Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 319 Huge harvest!Total casualties!Late stage of Nascent Soul!

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In the sky, Lu Tiandu opened his escape speed at full speed, holding Yinyue in his arms and rushing to the location of Xuanhun's clone.

A moment later, when Lu Tiandu and Yinyue rushed thousands of miles away, his consciousness swept across the Xuanhun clone, Mrs. Yuhua and others who were fighting dozens of miles away, and the figure flashed and used the earth escape technique to join Yinyue. Submerged into the ground.

The ancient tomb of King Xuan Ye was hidden very secretly. However, before Mrs. Yuhua and others came out in a hurry, the approximate location was noticed by the Xuanhun clone. Lu Tiandu and Yinyue were both proficient in earth escape, but they found one in a moment. There are various restricted underground spaces everywhere.

"It seems that what I guessed before is indeed correct. King Xuan Ye can use this place to exert the combat power of the late Nascent Soul, and he quickly escapes every time he sees something going wrong. The key reason lies in this ancient tomb."

Lu Tiandu looked at the complex restrictions with black light flashing in front of him and sighed, "The ancient formations arranged around this ancient tomb are indeed exquisite. Fortunately, they didn't hit the door directly, otherwise this person might have escaped!"

"This formation is indeed extraordinary."

Yinyue also smiled and nodded, "But with the master's plan, we will be very relaxed this time!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they smiled slightly and began to break the formation.

At the same time that the dragon-patterned black gold stick appeared in Lu Tiandu's right hand, he waved his left fist lightly, and the huge fist transformed from the three-flavored divine wind hit the black restriction outside the huge tomb.

And Yinyue has already casually raised a huge black ax and blasted it towards the light curtain. It was the top-level ancient treasure mountain axe.

Just as Lu Tiandu broke the formation, King Xuan Ye, who was more than a thousand miles away, and Mrs. Yuhua, who was pale and dying dozens of miles away from the ancient tomb, changed their expressions at the same time and became frightened. .

As for their only son who had just advanced to become the Corpse King, he had just died.

"No! Someone found our tomb!"

This was the reaction of both of them at the same time.

This tomb was not originally built by King Xuan Ye himself, but was discovered by chance as the tomb of an ancient cultivator.

King Xuan Ye obtained the corpse path inheritance from the inheritance left by the deceased Ten Thousand Years Corpse King. Finally, based on the secret method left by this senior, he set up a corpse refining formation with the ancient tomb as the center, allowing He, his favorite concubine, Mrs. Yuhua, and her son stayed in this tomb and completely integrated with the ancient tomb. It took who knows how many thousands of years before they embarked on the path of corpse refining.

In order to be resurrected again as zombies after death, after undergoing the sacrifices of the corpse refining array, their souls and souls have been integrated with this tomb for so many years. Only by refining the body of the heavenly corpse and advancing to the later stage of Yuanying can they escape. This cemetery.

This ancient tomb is both their protective umbrella and their shackles.

At this moment, as Lu Tiandu and Yinyue attacked the ancient tomb, King Xuan Ye and Mrs. Yuhua became completely frightened.

"Okay, you can die!"

On the battlefield of the ancient tomb, looking at Madam Yuhua who had already revealed the true form of the Corpse King. The extremely hard body of the Corpse King was broken and she was still desperately directing the attack of the treasure. The mysterious soul clone smiled coldly and suddenly grabbed it out of thin air. The big flame hand, which was dark yellow in color and flashed with arcs of electricity, struck hard at the extremely ferocious zombie in the distance.

This dark yellow flame is naturally a kind of thunder fire that the Mysterious Soul clone has condensed over the years using its own Mysterious Soul Demon Fire and the evil-proof divine thunder in the Golden Thunder Bamboo Armor. It is naturally more powerful than the corpse flame condensed by Mrs. Yuhua. many.

