Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 316 Taken advantage of!Get a treasure!

"Seeing that Fellow Daoist Lu has already reached the early stage of foundation building at a young age, I wonder which sect or family he comes from?"

During the chat, the thirty-year-old blue-robed monk who led Lu Tiandu and three people to the main venue of the Shenwang Conference asked, and inadvertently glanced at the two handsome companions beside Lu Tiandu, who were Yin Yue. and Sun Qingfeng’s transformed appearance.

The flying boat magic weapon the three of them rode before was a top-level magic weapon. It was naturally not a mortal object, so this person also looked very curious.

This person is one of the leaders of the Kong family here. He is also in the early stage of foundation building and specializes in receiving foundation building monks.

The two women currently only show the cultivation of the ninth or tenth level of Qi refining. The transformation skills of the three are probably not something that ordinary Yuanhou monks can detect without special inspection. It is natural to deal with these middle and low-level monks.

"I and my junior sisters are from Jiangling Mansion. This time I am going out for training. The sect has regulations and we are not allowed to reveal our sect casually. So, please don't take offense, Daoist friend Kong!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

The Xueling Mountains span more than ten thousand miles and are one of the largest mountain ranges in Liaozhou. They span several prefectures, and Jiangling Prefecture is one of them. So when they heard that Lu Tiandu and the others came from the nearby Jiangling Prefecture, the power of the sect was not clear. Xiao, the monk surnamed Kong got a little closer.

Speaking of which, the Feng family's secret treasury is also in Jiangling Mansion. In the past six months, the Xuanhun clone in the Xueling Mountains has not met Han Li and Dayan Shenjun. Lu Tiandu secretly guessed that the two might have traveled to other places to find opportunities. .

After all, in the original plot, Han Li's cultivation had only returned to the foundation building stage when he participated in the King of Ginseng Conference. Now that the two of them join forces, they can kill even a not particularly powerful monk. Naturally, they will not participate in such a small trade fair that low-level monks are keen on. .

Soon the four of them came to an attic full of restrictions. The monks coming in and out were all foundation-building monks, and there were also a small number of Qi-refining monks. They were basically related to these foundation-building monks.

Just as he entered the attic, Lu Tiandu secretly used his spiritual consciousness to scan, and sure enough he discovered something strange.

It turned out that according to his induction, in a secret room more than twenty feet deep under the square with some simple restrictions, a dark coffin was quietly parked in it.

And around this black jade coffin, a faint trace of corpse energy could not escape Lu Tiandu's huge spiritual sense. Naturally, the coffin contained 'General Ge' who had been targeted by the mysterious soul clone for a long time.

Lu Tiandu's consciousness stayed in the secret room for a moment and then withdrew.From the beginning to the end, General Ge in the coffin had never noticed that anyone's consciousness was so close to him.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Lu and my fellow disciples should go and rest first. If you need anything, come to me!"

"Well, Fellow Daoist Kong, go ahead and get busy. We will see if there are any opportunities at this auction in the next moment!"

After bidding farewell to the monk surnamed Kong, Lu Tiandu took the token and took Yinyue and Sun Qingfeng into a certain wing in the attic.

All the buildings on this mountain peak were newly built for this Ginseng King Conference. Foundation-building monks can get a separate room for free, while monks with pill-forming and above can live in a separate attic. As for Qi-refining monks, of course You need to spend spiritual stones to stay.

"Why does Lang Jun want to participate in this small trade fair that low-level monks are interested in?"

Until then, Sun Qingfeng, who had regained his true appearance after seeing Lu Tiandu casually placing restrictions in the wing, said with curiosity.

Silver Moon also looked curious.

Lu Tiandu had a lot of the thousand-year-old wild ginseng that was auctioned at the finale of the Ginseng King Conference. They didn't think that Lu Tiandu would come to a place like this to participate in a so-called trade fair when he had nothing to do.

There must be other inside stories.

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and explained in a few words.

"This so-called Ginseng King Conference is just a cover. I am afraid that someone wants to plot the essence, blood and soul of the monks participating in the trade fair... I have sent clones to find out part of the matter before. The Kong family is hidden in Deep in the Xueling Mountains, a thousand-year-old corpse king and one of his generals, Li Daitao, colluded with the other two families to destroy them. In a black jade coffin under the square is the thousand-year-old psychic corpse. I told you not to use your spiritual consciousness to investigate at will, so as not to alert others..."

"Mr. Lang is really good at this!"

Sun Qingfeng looked surprised, "When I traveled to Dajin before, I heard that there was something strange in the Xueling Mountains. I once investigated it and found nothing wrong. I didn't expect that Lang Jun would find something strange as soon as he arrived. !”

But Yinyue's eyes turned, and she understood Lu Tiandu's purpose, and said with a smile:
"Master, is it for the Heavenly Corpse Pearl in the body of the Ten Thousand Years Corpse King?"


Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded. Yin Yue, who had recovered most of his memory, probably had broader knowledge than him, a person who had inherited several spiritual transformation cultivators. It was not surprising to know the usefulness of the Sky Corpse Bead.

