Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 308 The Cage of Heaven and Earth!Something is going on!

The Qiyun Mountains where the Hidden Moon Sect is located is located in the center of the Yue Kingdom, and in other directions tens of thousands of miles away from the Qiyun Mountains, the other six of the seven sects of the Yue Kingdom are distributed.

At this moment, as the Nangong Ping on Lingyin Peak caused the energy of heaven and earth within more than ten thousand miles to begin to impact the bottleneck of the God Transformation, the movement caused was far beyond this distance. Such a large movement naturally attracted the attention of the other six sects of monks.

When pieces of information quickly reached the ears of the six sects of Yuanying monks, they all looked in the direction of the Qiyun Mountains in surprise.

"This movement, could it be that fellow Taoist Nangong is making a breakthrough?"

Lei Wanhe, Li Huayuan and other eight or nine Nascent Soul monks from the Yue Kingdom had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Nangong Ping has rarely shown up in recent years. The Biyue Sect's external statement is that the great elder has been in seclusion. However, it has only been more than 160 years since Nangong Ping broke through to the late Yuanying stage. Now that such a commotion has occurred, everyone suddenly thought of one result:
Breakthrough into God!

Thinking of this, these Nascent Soul cultivators can no longer remain calm!
There has been no trace of the god-transforming monks in Tiannan for tens of thousands of years, and Nangong Ping is preparing to break through the bottleneck after more than 100 years, which naturally makes them unbelievable.

However, the changes in the vitality of heaven and earth that have been going on for some time cannot be faked!
"Let's go, Junior Brother Li and Junior Brother Zhang, let's go to the Hidden Moon Sect to have a look!"

Lei Wanhe casually threw out a transmission note to the disciples in the valley, calling Li Huayuan and Zhang Qi, and the three escaping lights instantly went south.

With their early Yuan Ying's escape speed, they could travel tens of thousands of miles in one hour, and it only took them more than two hours to reach the Hidden Moon Sect. Naturally, such a small amount of time was not enough for Nangong Ping to break through, and he could not make it in time.

Thinking of the possibility of a god-transforming monk being born in their country, even Zhang Qi, a monk from the Chaotic Star Sea who had not long joined Yellow Maple Valley, became curious and excited.

While fleeing, Lei Wanhe suddenly thought of his junior brother Lu Tiandu for some reason.

Originally, everyone thought that Tian Nan's most likely person to advance to become a god must be Lu Tiandu, but no one expected that Nangong Ping would give them a big surprise.

Although the three of them hurried to the Hidden Moon Sect, they were not very confident that Nangong Ping could finally advance to become a god.

After all, there are several veteran late-stage Nascent Soul monks in Tiannan and Mulan grasslands, and I have never heard of anyone who has the confidence to break through to become a god.

"I'm afraid this matter is also related to my junior brother!"

Suddenly this thought flashed through Lei Wanhe's mind, and he couldn't get it away.

A few years ago, Linghu entered the boundless sea to practice in the hope of breaking through to the late Nascent Soul stage, but he hasn't come out much these years.

After their trip to Falling Demon Valley, Han Li and Lord Dayan also entered the boundless sea to practice. Although there were no Nascent Soul monks guarding the valley after the three of them left the valley, there was nothing to worry about at this time.

At this moment, in the Hidden Moon Sect, the mountain protection formation had already been activated.

The area within several hundred miles of Lingyin Peak has long been filled with streaks of five-colored glow. The five-colored glow is filled with pure spiritual energy.

Five Yueyue Sect Yuanying monks including Nangong Wan, Nishang and Qiong Laoguai are quietly guarding around Lingyin Peak, while the other twenty or thirty Jindan monks are leading the low-level disciples and staying at other peaks one by one. , looking at Lingyin Peak that had turned into five colors with excitement.

"With my husband inside, I think there won't be any problems with Master's breakthrough this time!"

