Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 320 The ‘big things’ done by Han Li, Lord Dayan! Catch an Ankylosaurus!

"Congratulations to your husband for becoming a great monk!"

In the Yaochi Tower and the main hall, when Nangong Wan and other girls heard the news that Lu Tiandu had advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul, their beautiful eyes lit up and they were surprised.

"Haha, your help is indispensable for this!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and said meaningfully.

As soon as these words came out, the girls immediately started laughing.

Soon, except for Le Shurong, Lin Yinping and other girls who were in deep retreat, the other girls received the news and quickly came to this hall, and they were all excited!

260 Four-year-old monks in the late Nascent Soul stage were probably very rare even in the ancient times of the human world, and the man in front of them was their man!
Looking at the girls Yingying Yanyan, Lu Tiandu also became happy.

Before this retreat, Lu Tiandu also introduced Sun Qingfeng to the girls. Now, including Qi Zhenzhen, there are two female cultivators in the late Nascent Soul stage in Yaochi Tower.

Next, when Le Shurong and Lin Yinping come out of seclusion, they will be promoted to the rank of great monks, and more than a hundred years later, Hong Fu, Wen Lan, Nangong Wan and other women will also be promoted to Nascent Soul one by one. In the later period, by that time, these women behind Lu Tiandu alone will have huge power to dominate the world!

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu felt a little proud!
After the celebration banquet, Lu Tiandu looked at the girls and smiled:

"Now that we have arrived in Dajin, and everyone has been practicing hard these years, why not go out and travel a little bit? What do you think?"

Sure enough, after hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the girls became very excited.

The girls from Tiannan and Luanxinghai are still very curious about Dajin, a holy land for cultivating immortals in the human world.

"In this case, we will travel in the name of Overseas Yaochi Palace!"

Nangong Wan smiled slightly.

After hearing Nangong Wan's words, the first girls in Lu Tiandu's harem smiled knowingly.

That's it.

In the past two years, two girls, Ling Yuling and Zi Ling, have also succeeded in condensing babies. Now, except for Le Shurong and Lin Yinping who are impacting the late stage of Nascent Soul, and the five girls Song Yu, Fan Jingmei, and Zhuo Ruting who are in seclusion to condensate babies, the others are naturally preparing to join forces. travel.

After calculating the time, it was now nearly a year before Dajin's ten-year auction. Lu Tian was preparing to win another opportunity before then, so he did not go with the girls.

With Sun Qingfeng, a person who is familiar with the Jin Dynasty, traveling together, including Ao Shan, two great monks and 21 female monks in the early and middle stages of Nascent Soul, no one really dares to fight against this force except for the ten major sects of the Demonic Path. Provoke them, so Lu Tiandu is very relieved about their safety.

After bidding farewell to the girls, Lu Tiandu returned to the palace built a few years ago under Tongtian Peak in the Stone Pearl World to meet Wen Qing.

"I didn't expect you, Tiandu, to break through to the late Nascent Soul stage so quickly, congratulations!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Lu Tiandu and the unconcealed astonishing aura around him, Wen Qing's eyes were filled with wonder.

In less than 90 years, the breakthrough from the middle stage of Yuanying to the late stage of Yuanying is amazing!
"What's this?"

Lu Tiandu hugged the beautiful lady and chuckled, "Sister Qing, I see that your physical strength is also very different now. I think you will be able to retreat and break through to become a god in the near future, right?"

Hearing the breakthrough to the divine form, Wen Qingmei's beautiful eyes flashed with anticipation, she turned her head and kissed the corner of Lu Tiandu's mouth, and said with a smile:
"Yes, with everything you have prepared for me, I have finally made great progress in physical training over the years... I was planning to inform you soon and go into seclusion, but I didn't expect you to come to see me now. !”

"Hehe, isn't this just because Sister Qing and I have a certain understanding of each other?"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.


Wen Qing, a beautiful young woman, stretched out her white fingers and touched Lu Tiandu's lips, smiling coquettishly.

To advance to become a god, you need to make adequate preparations in the three levels of physical body, mana, and spiritual consciousness. Not to mention the various breakthrough experiences Lu Tiandu inherited from Feng Xian, Nangong Ping advanced to become a god more than thirty years ago. It is a living example.

In terms of mana, the various elixirs provided by Lu Tiandu allowed Wen Qing to reach the perfection of the late Nascent Soul as early as possible. As for spiritual consciousness, Wen Qing had already practiced the inherited secret method of Star Palace, and his spiritual consciousness cultivation was sufficient. to break through.

Only the physical aspect is a bit lacking, after all, ordinary monks rarely work hard in this area.

However, over the years, she has reached the third level of practicing the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, which is enough to break through the transformation into a god!

Lu Tiandu stayed with Wen Qing for half a month. After preparing everything for Wen Qing to break through, he left the Xueling Mountains with Yinyue and rushed to Longzhou.

Naturally, this trip to Longzhou was for the earth-armored dragon that the middle-stage Yuanying monk named Ma from the Momu Sect accidentally discovered in the original plot and had just advanced to the seventh level.

