Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 311 Accepted!deep impression!

"Good boy, let's see how you escape from this fairy's Wuzhishan this time!"

Lu Tiandu, who had watched several attempts to escape, was finally trapped in the five-color ball of light transformed from the five-color divine light. Above the sky, a hint of pride flashed unconsciously in the green eyes of the Peacock Fairy.

The gorgeous five-color peacock's real body flashed in the sky, and the peacock immortal returned to his graceful body. He twisted his waist, showed off his hands, and used the magic formula to shrink the five-color light ball.

Lu Tiandu had many secrets, and she also had many secret techniques from the upper world in her mind. Several secret techniques flashed through her mind, and she was ready to see if she could extract some secrets from Lu Tiandu.

Among the five people watching the battle, except for Le Shurong, whose heart skipped a beat when they saw this sudden scene, she tightly grasped her dress with her bare hands. They were a little surprised that Lu Tiandu was trapped right now?
The two Divine Masters Mulan, Divine Monarch Dayan, and Han Li were not unexpected. In fact, in their perception, the magical power of the Peacock Fairy was really strange.

Not to mention the layers of mysterious restrictions that were faintly formed on the five-color light ball, but also the weird speed of its invisible movement. Except for Lu Tiandu, a freak with amazing speed who could dodge for a while, if they had faced each other, they would have been defeated long ago. Trapped in this five-color divine light.

While everyone was frightened by this magical power, they were also very envious.

At this moment, the Peacock Fairy chuckled and slowly flew towards the five-colored light ball in the air.

The pride in this laughter was so obvious that Shenjun Dayan had to sigh secretly. He would still have to remind Brother Lu in the future that it would be better not to provoke female cultivators who are stronger than him!

The Peacock Fairy suddenly stopped flying, and a sudden sound of surprise came from her mouth, causing the consciousness of the spectators to focus on the five-color light ball in the air that was only a few feet in size.

"Pfft... puff..."

A series of strange sounds came from the five-color light ball, and to everyone's surprise, wisps of green smoke came out strangely from the diffuse five-color glow.

At the same time, the looming five-color mysterious runes on the surface of the five-color light ball also dimmed, and occasionally they exploded one by one.

"how can that be?"

The peacock fairy's phoenix eyes narrowed, and the proud smile on her pretty face froze instantly. The trouble in her heart rose again, just when she stretched out her two white hands to cast a spell again.

The runes around the five-color light ball trembled, and with a muffled groan, they all exploded, scattering into wisps of blue smoke. The next moment, a long laugh came from the few remaining five-color glow in the light ball.

Lu Tiandu, who was unharmed, reappeared in front of everyone, looking at everyone with a smile.

"How is it possible? He actually broke my five-color divine light and came out intact?"

Fairy Peacock had a look of disbelief on her face at this moment, especially when she faced Lu Tiandu's half-smiling smile, she felt more and more angry for some unknown reason.

"Fellow Peacock, I accept it!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, looking humble.

It only took two or three breaths from the time when the Peacock Fairy trapped Lu Tiandu until Lu Tiandu destroyed the five-color light ball and escaped. At this moment, Han Li and others had not yet reacted, and looked at Lu Tiandu in shock.


The battle situation had changed so much that it was beyond their expectations.

But only Le Shurong looked happy and blinked when she looked at Lu Tian.

The Peacock Fairy, who was the party involved, had a stiff face at the moment. Her expression suddenly changed and she said:

"Have you used imitation spiritual treasures?"

She knew all about the imitation Lingbao Qingluan Fan used by Lu Tiandu and Tianlan Saint on the Tianlan battlefield!

"Since we are competing for magical powers, why would I break the rules and use treasures in the first place?"

Lu Tiandu looked calm and said calmly.

"What magical power did you use? I don't believe that your three-flavored divine wind and evil-dispelling divine thunder can break my five-color divine light in such a short time?"

The Peacock Fairy's eyes flashed and she asked.

"Have you forgotten the black-gold ball of light above my head before? This magical power is named 'Prison-Suppressing Spirit Devouring' by me, and you are the second person to let me use this magical power!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

Now he is much more powerful than when he used this move. The destructive and destructive power of the three-flavored divine wind and the taiyin divine thunder are perfectly integrated with the power of suppressing the prison. Even he who is accomplished in body refining does not dare to use it forcefully and consumes a lot of energy. It took one or two breaths to break the Peacock Fairy's five-color divine light, which did not surprise Lu Tiandu.

Naturally, Fairy Peacock could not guess that he hid in the world of stone beads the moment he was trapped in the five-color light ball. Then when the black gold soul-devouring light ball exploded with all its strength, he would not be injured at all. This was what made Fairy Peacock most difficult. Confident.

