Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 314 Bitterness!Received Silver Moon!

"Old thief Feng Zhen, have you forgotten the kindness we showed to my Feng family back then? Not only did you betray my Feng family, but you also wanted to kill them all?"

On a grassy slope covered with dead branches, a young man in his thirties in green robe stared at the old man in purple robe opposite and said angrily.

This young man only had the cultivation of the late stage of foundation building. At this moment, his face was ferocious, his eyes seemed to be spitting fire, and he was indignant and commanding several magic weapons to block the attack of the old man on the other side.

"Humph, I have been a slave to your Feng family all these years, and I have long since repaid my debt!"

The eagle-eyed old man in purple robes smiled coldly and attacked without hesitation, "Now that the Feng family has been destroyed by other families, I don't want to accompany your Feng family to be destroyed together. As for joining the Kong family, it is only a temporary measure. As long as the young master Lord, please hand over the address and key to the Feng family's secret vault, and for the sake of our friendship over the years, I will spare your life..."

"Huh, old thief, you have a beautiful idea!"

The green-robed young man had an angry look on his face, and his attacks became more and more fierce.

Not to mention that the Feng family's secret vault is part of their family's heritage for more than a thousand years, and is also the key to his revenge or improvement of his cultivation in the future. Even if it is given to this old thief, I am afraid that he will still be killed by this old thief, not to mention the death. There are also people pursued by three major families.

What he regrets most at the moment is naturally coming to find this person after entering Tianlan Grassland. If he is held back by this person, I am afraid that his situation will become more and more difficult.

If anyone were here, they would soon find that the situation between the two was a bit strange.

The eagle-eyed purple-robed old man opposite him was obviously a monk in the early stage of pill formation, but for some reason he seemed to have been restricted in his cultivation. He could only exert his strength in the foundation stage. After fighting for a while, he was already at a disadvantage.

"Feng Yue, do you really think that because your Feng family's restrictions on Lao Cheng have limited my cultivation, do you really think that I can't do anything to you?"

At this moment, as the two of them were fighting back and forth for a while, seeing that Feng Yue would be unable to be defeated for a while, the eagle-eyed purple-robed old man's face became increasingly ugly.

If it were other foundation-building monks, he would have been killed by him long ago, but the direct bloodline of the Feng family in front of him happened to understand the unique secret technique of the bloodline that was given to him by the ancestor of the Feng family. Now that the secret technique was inspired by Feng Yue, he was controlled by it. The person in front of you.

"Old thief, today may or may not be the day you die!"

Feng Yue roared angrily, with a murderous look on his face, and commanded three or four magical weapons such as flying swords, jade beads, and demon-conquering pestles to attack the purple-robed old man opposite him...

At the same time, a space in the void not far from the two of them looked the same as the surrounding sky. However, those with strong spiritual consciousness would be able to see the difference.

At this moment, a green flying boat several feet long was hanging quietly in the air. On top of the flying boat, the four of them, Lu Tiandu, looked silently at the two people below.

"Listening to the conversation between the two, this Feng Yue should be the young master of the Feng family, one of the four major families in Guanning Mansion, Liaozhou. According to the information collected by our temple, since the head of the Yuanying family passed away, the Feng family has There have been no Nascent Soul cultivators for hundreds of years..."

"Although the Feng family is at the bottom of the four major families, there should be one late-stage Jindan monk, and there should also be several other Jindan monks. These four major families and some tribes on our grassland have some businesses. It seems that the Feng family has been destroyed!"

Sun Qingfeng spoke eloquently and explained to Lu Tiandu and the others.

It is said that the two of them came from the former Yuanying family, and this secret library is only left by the current Jindan family, because God Lord Dayan, who was previously very interested in the secret library, has now become less interested.

Lu Tiandu has already recognized the identities of the two of them, and knows that Feng Yue is the young master of the Feng family who was not destroyed in the original plot. After taking someone else's body and changing his name to 'Feng Yue', he is interested in this person. Not big either.

However, he was very interested in the 'Bitter Poison', one of the ten most poisonous poisons in the hands of the old man Hawkeye, who finally plotted against Feng Yue. To be precise, it was the Kong family, one of the four major families of the Guanning Mansion behind it. After all, this old man had A little bit of bitterness comes from the Kong family.

He had been exposed to two types of Ten Poisons before, and this was the third one.

This time when he came to Dajin, he had the intention of collecting some highly poisonous things to cultivate flying purple-striped scorpions for the beauties, and naturally he would not let go of the bitter poison in the hands of the Kong family.

