Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 321 Two treasure-delivery boys came to my door! People from Xiaoji Palace!

"Who is this person? When did such a powerful monk appear in the Jin Dynasty?"

Lu Tiandu could not leave for more than a few breaths. Just above the valley where he used the neon grass to set up an ambush to capture the earth-armored dragon, a ray of light circled around, and the golden rainbow light faded, revealing the man who was appeasing the Haoyang Bird in Yueyang Palace. old woman in purple robe.

At the feet of the old woman, the eighth-level fiery red Haoyang bird was sniffing the remaining breath in the valley in a daze, at a loss.

At this moment, the old woman in purple robe had a look of surprise on her face. In just a few breaths, during the exploration of her spiritual sense, the golden light had already appeared more than [-] miles away. Its speed was really unbelievable.

Just because of her hesitation, her spiritual consciousness in the later stage of Nascent Soul could no longer capture the figure of that person!
"Who? Come out here!"

The old woman in purple robe quickly suppressed the surprise and doubt in her heart. After searching with her consciousness, she discovered that someone was hiding nearby, and she immediately shouted angrily.

"Who am I? It turns out to be fellow Taoist Ma from the Demonic Wood Sect. Fellow Taoist is not meditating in the door, so what are you doing secretly in our Tianyue Mountains? Is your Excellency the cause of the commotion of the monsters just now?"

The old woman stared at the other party with suspicious eyes and asked coldly.

On the other side of the valley, a faint khaki figure slowly emerged.

This was a masked monk wearing a yellow-green robe. His exposed eyes were glowing with an inhuman golden light, which looked very strange.

"Hey! Fellow Daoist Sun came here earlier than me. You should know that the strange movement of the monster is not caused by Ma!"

The masked monk looked at the direction where Lu Tiandu's golden light had left with a frightened expression. Just now he was also pursuing it from the north, but when he came into contact with the astonishing aura of the golden light, he was immediately startled.

At this moment, thinking of the scene of that man's consciousness sweeping over his body, he still broke out in cold sweat.

That kind of pressure is too obvious!
"It can't be some old monster who transforms into gods, right? I guess that earth-armored dragon must have been succeeded by this senior!"

This kind of pressure was not brought to him even by the late Yuan Ying senior brothers in the sect, it could only be the old monster who transformed into a god without seeing the beginning of the dragon!
When the purple-robed old woman heard that Yuanying, the horse named Yuan Ying, entered her Tianyue Mountains to chase an earth-armored dragon that had just advanced to the seventh level, she only gave him a few words of warning. Neither of them mentioned the golden escape again. The man in the light.

One was afraid of the man's astonishing speed, and the other was swept by the huge spiritual consciousness. Both of them were a little afraid. Naturally, they didn't want to mention this matter again at this moment.

A few days later, when the two of them heard about an incident that happened hundreds of thousands of miles away from them in Longzhou, they were both secretly glad that they didn't catch up!

Lu Tiandu, who was escaping from the light at this moment, naturally had no idea that his random actions made the elders of the two major sects in Longzhou so fearful.

Longzhou is located at the junction of the central and western parts, while Dajin is located east of the central part. Therefore, Lu Tiandu only needs to fly eastward along the way.

At this moment, there is plenty of time before the Dajin auction, and Lu Tiandu is not in a hurry. An hour later, he returned to his normal speed in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu said softly, "Hey", stopped escaping the light, and swept his consciousness to the northwest.

In the air four hundred miles away from him, two escaping lights were approaching rapidly. One of the escape lights is green, and the other escape light is cyan.

The two of them flew away with all their strength, and their speed was no less than that of ordinary late-stage Yuanying monks. What surprised Lu Tian was that the aura around these two people was only in the early stage of Yuanying.

This suddenly attracted Lu Tiandu's attention.

And when he extended his consciousness to nearly six hundred miles, he discovered that there were three silvery-white rays of light behind the two people chasing after them in a hurry.

The speed of one of the silver rays is not bad, and the speed of the other two silver rays is just average.

The auras revealed around these three people are all in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and they are faintly cold. It is obvious that the three of them are practicing either ice-type or yin-type techniques.

As for the two people in front of them, their auras had completely restrained. Lu Tian only glanced at them briefly, but he couldn't tell at all!

"Interesting! It's so interesting that the three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks can't catch up with the two early-stage Nascent Soul monks!"

There was a smile on Lu Tiandu's lips, and he suddenly opened his consciousness and glanced at the two people in front of him.

As a result, after breaking through the disguise of the two, Lu Tiandu was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

“I really didn’t expect that the opportunity that I had been looking for for so long would just come to my door!”

It turned out that among the two rays of light closest to him, the one in the green ray of light turned out to be a thin old man with a cunning look on his face and a few sparse broken beards on his chin. It was the clone of Xuanhun who was in Jin Dynasty. Beijing has been investigating Mr. Xiao for a long time.

