Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 310 The thoughts of the Peacock Fairy!Don’t talk about martial ethics!

Chapter 310 The thoughts of the Peacock Fairy!Don’t talk about martial ethics! (Please subscribe)

In the Holy City of Mulan, above the performance field, a multi-colored hand several feet in size roared and struck together with a golden fist of the same size.

Five-colored glow exploded, golden lightning crackled continuously, and bursts of thunder spread from the center of the explosion.

Above the sky, a peacock fairy dressed in colorful fairy clothes stood tall and graceful in the air, her clothes making a sound as waves of air rolled around her.

However, even the fierce wind caused by such an explosion could not move her beautiful and slender figure at all.

Seeing that the Great Five Elements Immortal Capturing Hand used by the explosion center was blocked by Lu Tiandu's golden fist, the Peacock Fairy's eyes flashed with surprise. Covered by the white gauze, her fine teeth unconsciously bit her gently. Holding soft lips.

"Exorcism Divine Thunder? How is this possible?"

Although Fairy Peacock didn't show anything on her face, she was extremely shocked in her heart. "Didn't this kind of Zhimu Divine Thunder disappear in the spiritual world long ago? How could it appear in this almost abandoned human world interface? And look at this kid using The power produced is already quite impressive!”

"This kid is really a bit mysterious! The golden wind magical power that broke my five-element magical power before turned out to be the 'Three Flavors Divine Wind' magical power practiced by the once famous Feng Lei Zhenjun of the human race, and it was also cultivated by this kid! "

Although her spirit world body is from the demon clan, and it has only been more than a thousand years since she advanced and merged, her knowledge is naturally extraordinary because of her origin.

After the similar-looking golden fist broke her Five Elements Magical Power, she noticed the difference.

After questioning, it turned out to be the great magical power of Sanwei Kamikaze.

But now, in the second competition, she encountered the evil-fighting divine thunder that had long since disappeared in the spiritual world, which made her even more shocked.

The Five Elements Ultimate Divine Thunder is naturally famous in the spiritual world. The other four kinds of divine thunder are also cultivated by some top monks, but only the evil-repelling divine thunder is almost extinct in the spiritual world because of the evil dragon clan.

The result actually appeared again in a human boy from the lower realm!
Weird, this kid is so weird!

"Evil God Thunder?"

The peacock fairy's melodious and sweet voice is full of surprise and curiosity.At this moment, she wanted to make one final confirmation.

"Fellow Peacock Taoist is indeed very knowledgeable!"

A hundred feet away, Lu Tiandu raised his sleeves, and the oncoming strong wind was silently resolved by him. He stood in the air with a smile and nodded casually.

"Fellow Taoist, what a great opportunity!"

The peacock fairy's eyes flashed and she praised.

She actually wanted to ask Lu Tiandu how he had mastered this long-extinct thunder method. However, before, Lu Tiandu had been vague about how he obtained the inheritance from the Spiritual Lord Wind and Thunder. Now this Lu Tiandu probably wouldn't be able to answer anything, so she didn't ask further for fear of asking for trouble.

Not only had Lu Tiandu mastered these two rare magical powers, but what made Fairy Peacock even more curious was how Lu Tiandu had mastered both of these magical powers.

It really made her unbelievable and puzzled her.

After all, she knew that Lu Tiandu was only 260 years old now!
Among the human and demon races in the spiritual world, there are examples of some talented monks who have transformed into gods for hundreds of years, but she has never heard of them cultivating two great magical powers to such an extent in two or three hundred years.

What's more, in this human world where various cultivation conditions are extremely poor?

This kid must have a big secret!

"What? Fellow Taoist Peacock, do you want to learn this thunder technique?"

Lu Tiandu smiled and watched the changes in the various emotions in the eyes of the Peacock Fairy. Naturally, he thought of the evil-warming divine thunder in the spiritual world. He also understood the emotions in the woman's eyes. His heart moved and he spoke.

"So what? Are you still going to teach me?"

The Peacock Fairy's voice was still so sweet and melodious, but there was a look of disbelief in her eyes.

Who would pass this kind of magical power on to others?Even when she traded the Five Elements Magical Power of the Five Lights Clan with the ancient demon clone before, she knew that many people were unlikely to achieve such magical power, so she was very happy.

And she got a lot of good things from trading the three magical powers.

"Teach, as long as fellow Taoists want to learn, I will naturally be willing to teach!"

Lu Tiandu met the Peacock Fairy's disbelieving gaze and said with certainty.

It is said that Duan Zhengchun can earn several lovers with a set of Wuluo Qingyan Palm. Is it reasonable for him to use this rare magical power to win the love of the beautiful woman in front of him?

There was Ao Shan of true dragon blood before, Peacock Fairy of peacock blood now, plus Bing Feng of Tian Feng blood, Yin Yue of four-eyed spirit fox blood, and Ling Long of Silver Moon wolf blood, Lu Tian felt that he was in the harem. The road is getting wider as we go!
"Bah! What is this bad boy planning again?"

