Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 317 King Xuan Ye!Fisherman's plan!

"Exactly this thing."

Yinyue also smiled and nodded, "Vajra relics should be preserved in some Buddhist sects that have been passed down for a long time, but few people can refine this kind of diamond shield. If this diamond shield is refined, it will be difficult for monks of the same level to break its defense. Strength is also a rare defensive treasure."

"I see."

Mrs. Sun sighed, "I didn't expect to encounter such a treasure at this small trade fair!"

After sighing, he looked at Lu Tiandu in surprise and curiosity.

"Yes, Master's luck is really very good!"

Yinyue glanced at Lu Tiandu with a half-smile but not a smile, "But it seems that this treasure has not been completely refined, let alone recognized as its owner. Otherwise, the corpse king who refined it would use his spiritual thoughts even if he was thousands of miles away. It flew back immediately. And this object appeared in the hands of a foundation-building casual cultivator. It seems that there is indeed a conspiracy!"

"We originally came here for the Heavenly Corpse Pearl in King Xuan Ye's body, and now we are very lucky to get the Vajra Shield that was half-refined by him."

Lu Tiandu laughed, "But it wasn't me who noticed something strange about this old man, but my spirit beast."

After speaking, Lu Tiandu slowly stretched out his left hand. In the palm of his hand, there was a small green monkey the size of a finger, with its big eyes open and looking at the two girls with a curious expression.

"Xiaohun, come and say hello to your two sisters!"

Lu Tiandu rubbed the head of the monkey with his thumb and said with a smile.

As a result, under Sun Qingfeng's surprised eyes, the little monkey swallowed childish words:

"Ah, she hasn't transformed yet, how can she speak human words?"

Sun Qingfeng was surprised.

Yinyue had already understood at this moment. After all, although there were very few emperor oozes among the demon clan in the spirit world, it was not too rare for some wealthy clans. She stretched out a thin green finger and teased the little crying soul. .

"Have you forgotten the Imperial Flow Serum I gave you before? I gave Ao Shan the Imperial Flow Serum decades ago when she transformed. Over the years, she has learned how to count under my guidance. A language!”

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "Crying Soul is different from ordinary spirit beasts. Now its intelligence is equivalent to that of a four or five-year-old girl. There is no problem with some communication."

"Before, it was Xinghun who discovered a hint of corpse energy on this person that was difficult for even the consciousness to detect, and the corpse flame hidden in the diamond cover in his storage bag!"

"No wonder so!"

Only then did Yinyue look like she suddenly realized something.It makes sense that Lu Tiandu behaved strangely after seeing Jin Yuan before.

And when she heard that Xiao Xinghun had already mastered the art of large and small Ruyi's transformation, specializing in defeating ghosts and infernal creatures, even Yin Yue was surprised and looked at Xiao Xinghun again and again.

At this moment, Xinghun looked at the golden bubbles on the table, sniffed a few times, looked at Lu Tiandu with an excited and greedy look, and said:

"Brother, I want to eat!"

"Go ahead, you need to clear out the ten thousand-year corpse flame inside!"

Lu Tiandu nodded.

The little crying soul has swallowed countless ghosts in the Ghost Wrathful Land in the Xutian Temple, numerous Yin beasts in the Netherworld, and later many ghost powers given by Luohu Youluo, and its strength has long been extraordinary. Naturally, the tens of thousands of years of corpse flames left by King Ye could not trouble her.


When Xiao Xihun heard that Lu Tian agreed, he smiled sweetly, and his figure swayed, leaving an afterimage that disappeared into the golden bubbles.

Following the movements of Little Crying Soul, the golden bubble suddenly seemed to be stimulated, its surface shone brightly, and suddenly became full of aura.

At the same time, wisps of gray-white flames suddenly appeared out of thin air in the golden bubbles, wrapping around the crying soul.

However, the crying soul looked excited, constantly releasing jet-black Yin Qi to protect the whole body, spraying out rays of light from its nose, rolling towards the gray-white corpse flame and slowly refining it.

"This crying soul is really weird. She has actually refined these tens of thousands of years of corpse flames."

Seeing the gray-white corpse flame in the diamond shield being refined by the crying soul, the two women's eyes were filled with strange colors. After all, this ten thousand-year corpse flame is also a top-level cold flame. Even Nascent Soul monks must be careful when dealing with it. Woolen cloth.

At this moment, as the corpse flames in the diamond shield continued to decrease, the golden bubbles on the stone table suddenly trembled, and a ball of green light the size of a rice grain suddenly shot out from it and hurried away towards the top of the stone chamber.