On the other side, Huang Chen Sansha and Feng Qizi, who were already surrounded by several Nascent Soul puppets, and ten Golden Core cultivators looked at the powerful puppets that suddenly appeared around them with panic on their faces, and huddled together to defend themselves.

And around them, seven to eight hundred foundation-building tomb-guarding corpse guards led by Mrs. Yuhua were trying to break through the surroundings...

In the battlefield between King Xuan Ye, Zhenjun Tianfeng and others.

As King Xuan Ye, who practiced the way of the Heavenly Corpse, revealed his true form as the Corpse King, his extremely powerful body quickly blocked the first wave of attacks from the three of them. Zhu protected his whole body and looked coldly at Master Kuangsha and the other three.

At this moment, he was clearly aware that in addition to the group of people in front of him, there was another group of people trying to figure him out.Although nothing could be seen on the skull-like face, King Xuan Ye was extremely panicked at this moment.

"Did the three Confucian people find my tomb?"

King Xuan Ye became surprised and doubtful.

If those three people took action together, his wife would not be able to stop them.The death of his son who was in the early stage of Yuan Ying was proof of this. On the other hand, he did not believe that the two demons' golden elixir men could stop Mrs. Yuhua and the numerous corpse guards.

If his lair is breached, even if he can escape from the hands of the three people in front of him, he may not be able to advance to the Heavenly Corpse body in this life.

At this moment, the connection with Mrs. Yuhua in his mind was cut off again, and King Xuan Ye knew that his wife had died.

"Ah... today I will drag you to death together!"

At this moment, King Xuan Ye's eyes turned redder and redder. He roared angrily, and the corpse flames around him continued to roar. The tall corpse king once again raised his body several feet taller and pounced towards the old man surnamed Yin among the three.

At this moment, the situation no longer allowed him to think too much. Only by desperately killing one of the three people and making the two survivors fearful could he get a chance to escape from this place.

The human monk Yin Laogui, whose body was relatively weak, naturally became his choice.

"No, old demon Xuan Ye is going to fight, start the formation quickly!"

Seeing this scene, the old man surnamed Yin exclaimed, and while releasing several magic weapons to attack, he raised a cyan shield to protect his body.

Master Kuangsha and True Lord Tianfeng looked at each other and made seals with their hands. The surrounding yellow sand mist stirred up, and suddenly huge waves of sand more than ten feet high rolled towards the center.

At the same time, strange sounds of humming and weeping ghosts were heard from time to time in the dust and sand, sometimes loud and sometimes small, which made people lose their minds.

And in this yellow sand, grains of jet-black sand appeared strangely.

These gravels are not as dense as yellow sand, but each one flashes with a cold black light and is densely packed in the sand and mist, making it look extremely strange.

And with the appearance of these black gravels, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves became louder, turning into black sand mist, squeezing menacingly in the direction of King Xuan Ye.

This is exactly the Soul-falling Sand that Master Kuangsha collected from an unknown number of demon beast spirits and human monk spirits and spent more than a hundred years of hard work to finally refine it.

This thing not only pollutes the magic weapon, but also has a corrosive effect on the monk's body, which is extremely weird.

Sun Qingfeng was hiding on the side, and naturally noticed the strangeness of the two demons of Fangjian Mountain, and knew that these two demons might have other ideas.

However, looking at these weird soul-falling sands, I was secretly surprised.

Fortunately, Lu Tiandu had already arrived at this person's treasure. He touched the small crying soul in his palm, and a smile appeared on Sun Qingfeng's lips.

In the ancient tomb, it did not take Lu Tiandu and Yinyue much time to break through this ancient formation.

After entering the tomb, Lu Tiandu released many puppets to search from the outside of the tomb.

Although this is a tomb, the layout is not much different from that of a general cave. The two quickly searched from the outside and entered the main tomb.

Along the way, they were surprised to find hundreds of corpse-refining guards at the foundation-building stage from peripheral tombs.

