heard that Mr. Lu Daoyou was a romantic man and had many beauties. I didn't expect that when we met him this time, it was beyond my expectation!"

After listening to Lu Tiandu introduce the girls one by one, and looking at the beautiful and beautiful cultivators with good looks and good cultivation, Wu Peng said with an unusual sigh.

In particular, Leng Qingqiu, the empress Yuan cultivator, and Hongfu, the three Yuan Ying mid-stage female cultivators, were able to put aside their status and live in harmony, and tolerate other beauties from Lu Tiandu. Wu Peng still finds it incredible!

However, seeing the love for Lu Tiandu in the eyes of the girls, and thinking of Lu Tiandu's amazing talent and future achievements, Wu Peng could only sigh that this fellow Daoist Lu is really a very human being!

"My fellow Taoist is so complimentary!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, glanced at the gentle eyes of the girls one by one, and said:
"Lu is able to win the love of so many beautiful women. He has no regrets in this life! It's just that he has wronged them and cannot give them any status for the time being!"


After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Nangong Wan and the other girls spoke softly and looked at Lu Tiandu lovingly.

This time Lu Tiandu suddenly disclosed their identities, and even they themselves did not expect it.

But after being surprised, their hearts naturally felt a little sweeter!

After so many years of getting along, they have become extremely close to each other, which is much better than the relationship between ordinary sisters, and they no longer care much about these forms.

Now that they heard Lu Tiandu's implication that he was going to give them status in front of outsiders in the future, they were all moved.

"Fellow Daoist Lu and the beauties have such a deep love for each other, they are really enviable to me!"

Seeing the tender eyes of all the girls, only Lu Tiandu looked like one, and the old man Wupeng also became envious.

The word "deep love between husband and wife" in his mouth also greatly satisfied Leng Qingqiu and other women, but the old man obviously didn't want to eat dog food anymore, so he quickly changed the subject:
"Fellow Daoist Lu and other fellow Taoists, let's go in first. More and more people are gathering here!"

"Okay, fellow daoists please!"

Nishang casually put away the Star Spirit Shenzhou, and everyone did not go through the city gate, but flew directly into the city.

As Lu Tiandu and his group entered the city, the monks who had been watching not far away suddenly became noisy.

The sounds of exclamation and envy came one after another, and the transmission notes flew out one after another.

However, these people were not like Lu Tiandu who flew directly into the city. Whether they were Nascent Soul monks or other monks, they all landed on the ground and walked towards the open city gate!
And no one thought there was anything wrong with the little privilege Wupeng gave Lu Tiandu and others.

After all, the strength of Lu Tiandu's family is too strong!

Thinking of the combat power of those fifteen Nascent Soul monks, including the two late Nascent Soul monks, even the Nascent Soul monks hidden in the crowd felt their scalp numb!

If this force wanted to kill the clan and destroy the sect, it would be too easy!
To the north of Tiantian City, in front of a white curtain of light, everyone, led by Wu Peng, stopped to escape the light.

"Fellow Taoists, this is the residence that our Tiantian City has prepared for fellow Yuanying Taoists who come to participate in the trade fair. The three best ones are prepared for you, Taoist friends Lu. Since Taoist Taoist Nangong is not coming this time, fellow Taoists, feel free to Just choose these three lofts to live in!”

Wu Peng introduced with a smile, "Moreover, in addition to our monks from Tiannan, there are also many people from Mulan this time, and some of them have already moved into the VIP building!"

"Okay, it's so troublesome for my fellow Taoist!"

Lu Tiandu nodded.

He knew full well that the Mulan people would come to this trade fair.

Thanks to his mediation, the Nine Nations Alliance and the Mulan people reached an armistice agreement more than ten years ago. In recent years, the Nine Nations Alliance and the Tiandao Alliance have made several large transactions with the Muran people, and both parties are naturally very satisfied.

"Fellow Daoist is polite!"

Wupeng shook his head, "Old man, I will host a few private trading meetings later. If fellow Taoists need anything, you can come and try your luck. I will send tokens in advance!"

"Sorry to trouble my fellow Taoist!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore. Fellow Taoists, please go and rest for a while!"

After chatting for a few more words, Wupeng quickly left.

Now that there is no such big enemy as Mulan, Wei Wuya, No. 1 of the Nine Kingdoms Alliance, has gone into seclusion and practiced hard in an attempt to attack the realm of god transformation. In the past few years, Qi Zhenzhen also stepped down from the position of deputy alliance leader. Wupeng, the deputy alliance leader, is now He is also a busy person.

"Okay, let's go in!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and said nothing. He opened his mouth and spat out, and a golden arrow hit the white light curtain. With a "Zila" sound, the white light curtain was blown open by the three-flavored kamikaze, a hole about ten feet high.

The crowd's figures flashed and flew in.

