Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 313 Time Management Master!Secret vault?

"Teach? What can I teach you?"

Lu Tiandu smiled and shook his head, "Now that you haven't even advanced to become gods, is it too early to think about sneaking into the upper world?"

"As for the theory of the reincarnation of immortals in the upper world, it is purely a joke. You don't need to take it to heart... Let's just talk about today's matter. If you can advance to become gods in a few hundred years, maybe there will be something in the future. There’s a turning point!”

Lu Tiandu smiled, "Now we'd better go to Dajin first, maybe we can encounter some opportunities!"

"Brother Lu, what you said makes sense!"

Lord Dayan nodded in agreement, "But being able to hear so many secrets today is a very special experience for me. Once I find some opportunities in Dajin this time, I will have to take a good retreat."

"Exactly that."

Han Li also nodded silently, naturally understanding the meaning of Lu Tiandu's words, and became more determined to practice hard.

The more some people know, the more they shrink back; while the more some people know, the more they are inspired to forge ahead with confidence.

The two are obviously the latter.

The whole journey was silent, and after more than a month, the three of them arrived at Tianlan Holy City.

Along the way south, the three of them also encountered many immortal masters from the Tuwu tribe. However, whether they were Jindan monks or Nascent Soul monks, once they saw Lu Tiandu's face, they would naturally not make things difficult for the three of them.

Not to mention the god-transforming monks behind Lu Tiandu, Lu Tiandu himself can now be regarded as the special son-in-law of the Tuwu tribe.

Therefore, the three of them did not have to hide their tracks and drove the flying boat south in plain sight.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, you're welcome!"

As soon as Lu Tiandu and the others entered Tianlan Holy City, a handsome young man in his thirties appeared in front of them. It was Master Xu, one of the four great immortal masters of the Tuwu tribe. "Who are these two?" Master Xu looked at He turned to Han Li and Dayan Shenjun who were beside Lu Tiandu.

Now that he was in the heart of the Tuchu people, Master Xu Xian was also a little curious as to why Lu Tiandu had brought outsiders to the Holy City this time.
"Brother Xu, long time no see!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, bowed, and introduced the two people around him, Han Li.

Now 50 years have passed since the border war between the Tubul people and the Mulan people. Lu Tiandu has been coming to Tianlan Holy City frequently in these years. He has long been extremely familiar with the senior leaders of the Tuwu people and introduced the two of them without any courtesy. people.

"It turns out that I am a fellow disciple of fellow Taoist Lu. Xu is polite! Please!"

Master Xu was not surprised when he heard that Lu Tiandu and the others were going to Dajin this time. He smiled slightly and cupped his hands.

Han Li and the other two also returned the greeting, secretly saying that as expected, Senior Brother Lu was the master of both the northern and southern grasslands.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for an outsider to enter the belly of the grassland and run through the entire prairie except for sneaking. Of course, the two clans with the late Nascent Soul cultivation level would still give them face.

Lin Yinping, who soon heard the news of Lu Tiandu's arrival, also appeared in the hall. Looking at Lu Tiandu who was still elegant, Lin Yinping couldn't hide the tenderness in his dreamy eyes, smiled and bowed, saying:
"You came!"

At this moment, although all the high-level monks from Tuwu Ren knew about the relationship between the two, Lin Yinping was a little shy in front of outsiders, and naturally it was difficult to address him as Lang Jun.

"Well, Ping'er, it seems that your cultivation has not declined over the years!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the beauty he hadn't seen for several years, and naturally took Lin Yinping's hand, with a look of concern on his face, "I'm going to Dajin this time... If things are over with you, I'll be with you later." Practice beside me..."

"Well, everything was settled three years ago."

Lin Yinping nodded, the shyness in his eyes flashed away.

It's not like she didn't know Lu Tiandu's boldness. After all these years, the two of them were just one step away from each other.Lu Tiandu's various methods in private have long been deeply remembered by her.

However, Lin Yinping was still a little shy when Lu Tiandu held his hand so openly when there were other people in the hall.

Fortunately, she was wearing a veil. Although her fair oval face was slightly red, no one could see it.

"That's good!"

Lu Tiandu smiled, patted the beauty's little hand, and took Lin Yinping's little hand towards Dayan Shenjun and the other two.

In recent years, Lin Yinping has been busy with the coming of the Tianlan Holy Beast. Among them, Lu Tiandu also traded some rare materials with the Tuwu tribe to help them complete the formation as soon as possible.

Now that this matter has been completed, other handover matters are much simpler. This time, Lin Yinping was taken into the Yaochi Tower and allowed to retreat to the late Nascent Soul stage.

At this moment, when Master Xu Daxian and Master Huda saw this scene, they had no unnecessary expressions.Han Li and Divine Lord Dayan looked at this scene in surprise.

The two of them had guessed that Lu Tian might have a good relationship with Saint Tianlan, but in front of the great immortal master of the Tuwu tribe, the veiled Saint Tianlan did not hide the affection in her eyes at all, and Lu Tian did the same later. The intimate movements and the words that took away the Tianlan Saint still completely shocked the two of them.