After all, the demon clan is physically powerful, so the Heavenly Corpse Pearl is naturally of great use to demon cultivators.The Tianfeng Zhenjun of Fangjian Mountain and the Kuangsha Master of Wudong Mountain, who planned and plotted against King Xuanye, were the two major demon cultivators in Liaozhou, and both had considerable influence.

This Liaozhou is located in the northeast of the Jin Dynasty. It has a vast territory and a cold climate. There are quite a few demon cultivators everywhere. Among those who are famous in the investigation of Xuanhun clones are the old man Beixuan of Beihan Mountain and several other eighth-level demon cultivators.

In order to win over the old demon Beixuan who practices ice-attribute skills, the Nine Immortals Palace gave up an ice spirit root cultivator and rare ice-attribute treasures such as snow crystal beads in the sect. This shows that the demon cultivator has great power in Liaozhou.

In the Great Jin Dynasty, the human monks and the transformed demon cultivators on the land have already had tacit unspoken rules after countless years of development. On the surface, they are basically in peace with each other, and some demon cultivators have close friendships with the human monks.

Top demon forces like the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons are directly forbidden areas for human monks.

This is also the main reason why demon cultivators like True Lord Tianfeng and Master Kuangsha can only secretly plot the monks' essence, blood and soul to use for cultivation, and dare not openly and openly massacre low-level human monks.

It is normal for True Lord Tianfeng to have contact with King Xuan Ye, the Ten Thousand Years Corpse King, who is also a non-human monk.

Although Lu Tiandu also covets the flesh, blood and inner elixirs of so many transformed demon cultivators, it is not easy to break this unspoken rule and come to kill them wantonly. After all, he just slapped his butt and left, but ordinary cultivators in the state I'm afraid I'll be retaliated against.

However, he would naturally not let go of True Lord Tianfeng and Master Kuangsha who were waiting for them.

Seeing that Sun Meifu was a little confused, Lu Tiandu explained the purpose of the Sky Corpse Bead.

As for what Sun Qingfeng didn't detect back then, according to King Xuan Ye's self-report in the original plot, they had been hiding for thousands of years, and it was only in the past few decades that they came out again.

Moreover, the forbidden formation in the tomb of King Xuan Ye is also quite extraordinary. Even the great monks of the late Nascent Soul can fight against it in the tomb. In addition, his escape skills are extremely mysterious. Once he discovers that something is wrong, he immediately escapes thousands of miles away, deep inside. Being unable to hide is the main reason why King Xuan Ye has been free for so many years.

"Let's go. Now that we're here, let's go hang out and see if we can encounter any opportunities!"

The three of them tidied up for a while, then left the attic and wandered around casually.

In the middle of the square is a huge temporary tent with shining white light, which is obviously a tent magic weapon.On the left and right sides of the square, there is also a huge attic-like magic weapon. It is obvious that the business of the three major families is naturally inside.

Various stalls are lined up in other parts of the square, and monks in various costumes are densely packed, shuttling through several different areas that have been divided long ago, giving it a lively market atmosphere.

This reminded Lu Tiandu of the grand occasion when he first participated in the auction of Moon Covering Sect Tianyue City during his Qi refining period.Since wandering along this way, Lu Tiandu has discovered traces of more than a dozen Jindan monks, and as for the Foundation Establishment monks, there are more than [-].The trade fair held by a small family in Guanning Mansion can have such a grand scene, which shows that this power of cultivating immortals is indeed very prosperous.

As he wandered around, Lu Tiandu naturally discovered the figure of the target person Jin Yuan. This person was an old man with sharp ears and monkey cheeks. He had a foundation cultivation level and was quite famous among casual cultivators. He was quite good. try to find.

So when Lu Tiandu and his two girls had an insightful talk around Jin Yuan, trying to find a strange baby with a beautiful smile, the old man rolled his eyes and stared at the enemy in his eyes. Lu Tiandu and his second daughter.

Arriving at a secluded place, when Jin Yuan had obtained a certain mysterious treasure and wanted to let Lu Tiandu get his hands on it, and the price was right and he was willing to trade it to Lu Tiandu for his adult beauty, he saw Lu Tiandu's surprise. Divine consciousness, this old man with sharp ears and monkey cheeks secretly said, "It's stable!"
Jin Yuan was quite excited to win three of these 'broilers' at once, which he considered to have no experience in the world of immortality. This was considered a big deal he had completed recently.

In the rented Tianji house.

Jin Yuanruo Youruowu took a look at the spirit beast bags and storage bags on the waists of Lu Tiandu and the two women, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:
"Fellow Taoist, please look at this. This is the rare treasure in the hands of Jin. Unfortunately, I have been unable to determine its use and origin. I see that fellow Taoist is very knowledgeable and is still buying exotic treasures. I want fellow Taoist to identify it. Of course, if fellow Taoist knows the goods , the price is right, so there’s no harm in selling it to fellow Taoists.”

"Easy to say, easy to say, as long as it's a treasure, the price doesn't matter!"

Lu Tiandu smiled generously like a lavish young man, patted the storage bag on his waist, turned to Yinyue beside him and smiled, "I found a treasure for my senior sister before, and this time I hope to find one for my junior sister too." It’s a good thing, so our trip will be worthwhile!”