Seeing the hidden passion in Lu Tiandu's eyes, Fairy Peacock remembered the embarrassing scene in the past and became suspicious.

In order to avoid this disaster in the lower world, her body had specially prepared a ball of essence and blood of the five-color peacock true spirit, which she had refined long before she transformed.

Now, not only has her Lingxi Peacock true blood been purified, but she has reached the bottleneck of level nine monsters in just eight years. As a result, the two famous five-element magical powers of the Five Lights Clan in the spiritual world were easily resolved by Lu Tiandu, making The Peacock Fairy felt secretly unhappy.

At this moment, with her strength, even ordinary Yuanying late-stage monks can kill at will, but she has repeatedly hit the wall. Now when she heard that Lu Tiandu was so enthusiastic about teaching this magical power, her first reaction was naturally disbelief.

But she immediately guessed Lu Tiandu's "bad intentions" and became increasingly unhappy.

"Hmph, this kid is really a philanderer. I heard Shu Rong say that he has twenty or thirty confidantes, and yet he dares to take a liking to me. I'm afraid that this teaching of magical powers is also harboring evil intentions. He is really asking for a beating!"

Although there was a lot of resentment in her heart, Fairy Peacock also felt a little angry when she remembered that she had invited Lu Tiandu to have a sparring session in order to suffer some hardships, but now she was frustrated twice.

"Hmph, I don't believe you can block the last magical power! When I catch this kid, I'll have to figure out what kind of physique it is that messes with the human mind!"

The Peacock Fairy's beautiful eyes flashed, she suppressed the anger in her heart, looked at Lu Tiandu's expectant eyes, hummed softly, and said meaningfully:
"Forget it! Even if Fellow Daoist Lu dares to teach, I may not dare to learn!"

After hearing this, Lu Tiandu changed his mind, laughed, and looked upright:

"Oh, since fellow Taoist Peacock is so timid, forget it!"

Seeing that the Taoist fellow Taoist opposite him was gradually becoming unkind, as if he wanted to say something, Lu Tiandu quickly said:

"Fellow Peacock Daoist, do you still want to compete? You have already lost two games!"

"Hmph, let's continue the competition!"

The Peacock Fairy still maintained her elegant posture, but the anger in her heart was on the verge of exploding.

Among the few people watching the battle on the sidelines, Le Shurong had already guessed her husband's thoughts. She curled her lips and had nothing to say. When she thought about the future, if Lu Tiandu captured his own sacred bird, then she would be the same as her husband. Still a bit shy.As for Lu Tian being able to defeat the holy birds from the spirit world, she was not surprised. She was extremely confident in Lu Tian, ​​whether in terms of combat power or other things - except when it came to women.

Others were naturally frightened when they saw the two's magical power competition. In fact, these two people's magical powers were so amazing that no one was sure they could beat them.

Han Li was also secretly surprised when he saw Lu Tiandu's astonishingly powerful evil-dispelling divine thunder.

After coming out of the land of the underworld, he spent more than ten years cultivating five or six thousand-year golden thunder bamboos and refining six sets of 72-handled bamboos with the ten-thousand-year golden thunder bamboo exchanged from Lu Tiandu. Green Bamboo Bee Cloud Sword.

Since entering the early stage of Nascent Soul, he can naturally activate 72 flying swords at once, and he can also use this to activate the evil-fighting divine thunder in the flying swords with all his strength, but the power is really a bit compared to what Lu Tiandu is using now. A world of difference.

At this moment, he was also very curious about how Lu Tiandu achieved this great magical power.

"Fellow Taoist, please!"

The peacock fairy gave a slight salute, and the five-color brilliance on her body flashed violently. Then her figure suddenly rolled forward. In the blink of an eye, a five-color peacock with a body of more than ten feet suddenly appeared in the void.

This five-color peacock looked extremely handsome. With its wings spread out, it looked like a king in the sky. It was arrogant and had an aura of nobility. It raised its head and glanced at Lu Tiandu indifferently with its green eyes.


A loud clear chant suddenly resounded through the space, causing other Muran monks in the distant Holy City to look in this direction in surprise.

"It seems that this peacock fairy wants to win a battle and is going to use a trick!"

Lu Tiandu watched the Peacock Fairy appear as a peacock, and his heart was trembling.

Others outside the venue were also surprised when they saw the Taoist Peacock chanting, and the countless spiritual energy in the sky turning into five-color glow rolling in. Everyone looked at each other and immediately stepped back dozens of feet. .

As the huge peacock in the sky groaned, the five elements of spiritual energy in the sky seemed to be summoned. In the blink of an eye, within dozens of feet around the peacock, there was a five-color glow transformed from the spiritual energy.

At this moment, the five-color peacock in the sky once again let out a clear cry, and the five-color rays of light instantly disappeared into the five-color peacock's body. The five-color peacock in the sky also doubled in size in an instant, and the aura around it became even more breathtaking.

At this moment, the five-color peacock opened its huge beak and spat out gently, a thunder sounded in the air, and the continuous five-color glow rolled in again.

