Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 322 Old Demon Che? I'm waiting for him! Bai Yaoyi Bai Mengxin!


In an instant, the flying real people screamed, and the amiable face suddenly became distorted. Involuntarily, he suddenly stopped his body. Under the surge of mana all over his body, the Mysterious Bead failed, and with a sound of "Ouch", Suddenly the body of the ten-thousand-year-old bear corpse appeared.

A huge demonic bear, about four feet tall, with thick green hair about a foot long all over its body, thick limbs, and sharp purple-black nails on its ten fingers, with a wide mouth and fangs, suddenly appeared in the air, looking ferocious and terrifying.

There was a "boom", and before Master Xiong could react, a three-foot-long blue stream of light suddenly collided with the huge monster bear corpse.


When the huge monster bear was hit and retreated, a tragic howl of the monster bear suddenly resounded through the sky.

"How is it possible? Imitation Lingbao?"

In an instant, Master Xiong, who was at the peak of his cultivation in the late Nascent Soul stage, had recovered from the shocking thorn. His huge green bear eyes flashed with fierce light, his fangs were cold, and his face looked ferocious.

Feeling the severe pain coming from the Sky Corpse's body and the dense cracks in the area where it was bombarded, Master Xiong had a look of fear on his face.

He knew he had met his match this time!

He really didn't expect that this person was not only incredibly fast, but also had terrifyingly powerful spiritual consciousness. He used the secret technique of divine consciousness to plot against him and caught him off guard.

Moreover, he actually has treasures such as shuttle-type imitation spiritual treasures in his hand that can cause harm to his body!
  He stretched out his hand and turned over, and a two-foot-long dark ox-tip knife instantly appeared in Master Xiong's huge bear paw. Blood streaks flowed on the blade, and a bloody aura spread out.

Master Xiong had a ferocious look on his face, and with a slight wave, the small black-red sharp knife had just turned into a length of two feet. Before he could make any move, a harsh explosion sounded in the void, and the air in front of him suddenly turned black, and a streak of The shadow of a barrel-thick black-gold stick was already approaching.


Master Xiong roared instantly, smiled ferociously, and faced him with a knife.

This person dared to fight with him in close combat. Isn't this a recipe for death?
  "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

Continuous collision sounds came one after another, mixed with miserable screams. In the sky, black and gold stick shadows, black and red knife lights, and blue shuttle shadows were coldly intertwined. But with just one breath, there was no more black and red in the sky. The light of the knife.

At this moment, not only did Master Xiong's demon sword, which was imitated from the demon dragon blade, be broken into pieces, but even the huge corpse bear had a miserable look on his face at this moment.

Two thick arms hung to the side like noodles, half of the bear's head was smashed, black blood surged from the blood holes on the demon body, and the unpleasant corpse odor could no longer be concealed. spread.

"How is it possible? Your body is more powerful than my corpse body?"

The hoarse voice was accompanied by Master Xiong's disbelieving eyes. He looked at Lu Tiandu, who looked indifferent and held the dragon-patterned black gold stick in his hand, without any damage, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Dharma Body Fellow Cultivator! How is this possible?"

Panic words were swallowed from Master Xiong's mouth, which was still stained with black blood.


"How is this possible? The thief is actually Master Xiong, the deputy valley master of Ten Thousand Demons Valley?"

At this moment, the old man surnamed Wang, who was still dozens of miles away, stopped in the air. From his spiritual consciousness, he saw the battle between the two that only lasted for four or five breaths, with a look of fear on his old face.

"Who is this great monk opposite? He actually relied on melee combat to wreak havoc on the notorious Bear Master to this extent..."

Seeing Master Xiong's miserable appearance, the old man surnamed Wang felt lucky but had a look of disbelief on his face.

This is Master Xiong. I heard that it was a ten-thousand-year-old corpse bear that was cultivated into a spirit after the death of a certain monk from the lower realms in ancient times. It has already reached the peak of the late Nascent Soul. It is one of the famous deputy valley masters of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley. First, how many human monks of the same level have died in the hands of this demon!

When he saw the thief in the early stage of Nascent Soul suddenly appearing as a demon bear, how could he not recognize that huge aura?
  His first reaction was to run away. As a result, before he could react, after a few breaths, the demon bear was beaten so hard that he had no room to fight back.

The body of the Heavenly Corpse, which was extremely hard and could not be affected by ordinary magic weapons, was as unsightly as a tattered rag under the attack of the young man in white!
  The situation at this moment can only be described as raging!

"Who is this person? He is so cruel!"

He was really curious about the identity of the man in white at this moment. It was obvious that this man was not only a great monk, but also an extremely powerful body refiner!
  How is it possible that there are still successful body refiners in the human race today? Didn't such people exist in ancient times? As the law enforcement elder of the Xiaoji Palace of the sect passed down from ancient times, he also knows some secrets.