It's a pity that before the split soul of King Xuan Ye's son lurking in the Vajra Shield hit the restriction secretly set by Lu Tiandu, immediately after, a ray of glow erupted from the Vajra Shield and suddenly caught the green light and pulled it back. It fell into the golden bubble and was swallowed by the crying soul.

Just as the soul cry was killing the split soul, thousands of miles away, deep in the Xueling Mountains, in a huge tomb with many ancient murals, the left sarcophagus of the three sarcophagi was placed side by side. There was a sudden sound of pain.

Then there was a loud "bang" sound, and the thick coffin lid flew several feet high, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Black energy lingered, and a tall figure suddenly stood up from the sarcophagus.

"Wang'er, what happened? Why are you so angry?"

A middle-aged man's voice came from the sarcophagus in the middle. It was deep and deep, not angry or authoritative.

"I... my... one... soul... is gone!"

The tall figure in the black air let out a few low roars, then stammered in a parrot-like tone.

A moment later, when he heard that his son had even lost the precious diamond shield, the middle-aged man's voice in the middle coffin turned cold:

"Did you know that the old monk wanted to refine the Heavenly Corpse Pearl in my body into the secret Buddhist Zhangba Golden Body, so as to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage? If your mother and I hadn't jointly launched the Corpse Fire Formation, it would have cost a lot of money. It took three days and three nights to refine all the golden light on the man's relic and kill that man... It was not easy to get this rare diamond relic. In order to save your life, I asked you to refine this shield to protect yourself, but the result was..."

"Your Majesty, please calm down." A female voice came from the smaller coffin on the right, "Wang Er also wanted to obtain the souls and blood essence of many monks as soon as possible to use for practicing martial arts. It is understandable... nothing has happened to him for several years. This time, the gold element must have provoked a powerful monk, causing the treasure to be taken away, and Wang Er's concentration was also damaged, so he turned around and activated the restraint to capture his spirit and torture it."

The woman's voice became colder as she spoke.

"Hmph! How many monk souls can we get from such a small business? I have asked General Ge to plan something. As long as the thing is completed, there will be a steady stream of monk souls for us to use in the future, and there will be more It will not attract the attention of those cultivators."

The man snorted and said coldly.

After a while, after hearing King Xuan Ye's plans against Guanning Mansion over the years, the woman was also overjoyed, but she hesitated and said:
"This Lord Tianfeng of Fangjian Mountain is not a simple character. How could he be so kind as to tell the king his secret and allow us to obtain so much monk soul essence and blood so easily? Doesn't he have other motives?"

"Hmph, the reputation of the two demons of Fangjian Mountain is really not very good, but as long as I don't let the two demons know when I leave secretly, and then open all the restrictions in the tomb, I think it won't be a big deal..."

The man seemed to be very fond of the woman and explained patiently:

"Once we have completely mastered the remaining two major families, this Guan Ning Mansion will be our world. Even if we are discovered by human monks, it will be decades later. By then, I should have relied on the souls of human monks to break through. At the first level, the body of a heavenly corpse has been refined. When the world is so big, who can do anything to defeat us?"

Speaking of the latter part, the man's tone was domineering, and he was slightly proud of himself.

"Then I will take the first step to congratulate the king. After being refined into the body of a heavenly corpse, the king can escape from the tomb and no longer be trapped here."

The woman seemed to be extremely happy when she heard this, "But, Your Majesty! I still have to find that Vajra Cover. After all, this object is really different from ordinary treasures. After refining, it can immediately become an indestructible vajra body in a short period of time. It is a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul." I’m afraid we can’t easily break through the defense of this shield…”

"Well, my wife, I would have sent someone there even if I didn't tell you. But since he can take away Wang'er's distraction in the vajra cover, this person must be no ordinary person. Once the treasure is found, I will let the two incarnations If we go out together, as long as he is not a monk in the middle Nascent Soul stage or above, he will be fine."

The man said with unusual confidence.


Naturally, Lu Tiandu didn't pay attention to the reaction of King Xuan Ye and others, and was still waiting for the crying soul to refine the last bits of corpse flame.

At this moment, Jin Yuan, who had just walked out of the square and returned to his house, suddenly heard a soft "pop" sound, and his whole body was suddenly enveloped in a gray flame. In an instant, his body turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, his soul appeared in the gray flames with a look of panic on his face, but he was not injured.

But then, as if being pulled by something, the soul was wrapped in flames and turned into an inconspicuous ball the size of a fist. It rushed out of the half-open window and shot high into the sky, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye...