This... Could it be that this Tianlan Saint is also Lu Tiandu's confidante?
But, why does Brother Lu (Senior Brother Lu) seem to have his confidante wherever he goes?
Forefoot Lu Tiandu stayed with Mulan Saint Le Shurong for several days. No matter how blind they were, Dayan Shenjun could see that they had a very close relationship.

As a result, after joining the Tuwu tribe, their relationship with the Tianlan Saint became unclear!

After being so close to two prairie saints in succession, and counting the twenty or thirty beauties who had appeared in Tiannan before, Lu Tiandu's romance was still beyond the expectations of God Lord Dayan, and he secretly sighed.

As for Han Li, he was secretly envious and at the same time fell to the ground in admiration!
So many top-level female cultivators came one after another to throw themselves into his arms, and he couldn't figure it out.Nowadays, one can only secretly describe Lu Tiandu as "unfathomable".

Dayan Shenjun and Lin Yinping met and bowed. They looked at each other and saw the sigh in each other's eyes.

The five of them chatted for a while, and then the ancient great immortal master of the Tuwu tribe and Sun Qingfeng, the beautiful purple-haired woman in white palace clothes, arrived belatedly.

"Fellow Taoist Ancient, Fellow Taoist Sun!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled lightly and introduced the God Lord Dayan and Han Li beside him, but when he met the smiling eyes of Miss Sun, he blinked meaningfully.

Sun Qingfeng naturally understood what Lu Tiandu meant. When no one was paying attention, his lips moved slightly, and a sweet hum sounded in Lu Tiandu's ears.

Afterwards, everyone started chatting. When they heard the Great Immortal Master Gu once again mentioned the Tuwu tribe joining in the exploration of the outer star sea, Lu Tian all nodded and said:

"Since the last time we said goodbye, I have discussed this matter with Taoist fellow Nangong and other Tiannan monks over the years, and the matter has now been settled. And this time I also discussed it with the masters of the Mulan tribe, and then suddenly When the fellow Taoists of the Mulan tribe go north, the fellow Taoists of the Mulan tribe will draw a northward route for the Tuwu monks..."

"Well, thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Lu!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the five senior executives present were naturally very happy.

Although the cross-continental teleportation array in Tiannan was opened less than 30 years ago, the changes in the Mulan tribe naturally cannot escape the detection of sudden people.

Naturally, the Mulan people were trapped by resources when the Tutu people invaded. After all, the Jin Dynasty in the south was too powerful, and they did not have the guts and strength to go to Dajin Circle Mountain to occupy land. They could not develop to the south, so they had to go north.

When they heard about the alliance between Mulan and the Tiannan monks before, they knew that it would not be easy to invade the Mulan unified grassland in the future.Later, it was discovered that the Mulan people had joined Tiannan's team to open up another world of immortality. After confirming the details from Lu Tiandu, they naturally knew how to choose.

With Lu Tiandu as a middleman who can satisfy all parties, this matter is now settled.

In the next few days, Lu Tiandu stayed with Lin Yinping. When he heard that his old rival Le Shurong had entered the Yaochi Pagoda to practice, Lin Yinping was naturally not to be outdone and also entered the Yaochi Pagoda accompanied by Lu Tiandu.

Not to mention that Le Shurong has already become involved with the girls of Tiannan over the years, and has long known about the existence of Yaochi Tower.Even Lin Yinping was introduced to the girls in the tower early by Lu Tiandu.

Therefore, the girls were not surprised by Lin Yinping's return this time.

After Lin Yinping was settled, Lu Tiandu smiled and came to Sun Qingfeng's cave.

"Lu Lang!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu finally arriving, Sun Qingfeng smiled charmingly, twisted her waist like a water snake and threw herself into Lu Tiandu's arms.

"Well, it still smells familiar!"

Putting the sexy and charming woman in front of him into his arms, Lu Tiandu leaned against the snow-white neck of the beautiful woman Sun, took a deep breath, and murmured as the familiar fragrance filled his heart and spleen.

Feeling Lu Tiandu's hot hands, Sun Qingfeng's delicate body suddenly softened a bit, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, her charming eyes instantly filled with water, and her two smooth snow-white arms had skillfully wrapped around Lu Tiandu's On the neck, the head is slightly raised, and two plump lips are already close to it...

After a while, the two panting people separated.

Feeling the slightly hot body temperature of the beautiful woman Sun, Lu Tiandu smiled, picked up the beautiful woman in his arms and walked into the inner hall!
After the double cultivation, Miss Sun looked radiant, leaning close to Lu Tiandu, her purple satin-like hair spread to one side, and asked with a smile:
"Did you take the screen girl into Yaochi Tower?"


Lu Tiandu casually grasped the richness in his palm, "You know, Ping'er and Le Shurong are not very good at dealing with each other. The two of them have been secretly competing with each other. Now they both want to break through to the late Nascent Soul stage before the other! "

"You, a bad guy, won't stir up trouble, right?"