In addition to these low-level corpse-refining guards, there were also some Jindan-level corpse-refining generals and other advanced corpse-refining generals, which made Lu Tiandu have to sigh that King Xuan Ye was really well prepared.

If we wait for this person to advance to the level of Heavenly Corpse and lead this army of corpse refiners, there will really be no problem in running across Liaozhou.

Along the way, the two of them did not find the Nascent Soul-level Corpse King.

It seems that except for King Xuan Ye's family of three, General Ge, and another Nascent Soul Corpse King who traveled with Mrs. Yuhua for rescue, there should be no other corpse kings under King Xuan Ye.

"This is...a lot of top-notch materials!"

When Lu Tiandu and Yinyue broke through the restrictions outside another stone room, entered it, and looked at the precious materials in the masks on the shelves, they were also surprised.

"Geng Jing, Ten Thousand Years Flame Jade, Nine Yin Cold Crystal Jade, Yin Blood Stone, top grade Fire Spirit Crystal... I didn't expect this person's collection to be so rich!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the precious materials in the masks with eyes full of surprise.

King Xuan Ye’s collection really surprised him!He is worthy of being a heroic figure who planned rebirth after death in ancient times!
Among them, Ten Thousand Years Flame Jade is a top material for refining the Seven Flame Fan. Lu Tian thought that it had long been extinct in the world, but he didn't expect to find a piece as big as a fist here!
Several other materials, such as Yin Blood Stone, were also extremely scarce and had their own uses, making Lu Tiandu sigh that this plan was not in vain.

As for the small pile of high-level and mid-level spiritual stones accumulated in the corner of the secret room, although it is estimated to exceed tens of millions, it is really not worth mentioning to Lu Tiandu.

The others were some ancient treasures and the like, which Lu Tiandu casually put into the Yaochi Tower.

After putting away everything in the secret room, the two of them headed to the next stone room again with happy faces.

The next harvest was much smaller, but when the two entered a small stone room again, they discovered something that surprised Lu Tiandu.

"I didn't expect that there are still the remaining blood heart pills taken by the old demon Xuan Ye here!" Looking at the two bottles of less than twenty blood-red thumb pills in his hand, Lu Tiandu looked at them carefully.

Lu Tiandu found the recipe for this elixir in one of the corpse path scriptures collected in a scripture collection room before, so he naturally understood the value of this Xuexin Pill.

This item is also a holy medicine that can assist in refining the body. It is somewhat similar to the Qi and Blood Pill that Lu Tiandu used to refine the Divine Furnace of Creation. However, its refining method is more evil and requires the use of the blood essence of the monks and several rare species. The elixir has a very low rate of success. These less than twenty elixirs were probably prepared by King Xuan Ye for his later stage of Nascent Soul advancement.

"With this thing, plus the Heavenly Corpse Bead I got this time, some of the eighth-level Qi and Blood Pills refined with those two eighth-level monsters, and the Dragon Scale Fruit and Iron Fetal Fruit that I have been taking all year round, I want to refine my body." You can save decades to advance to the fourth transformation!"

Thinking of all the unexpected surprises this time, Lu Tiandu felt extremely happy.

When the two came to the main tomb chamber, which was a hundred feet in size, there was nothing else at first glance except for a large array of three coffins connected to each other.

Lu Tiandu naturally knew that King Xuan Ye had hidden the Heavenly Corpse Bead that he formed after practicing the Heavenly Corpse Dafa somewhere. After some searching, he finally found one under a large copper vat burning with fierce green flames in the corner of the tomb. Jade box.

A shining golden bead lies quietly inside.

"I'm lucky this time. Counting the one that Xuanhun's clone got from Mrs. Yuhua, there are three Sky Corpse Beads in total, just one for each of Zi Ling and Yuan Yao to use for training!"

Lu Tiandu looked it over and gently put away the Sky Corpse Bead.Unfortunately, the son of King Xuan Ye had just entered the early stage of Nascent Soul, and no Sky Corpse Pearl was born in his body.