In another ray of cyan light, there is a middle-aged man who looks to be in his fifties, with an ordinary face and a amiable appearance. He is the real Master Sisan who Lu Tiandu asked the Xuanhun clone to collect information.

"Master Sisan, hehe, he should be the deputy valley master of Ten Thousand Demons Valley, Ten Thousand Years Bear Corpse. This man has a lot of treasures in his hands! And he can collect another Sky Corpse Bead!"

"In this case, the three people chasing after these two people must be from Xiaoji Palace. Did they happen to meet these two people and steal the half bottle of cold essence from Xiaoji Palace?"

Lu Tian was confused when he thought of this, "Seeing that this direction is coming from the northwest, and according to the time, the auction is about to happen, the cold marrow should be in Xiao Lao'er's body, but how can these two people escape from the restrictions? The cold marrow was stolen from Xiaoji's palace?"

Master Xiong in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons can walk around the world of immortality as a real person from around the world without being noticed, mainly relying on a rare treasure "the Mysterious Bead" in the hands of the old demon Che in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

As long as this bead is swallowed, not only can the appearance be changed at will, but also strange auras such as monster aura and corpse aura can be concealed. Unless the person has a very powerful spiritual consciousness, ordinary monks will not be able to discover the true body.

However, this rare treasure also has its limitations. Once this bead is swallowed, the mana will be greatly limited. If you use all your magic power, the camouflage effect of the beads will disappear.

This is why Master Xiong, who is at the peak of the late Yuanying period, only shows his cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying after disguising himself as Master Si San.

As for the fact that he relied on another rare treasure from ancient times, the "Square Flying Boots", his escape speed was so amazing that even the late Nascent Soul monks were unable to do anything about it. This only shows that he is capable of escaping, but it does not mean that he has the strength to break through Xiao Ji. Intrauterine restrictions.

If he dares to reveal the true form of the bear corpse, the restrictions left by the two late Nascent Soul monks and the Ice Soul Fairy in Xiaoji Palace will not be taken lightly.

And Xiao Laoer is a genuine early-stage Yuanying monk. In the original plot, the blackmailer Han Laomo was instantly killed by Han Li, which mainly relied on the gold-eating insect's disguised sneak attack and the "shock" shot by the God Lord Dayan with his divine consciousness. "Divine Thorn" caught this person off guard!
Only then was he quickly beheaded!

There is no need to doubt the motive of these two people to steal the cold marrow, especially Master Xiong who was born in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

The highest value of cold marrow is naturally used to refine Yanghui water that can increase a monk's life span by a quarter. However, not many people know this secret. Even those who know it have never found it because the true sun fire is difficult to find. I've heard of people refining spiritual things like Yang Shui.

The secondary value is that it can help monsters and beasts survive the catastrophe of transformation, which is also the most well-known. This is also the main reason why Ten Thousand Demon Valley attacks Xiaoji Palace every once in a while to ask for the cold marrow.

The most secondary use is to refine weapons and enhance the power of ice attribute treasures.

Therefore, if we say who needs this cold marrow the most, it is naturally the demon clan forces. The most powerful of the demon clan in Dajin is naturally the Ten Thousand Demons Valley!

Although he had roughly guessed the whole story and had many unanswered questions in his mind, these thoughts did not delay his next move at all. These treasure-delivery boys came to his door, and he had no habit of refusing.

Moreover, he can also take advantage of this to sell favors to the three people behind him, Xiao Ji Gong.

However, just in case, Lu Tiandu secretly released the Xuanhun clone and let it hide first. Then there were pursuers from behind and obstacles in front. Master Xiong and Master Sisan must escape separately, leaving the clone waiting for an opportunity. Plot against Mr. Xiao.

And just a breath ago, as Lu Tiandu used his huge spiritual power to break through the two people's method of hiding their bodies, the expressions of Master Xiong and Xiao Laoer suddenly changed.

Especially Master Xiong, they immediately realized that the person flying towards them must be a great monk. After all, he was also a late-stage Nascent Soul monk and was too sensitive to this power of divine consciousness.

"Old Xiao, you took the cold marrow and escaped from the underground. I will lure this person away first, and then we will meet up in Jinjing!"

Master Xiong glanced at the three people chasing behind him, especially the old man named Wang from Xiaoji Palace who was not slow in escaping, and the golden escaping light shooting from the front, and made an instant decision.

In fact, there was no sudden appearance of Lu Tiandu, and the two of them had already decided to act separately. As long as after they separated, he attracted the old man named Wang who was not slow to escape, Xiao Laoer could easily escape from the hands of the Bai sisters. .