At this moment, Han Li's eyes flashed and he asked:

"Fellow Daoist Sun, does the Feng family have any connection with Buddhism?"

"Fellow Taoist has a good eye!"

Sun Qingfeng smiled and nodded. She naturally understood that Han Li had seen the clue from a protective magical weapon on Feng Yue, and continued:
"The ancestors of the Feng family were once disciples of the lay disciples of Qianguang Temple in Guanning Prefecture. The Feng family was founded with the cultivation of golden elixirs. Later, it gradually developed into one of the four major families in Guanning Prefecture... and Qianguang Temple is one of the ten righteous sects of the Jin Dynasty. Jinluo Sect, one of the four sects of Central Buddhism, is a branch in Guanning Mansion, but Qianguang Temple has returned to the original sect hundreds of years ago..."

"This means that this person may have Buddhist skills in his hands?"

Han Li's eyes lit up.

"It's natural!"

Sun Qingfeng nodded, but she was a little curious as to why Han Li was asking about this matter.

After spending time together, she naturally knew that Han Li majored in a wood-type sword art.

"It seems that Junior Brother Han's opportunity has come!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and briefly explained to Sun Qingfeng the situation of Han Li's evil spirit, "In this case, it's up to Junior Brother Han to take action! We happen to be passing through Guanning Mansion, so it's a good way!"

"it is good!"

Han Li nodded, his figure flickered, and turned into a shadow flying down.

There are not many secret techniques that can remove evil spirits from the body. The secret techniques that Lu Tiandu once gave to Lu Daolin, the elder of the Lu family, are still effective against a small amount of evil spirits. But in a situation like Han Li's, where the evil spirits are astonishing, the Buddhist sect's power Law is more effective for this.

Qianguang Temple comes from the Jinluo Sect, a sect inherited from ancient times, and Mingwang Jue is not a top-notch technique within the Buddhist sect. Many disciples of the Buddhist sect can minor in it. This is why Han Li is convinced that the Feng family may have collected this technique. The main reason for the exercise.

In addition, the Feng family was able to use some kind of secret bloodline technique to control the golden elixir monks by low-level bloodline monks. This means that this family can become one of the four great aristocratic families, and there may be something special about it.

At this moment, in the grass, Feng Yue and Feng Zhen had reached a critical moment in their fight. The eagle-eyed old man had already released two other top-level magic weapons to trap Feng Yue. He patted the storage bag lightly, and a green-and-purple magic weapon appeared in his hand. With a big bead on his thumb, he looked at Feng Yue with a sinister smile.

"What? Yin Thunder Pearl? How could you have this thing?"

When Feng Yue saw what Feng Zhen was holding, he was immediately shocked.

This thing is famous among the demonic monks. It is extremely powerful and specializes in destroying the human body. Even the golden elixir monks dare not attack it. He did not expect that the old thief Feng Zhen actually had this thing.

Although Feng Yue was shocked, he gritted his teeth at this moment, slammed the storage bag, and took out something...

Seeing that the time was almost up, Han Li slowly appeared. As soon as his huge aura was revealed, a panicked exclamation and a cry for help sounded at the same time...

After a while, Han Li returned to the flying boat again with Feng Yue in his hand.

"Meet the three seniors!"

Seeing the other three people with deep breaths on the flying boat, Feng Yue felt a little surprised in his anxiety.

Han Li, who looked younger than him before, raised his hand and killed the old thief Feng Zhen with a light golden sword light, which still shocked him.

Unexpectedly, there were three other Nascent Soul cultivators on board the flying boat. However, Sun Qingfeng had transformed into a young woman with an ordinary face, so Feng Yue naturally could not recognize her.

After all, the four great immortal masters of Tuwu are still very famous in Liaozhou of the Jin Dynasty. Maybe the Feng family had simple information about Sun Qingfeng before. It was obvious that Sun Qingfeng didn't want this person to recognize anything.

Under Han Li's inquiry, Feng Yue quickly talked about his experience like he was pouring beans.

"...This old thief Feng Zhen is a demonic cultivator who was taken in by our Feng family in the past. At that time, he was hunted down because he offended an expert. In order to save his life, he voluntarily became a servant of our Feng family and even changed his mind. Name. My grandfather was still alive at that time, and the Feng family was still prosperous, so we could protect this thief..."

"This thief has been here to handle some transactions for the Feng family and some Tutu tribes. After our Feng family was destroyed by the other three major families, I thought of this place after escaping to see if I could get this person's protection, and then we worked together to take out Feng family. The family secret treasury takes revenge.”