This Ginseng King Conference is free trading time in the morning, and the official auction is in the afternoon. Therefore, after the crying soul has refined some of the last corpse flames, Lu Tiandu and the others returned the Tianji House to the person in charge, and they happened to go Attended this auction.

After all, in this auction, in addition to the crystallized demon elixir, which is regarded as the fire crystal, which is extremely valuable and can be picked up, Lu Tiandu is also planning to collect some elixir seeds and the like.

The Great Jin Immortal Realm has a vast territory, and the types of elixirs are naturally much richer than other immortal realms, which can further enrich the elixir garden of Lu Tiandu.

When they heard through Lu Tiandu that one of the three fire crystals they had taken was a seventh-level demon elixir, and that it had been completely crystallized into a top-grade material that could be used to refine flying needle magic weapons, Sun Meifu and Yinyue secretly He lamented Lu Tiandu’s good opportunities.

The market price of a seventh-level demon pill is more than [-] spirit stones, and the price of refining it into a flying needle magic weapon is much higher. This auction is really worth it!
You must have been lucky enough to pick up missing items one after another!
Lu Tiandu laughed when he heard the two women sighing, but didn't say anything more!
After leaving the auction early, Lu Tian was speechless as he felt the presence of the three monks hanging behind him.

It seems that the newcomer to the world of immortality who pretended to have little experience in the world of immortality went too far, and now he was targeted by several tribulation cultivators.

"Master, let's secretly go deep into the Xueling Mountains?"

Yinyue naturally noticed the tail hanging behind them, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, the final battle will definitely take place deep in the Xueling Mountains, but the layout here is enough for King Xuan Ye to drink a pot, so we don't have to worry about it!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled. When he first came here, he didn't notice anything. Now Lu Tiandu secretly used his spiritual consciousness to scan, and naturally discovered the strangeness of the three monks in this mountain peak.

These three people turned out to be mid-stage Nascent Soul monks who had hidden their true cultivation level!
Lu Tiandu naturally understood what was going on.

King Xuan Ye planned to take advantage of the opportunity of the three major families gathering at the Shenwang Conference to take down the other two aristocratic families in one fell swoop. At this moment, the two major aristocratic families, Zhao and Dong, had obviously received a tip-off from Master Kuangsha. The secret behind these two aristocratic families The forces have laid a net, and they are just waiting for King Xuan Ye, the ten thousand-year-old corpse king, to infiltrate it!
After all, according to the plot, the purpose of the big families in Guanning Mansion when they were first established was for King Xuan Ye. However, King Xuan Ye hid for a thousand years and the descendants of the family have long forgotten their original purpose!

Now someone specifically reminded them that the forces behind them had naturally sent out manpower.

However, these three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks still did not leave King Xuan Ye behind, and only seriously injured him, which also showed that the strength of this demon corpse should not be underestimated.

On the way back after King Xuanye was seriously injured, Lord Tianfeng, Master Huangsha and others had already set up a net and were ready to beat up the drowned dog.

When these thousand-year-old corpse kings and thousand-year-old demons fight you to the death, it will be time for him to become a fisherman without any effort!

After getting this opportunity, Lu Tiandu is ready to retreat for a year or two and break through to the late Nascent Soul stage as soon as possible!
Now he is only one small retreat away from the late Nascent Soul stage!
"Although we are planning King Xuan Ye's lineage and the two eighth-level demon cultivators, we cannot do nothing."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "The news that we have obtained the Diamond Shield this time must have been received by King Xuan Ye. When we show up outside, he will definitely send someone to take back the treasure. We can also attract some people..."

Having said that, there are mysterious soul clones in Lu Tian who are staring at True Lord Tianfeng, so they naturally have the idea of ​​letting True Lord Tianfeng and others deal with the two incarnations of King Xuan Ye like in the original plot.

This time he made up his mind to make a profit, and just give these corpse kings and old monsters a blow at the last moment!

Just after Lu Tiandu casually killed several young monks who were plotting evil behind him and entered the Xueling Mountains, in an underground tomb somewhere in the mountains, two figures covered with green energy knelt straight in front of three sarcophagi, motionless. .

Suddenly, two green lights flew out from a sarcophagus in the middle, and shot into the heads of the two figures in a flash.

"Go! Kill those three people and take the treasure."

A man's solemn voice came from the sarcophagus.

Without saying a word, the two figures instantly turned into two green lights, which circled in the tomb and flew out, disappearing.

Although the corpse flame in the Vajra Shield has been refined by Soul Crying, it has not been taken into the world of stone beads by Lu Tiandu. Therefore, King Xuan Ye can still locate Vajra by relying on some of his son's breath stained on it. cover position. (End of chapter)

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