Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 315 A person worthy of entrustment!Plot!

Yaochi Pagoda, the Palace of Eternal Life where Lu Tiandu practices daily.

In the simply decorated inner hall, there is still a vague aura in the air that makes people blush after double cultivation.

On the jade couch, Yin Yue, with messy silver hair, was leaning next to Lu Tiandu. Her almond-shaped eyes were slightly narrowed, her dark eyebrows were stretched, her pretty rosy face and the smile at the corner of her mouth were still extremely charming, but her slightly ups and down breathing seemed to It shows that the beauty has not yet recovered from some lingering effects.

There was the unique fragrance of Silver Moon between his nostrils. He felt that the body's cultivation had improved a lot after refining Silver Moon's pure Yuan Yin. Then he looked at the stunning beauty who was a new woman in his arms and still hugged his neck tightly. , Lu Tiandu stroked Yin Yue's hair lovingly.

Unconsciously stroking Yin Yue's delicate and smooth jade back, Lu Tiandu held a ball of furry things in one hand.

Without looking closely, Lu Tiandu knew what it was.

Just when Lu Tiandu had a wicked smile on his lips, Yinyue beside him suddenly opened a pair of moist almond eyes, with a hint of coquettishness and anger in the clear waves, and glared at Lu Tiandu angrily.

"Bad master!"

Yinyue put her two delicate hands on both sides of Lu Tiandu's cheeks, biting her red lips with her teeth, and suddenly became vicious again.

However, Yin Yue's appearance was really too beautiful, and even her vicious look was full of a different kind of charm, which made Lu Tian almost lose control and wanted to punish the beauty.

"How can you blame me for this?"

Lu Tiandu turned his face slightly, let go of the furry thing, put his arm around Yinyue's waist, kissed Yinyue's palm, and chuckled, "Don't you think that your illusions can be eliminated in the human world?" A few days ago, as a result... I, the master, caught the fox by the tail in no time!"

"Tell me!"

Yinyue's pretty face turned red, she squealed, and quickly moved over to cover Lu Tiandu's mouth with one hand.

As her cultivation level has increased over the years, Yinyue's spirit has also gradually recovered, and she has gained many profound secret techniques in her mind. With the help of the eight-level four-eyed spirit fox body, she can perform the Heavenly Fox Confused Spirit Technique to recognize herself. There is no Nascent Soul cultivator in the human world who can see through this.

So as soon as Hao passed through the thunder catastrophe of transformation, she transformed herself into the clothes she often wore in her memory.

As a result, I didn’t expect that Lu Tiandu’s Ming and Qing Lingmu was not just a freeloader. When Lu Tiandu brought Yin Yue back to the Palace of Eternal Life in the name of checking the authenticity of the illusion, he easily caught Yin Yue and he is still there. When the fox's tail has not been completely transformed and put away, Yin Yue's magic method of losing the spirit of the sky fox will naturally fail.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu was naturally unambiguous when looking at the alluring beauty in front of him.

As for Yinyue, before she transformed, she had become Lu Tiandu’s little secretary by virtue of the Heavenly Fox Mysterious Spirit Technique. After getting along day and night, Lu Tiandu had already instilled many secretarial rules into her, and she had long understood her master’s methods. I have visited him many times, and my heart has long been filled with the figure of Lu Tiandu.

Although many memories have been restored this time due to the increase in strength, seeing the surprise and enthusiasm in the eyes of the master Lu Tiandu when he saw his flawless true body also made Yin Yue secretly feel a little proud.

In her memory, she has been cultivating in the spiritual world for nearly ten thousand years, and her status is extremely noble. Later, she was trapped in a daze for tens of thousands of years. But for some reason, the countless memories for such a long time are not as good as these more than a hundred years. The memory of staying with Lu Tiandu is clear and profound.

Therefore, after having sex with Lu Tiandu, he was naturally willing to join Lu Tiandu's harem group.

However, Yinyue was still a little bit upset about the fact that Lu Tiandu still saw through the illusion and caught the fox's tail this time. After having a fight with Lu Tiandu, the two separated and pressed their lips together, angrily. Panting.

"Master, I seem to have recalled some of my previous memories!"

After hesitating for a moment, Yinyue murmured while secretly observing Lu Tiandu's expression with a pair of watery eyes.

"That's a good thing!"

Lu Tiandu gently smoothed Yin Yue's scattered silver hair, "Now you and I are one, and we will go to the immortal path together in the future. I naturally hope that my Yin Yue will be intact!"

When Yinyue heard Lu Tiandu's words, she was naturally very happy.But when I remembered that my philandering master always knew how to talk about love, I rolled my eyes, blinked my almond-shaped eyes, and suddenly chuckled and said:

"Really? What if I am someone else's Taoist companion? And that person might be very powerful and have a very noble status?"

"What's the point? You're not my woman now?"

Lu Tiandu laughed, looking like he was lofty and ambitious, "From now on, no one can take my silver moon away from me! And if that person dares to snatch my silver moon from me, don't blame me for being rude. !”