After Lu Tiandu finally entered, several demonic Nascent Soul monks who were also preparing to enter the VIP building in the distance saw this scene and looked at each other, and they all saw the fear in each other's eyes.

"How powerful is this person's supernatural power now?"

One of the old men said, with a tone full of fear, "The forbidden light curtain outside the VIP building can only be opened by a full blow from the Yuanying monk, and it will be closed quickly. As a result, this person's magical power made this person It’s really scary that the light curtain has broken open and stayed there for so long!”

"Yes, once he was able to kill the old devil of Hehuan in the early stage of Yuanying. Now he has advanced to the middle stage of Yuanying in such a short time. I am afraid no one knows how unfathomable this person's current strength is... maybe Tiannan is really going to give birth to a god-transformation monk!"

The middle-aged companion also had a look of regret on his face, "Have you heard? Fourteen Nascent Soul Taoist monks, tsk tsk, Lu didn't believe it before, but when I saw it this time, I realized that the rumors were true. I turned around and told my disciples , these women cannot be messed with..."

"What Fellow Daoist Deer said is true!"

The old man also suddenly remembered the tragedy caused by the old demon Yunlu when he provoked Cen Jingjun, and he felt convinced.

What Lu Tiandu and others who entered the VIP building didn't know was that gossip about him and his 28 confidants was being circulated in every attic, shop, inn, and cave in Tiantian City.

Soon, the image information of Lu Tiandu and 28 confidantes spread, and all the high-level monks who received this information also warned their disciples one by one not to mess with these women at will.

After all, this is really a 'dagger on the head of sex'!
While the monks marveled at the beauty of these confidante Lu Tiandu, they also murmured about the cultivation of the girls.After all, apart from Leng Qingqiu and Hong Fu, who became famous in their early years and other Nascent Soul cultivators, some of Lu Tiandu's confidante were known to outsiders during the battle that made Lu Tiandu famous in Tiannan nearly a hundred years ago. At that time, they were only golden elixirs. That’s all.

But now the cultivation level of these people is very different from a hundred years ago, especially the few people in Ningying.

Almost everyone had the idea that Lu Tiandu must have mastered an incredible dual cultivation technique. After all, it only made sense that his confidante could achieve such great achievements in such a short period of time!

Naturally, Lu Tiandu and the others didn't take it to heart because of the buzz outside. At this moment, this huge loft also welcomed its first wave of visitors not long after they moved in!
"Brother Lei, Brother Dayan, Brother Han, and Brother Zhang, you are here too!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and said to everyone in front of him.

In addition to their four Nascent Soul monks, there are also several Jindan monks from Huang Maple Valley, and beside Divine Lord Dayan are his Taoist companion Yin Subi and five or six concubines.

"Hey, everyone outside is talking about Brother Lu and you and your brothers and sisters!"

Lord Dayan laughed heartily. He was also shocked when he heard the news from the Taoist monks who were wandering outside Fangshi. He immediately invited Lei Wanhe, Han Li, Zhang Qi and others to visit Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu has only returned to Yellow Maple Valley very few times in recent years. He has only met Dayan Shenjun once after he condensed his infant ten years ago. Han Li and Zhang Qi, who have only condensed their infants for a few years, have only met him after they came out of the Land of Netherworld. The first time I met Lu Tiandu.

"It seems that monks also like this kind of gossip!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, looked at Han Li and Zhang Qi and said:

"I didn't expect that the two junior brothers are now Ningying, congratulations!"

Zhang Qi had previously joined Yellow Maple Valley at Lei Wanhe's persuasion. Lu Tiandu had heard about it from Lei Wanhe before, so there was no surprise to him Ning Ying.

The two of them have also been in seclusion in the boundless sea for these years, and it has only been a few years since they condensed the Nascent Soul.

"Thanks to Senior Brother Lu for this!"

The two of them looked at each other and bowed deeply to Lu Tian.

After a few words of greeting, Lu Tiandu introduced the girls, Lei Wanhe and others to each other.

At this moment, when they actually saw the group of high-level female cultivators surrounding Lu Tiandu, Lei Wanhe, Han Li and others were shocked and could not describe their feelings!
For some reason, Lei Wanhe suddenly remembered the scene when this junior brother and he were asking about Junior Sister Hongfu's information over Jiuyanhuan.

And the scenes of Nie Ying, Chen Qiaoqian, and Lu Tianxuan, who were originally disciples or younger generations, also made him sigh that his junior disciple was really a person with great luck.

Anyone who is close to Lu Tiandu can see all the changes in these years!

There are currently seven Nascent Soul cultivators in Huang Maple Valley, and if Nie Ying and other women are included, the number of Nascent Soul cultivators has exceeded ten. This makes Lei Wanhe, the person in charge of Huang Maple Valley, even more excited.