After all, after chasing and escaping all this way, there is nothing special about the speed of the Bai sisters!
And in a deserted place, as long as he showed his true cultivation and killed the old man named Wang who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it would be no problem.

After all, although he was not afraid of having the three mid-stage Nascent Soul monks gather together to chase him, Xiao Laoer, who was in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, might not be able to survive.

It would be in their best interest to act separately.

However, the appearance of the mysterious late-stage Nascent Soul monk in front of them suddenly disrupted their plans. At this moment, Master Xiong not only had to attract the old man surnamed Wang, but also Lu Tiandu!

"it is good!"

The skinny old man nodded, naturally understanding what Master Xiong meant, and flew away in the other direction without hesitation.

He is proficient in several escape methods, especially ghost escape, but performing this escape method requires a lot of real energy. After persisting for the past few days, he has been unable to bear it.

Even so, after separation, he was still confident that he could get rid of the two Bai sisters in Xiaoji Palace.

"They are separated indeed!"

Lu Tiandu had a smile on his lips, and he was still at the speed of an ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul. Naturally, he also wanted the two of them to be separated before he could start.

As for the three people from Xiaoji Palace behind, needless to say, the faster one in front chased Master Xiong, who was escaping faster, while the two escaping lights behind chased Mr. Xiao.

"These Sifang Feitian boots are truly a rare treasure!"

After just a few breaths of chasing, Lu Tiandu noticed the strange light cyan treasure under the bear master's feet.

At this moment, under the performance of Master Xiong who was in the early stage of Yuanying, his speed was actually a few points faster than that of ordinary monks in the late stage of Yuanying.

As a result, this man and Lu Tiandu were also separated by three hundred miles.

However, although Lu Tiandu was a little surprised, he didn't take it to heart. As long as he went at full speed, he could catch up with this person in just a moment.

What he cared about most at the moment was naturally the distance between Mr. Xiao and him.

After sensing that the two people were now more than [-] miles apart, and that no one else's consciousness could detect anything strange happening to this person, Lu Tiandu suddenly gathered his consciousness and let out an unusually cold snort.

"Shocking stab!"

But more than four hundred miles away, almost approaching the ground, the figure of the skinny old man with joy flashing in his eyes suddenly stopped, there was a loud bang in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and a sharp pain like tearing suddenly came from the soul.


The old man let out a scream involuntarily, his body twitched, his thin, withered face wrinkled up, and he fell towards the ground.

At this moment, the mysterious soul clone that Lu Tiandu had previously ambushed in midway and used the secret technique of spiritual invisibility and virtualization to be invisible and tracked suddenly appeared.

With a wave of his sleeve, an extremely fast golden sword trembled slightly, and when it shot towards Xiao Lao'er, it exploded with a "boom" and turned into slender golden threads that filled the sky. , densely shooting at Mr. Xiao.

And then, a dark yellow flaming hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the head of Mr. Xiao who had not yet reacted...

On the other side, the old man surnamed Wang in Xiaoji Palace also noticed the sudden appearance of the golden light that was consistent with the target he was pursuing. As soon as he sensed the aura around this person, he suddenly felt happy and shouted:
"This fellow Taoist is Wang Xu, the law enforcement elder of Xiaoji Palace on Xiabeiming Island. The thieves in front of me have stolen the precious treasure of my Xiaoji Palace. Please help me, and Xiaoji Palace will definitely reward you generously!"

"Okay, this person has done many evil things, you and I should work together to kill this beast!"

Lu Tiandu, who was escaping from the light, suddenly roared, and his speed suddenly doubled. In the shocked expressions of the two people in front and behind him, it turned into a golden and purple escaping light, and shot out instantly!

"What? This person actually knows how to speed up the secret technique?"

Master Xiong who was escaping in front suddenly changed his expression and his expression became gloomy.

Originally, he wanted to rely on the treasure to get rid of the two of them, but Lu Tiandu's speed was too astonishing. Even if he recovered the body of a bear corpse and used the Four Directions Flying Boots with all his strength, it was impossible to escape.

"In this case, when you get closer, I will give you a surprise!"

The man's eyes rolled around, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he made an instant decision.

After more than ten breaths, seeing that the distance between the two of them was only more than a thousand feet, the figure of Master Xiong who was flying in front suddenly stopped, turned around strangely, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and shot toward Lu Tiandu. Come.

"Hehe, do you really think that you can plot against me with the body of the Corpse King of Ten Thousand Years Bear Corpse?"

Lu Tiandu sneered in his heart, suddenly gathered his consciousness, and let out an unusually cold snort.

"Shocking stab!"

At the same time, Lu Tiandu flicked his sleeves, and a stream of blue light shot towards Master Xiong with a "whoosh" sound and a blue glow...

It was the imitation Lingbao "Flying Sea Shuttle" that he had never used before! (End of chapter)

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