"Master, you must remember what you said today!"

The smile in Yinyue's eyes became more and more intense at this moment, and she whispered into Lu Tiandu's ear...

After a while, Lu Tiandu laughed and said with a look of surprise:
"It seems that my Yinyue's identity is really extraordinary! It's exactly what I guessed back then, you are from the spirit world!"

"The eldest princess of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, the princess of the Wolf King Tiankui, and now my little secretary, tsk tsk, Yinyue, which identity do you really like now?"

"Bad master, are you not worried at all?"

Yinyue gently stroked Lu Tiandu's raised eyebrows with a jade hand and smiled coquettishly.

For some reason, the more she got along with Lu Tiandu, the more indelible the imprint of Lu Tiandu was on her heart.

Which identity do you like?As soon as Lu Tiandu finished speaking, Yinyue knew her choice.

"Worried? What is there to worry about? If you need it in the future, I will kill Tian Kui for you and avenge you!"

Lu Tiandu said with a confident attitude, "As for Senior Ao Xiao, when I cultivate to a perfect body in the future, I will ask him to marry his sweet granddaughter to me!"

"Hehe, you're talking big words!"

Having said that, seeing Lu Tiandu's confident look, Yinyue, who was still in love, had eyes turning and her heart became softer.

After being reborn as a human being, has she finally found someone worthy of her trust?
"Don't worry, when you come to the spirit world in the future, you will know that your master is not someone who talks big words casually!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, leaned into Yinyue's ear and whispered:
"Yinyue, since you have recovered most of your memory, why not transform into a princess's crown dress and let me see it?"


Yinyue looked angry and glanced at Lu Tiandu.However, in Lu Tiandu's expectant eyes, he twisted a little, his figure swayed, and slowly changed...


Time flies, and nearly a year has passed.During this time, Lu Tiandu mainly stayed with Yinyue and Sun Meifu, and occasionally played pretend games and enjoyed themselves.

On this day, in a desolate place on the border of Tianlan Grassland, a blue flying boat suddenly appeared out of thin air.

On the flying boat, Lu Tiandu hugged each other and took Yinyue and Sun Qingfeng to the south to Liaozhou again.

The Great Jin Immortal Realm, as an important part of the largest continent in the human world, has been the holy land of cultivation in the human world since ancient times.

Its vast territory is unparalleled in the human world, its area is several times that of the adjacent Tianlan Grassland, and more than ten times that of Tiannan.The Dajin region is divided into 36 states and [-] counties. The area of ​​each state and county is several times the size of a medium-sized country in Tiannan.

Liaozhou of Dajin, adjacent to Tianlan Grassland, is a large state among the [-] states of Dajin, with an area large enough to rank among the top ten. Unfortunately, most of this place is in a severely cold place and is covered with snow all year round, so the population is sparse. The level of wealth ranks only in the middle or lower among all states and counties.

The largest immortal cultivating power in Liaozhou is the Nine Immortals Palace, which has a supreme elder in the late Yuanying stage. Although it is not the same as the top ten sects of Zhengmo Dao or the little-known Xiaoji Palace, which has at least two great monks in the late Yuanying stage. It's incomparable, but it can be considered a giant in the entire Liaozhou.

Along the way, Lu Tiandu did not encounter the plot in the original plot where the disciples of the Nine Immortals Palace were chasing after the magic weapon Snow Crystal Bead that was refined from the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Jade. Naturally, he would not have discovered a piece of top-level material Golden Flame that existed somewhere. Stone this kind of opportunity.

Fire-attribute materials like Golden Flame Stone, as the top material that can be used to refine fire-attribute spiritual treasures, are naturally cherished by the entire human world today.

However, Lu Tiandu had already obtained several pieces from the Wild Demon Court, and he had no regrets at this moment.

As for the life and death of the Binglinggen Jiang Jianying, Lu Tiandu was naturally helpless, but it was a pity for the Foreign Spiritual Gen.

After entering Liaozhou, Lu Tiandu and Mei traveled all the way and flew towards the west.

Guanning Mansion is located in the westernmost part of Liaozhou. According to Sun Qingfeng's explanation, this area should basically belong to the sphere of influence of the Confucian sect. Therefore, most of the large and small aristocratic families come from various sects of the Confucian sect.

However, this is not the case for the four great families of Guan Ning. In addition to the Kong family, the Zhao, Dong, and Feng families each have their own inheritance.

But now the Feng family has long since disappeared, and the four major aristocratic families have become three major aristocratic families.

Lu Tiandu's goal this time was naturally the "Ginseng King Conference" held by the three famous families of Kong, Zhao and Dong outside the Xueling Mountains.

To be precise, it was the Vajra relic specially used for fishing in the hands of "Jin Yuan", a casual cultivator who participated in the Ginseng King Conference.

This diamond relic was obtained by King Xuan Ye, the ten thousand-year-old corpse king, after he spent a lot of effort to kill an eminent Buddhist monk. He gave it to his son to refine into a diamond shield, a precious defensive treasure.