Nangong Wan looked at the huge funnel formed by the gathering of spiritual energy in the sky, feeling extremely excited, "With Master's breakthrough experience this time, it will be much easier for me and other sisters to break through in the future!"

As for Lu Tiandu, naturally it cannot be viewed with ordinary eyes.

Over the years, they have long discovered that Lu Tiandu has no bottlenecks at all when he breaks through. If Lu Tiandu hadn't practiced so many techniques and magical powers, and needed to spend a lot of time on them, he would probably be in the late Nascent Soul stage by now.

Even so, according to Lu Tiandu, it will not be difficult to break through the late Nascent Soul within the next three to fifty years.

In Taihua Hall.

In the magic circle, among the huge crimson lotus formed by the vitality of heaven and earth, Nangong Ping had a solemn look on his face.

Suddenly, she paused with the spell in her hand, suddenly opened her eyes, stretched out her hand to take a shot, and a jade bottle appeared in her hand. In the blink of an eye, a pill the size of a dragon's eye appeared. She glanced at Lu Tiandu and the two in the distance. , nodded, took the elixir, and closed his eyes again to practice.

"This is the last pill that I prepared before to break through the bottleneck. According to the law, the transformation of power should be completed..."

Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with blue light, and he used his bright and clear spiritual eyes to observe the changes in Nangong Ping's body, and said secretly.

Feng Xian left behind three elixirs that could help break through the bottleneck of becoming a god. Lu Tiandu had only managed to collect two elixirs in these years.

Later, two more elixir recipes were discovered in Xing Palace that could help break through the bottleneck of transforming gods. One of the elixirs used the demon elixir of transforming gods and monsters as the main medicine, and he also refined it using the Qingluan demon elixir of transforming gods. Several pills in one furnace.

Coupled with the [-]% chance brought by the Yin Yang Fruit and the two secret breakthrough techniques practiced by Nangong Ping, the odds of winning a breakthrough are estimated to be more than [-]%. According to the breakthrough experience left by Feng Xian, this step should have been completed long ago, but Nangong Ping's delay in completing the magic transformation made him feel shocked.

"So the biggest problem still lies in the vitality of heaven and earth!"

Lu Tiandu immediately discovered the key to the problem.

After the ancient demonic tribulation, with the invasion of the demon world, the true demonic energy was also instilled into the human world that originally only had spiritual energy through the space cracks, thus triggering a huge change in the vitality of heaven and earth.

If the human world before the calamity is compared to a middle-aged person, the human world after the calamity is probably equivalent to a middle-aged man who has been infected by a virus and suffered trauma.

In order to clean up these alien energies, the ancient monks set up spirit gathering formations and used pure spiritual energy to suppress the demonic energy or developed various demonic skills that used the demonic energy to practice. The main purpose was to suppress and eliminate these demonic energies, so that The vitality of the human world and heaven and earth slowly returned to its original state.

Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is becoming increasingly scarce. I wonder if it was within the expectations of the ancient monks or beyond their expectations?
The main reason for this is naturally that the demon world is not an inferior interface like the human world, but a medium interface at the same level as the spiritual world. The energy level of the demonic energy in it cannot be slowly digested by the original energy of heaven and earth in the human world.

If the human world just after the end of the demonic tribulation was still a middle-aged man infected with the virus and unable to completely cleanse the demonic energy for so many years, the current human world would probably be equivalent to a seriously injured old man who is lingering.

As one of the main living beings parasitic on it, monks need to draw a lot of energy (vital energy of heaven and earth) if they want to break through. The higher the level of monks, the more energy they need to break through, and the greater the load on heaven and earth. , correspondingly, the more solid the bottleneck is to break through.

Because the god-transformation monks need to sense the vitality of heaven and earth if they want to make a breakthrough, naturally these god-transformation monks are most directly affected by the drastic changes in the vitality of heaven and earth after the demonic tribulation.