The earth-armored dragon, a spiritual beast like the treasure-hunting rat in Lu Tiandu's hands, has an unusual sense of smell for spiritual objects in the world. It is famous for being good at finding heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and is extremely rare in the world of immortality.

Needless to say, the little golden monkey and treasure-hunting rat in Lu Tiandu's hands played a huge role in his career of cultivating immortals. Therefore, Lu Tiandu naturally did not want to let go of this earth-armored dragon.

Once this spiritual beast is caught and tamed, it can be used by the girls in the harem. It will also be of great use in the spirit world.

After the King Xuan Ye incident, various top materials, spiritual stones, magic weapons, elixirs, etc., whether obtained from the ancient tombs or from other Nascent Soul monks, have long been classified and placed one by one by the girls.

As for the three Heavenly Corpse Beads, because they contain extremely powerful corpse poison, they must first be prepared with a kind of spiritual liquid and soaked in it for seven days and seven nights to remove all the corpse poison in the Heavenly Corpse Beads, and then they can be taken with confidence.

Although the materials required to prepare this kind of spiritual liquid are relatively rare, they are naturally extremely easy for Lu Tiandu.

Therefore, he had already dealt with this matter on the eve of retreat. The other two have been refined by Yuan Yao and Zi Ling, and the remaining one, Lu Tiandu, has not yet had time to be refined.

As for the half-finished diamond shield, with the help of Xuanhun, it has also been refined for the Xuanhun clone.

With this diamond shield and golden thunder bamboo armor, as well as the corpse mandrill's body and all the treasures, the mysterious soul clone can still fight even if it encounters a great monk.

Therefore, only three months after the King Xuan Ye incident ended, Lu Tiandu asked the Xuanhun clone to leave the Shizhu World and go to Jinjing.

In the original plot, because the Blood Flame Ancient Demon joined the Ye family of the Jin royal family, the Ye family fully understood the reason why the God Transformation monks of the Jin Dynasty could not leave, and with the help of the Blood Flame Ancient Demon, they solved some of the problems in entering Kunwu Mountain. Only then can Kunwu Mountain be opened secretly in three or four years.

Now that there is no Blood Flame Ancient Demon, it is naturally difficult to say whether the Ye family can unlock the two spiritual treasures of the Kunwu Mountain Conspiracy a few years later like in the original plot.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu sent a mysterious soul clone to directly join the Ye family as an overseas ghost cultivator to make up for the lack of this link. After all, without the assistance of the Ye family, the first family of the Jin Dynasty who had been planning for Kunwu Mountain for more than four hundred years, it would not be easy for Lu Tiandu to enter Kunwu Mountain.

This is the first purpose of Xuanhun's clone's trip.

Judging from the information fed back by the Xuanhun clones over the years, the Ye family's trust in the Xuanhun clones is still very high after they have obtained the astonishingly valuable certificate.

Moreover, the Xuanhun clone took a lot of rare materials with it when it left, and had completed corresponding transactions with the Ye family, which not only facilitated the completion of the imitation spiritual treasure "Pingshan Seal" on time, but also exchanged many other materials.

The second purpose is to investigate Xiao Laoer, a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul who has an uncanny speed. This person somehow obtained the precious half bottle of cold marrow from Xiaoji Palace. Although Lu Tiandu has no shortage of cold marrow, He has no intention of letting go.

The last thing was naturally to let the Xuanhun clone secretly pay attention to the traces of the mid-Yuan Ying monk named Ma from Momu Sect entering the Tianyue Mountains where Yueyang Palace is located.

As long as you notice this person's traces, it will be a piece of cake to attract and capture the earth-armored dragon.

Although the Xuanhun clone has not found any traces of the Yuanying monk named Ma entering the Tianyue Mountains, it is naturally better to do it sooner rather than later. Therefore, after leaving the Xueling Mountains, Lu Tiandu took the Silver Moon Escape at full speed and headed straight for Longzhou.

After advancing to the late stage of Nascent Soul, although Lu Tiandu has not yet reached the sixth level of Dayan Jue, his spiritual consciousness range has now reached [-] miles, which is no different from the monks in the early stage of divine transformation.

In addition to the Dayan Jue's effect on the increase of spiritual consciousness, the Baihua honey wine that Lu Tiandu usually takes, some of the elixirs that enhance the spiritual soul, and the soul-nurturing wood that he wears all have a lot of effects, but the biggest effect is still on the furnace shadow in the sea of ​​consciousness. Strengthening of the soul.

In addition to the growth of spiritual consciousness, it goes without saying that there is also the growth of true energy and speed.

Therefore, in just a few days, the land and sky had crossed millions of miles and arrived at Longzhou, a large state at the junction of the central and western parts of Shanxi.

This state is vast in area, with high mountains and miasma snakes, so it is famous for being rich in various poisonous insects and spiritual beasts.

Unlike other states and counties that are divided by numerous sects, this huge state is only divided between the Yueyang Palace, which ranks among the top five righteous sects, and the Demonic Wood Sect, one of the top ten demon sects.