Later, for some reasons, his son gave him Jin Yuan, a casual cultivator who was specially used to trap and kill the monks and take their soul, essence and blood to practice martial arts.

Needless to say, the defensive power of the diamond shield goes without saying. As long as it can be slowly cultivated as the cultivation level increases after being refined, it can be regarded as a growth-type defensive treasure.

However, this diamond shield has limitations, and the refining conditions are very harsh.

The treasure shield can only be formed by slowly refining the Vajra relics with the help of the power of the moonlight in the body of the Ten Thousand Years Corpse King.

As for the Ten Thousand Years Corpse King of the Jin Dynasty, except for King Xuan Ye, the Bear Corpse of the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, and the Flying Yaksha in the Yin and Yang Cave, the other three are probably gone, so it is almost impossible to hear of anyone who has refined this kind of defensive treasure. .

As for the Vajra relics that Lu Tiandu took, they could also be refined.Naturally, this requires the help of the mutated spiritual beast called Crying Soul.

However, he took this Vajra relic not for his own use, but for his own Mysterious Soul clone.

Now his ancient demon clone has returned to the cultivation level of the late stage of divine transformation. After he refined Yin Yue's Yuan Yin himself, he advanced to the late stage of Yuanying in the past two years. Only his mysterious soul clone is still Yuan Yin. In the middle stage of infancy, the stage of advancing to the late stage of Nascent Soul is still relatively far away.

The physical body currently used by the Xuanhun clone is the "zombie mandrill" that was once obtained from the Yunmeng Mountains. It can also be regarded as the ten thousand year corpse king, but it has not yet been cultivated into the body of the heavenly corpse. If this diamond relic can be refined into a diamond shield, His life-saving ability will inevitably be greatly improved, and even some things that Lu Tian is too lazy to do can be left to him.

For example, Lu Tiandu secretly released the Xuanhun clone half a year ago to let him secretly steal the Kong family's 'bitter poison'.

The ancestor of the Kong family has now been replaced by 'General Ge' under King Xuan Ye. This guy has been hiding in a coffin to practice in order to prevent others from being discovered.Now that the Kong family is empty, it is naturally easy for the Xuanhun clone in the middle stage of Nascent Soul to steal these bitter poisons.

Moreover, the information previously reported according to the Xuanhun clone has been obtained. As for the subsequent plot of Tianfeng Zhenjun and others to plot against King Xuan Ye, they will naturally be under the watchful eye of the Xuanhun clone.

This is also the reason why Lu Tiandu is practicing leisurely in the Yaochi Tower. Everything is already under his control.

The monk's soul and blood essence are naturally a great supplement to the monster corpse.Over the years, King Xuan Ye has been haunting the Xueling Mountains. He secretly murdered many monks before he reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Now King Xuan Ye is already planning to advance to the late stage of Yuanying. This monster corpse is afraid of attracting the attention of some great monks in the late stage of Yuanying. Therefore, under the advice of Zhenjun Tianfeng with ulterior motives, he plans to recruit countless monks from Guanning Mansion.

If this demonic corpse is allowed to refine the souls and blood essence of the monks in this mansion, it may be able to cultivate into the body of a heavenly corpse, which will cause deep disaster in the future.

Before, 'General Ge' teamed up with the Dong and Zhao families to destroy the Feng family, naturally because the ancestor of the Feng family almost discovered the conspiracy of General Ge and King Xuan Ye behind him.

Now King Xuan Ye and his family are plotting against the souls and blood essences of countless monks in Guan Ning Mansion.

What he didn't know was that Tianfeng Zhenjun and other demons who had given him advice were also plotting against him with the 'Sky Corpse Pearl' and thousands of corpse soldiers.

As for Lu Tiandu, he naturally also took a fancy to the two Sky Corpse Beads in King Xuan Ye's hands.

The Sky Corpse Bead is very rare and can only be condensed in the body of the Ten Thousand Years Corpse King. Needless to say, it is rare. It is rare to find.

This object is the essence of the Ten Thousand Years Corpse King. After being processed by secret methods, it will be of great benefit to body refining. It is naturally an important opportunity in Lu Tiandu's plan.

If he could refine a Sky Corpse Pearl, Lu Tiandu's fourth stage of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill would definitely be able to be completed much faster.

Moreover, all the girls around him are basically practicing body training, and the others are just minor training, not to mention.

But Zi Ling and Yuan Yao, fellow cultivators of the Dharma Body, are also very useful for this thing, so the two Heavenly Corpse Beads in the hands of King Xuan Ye are what he must get.

As the saying goes, the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows, and Lu Tiandu will naturally be the hunter.

On this day, Lu Tiandu, who had changed his appearance to hide his cultivation, took his two daughters to a mountain peak. Following the guidance of a monk in blue robes, the three of them entered a huge square built in the middle of the manor's courtyard.

The King's Council is about to be held, and there are so many monks in various costumes here that there are as many as 600 people. (End of chapter)

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