Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 312: Give some guidance to God Lord Dayan and Han Li!The reincarnation of a true immortal?

"Brother Lu, are you sure you can advance to become a god?"

Above the lonely sky, a three-foot-long blue ancient treasure flying boat sped past.On the flying boat, God Lord Dayan finally couldn't help but said.

"What? Brother Dayan, don't you have confidence?"

Lu Tiandu turned around and glanced at Divine Lord Dayan, then glanced at Han Li's eager eyes and smiled.

In the Mulan Temple before, the two of them looked extremely curious and wanted to ask something.As a result, Lu Tiandu spent the next three days forgetting his friends, and he and Le Shurong got tired of being together every day. It wasn't until the three of them set off again that they saw Lu Tiandu, which made the two of them curse for several days.

At this moment, God Lord Dayan finally couldn't hold it any longer.

"Hey, to be honest, I really don't have much confidence!"

Lord Dayan chuckled and shook his head, "Although I once reached the peak of the late Nascent Soul stage and was only one step away from becoming a god, the changes in the vitality of the world are much worse now than they were ten thousand years ago. This step is still a step away. I’m afraid it will become more and more difficult. If I still had [-]% or [-]% confidence ten thousand years ago, I don’t know if I still have [-]% or [-]% confidence now..."

"Where's Junior Brother Han?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and looked at Han Li, who was standing side by side.

Han Li touched his nose and smiled bitterly:
"Senior brother, you are extremely talented, not to mention blessed. You and I are the same age. You are about to advance to the late stage of Nascent Soul. It is not difficult to advance to the form of spirit... Although Brother Dayan is not as good as senior brother, you will be in the future. There is a chance, but I don’t dare to say whether I can advance to the late Nascent Soul stage in the future, my junior brother. Transforming into a god is too ethereal for me..."

"You... I think you are too modest!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

I remember that in the original plot, Lao Mo always felt that the next realm was extremely difficult and there was no hope of advancement. As a result, every time he advanced much faster than others, I was speechless.

It's too damn good to pretend!

Seeing the two people's expressions of wanting to say something, Lu Tiandu continued:
"It's hard to say for other monks in Tiannan. Brother Dayan and Brother Han, as long as the opportunity comes, it is still very possible to advance to the form of gods in the future!"

"Exaggerated, exaggerated!"

Lord Dayan waved his hands repeatedly, but after hearing what Lu Tian said, he was still very excited and said with a smile:

"Whether I can advance to become a god in the future, I will still have to rely on you, Brother Lu!"

Han Li looked unbelieving.

Although he has treasures such as the Little Green Bottle, and he has also exchanged some elixirs for improving his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage from within the Yellow Maple Valley, it will take him hundreds of years to gain some confidence in advancing to the late Nascent Soul stage.

But he really had no idea about the realm of becoming a god.

Not to mention the various secret techniques and elixirs that can help break through the bottleneck of divine transformation, there is no news in the entire Yellow Maple Valley, and there are only a few in the entire Tiannan.

As for how to break through to the state of becoming a god, there are only a few words in the classics, and he has no clue.

Nowadays, there is Nangong Ping, a newly promoted god-forming senior in Tiannan, but he has only met him once. He does not believe that he can exchange breakthrough experience with others with his face.

In fact, during this trip to the Great Jin Dynasty, in addition to looking for the "Ming King Jue" to resolve the evil aura caused by the large-scale massacre of monsters and beasts, he also inquired about various information about the top monks of the Great Jin Dynasty, in order to find information for the later stage of the Nascent Soul. The meaning of breaking through the method of becoming a god.

However, he suddenly realized from the previous conversation between the Peacock Fairy and Senior Brother Lu, how could his thoughts be like seeking fish from a tree?
Over the years, I have had many opportunities, big and small, related to Senior Brother Lu. The amount of transactions between the two of them was also very large. They both had some guesses about each other's family background. At worst, they could just continue the transaction. Wouldn't it be more convenient to ask Senior Brother Lu directly?

Therefore, in the past three days, he and God Lord Dayan had made up their minds to inquire from Lu Tiandu. After all, this senior brother Lu was too mysterious to be viewed from the perspective of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Seeing the eager looks in their eyes, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"As fellow disciples, we have different relationships after all. I won't mind giving you a hand when the time comes in the future!"

"Well, thank you very much Brother Lu (Senior Brother Lu)!"

Divine Lord Dayan and Han Li looked solemn and bowed together.

Lu Tiandu gave him a help and continued:
"Nowadays, although the vitality of the world has changed drastically, and it is very difficult to advance to the form of gods, there are still a few cultivators of god transformation. The main gathering place is of course in Da Jin, the holy land of immortal cultivation in the human world... I don't know what brother Dayan thinks about the Da Jin transformation thousands of years ago. Do the divine monks understand?"

Speaking of the latter part, Lu Tiandu changed his subject and asked about God Lord Dayan.

"It's natural."