"Fellow Daoist Lu is really good at magical powers. I am convinced of it both physically and mentally!"

The Peacock Fairy's eyes flashed, and she forced a smile and said.

Although she had sensed something strange about Lu Tiandu's black-gold ball of light before, she was still extremely shocked that her biggest trump card, the five-color divine light, was destroyed without any damage.

After all, although her current level of cultivation is not yet that of a ninth-level monster, with her pure peacock true spirit bloodline, she can kill or suppress them at will even when facing late-stage Nascent Soul monks.

As a result, the first two attacks were easily resolved by Lu Tian, ​​and the last time he used the magic power at the bottom of the box, she didn't even understand how to break it. How could it not make her murmur?
"Fellow Taoist Peacock is so ridiculous. I think it won't take long for Taoist Taoist to reach the tenth level. By then, this magical power will not be blocked even by the cultivators of the human world..."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "What's the point of a little discussion! When Lu advances to become a god, he will have to ask fellow Taoists for advice!"

"Hey, let's talk about it later!"

The Peacock Fairy had a noncommittal tone.

She was the split soul of a fused monk from the upper realm, and now she was practicing the great magical powers of the Five Elements. She was defeated at the hands of a Nascent Soul boy from the human realm, so she naturally felt very unhappy.

In a real life and death battle, she might not be Lu Tiandu's opponent.After all, she still has some shortcomings in terms of treasures.

However, after she advances to the tenth level and refines a few more treasures, her combat power will naturally be different, and it will be difficult to say who will win and who will lose.

At this moment, she naturally didn't want to force her words.However, she had already made up her mind that after she advanced to the tenth level, she would regain her place with this guy Lu Tiandu.

On the side, God Lord Dayan and Han Li listened to the conversation between the two and became more and more curious about the identity of the Peacock Fairy from the Demon Clan.

From Lu Tiandu's various attitudes, the two of them naturally discovered that the identity of this peacock fairy was probably not simple.Needless to say, the respect of Master Mulan and the Saint was great. It was also the first time for them to see the rare five-element magical power before.

When Lu Tiandu first came to Mulan Holy City, he didn't elaborate. Now that they heard Lu Tiandu bluntly said that he was confident of advancing to become a god and asked for advice, the two of them became more and more curious about this woman's identity.

"I heard that you Tiannan has a new god-forming monk?" Everyone returned to the temple again. Fairy Peacock suddenly asked about Nangong Ping with a curious look, "Can you practice in today's world of immortality? To transform into a god, your talent must be extraordinary, what a pity!”

"Who can say for sure? Even if you can't cultivate to the middle stage of spiritual transformation, there may be other ways to reach the spirit world in the future. Can Fellow Taoist Peacock teach me?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the superior beauty with a smile and said with a smile.

After Nangong Ping advanced to become a god, although she could mobilize part of the power of heaven and earth with one move, her combat power was greatly increased, but the heaven and earth naturally suppressed her a lot, which Lu Tiandu naturally knew.

If you use all your strength to attack, you will inevitably lose your essence, which will lead to a great reduction in your lifespan. In terms of freedom, you are indeed not as good as the late Nascent Soul monks.

"You know, I have only transformed a short time ago, so I naturally don't know what space nodes are available. As for me coming here, I won't be able to go back in a short time, and these things are of no use to me..."

The Peacock Fairy shook her head.

She noticed Lu Tiandu from the first time she met the ancient demon clone and was asked to give Le Shurong to Lu Tiandu for double cultivation.

Although we didn't have much conversation last time because of the "unpleasantness" after his transformation, this time she became more and more curious about Lu Tiandu. Even if he could advance to become a god in the future, he might not be able to ascend to the spiritual realm. The world can only sigh a little in the old and dead world.

As for Lu Tiandu's hidden bad thoughts towards her, she planned to find opportunities in the future to make Lu Tiandu suffer a lot in order to calm her resentment.

These are two different things, and she doesn't want to mix them together.There was no hiding the problem of Lu Tiandu.

As for herself, her split soul was originally used to avoid future catastrophes in the lower world. She will not advance to become a god in a short time. When she reaches the tenth level, she will have the absolute power to protect herself in this human world. If she uses all her strength It is naturally not difficult to kill these god-transformation monks in the human world.

Of course, she felt that she still had to eliminate Lu Tiandu who would advance to become a god in the future.

This man is a monster and cannot be rationalized.

Even if her body cannot escape the catastrophe in the spiritual world in the future and eventually falls, with the secret skills practiced by the two of them, some of the power can be transferred to her at the last moment. It will not be difficult for her in the human world to reach the late stage of becoming a god.