Yueyang Palace is located in the Tianyue Mountains in Xichuan Prefecture. There are three great monks in the late Yuanying period in this sect, who are very famous. Although the Demonic Wood Sect only has two great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, they should not be underestimated.

As a result, the two sects compete internally and join forces externally. Not only are the forces outside the state unable to interfere with everything in Longzhou, but the other local immortal cultivating forces in the state are also insignificant small sects and sects, basically investing in this separately. Under the influence of two families, in order to seek protection.

Entering the barren mountains and ridges occupied by Yueyang Palace, which stretches for more than [-] miles, Lu Tiandu had to sigh that Jin Dynasty was worthy of being the holy land of cultivation in the world. This Longzhou was much richer in resources than the Liaozhou he had visited before.

Seeing the Xuanhun clone again and hearing that there was still no trace of the mid-Yuan Ying monk surnamed Ma in the past four months, Lu Tiandu could only wait quietly in Xichuan Mansion.

As for the traces of Xiao Lao'er, although Xuanhun's clone had already obtained all the information about this person with the help of the Ye family's power, he still had not seen this person in Jinjing.

The only good news is that the Ye family has made good progress with the help of Xuanhun clones in recent years.

"So, I'm afraid we can only see this person when the Shanxi auction begins!"

Lu Tiandu sighed and no longer cared about this matter.

"But I did find out about some strange things that happened in several states of the Jin Dynasty over the years, which may be related to Han Li and the Lord Dayan!"

Suddenly the Xuanhun clone talked about some strange things that had happened in Dajin in recent years.

After listening to what Xuanhun's clone said about various incidents in which valuable treasures in small and medium-sized sects were either forcibly traded or disappeared, Lu Tiandu also suddenly thought of making these transactions. Owner.

"Haha, these two guys must have done this!"

“I really didn’t expect that these two disciples of my master would quietly do so many ‘big things’ after arriving in Dajin!”

Yin Yue on the side also smiled coquettishly.

In fact, the treasures of various sects mentioned by the Xuanhun clone are basically related to the refining of Yuanying late-stage puppets, and the others are some materials with wind and fire attributes. I think God Lord Dayan may want to refine a 'Wind and Fire Fan' ' imitations.

After getting the refining method of the Wind and Fire Fan, a spiritual treasure, from the god Qingluan, God Lord Dayan also made a copy.

Maybe they have figured out how to make imitation spiritual treasures over the years.

As for some other Buddhist relics that were stolen, these are naturally related to the Mingwang Jue that Han Li wants to practice.

Mingwang Jue can only be accomplished with the help of relics. Han Li had long missed the Vajra relic in Jin Yuan's hand. The evil energy in his body was about to explode, so naturally he had to resort to extreme measures.

Speaking of which, since these two people learned all the secrets about the transformation of gods from Lu Tiandu, I am afraid that they have not only set the goal of advanced transformation into gods, but have also begun to make some preparations for sneaking into the space node.

In a place like Dajin where cultivation resources are relatively abundant, the two of them not only have the ability to fight across levels, but also have a lot of Nascent Soul puppets, and they can even fight against a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

As long as he didn't run into the hands of the Ten Sects of the Righteous Demonic Way, there really wasn't much room that Da Jin could block the two of them.

With such strength, the two of them might not be able to help but act secretly when normal transactions are not possible.

After laughing, Lu Tiandu also forgot about the matter.

More than a month passed in the blink of an eye. During this period, Lu Tian was not idle. He secretly caught a lot of poisonous insects in the Tianyue Mountains and collected a lot of supplies for the flying purple-striped scorpions trained by the harem girls.

On this day, after receiving the notice from Xuanhun's clone that he finally found traces of Yuan Ying named Ma in Huangli Mountain in the neighboring city, Lu Tiandu secretly said, "It's finally here!"
Sure enough, although this Yuanying named Ma has the magical power to summon monsters, and is famous for his escape skills in the Jin Dynasty, and his speed is no less than that of the late Yuanying monks, in the end, the earth armored dragon still relied on his natural earth escape skills to escape into Xichuan Mansion .

At this moment, Lu Tiandu did not hesitate, and while letting Yin Yue hide in secret, he took out a piece of coral and a neon grass from the Yaochi Tower...

As the leaves of the neon grass unfolded, the monsters in the nearby mountains became restless.

At the same time, in the Nantian Peak where the Yueyang Palace is located, two Haoyang birds, an eighth-level one and a seventh-level one, also neighed excitedly, causing an old woman in purple robe with a late Nascent Soul cultivation level to comfort her family's inherited spirit. While looking at the beast, he also looked outside in confusion.

Soon, in the formation, as Yin Yue came under the cover of the bag, in the purple bag, an ugly ball-like monster emitting yellow light was trapped in the purple net bag.

The monster's body was covered with rough, hard, khaki-colored thick skin, wrinkled and swollen, as if it was covered with a thick layer of armor. In the middle of the extremely fat body, there is a pointed rat head and a slender tail, which looks like a mutated giant demon rat. It is a rare spiritual beast like an earth armored dragon.


Lu Tiandu laughed loudly, put away the silver moon, turned into a golden light and disappeared without a trace... (End of this chapter)

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