Lord Dayan nodded and recalled, "When I traveled to Dajin, I also made many friends in Dajin. Of course, there were also many enemies. Other secluded god-transforming monks didn't know about them, but the righteous way, the devil way, and all the demons I’ve heard of these four senior immortals, Gu and the head of the Three Overseas Immortals…”

"At that time, the Yinluo Sect was still the leader of the demonic path. Unexpectedly, it has not even fallen to the bottom of the ten demonic sects now! On the contrary, the Tianmo Sect, which was not famous back then, has now become the leader of the demonic path!"

Speaking of the latter part, God Lord Dayan also looked sad.

If he knew that the Yinluo Sect, a top sect with ancient heritage and that had dominated the Jin Dynasty for thousands of years, declined and was almost destroyed by Old Demon Han alone in the original plot, he would probably be even more surprised.

This thought suddenly occurred to Lu Tiandu.

"Yes, the world of immortality is so cruel. It rises and falls due to people. All the rise and fall are concentrated on the top few monks..."

Lu Tiandu nodded in agreement. Naturally, most of the reason why the Tianmo Sect has been able to dominate for more than a thousand years is because of Hu Laomo who has advanced to become a god.

He is currently making numerous plans for Huang Maple Valley and Hidden Moon Sect, and naturally he does not want their departure hundreds of years later to cause these two sects to embark on a reincarnation cycle of "their prosperity is booming, and their demise is sudden."

"According to my understanding, in addition to the god-transformation monks from the three major sects in the Great Jin Dynasty, there are also two god-transformation casual cultivators with great magical powers... In other immortal cultivation circles, besides our Tiannan, there is also one from Wulonghai The old monster who transformed into a god, demon, and cultivated the White Deer..."

Lu Tiandu gave a brief explanation to the two of them.

Hearing that the old monster Che in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley is still alive today, God Lord Dayan also sighed. Back then, he heard that this monster had also advanced to become a god not long ago. Now that he has lived his second life, this old monster is still alive. , I can only lament the longevity of the demon clan.

"However, speaking of which, Junior Brother Han also knows one of the two god-transforming monks in Dajin!"

Lu Tiandu suddenly smiled at Han Li.

"What? How is this possible?"

Han Li's first reaction was that his scalp was numb, he felt the small green bottle on his chest, and felt a chill in his heart.

Lord Dayan also looked at Han Li curiously.

Lu Tiandu was very familiar with the God-Transformation monks in his words, and he had vaguely heard that the God-Transformation monks had appeared on the Mulan Grassland before. Coupled with some of the words of the Peacock Fairy, he guessed that Lu Tiandu must be with a certain God-Transformation monk. The monks have a good friendship.

Now even Han Li, the younger brother, knows the cultivator of the Transformation of God, which really surprises him.

How come a small yellow maple valley is full of crouching dragons and phoenix chicks? !

"Junior brother, do you remember the blood ban trial back then?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "Back then, a monk at the eleventh level of Qi refining came out alive!" "Old man Xiang?"

Han Li blurted out, with a look of surprise on his face.

He suddenly thought of the white-haired old man with a smooth face. I am afraid that except for this mysterious senior brother Lu Tiandu, no one would have guessed that that person turned out to be a god-transformation monk, right?

Because of Lu Tiandu, there were only two monks, Han Li and Xiang Zhili, who were at the [-]th level of Qi refining during the blood ban trial. Han Li was already at the [-]th level of Qi refining when he came out due to taking the Earth Origin Fruit. .Therefore, Xiang Zhili at the eleventh level of Qi Refining is naturally very conspicuous.

However, as soon as the blood ban trial ended, he went into the busy work of foundation building, and naturally he didn't hear anything about this person later.

Now that I think about it, this old man's whereabouts are really weird.

However, Han Li quickly realized that Senior Brother Lu knew Xiang Zhili's identity back then, but he didn't show anything strange at all. He was indeed Senior Brother Lu!

"It's Xiang Zhili Xiang Senior Brother!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded, "This person is one of the two god-transforming monks in Dajin, and he is also the one with the greatest supernatural power among these god-transforming monks! We should meet him if nothing unexpected happens when we go to Dajin this time. Come to this person."

"He pretended to be a low-level disciple to participate in the blood ban trial. Did he have any purpose?"

At this moment, Han Li had calmed down and asked with doubt in his tone,

As long as his little green bottle is not involved, he is still very calm.

More than 200 years ago, Han Li actually met a legendary monk who transformed into gods. After being surprised, Han Li was left with some doubts.

At this moment, God Lord Dayan also looked curious.

"This is about the changes in the rules of the land after the ancient demonic tribulation..."

Lu Tiandu made some brief remarks and continued:
"So, now, even if the late Yuanying monks can advance to the early stage of divine transformation, they may not be able to advance to the middle stage of divine transformation. Therefore, normal ascension is naturally impossible!"

After hearing this, Lord Dayan and Han Li secretly thought that it was true that the human world was invaded by demons in ancient times, and when they thought of the conversation between Fairy Peacock and Lu Tiandu in Mulan Temple, their hearts sank.

"Brother Lu, you mean through space nodes..."

Lord Dayan said eagerly.