"Unexpectedly, this thief also secretly defected to the Kong family. After leading me here, he actually wanted to kill people and take over my Feng family's secret treasury... The senior now has a life-saving grace for me. The junior is willing to dedicate the family treasury to the senior. I just hope Senior can protect one or two..."

"We'll talk about this later. Where are the Buddhist techniques passed down by your Feng family now?"

Han Li was not very interested in this kind of golden elixir family secret treasury, so he directly asked about the purpose of his trip.

"Buddhist Kung Fu? The family first practiced Buddhist Kung Fu, but later switched to Confucian Kung Fu. In addition to having backup copies of these Kung Fu techniques in the family, there were also original copies in the secret vault. As long as Senior Han goes to Xueling A secret vault has been opened in the mountains, and there should be Buddhist techniques in it!"

Feng Yue pondered for a moment and did not dare to ask this senior why he was so interested in Buddhist techniques.

While speaking, he pulled out a golden chain from his neck. There was a silver key tied to one end of the chain.

This silver key is as thick as a finger and several inches long. It is covered with mysterious and simple patterns, and there is also a golden "Feng" imprinted on the oval handle.

"This object is the key to my Feng family's secret vault. Senior, please take a look!"

"Okay, as long as you don't tell lies, when the time comes to leave the secret vault, I will pick out a few things that are useful, and leave the rest to you... With these resources, and the fact that you aristocratic families are bound to be cunning, Come to think of it, there are other back-up plans, and maybe one day you can form a pill to take revenge..."

Having said this, Feng Yue's expression changed. He naturally understood what Han Li meant and said nothing more.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu had already found an inconspicuous green jade bottle from Feng Zhen's storage bag brought back by Han Li.

As soon as the bottle cap was opened, a wisp of purple mist flew out of it. Strangely, it did not emit any peculiar smell.

"Huh? What kind of poison is this? I seem to have seen it before." God Lord Dayan said in surprise.

"Bitterness is the worst of the ten poisons."

While Lu Tiandu handed it to Dayan Shenjun for viewing, he asked Feng Yue about the information about the other three major families.

When Feng Yue saw this kind of poison from the Kong family, his expression also changed, and he looked frightened.


More than a month later, the flying boat that Lu Tiandu and his party were riding suddenly stopped over a lake.

At this time, it was only one day away from Jin Liaozhou. Han Li and the others looked at Lu Tiandu who suddenly stopped with puzzled faces.

"Brother Dayan, Junior Brother Han, I have some things that need to be dealt with. You guys go ahead and see you later in the Xueling Mountains or Jinjing!"

Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with joy and he spoke.

"Okay, then we'll see you later."

Seeing that Lu Tian didn't say anything clearly, and the two of them didn't ask any questions, Han Li mentioned Feng Yue, and the two stars instantly flew towards the south.

"Lu Lang, what's wrong?"

Sun Qingfeng, who had now restored her true appearance, asked curiously.

"Let's go, let's find a lonely place first!"

Lu Tiandu lightly stepped on the flying boat under his feet, fully opened his consciousness, and instantly fled north and west to the grassland.

It turns out that not long ago, Yinyue, who had been in seclusion for many years, suddenly conveyed in the sea of ​​consciousness of land and sky that she could come out to survive the catastrophe of transformation.

This matter is naturally a big deal for Lu Tiandu, and he is naturally unwilling to delay.

It has been six to seventy years since Silver Moon's four-eyed spirit fox body advanced to the seventh level, and now it is about to transform into the eighth level.Although this speed is not comparable to that of the Peacock Fairy, it is still very fast compared to other demon cultivators.

Whether it was Yinyue's former god-level soul or the good bloodline of the Four-Eyed Spirit Fox, as well as the massive resources provided by Lu Tiandu, it was reasonable to take it all together.

It has only been seven or eight years since the opening of Kunwu Mountain. At this time, Silver Moon has transformed, which is naturally a good thing for both Lu and Tian.

It will be much easier to collect Yin Yue first, and then attack the wolf princess Linglong.

"What? Lu Lang, your spirit beast is going to undergo the catastrophe of transformation?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said about Silver Moon Crossing the Transformation Tribulation, Sun Meifu's charming eyes were full of surprise.

Except for some places where demons gather in Dajin or some old demons who form their own sect, eighth-level demon cultivators with the identity of spirit beasts are very rare. They may exist in only the ten major sects of Dajin. Thinking that there is such a spiritual beast in Lu Tiandu, Sun Meifu was filled with emotion.