In the late stage of becoming a god, she can naturally ascend to the spirit world at any time, and there will still be opportunities for her to return to the combined cultivation level and even advance to the Mahayana in the future.

And if her body survives the catastrophe, there will naturally be a way to pick her up in the future.

Moreover, her peacock clone has a long lifespan, even if it lives in the human world for tens of thousands of years, there will be no problem at all.

Her lower realm is just a back-up for her main body. As for how far her cultivation can reach in the end, it is not very important. On the contrary, surviving and understanding the five elements of magical power is the most important thing for her and the main body.

"Actually, for a genius like you, if you follow Fellow Daoist Xiao to the Demon Realm, it might be safer than finding a space node to sneak across!"

After thinking for a while, Fairy Peacock glanced at Lu Tiandu and continued.

Needless to say, it is difficult to sneak across the space node, otherwise there are hundreds of monks in the hundreds of small interfaces below the spiritual world, and they can just sneak across without cultivating to the late stage of divine transformation.

But how many monks can actually sneak into the spirit world with their whole bodies?

Basically, there is no life or death!
On the contrary, if Lu Tiandu relies on his relationship with the ancient demon, when the ancient demon returns to the late stage of divine transformation, whether it is to ascend to the demon world or summon someone from the demon world to rescue him, it will naturally be extremely easy.

Lu Tiandu went to the demon world and practiced demon skills as a way to live forever.

Her words also meant to test the depth of the friendship between Lu Tiandu and that ancient demon.

On the Tianlan battlefield, she secretly observed that the aura of the ancient demon was getting deeper and deeper.Others thought that this person was just a monk in the early stage of becoming a god. How could she not know the depth of the ancient demon if she had extraordinary vision?

And according to her guess, the ancient demon may have almost returned to the late stage of divine transformation in recent years.

This was also the main reason why she didn't dare to invite the ancient demon for assistance when she was going through the transformation tribulation.After all, the peacock true blood in her body cannot be discovered by others, but it is difficult to tell when encountering the ancient demon in the late stage of divine transformation.

If the ancient demon had the ulterior motive to kill her at will, she wouldn't have anywhere to cry!
All the plans are in vain!

After all, no matter how arrogant she is, she still knows that no matter how hard she fights, she cannot stop the ancient demon in the late stage of divine transformation.

"Haha, thank you fellow Taoist for the suggestion. Let's talk about it then! This method is also the last choice..."

Lu Tiandu nodded and did not continue talking about this topic.

He just asked casually to test the peacock fairy's attitude towards him.

It didn't surprise him that Fairy Peacock didn't master any space nodes.

And he doesn't need any space nodes. The suppression of monks by the outside world has no impact on him.

It’s about finding space nodes. Not to mention the few things we know in the original work, we will naturally know them even after rescuing Linglong in the future.

What's more, in addition to Yinyue, behind him is the true spirit Luohu Youluo who will advance to the Mahayana in the future. Some space nodes are as clear as looking at the lines on the palm of Youluo, who has the talent of space.

Moreover, not to mention ascension, it would not be difficult for You Luo to send him to any place in the spirit world in the future.

However, through this question, he also discovered that this somewhat arrogant peacock fairy had a good sense of him overall.

In addition to coveting the body of the Peacock Fairy, he was naturally also very interested in the information about the spiritual world in the mind of this demon fusion monk.

If he can get a lot of useful information from his mouth, he will be able to act more purposefully in the spirit world.

Therefore, there are too many benefits to capture this peacock fairy.

And if he is strong enough in the spiritual world in the future, it will naturally be much easier to win over the peacock fairy.

This is quite similar to what he imagined, by conquering the four-eyed spirit fox Yin Yue, and later capturing the eldest princess Linglong of the Yin Yue wolf clan.

Lu Tian smiled heartily when he thought of this.

It has only been a few years since Yin Yue took form, and Lu and Tian are still looking forward to the charming Yin Yue's alluring charm.

As for conquering the Peacock Fairy, although it seems that there is not much progress, it is just the beginning now. Lu Tiandu is not in a hurry. He can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Now that he is familiar with it, he will naturally have the opportunity to start later.

Now he has left a deep impression on this proud peacock through various circumstances such as the powerful background of the ancient demon clone, the rare aptitude for cultivating immortals in ten thousand years, the unparalleled combat power, and the strange physique. All it takes is some catalyst!
Sure enough, after this meeting, the peacock fairy did not know whether she was avoiding him or not, and disappeared on the pretext of seclusion.

Lu Tiandu was not disappointed either. He stayed with Le Shurong for another three days in Mulan Holy City. After taking Le Shurong into Yaochi Tower, he went south again with Dayan Shenjun and Han Li. (End of chapter)

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