The Lord Dayan was filled with amazement. Every time he saw Lu Tian in these years, he would be a little surprised. But now that he sees so many multi-dimensional infant female cultivators around Lu Tian, ​​and they are all so harmonious, he is really I was so impressed that I fell to the ground.

Even at his most glorious moment ten thousand years ago, he had a group of wives and concubines, and they were just the beauties of three Nascent Soul cultivation levels. Lu Tiandu is now beyond his reach!
As for Han Li, looking at these stunning figures, he was secretly envious and made up his mind to practice harder next time!
Now that he finally called out 'Senior Brother Lu' again, he didn't want to call him 'Uncle Lu' anymore!

And Zhang Qi saw that Madam Wen, the wife of the Six Paths Saint who was once famous in Xinghai, had become Lu Tiandu's beautiful Taoist companion, and she secretly admired this Senior Brother Lu!
Kill his man and take his wife!

There is no one more domineering than Senior Brother Lu!
However, he did not recognize the girls from the Miaoyin Sect, especially Wang Yun and Zi Ling, otherwise he might have been surprised again and again!
As for Ling Yuling's identity, Lu Tian didn't say it clearly. Zhang Qi, the former owner of the alien island, naturally couldn't guess that among the girls in front of him, there was one he wanted to call the Young Palace Master!
Lu Tian was such a sensitive person. One look at the twitching expression at the corner of Zhang Qi's mouth and he guessed that this guy was having wild thoughts about Wen Lan.

But of course he was too lazy to correct his mistake!
Everyone sat down, ate spiritual fruits and spiritual wine, and chatted.

But soon waves of visitors came again.

This time, in addition to some Nascent Soul monks from the Yue Kingdom, many people from the Tiandao Alliance also came, including Lu Luo, Fire Dragon Boy and others from the Yunmeng Third Sect who had good relations with Lu Tian.

The crowd was bustling, and Lu Tiandu held a banquet to entertain the cultivators.

As a result, in the middle of the banquet, the arrival of a group of Mulan Nascent Soul monks, led by the great Master Tian in brocade robes and Mulan Saint Le Shurong, surprised all the monks in Tiannan.

Some of them had already heard that the Nine Nations Alliance and the Mulan people had shaken hands and made peace, but when they saw the Mulan people coming to visit Lu Tiandu, they guessed that there might be some secrets that they didn't know about.

Master Tian, ​​a monk from Yuan Dynasty, had already surprised everyone with his implicit respect for Lu Tiandu. However, when Le Shurong, the sexy Mulan saint, came to Lu Tiandu with a happy face, she looked at Lu Tiandu. He said to Leng Qingqiu and the other girls, "Lu Lang, are these your sisters? I have brought a lot of Mulan specialties to the sisters this time!" The Tiannan monks could no longer calm down.

Everyone looked at each other, unable to hide their shock.

Isn't it?Brother, aren’t the beauties from Tiannan enough for you to provoke?Even the Holy Maiden of Mulan was captured?
Seeing that Master Tian next to him looked like he had known about it for a long time, everyone became more and more impressed after being shocked.

And Master Tian, ​​a big man in golden robes, was also surprised that Lu Tiandu had so many beautiful Taoist couples in Tiannan!

Originally, he secretly thought that it was outrageous that Saint Mulan and his rival Saint Tianlan were serving at the same time. However, when he saw the five female cultivators Leng Qingqiu this time, he realized that this fellow Daoist Lu not only had an astonishing background, The magical power is vast, which is really good for women!
To be honest, it’s so romantic!

But for some reason, he was filled with envy...

Facing the enthusiastic Le Shurong, Nangong Wan and the other ladies looked down and generous. While welcoming Le Shurong to her seat, they talked to each other about Nian Geng and had a cordial conversation.

This scene immediately made most of the male cultivators here feel more and more envious.

This fellow Daoist Lu is really capable!
No wonder they can have so many high-level female cultivators, and they can live in harmony and be as close as sisters...

But...when did high-level female cultivators become so easy to talk to?
This is the unsolvable doubt in the minds of everyone present!
Lu Tiandu was not surprised by Le Shurong's arrival and her initiative to integrate into the small circle of other women.

After all, Le Shurong has always regarded Lin Yinping as her opponent!
The banquet was still going on, and soon the fire dragon boy, who looked white and tender, and looked like a boy, asked while drinking:
"I heard that Fellow Daoist Lu is planning to send everyone into the Fallen Demon Valley. Do you know whether this is true or not?"

"It does happen."

Lu Tiandu put down his wine cup and nodded, "I originally planned to inform everyone publicly next, but since everyone wants to know, I will explain it in detail..."

Sure enough, after confirming that the news spread from the Nine Kingdoms Alliance monks was true, the monks in Tiannan became excited one by one.

Although they guessed that Lu Tian had entered it and gained a lot of benefits, everyone became interested when they heard that this time they only needed [-] spirit stones to explore for free. (End of chapter)

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