Nowadays, when talking about body training, the first reaction of knowledgeable monks is naturally the Buddhist Dharma protectors, especially some of the Dharma protectors who have achieved great achievements in Buddhism and cultivated the Vajra relics.

If you can cultivate a golden body of eight feet, you will be famous among the late Nascent Soul monks with its extremely powerful defense!

The monster race is born with a strong physical body, and it relies on its tyrannical body to fight against the magic weapons of human monks. This tyrannical body is also the special skill of most monster cultivators.

And the only ones who can fight in close combat with the physical and tyrannical demon cultivators are human body refiners.

It is said that this demon bear was half a step away from advancing to the state of becoming a god during his lifetime, and after his death, he even converted to the corpse path.

As a result, the body of the Heavenly Corpse, which was comparable to the Buddhist body of Zhang Ba, was so vulnerable to that young man's attack?
  This young man's melee combat ability is too strong!

Could it be a monk from the legendary Dharma Body cultivator?

At this moment, the old man named Wang fell into deep shock and suspicion!

While the old man was thinking wildly, Lu Tiandu felt calm as he looked at Master Xiong who looked frightened and was looking for an opportunity to escape.

At this moment, he has two great treasures coming out together, and working together to refine his Qi and body, if he still can't deal with a ten-thousand-year-old corpse king who has cultivated the body of a heavenly corpse, there is no need to mess around!
  As for King Xuan Ye, who had not yet cultivated the body of a heavenly corpse before, Lu Tian was too lazy to take action, and his clones and his own women could basically handle it!
  "Your Excellency, since you are a fellow cultivator of the Dharma Body, you are not an unknown person? Who are you? Why are you an enemy of me, the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons?"

At this moment, Master Xiong's voice was hoarse, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he stared at the indifferent Lu Tiandu in horror, "Do you know that our Ten Thousand Demon Valley has not only many tenth-level demon cultivators, but also the owner of the valley is a god-forming cultivator. You If you kill me all today, the Valley Master in the future, hum..."

"Are you done? If you're done, you can go and die."

Lu Tiandu glanced at him indifferently, "You, a dead man, don't need to know my identity! As for threatening me? I have been very short of high-level demon elixirs in recent years. You are welcome to the Ten Thousand Demon Valley to take revenge. As for Mr. Che If the demon dares to come looking for me, I will wait for him!"


As soon as Lu Tiandu said these words, Master Xiong's last illusion of overwhelming others was shattered. At this moment, he knew that he had met a ruthless person and there was no way out.

For some reason, at this moment, countless monks who were tortured and begged for mercy by him suddenly flashed through his mind. These people were probably as terrified as he was when they were dying!

However, while using the souls of countless monks to practice, he never thought that he would end up like he did today...


When the old man surnamed Wang arrived near the battlefield, Lu Tiandu, who was dressed in white, was playing with two small beads in his hands, one of which was golden yellow and the size of a walnut. The other one is only about the size of your thumb, exuding a white luster. With a sweep of your consciousness, it turns into countless phantoms, as if you can turn it into something if you want to see it.

It was the Heavenly Corpse Bead and the Mysterious Bead that Lu Tiandu obtained from Master Xiong.

And near Lu Tiandu, floating a pair of animal skin boots exuding cyan brilliance, they were the Sifang Feitian boots that Master Si San became famous for.

A little further away, the body of the bear, now torn into pieces, was floating randomly. Near the remains of the bear corpse, several high-end storage bags were floating quietly.

Lu Tiandu had already learned from the Mysterious Soul clone that Xiao Lao'er had been killed by the clone using the Golden Needle Sword, the Mysterious Soul Demon Fire and the Evil-Repelling Divine Thunder. The half bottle of cold marrow had also been obtained, so naturally there was no The meaning of moving bear master storage bag.

After the people from Xiaoji Palace complete the inspection, it will not be too late for him to take back the loot.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for saving your life. I don't know how to call you? Wang Xu, the law enforcement elder of Xiaoji Palace, is so polite! My fellow Taoist's help today will be greatly rewarded by this palace in the future!"

At this moment, the old man surnamed Wang, dressed in white and exuding a chilly air, saluted not far from Lu Tian and said in a sincere tone.

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist. I'm going overseas to cultivate in Lu Tiandu. This time I took action, it was just a matter of convenience!"

Lu Tiandu smiled calmly.

"It turns out to be fellow Daoist Lu! I heard that there are many monks with great supernatural powers overseas. When I saw them today, I realized that these words were true!"

The old man surnamed Wang had a look of admiration on his face. Thinking of the previous battle between Lu Tiandu and Master Xiong, he still hasn't come back to his senses:

"I didn't expect that the person who colluded with me, Xiaoji, to steal the treasure in my palace was Master Xiong from the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons! This person must have relied on the rare treasure of the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, the 'Miscellaneous Bead', to disguise himself as the scattered real person Zheng Wei , this person has done so many evil things that it’s hard to write them down... My fellow Taoist being able to get rid of this notorious old monster today is also a blessing to me as a monk in the Jin Dynasty..."