After the Demonic Tribulation, fewer and fewer of the human world's god-transformation monks were able to practice to the late stage of god-transformation and ascend independently. In the past ten thousand years, there have been few rumors of ascension.

But now all the surviving cultivators are stuck in the early stage of transforming and cannot move forward. It is obvious that the living beings parasitizing this world have been locked to the upper limit of transcendence.Now that Lu Tiandu has prepared such abundant conditions for Nangong Ping to break through, it is still so difficult to break through, let alone the hundreds of late Nascent Soul monks from other human worlds who want to break through.

The words "cage of heaven and earth" instantly popped into Lu Tiandu's mind!

"Heaven and earth are like a cage, and monks are like birds in a cage. How can they be transcendent?"

"For the surviving monks in the early stages of becoming gods, the only hope is to use space nodes to sneak into the spirit world and escape from this cage!"

"Today, there are only six god-transformation monks alive in the human world. Counting the ice phoenixes who survived from ancient times and can advance to god-transformation at any time, there are only seven of them. Among them, the old monster Bailu from Wulonghai is still a heaven and earth spirit beast. The descendant of Yang Lu, Che Laoyao is the spiritual pet of the monks in the lower realm of the spirit world. Counting the human monks, there are only four of them..."

"Human monks don't have a long lifespan. Xiang Zhili and the four of them can break through to become gods in today's environment. Talent and luck are indispensable... In the next few hundred years in the Jin Dynasty, one of the most promising people to advance to become gods is Jing Jing. Zen Master Biyue of the Fire Sect, and the other is a casual cultivator, Yi Xitian. Whether these two can advance to become gods in the future is still unknown..."

"It seems that the next step is to let Wen Qing make a safer breakthrough in the Shizhu world, and then take Sun Qingfeng in when he goes to Dajin..."

"Over the years, I have requested countless resources from the human world. After I advance to become a god, I still have to find a way to completely solve the remaining demonic energy in the human world! Not only can I end the cause and effect with this human world, but I can also do it for future generations. Leave a glimmer of hope for our descendants!"

Countless thoughts flowed through Lu Tiandu's mind, and at this moment, an astonishing spiritual pressure instantly brought Lu Tiandu back to his senses.


Lu Tiandu and Leng Qingqiu looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.The two of them looked towards the center of the magic circle without blinking.

At this moment, the huge lotus of vitality had disappeared. In the vast red mist, an astonishingly huge amount of spiritual pressure suddenly shot out of the sky. It penetrated the Taihua Palace in an instant and immediately spread to the surroundings.

When Lu Tiandu and Lu Tiandu faced this kind of spiritual pressure, their expressions were also stern.

Outside Lingyin Peak, between heaven and earth, as the huge funnel-shaped spiritual energy vortex above Taihua Palace dissipated, countless five-color rays of light also dissipated in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, within a radius of [-] miles of Lingyin Peak, an inexplicable pressure fell on many monks, causing everyone's expressions to change drastically, and they became a little unsteady and became commotion.

However, when they learned from Nangong Wan and others that the Great Elder had now advanced to the legendary realm of becoming a god, all the disciples of the Hidden Moon Sect burst into astonishing cheers.

Not far away from the main formation of the Mountain Gate of the Hidden Moon Sect, feeling the spiritual pressure coming from the Hidden Moon Sect, the expressions of the eight Nascent Soul monks changed, complex expressions of envy flashed across their faces, and a thought suddenly struck their minds. :
"A breakthrough? After thousands of years, someone in Tiannan has finally advanced to the legendary realm of god transformation?"

This coercion was naturally the result of Nangong Ping's breakthrough, which was not yet able to perfectly gather the power of the spirit transformation true energy and divine thoughts in his body. However, after a moment, after Nangong Ping gathered his energy, he naturally disappeared without a trace.

"Sister Ping!"

Looking at Nangong Ping, who was sitting cross-legged in the magic circle and opening his eyes, Lu Tiandu also showed excitement in his eyes.