"Hehe, thank you very much, senior brother!"

Yinyue also looked shy, looking at Lu Tiandu with a pair of bright eyes.

Jin Yuan on the side was secretly envious, and at the same time he complained about Lu Tiandu, a pretty boy who is quite lucky, and the seniors and juniors are really good at playing!
But I’m afraid I won’t have a chance to play in the future!
Sun Meifu smiled with a reserved expression, and while watching the two acting, she looked at the jade box on the table.

Lu Tiandu used a small ray of consciousness to scan the box. The items in the box actually produced a strange repelling force and were unable to penetrate into the box. He was concealing his foundation-building cultivation at the moment, so it was not easy to force it. Probe.

At the same time, Yinyue and Sun Meifu, who noticed that the restriction on the box was quite powerful, suddenly became interested.

They had noticed the change in Lu Tiandu's behavior after seeing the old man before, and they followed the show. Now they secretly murmured, could it be that Lu Tiandu just met an old man with sharp ears and monkey cheeks and had a treasure in his hand?
This makes no sense, right?
At this moment, Jin Yuan cautiously opened the lid of the box, revealing a ball of golden light, about the size of a fist, and hazy.

"Fellow Taoist, you can take a closer look at this thing and see if you can recognize it."

Jin Yuan pushed the jade box in front of Lu Tiandu and said somewhat earnestly.

Lu Tiandu was also surprised and looked excited. He picked up the jade box, held it in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully.

This is a bubble-like existence, with a strange golden light shining on the surface and a transparent and empty center.But there is no aura on it at all, just like a mortal thing.

After looking at it for a long time, Lu Tiandu stretched out a finger, and a purple-gold light flashed. The finger wrapped in the light gently poked the bubble, and then the finger sank deep into it.

Soft, soft, as if it were really a bubble.

It was also the first time for Lu Tiandu to see this thing, and he became a little curious.

However, this thing is obviously not a Vajra relic, but a semi-finished Vajra cover that King Xuan Ye used the power of the moon to refine. It can be used as long as it is refined some more and slowly refined.

After Lu Tian finished reading, he handed it to Yinyue beside him and said with a smile:

"Senior brother, this is the first time I have seen this thing. I didn't recognize it, but it looks like the material is extraordinary. Do you like it, junior sister?"

"Hehe, so soft, so soft!"

Yinyue picked up the golden bubbles as big as her fist and randomly shaped them into various shapes, looking like she couldn't put it down.

At this moment, Yinyue naturally discovered what this object was. From the glances she and Lu Tiandu made, she naturally understood that her master also recognized this object. She had to sigh that Lu Tiandu was so lucky!

After Sun Meifu also played with it curiously, Jin Yuan smiled and sent out his spiritual consciousness to wrap around the golden bubbles on the table one after another.

Suddenly a strange scene appeared. The golden light on the surface of the bubbles in the box was flashing, but the volume began to expand and contract, not much, just like a strong beating heart.

"Hey, fun, fun!"

At this time, Yinyue made a sound in surprise, pulled Lu Tiandu's arm and said in a disgusting voice:
"Brother, this is fun, I want this!"

"Okay! I bought it!"

Lu Tiandu laughed loudly, and his attitude of spending a lot of money immediately made Jin Yuan become more and more contemptuous.

This person didn't even ask about the origin or material of this object, and had no sense of precaution at all. Although he had a little knowledge, it was obviously a flower in a greenhouse, which made him let go of his last caution.

"Haha! This thing is passed down from my ancestors. Since my fellow Taoist friends like it, I will sell it to you at a cheaper price. You will take it if you give me 500 yuan of spiritual stones. How about it?"

Jin Yuan stroked his beard and smiled.

"Okay, deal!"

Lu Tiandu smiled heartily, took out five mid-level spiritual stones and threw them on the table.

Seeing this scene, Jin Yuan suddenly felt that the sale was a loss, but he soon realized that these three people had already found a way to kill them. When he turned around and waited for the master to collect the storage bags of these three people, he would also benefit from it. .

Suddenly my heart felt relieved and I said goodbye and left.

After Jin Yuan left, Yin Yue threw the two storage bags on the table with a smile and asked:
"Why did you let me keep this person's storage bag in the end? When this person found out that his storage bag was lost, I don't know what his expression was!"

"Haha, I'm afraid he might have been killed by others before he realizes that he lost the storage bag!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, he was still very confident in Yin Yue's charming illusion, "This person has evil intentions, and I don't know how many people have been harmed by this. He also wants to earn spiritual stones from me. What a good idea!" There is still a back-up in the thing, and after I clear out the soul left inside, the time for Jin Yuan’s death will come!”

"Lang Jun, what exactly is this thing?"

At this moment, Sun Qingfeng on the side said curiously.

"This should be the relics condensed in the bodies of a small number of eminent monks among the Yuanying monks of the Buddhist sect who have achieved great mastery in Buddhism. It is also a very rare vajra relic, a vajra cover refined by the power of the moonlight in the corpse king's body for thousands of years. This kind of defensive treasure..." (End of Chapter)

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