Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 307 Nangong Ping advanced to become a god!

Outside the Valley of Falling Demons, some Nascent Soul cultivators with ulterior motives changed their expressions when they heard Lu Tiandu's words that were half suggestions and half orders.

The other part of the Nascent Soul cultivators felt very much in agreement.

This time they entered the Falling Demon Valley and brought many Golden Core cultivators with them. After all, their positions were relatively random after being teleported in. If they were intercepted halfway by some people with ulterior motives, it would be more of a loss than the gain.

And with the words of Lu Tiandu, the most famous Tiannan No. [-] Cultivator, it will naturally make many people who have secret thoughts become wary, and make them secretly relax a lot.

Moreover, while giving the warning, Lu Tiandu also used what he called a "huge opportunity" to guide him, which suddenly made more monks pay attention to the so-called opportunity that Lu Tiandu said.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, can you briefly explain the opportunity?"

The speaker was a middle-aged man in gray robe.

This person has a strange appearance, broad bones, and extraordinary momentum. He is Long Han, the peak elder of the Luanming Sect in the middle Yuan Ying stage, one of the deputy leaders of the Tiandao Alliance. The beautiful woman in a red shirt next to him is his Taoist companion Feng Bing. At this moment, he also looked at Lu Tiandu with curiosity.

The two of them are now at the peak of the mid-stage Nascent Soul, and are just a step away from entering the late stage. This time they entered the Falling Demon Valley obviously to find an opportunity to break through to the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

After Long Han finished speaking, other people who were familiar with Lu Tian also started asking.

"There's nothing that can't be said."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, glanced at everyone, and continued:
"In the next few years, Lu will invest a huge amount of materials to restore an ancient cross-continental teleportation array leading to other realms of immortality. That realm of immortality is the Sea of ​​Chaos Stars recorded in ancient books, where there are endless monsters and seabed mineral veins. Waiting for our scarce immortal cultivation resources in Tiannan..."

"The resources in the ancient demon battlefield in Falling Demon Valley are naturally not worth mentioning compared to the countless monster resources in the Chaos Star Sea. And to develop this endless ocean, many golden elixir and Nascent Soul monks are needed. Lu doesn’t want us to lose some of our colleagues in the Tiannan Immortal Realm because of this trip to Falling Demon Valley..."

This is naturally one of Lu Tiandu's reasons. The other is that he has made a huge profit of nearly 5000 million spirit stones by collecting tickets this time. It is also necessary to deter some Nascent Soul monks with ulterior motives and protect the general public. The interests of some Jindan monks.

After all, it was very easy for him to say this.

As for the mention of Luan Xinghai in passing, it certainly has the meaning of advertising. It is rare that thousands of Jindan monks and many Nascent Soul monks have gathered together this time, and this great opportunity cannot be wasted.

"Fellow Taoist is really righteous!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Long Han also praised Lu Tiandu's move, "We, the Luanming Sect, are not allowed to cause trouble randomly when entering the Falling Demon Valley..."

After Long Han finished speaking, he looked at Lu Tiandu and said:

"If there is any use for Mr. and Mrs. Long, fellow Taoist, just ask!"

"it is good!"

Lu Tiandu also smiled and nodded.

Some of the other five major forces' middle-stage Nascent Soul monks also praised him one by one.

With Lu Tiandu's current status, he would naturally not tell lies.

The benefits of developing an unowned sea area suddenly made many monks excited.

At this moment, some thoughtful people also instantly thought of the large amount of monster materials, monster eggs, elixirs and elixirs based on demon elixirs that appeared in the four previous auctions held by the Hidden Moon Sect. Could it be that these things Are they all from the Chaos Star Sea?
At the thought of this, many monks also became excited.

Then several more people started asking.

Lu Tiandu shook his head and said:

"This matter is not urgent for the time being. When the teleportation array is completed, I will notify all my colleagues. Moreover, the teleportation fee will be much cheaper accordingly. It will be open to all monks above the foundation establishment at that time. It can be regarded as Lu's contribution to all the monks in Tiannan. Let’s plan some benefits!”

"So, during this trip to the Devil's Fallen Valley, I hope that everyone will focus on exploring the ruins in the valley, and not have any thoughts of killing people and grabbing treasures. As for past grievances, everyone can just go out of the valley to resolve them on their own. And Lu and fellow Daoist Leng will both enter. If you encounter someone with ulterior motives inside, don’t blame us for killing them!"

At the same time as he said the last sentence, Lu Tiandu suddenly released a huge power of spiritual consciousness that far exceeded that of the Yuanhou monks, and swept through the many monks in the field one by one.

Feeling this inexplicable pressure, even the faces of many middle-stage Nascent Soul monks in the crowd changed.

