Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 318 The battle begins!Copy the nest!

Silence returned to the tomb.

After waiting for about a meal, there was a sudden bang, and the lid of the sarcophagus in the middle flew directly several feet away, and a thin and crowned figure suddenly sat up from the coffin.

"Your Majesty, what is this?"

A sweet and gentle woman's voice came out from another sarcophagus in surprise.

"It's almost time. It's the day when the earth's Yin Qi breaks out. I'll leave the tomb for the time being so that my cultivation level won't drop drastically. I just go to help General Ge to deal with the troublesome people in the other two aristocratic families. You guys are here After I leave, open all the restrictions in the tomb to prevent outsiders from entering."

The man's eyes were red and he said with a dull expression.

"Yes, Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please be more careful."

The woman hesitated for a moment and said in an admonishing tone.

"Don't worry, my beloved, I will return to the tomb in two days and one night at most. By then, the big thing will be done, and I won't have to worry about it next time I go out!"

The man nodded, raised his leg suddenly, and after a strange flash, he came out of the sarcophagus, shook his figure a few times, and then disappeared.

Next time, it will be time for him to refine the body of a heavenly corpse and conquer Liaozhou.

Not long after King Xuan Ye left the tomb, in a canyon in the Xueling Mountains, where the sky was filled with yellow sand, several invisible restrictions were placed, and more than ten figures were hidden in it.

Three of them were together and ten others were together.

At this time, one of the three men, a tall man in yellow robe with a thick beard on his chin, chuckled and said:
"Brother Feng, Fellow Daoist Yin, King Xuan Ye has come out. I will follow you secretly. You should also be careful!"

The person speaking was none other than Master Kuangsha of Wudong Mountain, and the Brother Feng he spoke of was naturally Lord Tianfeng of Fangjian Mountain, an old man with a dark complexion and a horse-like face with small eyes.

As for that fellow Taoist Yin, he was a thin-faced old man in green robes. He also practiced in Wudong Mountain, but he practiced the rare Corpse Dao Technique - the Corpse Spirit Technique.This person was naturally the foreign aid invited by the two demons, and the price was naturally thousands of corpse soldiers with foundation building skills under King Xuan Ye.

This thin-faced old man has the highest cultivation level among the three, with a cultivation level in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. He has a chance of winning against any monster alone, but against two eighth-level monster cultivators, the chance of winning is naturally very small.

These two demons can be considered evenly matched, but neither of them are serious monks. They are usually called heretics in the Jin Dynasty.

"Okay, Brother Huang, please be careful. Fellow Daoist Yin and I will also go to find out why King Xuan Ye sent his avatar at such a critical moment."

True Lord Tianfeng nodded, and the three of them started to act separately.

In a mountain ridge, Lu Tiandu, Yinyue and Sun Qingfeng were sitting on a bluestone to watch the night view.

At this moment, he knew from his mind that Master Kuangsha had been dispatched from the Xuanhun clone, so Lu Tiandu calmly took the diamond shield into the world of stone beads.

"Let's get out of here first, the fun will start soon!"

After finishing speaking, the figures of Lu Tiandu and the others suddenly appeared and disappeared, and soon disappeared into the night.

The moment Lu Tiandu put away the Vajra Shield, thousands of miles away, two green figures flying rapidly in the direction of Lu Tiandu suddenly lost their tracking target and started to circle in place.

Within a moment, the two monster corpses became furious for who knows how many times. They stretched out their black fangs from their mouths and let out low roars from time to time, like two ferocious beasts.

Lu Tiandu naturally paid no attention to the reactions of the two incarnations of King Xuan Ye. After all, he had seen them several times along the way.

His spiritual consciousness was powerful, and he had discovered the two demon corpses that he had followed two hours ago from a distance of more than [-] miles. After all, the corpse odor surrounding these two demon corpses was too obvious.

Whenever the two monster corpses came close to him, Lu Tian put away the diamond shield, causing the two monster corpses to suddenly lose their tracking target and start spinning in place.

The next two monster corpses will be dealt with by Zhenjun Tianfeng and others, so he doesn't need to worry about them.

When the war broke out later, as long as King Xuan Ye's concubine, Mrs. Yuhua, and others came out of the tomb to rescue King Xuan Ye, the problem of corpses in the Xueling Mountains for thousands of years could be solved at once.

More than half an hour later, Tianfeng Zhenjun and the old man surnamed Yin, who had hidden their whereabouts, were not far away from the two incarnations of King Xuan Ye, staring coldly at their backs and transmitting messages.

"How's it going? Are you sure that we can arrest the two of them before the old demon Xuan Ye incarnates and warns us? Otherwise, once they escape, they will definitely be alerted."