However, when she heard that Lu Tiandu also had an eighth-level dragon spirit beast with extraordinary blood that had transformed, Sun Meifu was silent for a while, rolled her eyes at Lu Tiandu, and said with a smile:

"It seems that after all these years I still know very little about Lu Lang!"

She had been taken to the Yaochi Tower by Lu Tiandu before, but she had not officially met the girls. After all, Lu Tiandu had long planned not to affect Lin Yinping's mood for the time being, and would let them wait until he advanced to the later stage of Nascent Soul. When they met, Sun Meifu naturally knew everything.

Over the years, Lu Tiandu also gave her a large number of pills, spiritual wine, materials, secret techniques and other cultivation resources. She became more and more amazed at the mystery of Lu Tiandu.

As a result, now that she heard the casual information from Lu Tiandu, she felt that she still did not fully understand the man in front of her.

"What's this?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, patted the round buttocks of the beautiful woman in his arms, and said meaningfully:
"After Yin Yue has passed the tribulation, we might as well learn more about it?"

Now there is still one year before Master Kuangsha and True Lord Tianfeng plot against King Xuan Ye, so there is no need to be too anxious.


Looking at Lu Tiandu's expression, Mrs. Sun still didn't understand what Lu Tiandu meant. She suddenly narrowed her eyes and felt hot in her heart.

Lu Tian is now extremely proficient in monsters and beasts crossing tribulations. With Mrs. Sun by his side and a large number of puppets doing chores, it didn't take long for Lu Tian to set up the relevant formations.

The sleeves of the robe flickered slightly, and an extremely beautiful little fox with snow-white hair appeared in front of the two of them.

The little fox turned around slightly, and a stunning figure with a noble temperament, a charming temperament, and a graceful figure appeared in front of Sun Qingfeng.

"This sister is really elegant and elegant, and she is so beautiful and fragrant!"

As soon as he saw Yinyue's transformed appearance, Sun Qingfeng flashed this comment unconsciously, and suddenly became interested in Lu Tiandu, a playboy.

"Yinyue, this is Sister Qingfeng!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Yin Yue who was saluting Ying Ying, chuckled lightly, and introduced Yin Yue.

"Meet my sister!"

A strange color flashed in Silver Moon's crystal eyes, and she naturally guessed that this must be the newly captured beauty of her philandering master.

After the two women became familiar with each other, Lu Tiandu talked to Yinyue about the arrangements for overcoming the tribulation.

a few days later.

The thunder in the sky has dissipated, and Silver Moon, who has survived eleven transformation thunder tribulations, is now wrapped in a huge white cocoon of light in the sky.

One day later, a big hole opened in the white light cocoon in the sky with a "click", and a graceful figure slowly flew out of the hole.


Yin Yue opened her red lips lightly, with a smile on her lips, and her charming eyes fell on Lu Tiandu, who was guarding the side.

As for Sun Qingfeng, he had been admitted into the world of stone beads by Lu Tiandu because of taking Emperor's Liquid.

However, he did not enter the Yaochi Tower. Instead, like Wen Qing, he practiced in another hall near Tongtian Peak.

"My little secretary finally transformed!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and looked at the beautiful figure in front of him.

Yinyue is tall, with snow-white skin, and her delicate facial features with a bit of foxy eyes really make people feel seductive at first sight.

The slender jade neck and the firm and round breasts immediately make people unable to take their eyes away.

A silver gauze skirt wraps a tall and graceful figure. A waterfall of silver hair that reaches past her waist and thighs is casually spread down, covering her slender and soft waist, and falling on her plump and perky jade buttocks.

The noble and elegant temperament actually has a bit of charming and charming charm, which is really very charming.

As soon as the figure flashed, Lu Tiandu already had a charming and charming child in his arms.


Facing Lu Tiandu's burning gaze, Yinyue, who had played many games with Lu Tian for a long time, suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

"Yinyue, your illusion skills are really amazing! They are a bit fake!"

Lu Tiandu used his big hands to measure the graceful curves of the beauty in his arms, saying with profound meaning.

"Hmph, who told you not to prepare clothes for me in advance?"

Silver Moon smiled coquettishly.I am still very confident in my illusion skills.

"However, is your master's illusion about Silver Moon true or false? Or is he a bit unconvinced?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, leaned into Yinyue's ear and said meaningfully, "Now, let's go back to the tower and let your master check whether your illusion is real or fake..."

PS Please give me monthly tickets at the beginning of the month! (End of chapter)

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