While Lu Tiandu and Yinyue were searching for land in the tomb, the Xuanhun clone who had finished cleaning up the battlefield also rushed to Sun Qingfeng's location.

At this moment, the battle between King Xuan Ye and Master Kuangsha has entered a fever pitch. Master Kuangsha and True Lord Tianfeng have been presiding over the Yellow Sand Formation, and the old man surnamed Yin, who has the highest level of cultivation, is specifically targeted by King Xuan Ye. Because of this, he looked miserable.

Until this moment, looking at the black sand mist surrounding him unconsciously, the old man surnamed Yin still didn't understand what the other two demons were thinking.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, Fellow Daoist Feng, please open the formation and let the old man leave. The old demon Xuan Ye is almost exhausted. The old man is in ill health, so he will not share the spoils with the two fellow daoists!"

The old man surnamed Yin accompanied him with a smile and a friendly look.

"Hey, old monster Yin, if you can kill old monster Xuan Ye, how about our brothers let you go?"

True Lord Tianfeng smiled sinisterly and said.

The face of the old man surnamed Yin turned dark instantly.

At this moment, Old Demon Yin and King Xuan Ye, who was also seriously injured, looked at each other, immediately raised their treasures, and attacked the formation in the opposite direction.

At this time, the two people who had just been fighting to the death reached an agreement instantly.

"Let's go, kill Old Monster Yin first, and then deal with Old Monster Xuan Ye!"

Master Kuangsha laughed, and the figure of Zhenjun Tianfeng flashed, and released the magic weapon to blast towards the old man surnamed Yin.

"These two demons are still impatient after all!"

Sun Qingfeng, who was observing secretly, shook his head.

In her observation, King Xuan Ye looked seriously injured at this moment, but if they fought to the death, it was hard to say whether the two demons could defeat this old demon.

But this internal strife can still save her a lot of trouble, and she is naturally happy to see it!
Soon there was a "bang" sound, and no one expected that the old man surnamed Yin would be so decisive and vicious in the end, and self-destructed the Nascent Soul. Not only did Tianfeng Zhenjun suffer minor injuries, but it also opened a gap in the Yellow Sand Formation.

"Brother Huang, quickly gather the formation!"

Seeing this scene, Lord Tianfeng's expression changed, for fear that King Xuan Ye would escape.

"Don't worry, Brother Feng, I have secretly ambushed the blue crystal sand. This old devil will never escape!"

Master Kuangsha touched the huge gourd under his feet. While the yellow sand was rolling, the magic formula in his hand changed, and he shouted "explosion" in his mouth.

A loud "rumbling" sound came from the other direction, and there, the center of the explosion scattered countless light blue lights and streams of unpleasant corpse gas, which looked extremely weird!
"This blue crystal sacred sand is really powerful. Fortunately, the old guy Kuangsha has already used it!"

Feeling the fluctuations in the center of the explosion, Tianfeng Zhenjun rolled his eyes and thought to himself.

At this moment, the aura of King Xuan Ye has disappeared, and only Zhenjun Tianfeng can be heard laughing:

"Brother Huang, Brother Huang should be the first to take down the old demon Xuan Ye this time... Let's rush over and kill Mrs. Yuhua and seize the ancient tomb!"


Master Kuangsha, the big man in yellow robes, smiled heartily, "I think Brother Feng will keep this Sky Corpse Pearl first! We will distribute it later!"

Having said that, Master Kuangsha smiled coldly. There must be some kind of connection between King Xuan Ye and the three of them. As soon as King Xuan Ye died, the other two people must have hid in the ancient tomb and escaped long ago. Then How could Huang Chen Sansha and Feng Qizi stop them?

At this moment, True Lord Tianfeng doesn’t mention this matter, so he may have other thoughts in his mind!
"As for the Sky Corpse Pearl, there is only one now. The possibility of both of us advancing by sharing it is relatively small. So, Brother Feng, I'm sorry for you!"