Nangong Ping's eyes were full of tenderness when he saw Lu Tiandu. In a flash, his figure appeared in front of Lu Tiandu. He stretched out his arms and hugged Lu Tiandu tightly into his arms.

Excitement flashed across Leng Qingqiu's cold jade face. Without hesitation, she stepped forward and hugged the two of them tightly.

Just when the three of them were silently feeling each other's feelings, the ban on Taihua Palace was opened outside, and Nangong Wan and Ni Chang walked in. When they saw this scene, they also stepped forward and hugged each other silently!

Half a day later, an astonishing news blew from the Yue Kingdom to all countries in the south like a whirlwind from all directions!
Nangong Ping, leader of the Tiandao Alliance and great elder of the Hidden Moon Sect, has officially advanced to become a god!

Now, the real No. [-] monk in Tiannan was born!
After thousands of years, a god-transforming monk was born again in Tiannan!

This news instantly shocked all the monks in Tiannan!
Half a year ago, many people had just participated in the great monk ceremony for Qi Zhenzhen, the Nine Kingdoms Alliance's Huayi Sect, to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage. Now, only half a year later, another top female cultivator has appeared?
This made many monks secretly murmur. In the past thirty years, top female cultivators such as Leng Qingqiu, Qi Zhenzhen, and Nangong Ping have emerged one after another, and their reputations have spread all over the world, making everyone feel a little unreal.

Isn’t it said that it is more difficult for female cultivators to cultivate than male cultivators?

Why do today's top cultivators in Tiannan obviously seem to be in a state of yin and yang decline?

What are the secrets in this?
Wei Wuya, who heard that Nangong Ping had advanced to become a god, also rushed to the Hidden Moon Sect immediately, but after a confidential conversation, Wei Wuya returned disappointed.

Because he got a piece of news that made him feel helpless:
Even if you advance to become a god, it is impossible to ascend to the spiritual world. If you want to ascend to the spiritual world, you must have the advanced level of spiritual transformation!
But now it is basically impossible to cultivate to the late stage of divine transformation!
The only benefit of advancing to become a god is to live hundreds or thousands of years longer!

Later, when the Biyue Sect officially announced that it would hold Nangong Ping's God Transformation Ceremony in a year's time, the whole Tiannan was also excited.

For this event, the Hidden Moon Sect not only held a large-scale trade fair, but also at the event, Lu Tiandu officially announced that it would open a teleportation array to the Sea of ​​Chaos Stars in four years!

In this ceremony, which later became known as the "Grand Ceremony of Ten Thousand Cultivations" and the "New Era of Transformation into Gods", countless monks from Tiannan and Mulan grasslands gathered together.

After this grand ceremony, there was an endless stream of god-transforming monks in the Tiannan Cultivation World, and other high-level monks also emerged one after another, so they were remembered by all Tiannan monks.

Time flies, and more than twenty years have passed.

"Now that Master has advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage, there are people guarding the Yellow Maple Valley!"

At the ceremony of the great monk of Huang Maple Valley, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly when he saw Linghu who was in high spirits at this moment, "When Tianxing and his wife advance to Nascent Soul, I won't have to worry about this anymore!"

Although it has been less than 20 years since the Star Sea was opened, almost one-third of Tiannan's high-level monks have been stationed outside the Star Sea. Mulan Grassland has become an ally with Tiannan, and a quarter of them have also been sent there. High-level monks open up the alien sea.

Nowadays, many Nascent Soul monks have spent a lot of mana to build two huge cities in the outer star sea, and countless mortals and low-level monks have immigrated from Tiannan. Among them, the wind and thunder map of Lu Tiandu naturally played a huge role.

Nowadays, the living space of Tiannan monks has been expanded a lot, making Lu Tiandu very satisfied with the current development situation of Tiannan and the outer star sea.

"Next it's time to go to Dajin!"

Looking at the bustling crowd, this thought flashed across Lu Tiandu. (End of chapter)

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