The old man surnamed Yin used an unusually high-pitched voice to communicate with Lord Tianfeng.

"Hmph! The so-called incarnation of King Xuan Ye is just using the soul-extracting mystical technique to forcibly refine several of his commanders into his own auxiliary puppets. Their intelligence is average, and their strength is not comparable to the ordinary Nascent Soul stage. When we work together, it won't be difficult to take them down."

"At this time, the old demon actually lets his incarnation come out to act alone. God helps us. Killing them is equivalent to cutting off an arm of the old demon Xuan Ye. Then we will be more confident in our actions."

True Lord Tianfeng said with a sinister smile.

"That's true, but I'm a little surprised that these two avatars are tracking someone, and they were sent to the ancient tomb at a critical moment in their actions, and now they suddenly lose their target."

The old man surnamed Yin rolled his eyes and said a little puzzled.

"Who knows? No matter who he is, he has no influence on our plan. As soon as King Xuan Ye leaves the tomb, his cultivation will be greatly reduced. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Normally, this old devil is extremely cunning and refuses to leave the tomb. Half a point, if Ben Zhenjun hadn’t laid a trap for him this time, I’m afraid we still wouldn’t have the slightest chance. After all, the old devil is only in the ancient tomb, and his magical power is no less than that of the late Nascent Soul monks.”

True Monarch Tianfeng smiled gloomily, feeling somewhat proud of the conspiracy he had laid out for ten years.

The two of them whispered for a while, then quietly surrounded the two roaring corpses...

On a mountain peak hundreds of miles away, Lu Tiandu secretly observed the outbreak of the war with a smile on his lips.

After a while, Lu Tiandu said to the Xuanhun clone who appeared beside him at some unknown time:

"Next, take your puppets and follow Huang Chen Sansha, Feng Qizi and others to investigate the tomb. When Mrs. Yuhua comes out of the ancient tomb to reinforce King Xuan Ye, eradicate them completely!"

The three Huangchen evil spirits and the ten Feng Seven Sons are all golden elixir cultivators. They are all subordinates of True Lord Tianfeng and Master Kuangsha. They are specially used to intercept Mrs. Yuhua and her son.

As for the restrictions in the ancient tombs, Lu and Tiandu will have to take action to break them. After all, it will take a lot of effort to break the ancient restrictions on the mysterious soul clones in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Lu Tiandu was somewhat curious about how rich the collection of demon corpses from ancient times, King Xuan Ye, had been in the ancient tomb over tens of thousands of years.

More than an hour later, in the middle of the Xueling Mountains, a rumbling explosion sounded, and a cloud of yellow sand was chasing a huge cloud of gray gas.

However, the gray energy in front of him alternated between weak and strong, looking like he had been seriously injured. In the gray energy, it was King Xuan Ye who was ambushed by three Nascent Soul mid-stage monks behind the two major families. "Haha! Brother Xuan Ye, it's too late to leave now."

A wild laugh came from the mouth of the man in yellow robe, Master Kuangsha.

At the same time, a yellow gourd about ten feet in size suddenly appeared from a hundred feet away.With a shake of the gourd's mouth, a burst of yellow sand blew out, blowing right into the fleeing gray air mass on the opposite side.


King Xuan Ye was shocked when he saw the sandstorm. He was so afraid that he hurriedly turned to avoid the sandstorm.

At this moment, from two other directions, a dark magic cloud and a white hurricane also struck towards King Xuan Ye in the gray air.

At this moment, Master Kuangsha made a hand gesture, and from the loud noises from all directions, billowing dark yellow sand mist rose simultaneously. Then the sand mist covered the sky and the sun, and from time to time there were hidden flags inside. flash.

King Xuan Ye was startled in the gray air and hurriedly looked down. He saw the same yellow mist in the low altitude. This sand mist actually shrouded the entire area several miles wide.

It was obvious that he was trapped in the formation at this moment.

King Xuan Ye, who was hiding in the corpse aura, stopped escaping with a pale face, staring with vicious eyes at the big man in yellow robe on the huge gourd, as well as Zhenjun Tianfeng and Yin in the white hurricane and black magic cloud. The surname is the old man.

"It's you! Tianfeng, Old Demon Kuangsha, and Old Ghost Yin!"

King Xuan Ye gritted his teeth and said.How could he not understand all the traps before and after this.

At this moment, he was seriously injured and trapped here by these three people. The only way to survive was the reinforcements in the ancient tomb.

"Brother Xuan Ye, you were hit by Mr. Song Da's Zhiyang Ruler from Taiyang Gate earlier and were seriously injured. Now you are surrounded by the three of us here. Why do you have to fight so hard? As long as you spit it out honestly Tianzhizhu, if you ask us to plant a ban, we will not be able to save your life. After all, Brother Xuan Ye and I have been dating for some years. If your soul is lost like this, Huang really can't bear it. "

The Kuangsha master said calmly.