When I think of the old man Tianfeng who has been planning and planning for more than ten years, and finally all the spoils belong to him, the heart of the Kuangsha master becomes hot.

At this moment, Tianfeng Zhenjun saw that Master Kuangsha was gathering the remaining soul-falling sand around him, and there was no other movement, and he felt relieved.

Next, as long as the three evil spirits of Huang Chen and Feng Qizi are brought together, and with the three evil spirits of Huang Chen that he has bribed as internal agents, it will be easy to take down Master Kuangsha!
In this way, this time the net worth of the three Nascent Soul cultivators will be their own!
Thinking of this, Lord Tianfeng also felt hot in his heart.

Just when Tianfeng Zhenjun walked towards the body of King Xuan Ye, a strange word "explosion" suddenly sounded in Tianfeng Zhenjun's ears. Then, the continuous rumbling explosions sounded again, Tianfeng Zhenjun The frightened eyes were filled with blue light!

A thought appeared in Tianfeng Zhenjun's mind: How could he still have the blue crystal sacred sand?

This powerful one-time explosive quickly exploded Zhenjun Tianfeng's huge demon drive into pieces. At the center of the explosion, a several-inch-long Pegasus demon soul was wrapped in a light cyan weapon. The inner alchemy is about to escape.

With a "whoop", a black hurricane instantly fell from the sky, gently wrapped around the demon soul and inner alchemy, and pulled it towards the huge gourd at the feet of the Kuangsha Master.

"Hey, Brother Feng, I never said that I have used up the blue crystal sand!"

Master Kuangsha laughed loudly, his tone full of pride, "Hmph, don't glare at me. Do you think I don't know about your connection with the Three Evils of Huang Chen? Do you think I spent a lot of money to get the stone from the sky this time?" Grandma bought these blue crystal sacred sand just for King Xuan Ye?"

However, Master Kuangsha's wild laughter soon stopped. Looking at Sun Qingfeng and Xuanhun's clone who suddenly appeared not far away, he suddenly started to sweat.

"Two friends..."

Feeling the aura of the two of them, the big man in yellow robe was stunned!

This... all kinds of planning just to make wedding clothes for others?
At this moment, the mana mark he secretly left on Huang Chen Sansha disappeared instantly.

"Okay, Mrs. Yuhua, please come quickly!"

At this moment, Master Kuangfeng was pleasantly surprised by the fact that his subordinates were killed.

When Mrs. Yuhua comes with the corpse guard, maybe he will have a chance to escape.

But at this moment, he was already thinking about how to get a chance of survival from the great monk in front of him!
Naturally, he could not guess that the person who killed the ten people trapped before the Xuanhun clone was not the long-dead Madam Yuhua, but Lu Tiandu.

"Not bad, really good. I didn't expect that the ending would be simpler than what Mr. Lang had imagined before!"

Sun Qingfeng smiled slightly, and without waiting for the big man in yellow robe to say anything else, he already released his magic weapon and attacked...

When Lu Tiandu came later and listened to Sun Qingfeng's account, he also looked surprised.

He really didn't expect these people to be in such a state of internal strife!
This time he gained so much with almost no effort, which really made him dumbfounded.

However, when he sensed the two consecutive huge explosions heard in the distance and finally the three escaping lights belatedly arrived, Lu Tiandu suddenly released his huge spiritual consciousness and shouted coldly:

More than three hundred miles away, three middle-aged monks in Confucian shirts who looked at each other stopped looking away, with expressions of surprise and uncertainty on their faces.


Two years later.

Yaochi Pagoda, in the Palace of Eternal Life.

Lu Tiandu, who had been in seclusion for two years, opened his eyes again, feeling the huge amount of true energy in his body and his greatly increased consciousness, and murmured:
"Finally the late Nascent Soul stage!" (End of this chapter)

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