"Yes. Nowadays, normal ascension is not possible, and apart from this method of entering the spirit world, the remaining way is to sneak into the spirit world through the cracks in the space nodes, through the strong wind and space turbulence outside the boundary membrane."

"Senior Brother Xiang should have entered the Blood Forbidden Trial to find the space node. After all, this cave is the cave of a certain god-transforming monk in ancient times. However, needless to say, the dangers after entering the space node. One or ten cannot be saved. Death has no life!”

Lu Tiandu explained in a few words.

" can ascend in the later stage of becoming a god, but it is extremely difficult to advance to become a god..."

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Lord Dayan looked confused and murmured in a low voice.

Even the peacock fairy did not suggest that the powerful Lu Tiandu sneak into the space node. Even if they owe Lu Tiandu a favor in the future, with the help of Lu Tiandu, if they can enter the divine transformation stage by luck and cannot ascend, will they? To live hundreds or thousands more years?

He has lived for tens of thousands of years, and now his second life is just to ascend to the spiritual world. What use are multiple thousand years of life to him?
As for Han Li, it is different. Although there are many difficulties, he is still young after all. He has relied on the little green bottle along the way. He always has some confidence in these rare treasures. He does not believe that he will not be able to survive in the human world after the early stage of becoming a god. The world continued to advance, and nothing could be seen on his face at this moment. Instead, he asked aloud:
"Senior brother, who is that peacock fairy?"

If the peacock fairy was originally just a cultivator, then her words may not necessarily be an iron rule.

Lu Tian saw the reaction of the two people, and it was indeed in line with their mentality.

The predecessor of Shenjun Dayan was indeed a talented person, but this kind of person usually goes smoothly and suffers relatively few setbacks. His predecessor studied spiritual consciousness and the secret art of puppets and went astray. In the end, he failed to achieve his goal and was trapped as a puppet by Qianzhu Sect. Tang has lived by obsession for nearly ten thousand years.

In the original plot, Han Li was urged to rush to Dajin to collect materials. After giving up most of his soul and integrating it into a puppet to finally refine a late-stage Nascent Soul puppet, his last wish was fulfilled and he passed away calmly.

Now that I have been reborn in the physical body, my biggest wish is to advance to become a god and ascend to the spiritual world. On the contrary, I came to Dajin this time to collect the materials for refining the puppet of the late Nascent Soul just to refine a puppet to protect the Tao. It has long been transferred to practice.

As a result, the future of his ascension is now slim, and naturally he loses his mind all of a sudden.

"This Peacock Fairy has an extraordinary identity. She is actually a fused monk among the demon clan in the spiritual world."

Lu Tiandu said, "The fusion monk is one of the few top-level monks in the human and demon races in the spiritual world. What has descended now is just a clone!"

"What? Her true body is a combined monk from the spiritual world?"

At this time, Han Li also felt a basin of ice water pouring on his head, and he suddenly became excited.

I originally thought that he was at most a god-transformation monk who had not ascended, and his words might have been exaggerated. However, once this identity was revealed, he became a little sluggish!

Now that he doesn't even have the confidence to advance to become a god, how can he possibly question the words of a fused senior?
He had naturally seen the power of space cracks in Falling Demon Valley before, and sneaking into the spirit world through this space cracks seemed to him to be a matter of life and death!

"Brother Lu, how do you know so clearly?"

Han Li was a little sluggish at this moment, but God Lord Dayan had come to his senses and calmed down his previous state of mind, his eyes full of inquiry.

"This fellow Taoist Peacock is the holy bird of the Mulan tribe, and you should have heard that the Tuwu tribe also has a holy beast. I heard from the previous message from Saint Tianlan that their holy beast will descend in the next two years. Do you think the clone is very interesting?"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, "I have already made a guess about the identity of this Peacock Fairy. As for the Tianlan Holy Beast, it is the spirit fragment descended from the Cave Sky Rat King among the seven demon kings of the demon clan in the spiritual world. He is also a fusion monk. ...You just need to know this news and don’t spread it!”

Hearing the two people gasping in disbelief, Lu Tian blinked his eyes and said with a smile:

"I also know that the two races of humans and demons in the spirit world are small tribes located in a corner of Fengyuan Continent, and each has only one Mahayana monk. Are you also surprised to know this? Then if I say that I am the reincarnation of a true immortal, you Would you be more surprised?"

After speaking, Lu Tiandu winked mischievously.

After hearing these secrets of the upper world, Han Li and Lord Dayan were naturally extremely shocked. They became more and more convinced of Lu Tiandu's mystery. They looked at each other, and to Lu Tiandu's surprise, they nodded in unison, with affirmation on their faces. :

"I didn't expect Brother Lu (Senior Brother Lu) to be the reincarnation of a true immortal in the immortal world. No wonder it is like this!"

"This...what do you believe in what I say?"

Lu Tian opened his mouth.

By the way, when Old Demon Han becomes the Taoist Patriarch in the future, what will his reaction be when he remembers Lu Tiandu showing off like this in front of him?

The two nodded, their eyes sparkling, and they said extremely sincerely:

"So, what can you, the former immortal, have to teach us now?"


Damn, it turns out these two people are waiting for him here! (End of chapter)

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