"You can talk!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the old man with a half-smile, "Speaking of which, Xiaoji Gong and I also have some connections, so you don't have to be polite about today's matter. Just go and look for your Xiaoji Gong in his storage bag. Is the lost treasure among them?"

"Thank you so much, fellow Daoist Lu!"

Hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the old man Wang Xu felt happy and thanked him repeatedly.

If Lu Tian didn't let him check the storage bag, he really didn't have the guts to check it by force.

After all, this Lu Tiandu is obviously a ruthless person. The meaning behind his previous words was that he didn't even look down on the old demon Che from the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, which is really incredible.

These overseas monks not only have great magical powers, but their courage cannot be matched by the inland monks of the Jin Dynasty!

Their Xiaoji Palace is also considered a hegemon in the northwest, with two great monks, and its reputation is not weak in the interior, but he doesn't think the other party can give him face!
  Fortunately, this fellow Daoist Lu seems to be easy to talk to!
  When the old man surnamed Wang checked Master Xiong's storage bag and spirit beast bag, his face suddenly turned ugly.

At this moment, two silver-white rays of light shot out from the distance. The light shrank, and two seventeen or eighteen-year-old female cultivators with petite figures and beautiful faces appeared in the distance.

What is eye-catching is that the two women are not only very similar in appearance, but also similar in stature. They are both dressed in silver palace clothes with beautiful and concave and convex figures. At a glance, they are simply a pair of twins.

The person on the left has a pink belt tied around her waist. She has a pair of clear and soft eyes with watery eyes, giving people a very gentle feeling. It is Bai Yaoyi of the Bai family of Xiaoji Palace.

The person on the right has a light yellow belt around her waist, her face is crystal white, and her phoenix eyes are somewhat sharp, giving people a cold feeling. This woman is Bai Yaoyi's cousin Bai Mengxin.

What's more amazing is that the palace clothes worn by the Bai sisters are made of unknown ice-based materials. Not only are they dazzling with silver light, but there are also several milky white cold air floating around them, making the two girls like fairies in the clouds. , without the slightest hint of fireworks.

However, the faces of the two women who came eagerly at this moment were a little unhappy.

As soon as the old man surnamed Wang saw the two women arriving, he glanced at their expressions and secretly thought something was wrong. He quickly stepped forward and asked:
  "Did the two junior sisters catch up with another thief?"

"Senior Brother Wang, we have lost him!"

Bai Yaoyi shook her head. Although her face looked a little bad, her voice was extremely pleasant and soft, very pleasant.

Although Bai Mengxin said nothing, she nodded.

Hearing that the other person suddenly disappeared after escaping underground, Wang Xu could only secretly say that it was a pity!

"Senior brother, have you found the lost treasure?"

Bai Mengxin glanced at the storage bag in Wang Xu's hand and asked aloud.


The old man had a look of regret on his face and briefly explained what happened before in a few words.

"What? That person from before was actually the Bear Master from Ten Thousand Demon Valleys in disguise? Is the corpse in the sky the Bear Master?"

The Bai sisters looked at each other with shock on their faces. In recent years, it is rare to hear of great cultivators who have died in the fight in the world of immortal cultivation, right?

"That fellow Taoist beheaded the bear corpse?"

The two women looked at Lu Tiandu who was playing with a white bead in the distance, with a look of disbelief in their eyes.

With the death of the deputy valley master of Ten Thousand Demons Valley today, the entire Great Jin Immortal Realm may not be peaceful in the future!
  "Hey, senior brother, didn't you say that this fellow Daoist Lu is a great monk? Why does he only seem to be in the early stage of Nascent Soul?"

Bai Yaoyi's consciousness swept through the aura around Lu Tiandu, and she said with curiosity and confusion.

"Let's go, let me introduce you to Fellow Daoist Lu! If it hadn't been for this Fellow Daoist Lu to take action, I would have died here this time!"

Wang Xu smiled and shook his head, but there was still some fear in his eyes, "Have you forgotten Master Xiong's disguise method before?"

"I see!"

At this moment, the Bai sisters naturally discovered the white beads emitting a faint light in Lu Tiandu's hand, and they flashed with curiosity.

Just as the three of them were flying towards Lu Tiandu's position, as they got closer and closer to Lu Tiandu, the Bai sisters' expressions suddenly changed. An inexplicable panic hit their hearts, and their pretty faces suddenly turned red. The two of them glanced at each other unconsciously, and instantly understood that the other person felt the same way.

"How is this going?"

Doubts suddenly arose in the two people's minds, and the flying figure became coy... (End of this chapter)

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