Although they knew that Lu Tiandu's strength would definitely increase greatly after he advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but to what extent it had reached, there was no news of Lu Tiandu taking action in recent years, and it was difficult for everyone to judge.

But at this moment, just relying on the power of spiritual consciousness made even the monks of the same level feel uncomfortable, and it still made many Nascent Soul monks feel chilly.

But this scene made more Jindan monks - no matter which faction they were from - feel good about him.

"Okay, in order to reassure all of our colleagues, Lu will take the Yellow Maple Valley disciples to take the first step!"

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he nodded with Wen Lan, Nangong Wan and the other girls, and in a flash he had reached the teleportation array.

This time only he and Leng Qingqiu will enter the valley, and there is no need for other women to enter.

On the Yellow Maple Valley side, Lei Wanhe, Han Li, Li Huayuan and other Nascent Soul cultivators remained motionless. The Golden Core cultivators next to them looked at each other, then flew over and stood next to Lu Tiandu.

As the nine people activated the teleportation talisman, Xin Ruyin also cast a spell, and the nine people in Lu Tiandu disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Following closely behind, Han Li, Dayan Shenjun and others also flew onto the teleportation array without hesitation.

After the monks of the Hidden Moon Sect also teleported, one by one the monks rushed to step onto the teleportation array.

This time Hong Fu and Nangong Wan were in charge of two sects respectively, but they did not come here.

Outer Valley.

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and appeared in a forest, and there were no other people from Yellow Maple Valley around him.

After releasing his consciousness for a moment, Lu Tiandu already knew his location.

This time, he was not very interested in searching for resources in Fallen Demon Valley, but he would also go into the inner valley, mainly to bring some Nascent Soul monks from Yellow Maple Valley and Hidden Moon Sect into it through the Northern Yuan Light Channel.

In addition to this passage that can quickly enter the inner valley, the other ten passages require a lot of effort to break the ancient restrictions within them, which cannot be completed in a short time.

Entering the inner valley first will naturally be of great benefit to the subsequent treasure hunt.

Sure enough, half a day later, on the west side of Falling Demon Valley, eight people including Lei Wanhe, Han Li, Dayan Shenjun, Li Huayuan, Zhang Qi, Old Monster Qiong, the monk surnamed Wu and a new Nascent Soul monk from the Hidden Moon Sect had already arrived. Gathered here.

The old monster Qiong was taken to the inner valley by Lu Tiandu last time, but this was the first time for him to walk through this passage.

"Come on, follow me into the inner valley!"

Although Lu Tiandu doesn't like the things in the inner valley now, they are still great things for most ordinary Yuanying monks. This is also the purpose of Lu Tiandu deliberately sending two Yuanying monks in advance.

The Nascent Soul monks of both sects have in their hands the map of the inner valley drawn by Lu Tiandu, Nangong Ping and others after the last exploration and the induction bells refined in advance. What treasures they can find depends on their respective opportunities.

After seeing off the people, Lu Tiandu returned to the outer valley again to join Leng Qingqiu and flew away at low altitude at will.

Even if there is a fight in the inner valley, Lu Tiandu will not intervene. If he encounters someone who kills people and seizes treasures in the outer valley, Lu Tiandu will keep his word and will not hesitate to kill!
...The lively trip to the Valley of Fallen Demons came to an end soon. Some people gained a lot, some gained little, and even some were buried in the valley. But this is all in the past.

Overall, the number of surviving monks greatly exceeded Lu Tiandu's expectations.

This time, thousands of monks entered the Devil's Falling Valley. Except for some areas in the inner valley, they also toured the entire valley.

With these gains, the strength of the surviving monks will naturally increase accordingly, which can be regarded as laying a solid foundation for Lu Tiandu's plan to develop the outer star sea.

The next thing that will make the entire Tiannan Immortal World noisy is naturally the development of Chaotic Star Sea.

Now, even tens of thousands of foundation-building monks are discussing this matter lively, making Lu Tian dumbfounded after hearing the news.

If you really think that the alien sea is full of gold, I am afraid that many despised monks will be beaten to death...

A year later, when Lu Tiandu, who was in the Hidden Moon Sect, saw Qi Zhenzhen, a plump beauty with a happy face, walking out of the teleportation array, he also became happy.

"Congratulations to Sister Zhenzhen!"

At this moment, Qi Meifu's aura was undoubtedly that of a late Yuanying monk.


Qi Zhenzhen had a gentle smile on her beautiful face. In a flash, she came to Lu Tiandu's side. She held Lu Tiandu's head and kissed him excitedly.

After a long time, after finally settling down the excited Qi Meifu on the jade couch, Lu Tiandu smiled and said as he looked at the charming beauty with a flushed face and eyes full of love:

"Sister Zhenzhen, let's go to Yaochi Tower later!"