Sun Qingfeng just nodded in agreement, and suddenly found that Lu Tiandu seemed to be in a trance, his eyes flashed, and he asked with a smile.

"How is this possible? They are all people around me, and it's not too late for me to fall in love with them!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, but when he saw this beautiful woman's purple eyes twinkling, what else could she ask, Lu Tiandu hurriedly said:

"But now my favorite sister is naturally my sister Qingfeng. I haven't seen you for a few years, and I miss my little brother so much... If my sister has a good rest, can the two of us practice hard again?"

"Hehe... bad guy! You can say sweet words to coax me..."

Sun Meifu turned over and leaned on Lu Tiandu, giggling, with a seductive look on her face.

But it was obvious that she was in a good mood at the moment.

A few days later, the two people left Sun Qingfeng's cave one after another feeling refreshed.

High in the sky, the ancient treasure flying boat was flying slowly, God Lord Dayan and Han Li were meditating, and Lu Tiandu seemed to be waiting for something.

A moment later, a gray ray of light shot out from a distance. Lu Tiandu waved his hand, and the light shield protecting the flying boat cracked. A white light flashed, and Sun Qingfeng's enchanting figure appeared on the flying boat.

"Sister Qingfeng, you are here!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and skillfully wrapped his arms around Sun Meifu's waist.

At this moment, Shenjun Dayan and Han Li, who were meditating with their eyes closed, had opened their eyes and looked at the beautiful purple-haired woman with a slightly red face leaning on Lu Tiandu's arms. Their eyes were a little dull!

This... Lu Tiandu has kidnapped another person in just a few days?
The saint from the Tuchu tribe must have been the confidante of Brother Lu (Senior Brother Lu), right?
Why does Master Sun Daxian actually look like he has a close relationship with Lu Tiandu?What couldn't the two of them see in Tianlan Holy City before?

Could it be that the top female cultivators in the world of immortality are related to Brother Lu (Senior Brother Lu), the reincarnation of this immortal?

When the two of them were filled with doubts, Lu Tiandu generously introduced Sun Qingfeng beside him.

When they heard that this beautiful woman was indeed the beautiful Taoist concubine Lu Tiandu said, Lord Dayan and Han Li looked at each other, shocked and speechless!

All the way south, in just over two months, one after another, three top female cultivators and confidantes met. The two of them could only sigh secretly, they were so awesome that they couldn't find any adjectives!
But if they knew a term called "time management master", they would definitely agree with it.

Looking at the two people who were tired of being together in front of the flying boat, God Lord Dayan shook his head secretly again. He had already decided that after arriving in Dajin, he had to separate from Lu Tian as soon as possible, otherwise he felt that if he continued to travel together like this, he would really have to The Taoist mind is unstable!

Lu Tiandu had a bright face in Tiannan, Leng Qingqiu, who was in the late Nascent Soul stage. I heard that he was also having an affair with Qi Zhenzhen, a great monk from the Nine Kingdoms Alliance. As a result, on the grassland, he had an affair with Sun Qingfeng, a great monk. The monk was so close that he, a self-proclaimed romantic, had no choice but to be inferior!

When did these great monks and nuns become so worthless?Or is this Brother Lu too good?
Dayan Shenjun felt himself falling into doubt.

Han Li next to him had calmly continued to meditate.

He finally understood that with this mysterious Senior Brother Lu, everything was possible!
The flying boat was still flying away. During this period, the four of them, apart from occasionally discussing Taoism and exchanging practice experiences, took turns directing the ancient treasure to fly away quickly.

Time flashed forward two months later, and we were already quite close to Liaozhou in Jin Dynasty.

On this day, God Lord Dayan, who was directing the flying boat, had nothing to do. While directing the flying boat to escape, he let go of his consciousness and observed randomly.

He had already cultivated the Dayan Jue to the seventh level, and his spiritual consciousness was more than [-] miles away. He could be said to have the best spiritual consciousness among all the people. Even ordinary late Yuanying monks could not detect his prying eyes.

After a while, Lord Dayan looked strange and said to Lu Tiandu next to him:

"I didn't expect to find something interesting during this boring journey!"

"what happened?"

"There are two low-level monks from the Jin Dynasty ahead, and the conversation between the two not only involves killing people and grabbing treasures, but also involves a secret treasury? One of these two people is named Feng Zhen, and the other is named Feng Yue. They seem to be from the same family... …”

"Really? This is really interesting! Why don't we go take a look?"

Lu Tiandu suddenly thought about something and smiled.

"Okay! I also want to know what the secret vault they are talking about is!"

Lord Dayan chuckled, flipped his hands, and fired a spell, and the blue flying boat instantly hid his figure.

At this moment, Sun Qingfeng and Han Li, who heard the conversation between the two, also woke up from meditation and let go of their consciousness to observe... (End of this chapter)

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