"Okay, okay! You have been planning it for ten years, and it is not unjust for me to fall into this trap. However, do you really think that you can trap me with a small yellow sand formation?"

King Xuan Ye was still extremely calm at such a time, with no trace of panic on his face as he said coldly.

"It seems that Huang's previous words were in vain. Fellow Taoist Xuanxuan, don't blame Huang for being ruthless!"

Master Kuangsha sighed, but it was obvious that this person did not have much sincerity.

"I forgot to tell fellow Taoist, in order to ensure that this plan is a perfect success, I specially borrowed half a gourd of the blue crystal sacred sand that Grandma Tianshi collected for more than a hundred years and refined, and it has been mixed with the surrounding soul-lost sand. Oh. If fellow Taoist people hope to escape using Earth Escape Technique, it is simply wishful thinking."

Master Kuangsha said this matter calmly out of unknown motives.

"Blue crystal sacred sand! This sacred sand and sky stone, grandma regards it as life, and will lend you half a gourd? You are too boastful."

King Xuan Ye's expression changed at first, but then he remembered something and sneered with disbelief.


Upon hearing this, Master Kuangsha just sneered and didn't say anything to differentiate. This made King Xuan Ye feel a chill in his heart and his face became even more gloomy.

In an invisible space a hundred miles away from the four people, Lu Tiandu, Sun Qingfeng, and Yinyue were looking at both sides of the battlefield with smiles on their lips.

It is strange to say that the three of them were afraid that King Xuan Ye would fight to the death, or they had other plans. Although they had the upper hand and intercepted the old demon, the three of them remained surrounded and did not take action immediately.

It was obvious that although the two demons were allies, they also had their own agendas and were secretly guarding against each other.

When King Xuan Ye saw this, he was even more happy.When he was escaping before, he had already sent out a call for help. Reinforcements must be coming soon, and they would naturally be able to delay for a while.

"It's too slow. It seems that we should let the clone take action as soon as possible to intensify the conflict and let both parties fight to the death!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and already informed the Xuanhun clone to kill Mrs. Yuhua and others.

At this moment, Master Kuangsha also told King Xuan Ye about the news of sending his men to trap reinforcements, which made King Xuan Ye's heart sink.

"Okay, aren't you very curious about my king's heavenly corpse method? I will let you see it with your own eyes today."

King Xuan Ye suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed fiercely, saying viciously.

King Xuan Ye immediately opened his mouth, and a ball of black blood spurted out of his body, turned into a black rune as big as a fist in the wind, and shot into his forehead in a flash, and the gray-white corpse energy wrapped around the old demon also rolled. , and at the same time a beast-like roar came from his mouth.

When Master Kuangsha saw this scene, he immediately shouted without thinking:
"Do it, there's no need to delay it any longer."

Then Master Kuangsha raised his foot and suddenly touched the huge gourd under him.

The mouth of the gourd shook slightly, and a large amount of yellow sand immediately rolled out from it. In the blink of an eye, the gravel condensed and turned into a huge sand dragon several feet tall, which pounced hard on King Xuan Ye.

Upon hearing this, True Lord Tianfeng and the old man surnamed Yin also took action at the same time.

True Monarch Tianfeng opened his mouth and fired out hundreds of huge wind blades about a foot in size and shot towards King Xuan Ye.

The old man surnamed Yin flicked his sleeves and robes, and more than ten flying knives flew out from the magic cloud.These flying knives were black and shiny, and under the cover of those wind blades, they slashed at them silently.

Seeing the crisis approaching, King Xuan Ye also completed the spell in time.

After roaring angrily, King Xuan Ye crossed his arms with both hands at the same time. His figure suddenly rose several feet tall, with several inches of thick green hair sprouting all over his body. Purple-black sharp nails also sprouted on his ten fingers. His face quickly shriveled and sunken. The long fangs sprouted out in an eye-catching way, becoming ferocious and terrifying.

At this moment, King Xuan Ye revealed his true form as the Ten Thousand Years Corpse King.

At the same time, King Xuan Ye's face flashed with a ferocious look, he opened his mouth, and a golden bead the size of a fist spurted out of his body.After the bead rolled around, it turned into a golden hand and fished for the giant sand dragon...

"Okay, Sister Qingfeng, you can watch the show here first. Yinyue and I will raid King Xuan Ye's lair first! When we come back, no matter what the battle situation is, we will kill those who survived and fight quickly. Those Confucian people from the province will follow and come to disrupt the situation!"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and disappeared without a trace with Yin Yue. (End of chapter)

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