"Well, it all depends on your husband!"

Qi Zhenzhen smiled charmingly and acted like a husband and a wife, which made Lu Tiandu burst into laughter.

Back then, Qi Zhenzhen had said that she would not meet other sisters until she advanced to the late Yuan Ying stage. Now, she was the second female Yuan cultivator besides Leng Qingqiu, which made her feel even more comfortable.

A few months later, Nishang also advanced to the middle stage of Nascent Soul after some retreat. Naturally, everyone in the Yaochi Tower celebrated again.

Time flies, and several months have passed.

On this day, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky above Lingyin Peak, the forbidden area of ​​the Hidden Moon Sect.

Suddenly, countless fist-sized auras of light of different colors within a thousand miles emerged from the ground, rocks, and trees of the nearby mountains out of thin air, and then quickly gathered in the direction of Lingyin Peak.

A moment later, a bright spiritual cloud with an area of ​​several acres was formed in the sky above Lingyin Peak, shining with colorful rays of brilliance and spinning continuously in the high sky.

The changes within the Moon Covering Sect at this moment naturally caused changes in the monks within the sect.

Nangong Wan, Nishang, Old Monster Qiong, and the monk named Wu quickly flew out of the cave one by one and looked in the direction of Lingyin Peak.

"Master is finally going to advance to become a god?"

Although he had previously received a reminder from Lu Tiandu that his master would advance to become a god in the past two years, Nangong Wan was still surprised to see this scene so soon.

"Is this...Master making a breakthrough?"

At this moment, Old Monster Qiong also came to Nangong Wan, looking at Lingyin Peak with a look of surprise on his face.

"Exactly. At this moment, senior sister and Tiandu are also protecting the law. We have activated the sect's protective formation first, just in case."

Thinking of the previous arrangements, Nangong Wan quickly ordered the disciples of the Hidden Moon Sect to take action.

At this moment, the vision between heaven and earth was still changing. Tens of thousands of monks from the entire Hidden Moon Sect flew out of the cave one by one, talking about it.

The boundless spiritual energy of heaven and earth swarmed in, and at a glance there was boundless five-color glow.

The area around Taihua Hall has long been covered with various restrictions.

In the sky above the main hall, the wind and rain were blowing, the sound of thunder was loud, and pieces of colorful clouds were rolling in the huge clouds. After a while, the spiritual clouds in the sky began to rotate and turned into a huge funnel, slowly descending towards Taihua Palace. Come down.

With the change of time, at this moment, the countless spiritual energies in the world within thousands of miles around the Hidden Moon Sect have also changed, which surprised many monks.

In Taihua Hall.

Lu Tiandu and Leng Qingqiu were staring at Nangong Ping in the middle of the huge magic circle.

At this moment, in the middle of the magic circle, Nangong Ping was sitting cross-legged in the center with a calm expression, and around her, countless light groups surged, turning into a crimson light lotus in the blink of an eye.

Nangong Ping was sitting in it, the seals in his hands changing constantly, and wisps of fiery aura floated out from the red lotus petals around him, entwining around him, submerging his figure hazy.

This huge crimson lotus was naturally formed after Nangong Ping induced the vitality of the outside world.

At this moment, Nangong Ping's face was calm, and the magic power around him was looming and flickering, but soon the flickering slowly subsided, allowing the two people watching to gradually relax.

This shows that Nangong Ping's influence on the energy of heaven and earth has finally stabilized, and then there will naturally be a steady breakthrough step by step.

An hour later, as Nangong Ping continued to use his skills, a faint fragrance gradually emitted from his body, like sandalwood or medicine. It smelled fragrant, but there was a faint fishy smell in it. .

It's incredible!

"Sandalized Flesh!"

Lu Tiandu and Leng Qingqiu looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

The transformation of the physical body is the first step to break through the Nascent Soul, followed naturally by the transformation of the Nascent Soul and Divine Mind in the body.

Nangong Ping has practiced body training techniques, so this step is naturally much easier than other monks. This is the main reason why it only took her an hour to reach this step.

At this moment, the magic formula in Nangong Ping's hand changed, and the surrounding formations suddenly flashed with light. Countless spiritual energy above the hall was absorbed by the formation again, and then slowly transformed through the formation towards the red fire lotus around him.

"It depends on the transformation of Nascent Soul!"

Lu Tiandu and Leng Qingqiu looked at each other, looking forward to it again.

As long as the transformation of mana is completed in this step, the subsequent transformation of spiritual consciousness will be relatively easier for Nangong Ping.

After all, although Nangong Ping has not yet cultivated the Dayan Jue to the highest seventh level, he has also cultivated it to the fifth level, which is enough to break through the divine transformation. (End of chapter)

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