What's weird is that these five-color rays of light are very different from the previous rays of light formed by the gathering of the five elements' spiritual energy. There are actually many five-color runes faintly emerging from them.

"Is this the five-color divine light that is the innate talent of the five-color peacock?"

Lu Tiandu felt the countless five-color rays of light and felt his heart tremble.

Naturally, he is also very coveted for this great magical power. In the past few years, he has already mastered the other three types of Five Elements Escape Techniques, and is planning to take the time to practice the "Shokuchi" among the three Five Light Clan magical powers he obtained in the next few years. "Cun" is this magical power.

I had previously learned two of the Five Light Clan's attacking magical powers, and both of them were extraordinary.

Now, as soon as I sensed the faint forbidden aura in the five-colored glow summoned by the peacock, I instantly thought of the magical power of colorless divine light, and my heart was filled with shivers.

At this moment, with a clear chant, the originally rolling sea of ​​five-color light made an earth-shattering noise. The surrounding gorgeous five-color light clouds rolled down towards the center, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a giant five-color sea of ​​light. Photosphere.

The glow is flowing above the five-color light ball, and the runes are looming, and the momentum is extremely amazing.

"You're trying to trap me!"

As soon as Lu Tiandu saw the peacock fairy turning the five-color glow into a ball of light, he understood instantly.

This is because he is so fast that if he dodges past him, he will be banned with one move!

It is said that the peacock true spirit can cast five-color divine light, and wherever it passes, not to mention the five elements, even the void can be imprisoned. It is obvious that this peacock fairy is very confident in this magical power of hers!
"You little bitch, let's see how I break your five-color divine light!"

Lu Tiandu smiled in his heart, and secretly cast spells with his big hands hidden in his sleeves.

In the past, the Peacock Fairy had to rely on spiritual energy from the outside world to use this magical power. Lu Tiandu knew that it would be quite difficult for the Peacock Fairy to use this magical power now.

Although he still has several powerful magical powers, I'm afraid there are still some shortcomings if he wants to break this famous magical power all at once.

Therefore, this time he was going to use his trump card to surprise the peacock fairy who was calm on the outside but extremely arrogant on the inside!
"Fellow Taoist Lu, this is the five-color divine light of my body cultivation. Please taste it, fellow Taoist!"

At this moment, the Peacock Fairy's unforgettable melodious voice suddenly came from the mouth of the huge peacock in the sky.

Somehow, Lu Tian clearly heard some inevitable meaning from it.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. I also have a magical power. Since my debut, only one person has allowed me to use this trump card. Now it's time to try the famous five-color divine light of fellow Taoist!"

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves, spread out his fingers, and a gold and black mysterious ball about a foot in size floated on his palm.

This black-golden ball looks ordinary and is still growing slowly. However, when the Peacock Fairy and others' spiritual consciousness swept through the golden and black air currents that were constantly flowing on the ball, they felt the strangeness on it. When I breathed in, I felt a chill in my heart!
This is naturally a trump card that Lu Tiandu discovered after cultivating the three-flavored divine wind and the Xuanming True Thunder after forming a pill, and then combined the two magical powers with the help of the prison-suppressing power in the prison-suppressing space in the wind and thunder prison-suppressing map.

He once killed the versatile Wen Tianren with one blow in the Wild Demon Court. Now he has cultivated the Xuanming True Thunder into the Supreme Water God Thunder Taiyin God Thunder. This magical power he named 'Prison Suppressing Soul Devouring', now the wind and thunder combined After a while, the power is naturally very different.

"This kid is really weird, we can't let him make another comeback!"

Looking at the slowly growing black-gold ball of light, Fairy Peacock felt something bad in her heart. Without any hesitation at this moment, the astonishing five-color ball of light in front of her buzzed, and countless five-color runes emerged with a slight tremor. , and disappeared in an instant.

"So fast!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Tiandu was also shocked. Now that the 'Prison Suppressing Soul Devouring' magical power has not yet reached its full power, the Peacock Fairy took action boldly. In order to defeat him once, this little girl is a bit ungrateful!
Lu Tiandu raised his steps and the person disappeared in an instant.

The moment he disappeared, the five-colored ball of light appeared strangely above his head, and then disappeared instantly again.


Seeing this scene, God Lord Dayan and Han Li looked at each other, looking at each other, and they both thought that Lu Tiandu's undefeated myth would be broken this time, and they would be trapped and suffer some hardships this time!
The scene in Mulan Temple where Lu Tiandu made the peacock fairy angry is still vivid in his mind!

After a few breaths, the five-colored light balls in the sky frequently appeared and disappeared strangely, and the peacocks kept chanting. It was obvious that the peacock fairy was getting more and more angry.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu appeared strangely at his original position again, and above his head, a golden-black ball of light about ten feet in size was slowly spinning.


The moment Lu Tiandu appeared, the huge five-color light ball fell down strangely. In an instant, Lu Tiandu himself and the golden-black light ball above his head were wrapped in it...

ps Do fellow Taoists have monthly passes?Please vote for me at the end of the month!
(End of this chapter)

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