Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 323 Magic Pearl! Which fairy should I give it to?

"I didn't expect that the two of the three people from Xiaoji Palace who went after Xiao Lao'er turned out to be sisters from the Bai family!"

From the moment Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin emerged from the light, Lu Tiandu saw the figures and faces of the two women clearly and reacted instantly.

Seeing the two women's very similar faces, one gentle and the other cold, with almost opposite temperaments, and then scanning the two women's petite and plump curves, Lu Tiandu's heart moved.

Nowadays, his family is considered to be a big one. There are more than [-] girls in the harem, and beauties of all kinds emerge in endlessly. However, generally speaking, the girls are mainly slender, tall, and plump. Among them, Yanli is the exception. Although she is petite, she is But his mind is extremely broad.

As a result, I didn't expect that when I saw the Bai sisters this time, their amazing curves were no less beautiful than Yanli's, and the similar looks of the two cousins ​​were almost as good as those of the twin sisters who returned home!
  This naturally made Lu Tiandu very interested.

And as the two women flew over, Lu Tian immediately sensed the strange movement of the Dragon Roar's body, especially the woman Bai Mengxin who was at the peak of her cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Lu Tiandu suddenly understood that in addition to the ice spirit root, this woman might also have some kind of special physique.

At this moment, old man Wang Xu, who was flying in front, seemed to notice the hesitant figures of the two women behind him, and suddenly turned around and said doubtfully:

"Hey, what's wrong with you two junior sisters? Junior sister Xiaobai, what's wrong with you? Why are your faces so red?"

"Ah, oh, nothing happened!"

Bai Yaoyi quickly suppressed the panic in her heart, her tone was still so gentle and pleasant, she inadvertently glanced at Lu Tiandu not far away, and met Lu Tiandu's equally curious eyes, her heart suddenly trembled, and she quickly said:
  "Maybe it's because tracking thieves these days has consumed too much real energy, and the mana in the body is not flowing smoothly..."

"That's right, junior sister has been working hard these days!"

Wang Xu nodded, looking understanding.

During this period of long-distance tracking, Bai Yaoyi was the weakest among the three of them, so it was normal for her body to react like this.

Bai Mengxin, who was next to her, had a pretty face because of the special skills she practiced. The strangeness on her face was naturally not obvious, and Wang Xu didn't pay close attention to it.

Although Bai Mengxin quickly suppressed the abnormal movement of her body and said nothing, a pair of cold eyes also inadvertently fell on Lu Tiandu, and he secretly looked at him.

"Come on, two junior sisters, Fellow Daoist Lu, let me introduce you three..."

Wang Xu smiled slightly and introduced both parties with a very enthusiastic look.

"I am Bai Mengxin. I have met Fellow Daoist Lu. Thank you very much for your help!"

Bai Mengxin showed a rare faint smile and bowed her hands.

"Fairy Mengxin, you're so polite. It's such a small effort, it's not worth mentioning."

Lu Tiandu spoke in a gentle tone, smiled and nodded. At this moment, there was no concealment of the mysterious beads, and his cultivation was clearly revealed.

"I think the fairy has now reached her mid-term peak, and I think she is not far away from becoming a great monk!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Bai Mengxin smiled and said a few words of humility.

"Yes, cousin, if the opportunity comes, I can advance to become a great monk very quickly!"

Bai Yaoyi on the side had already adapted to the strangeness of her body. She smiled sweetly and her bright eyes fell on Lu Tiandu:

"Thank you so much for Fellow Daoist Lu's help this time. If our Xiaoji Palace will be useful in the future, feel free to say so, Fellow Daoist! I heard from my senior brother that Fellow Daoist Lu is an overseas monk. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Lu has ever known the 'Three Overseas Immortals'. I heard These three people are all overseas monks with great supernatural powers!"

"Fairy Yaoyi is so polite!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "Although Lu has heard of the names of the Three Immortals overseas, he has never seen these three Taoist friends... The sea area is vast, and there are many people who are crouching tigers, hidden dragons. With Lu's strength, What’s the point!”

Before Bai Yaoyi could say anything, Wang Xu on the side stroked his beard, shook his head, and said with a smile:

"Fellow Daoist Lu is too humble. Although I have never met the Three Overseas Immortals, in terms of combat power, let alone the Three Overseas Immortals, among the entire Nascent Soul cultivators of the Jin Dynasty, I am afraid that Fellow Daoist can be ranked at the forefront..."

As he spoke, the old man explained in detail how Lu Tiandu quickly killed Master Xiong. This made the two women who were already a little surprised by Lu Tiandu's strength even more shocked.

"I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Lu would be a powerful monk who was extremely rare in ancient times!"

The Bai sisters' beautiful eyes were filled with strange colors, looking extremely shocked.

They had heard that Lu Tiandu had killed Master Xiong before, so they guessed that Lu Tiandu had extraordinary magical powers. However, when they heard that Lu Tiandu had killed Master Xiong at close range with his body-refining strength, this news was more powerful than simply killing a fierce and powerful person. The illustrious great monk made them even more unbelievable!
  "It was just by chance that Mr. Lu became somewhat proficient in body refining!"

Lu Tiandu smiled, and there was no hint of complacency in his words.

But at this moment, the three people looked at each other and quickly realized that Lu Tiandu suddenly took action to kill Master Xiong, probably because of the Sky Corpse Pearl in this demon's body. After all, the Heavenly Corpse Pearl is an extremely rare body-refining treasure in the world of immortality.

For Lu Tiandu who was refining his body, this thing was naturally very precious.

"Is this white bead in the hand of fellow Taoist the rare treasure of the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, the 'Mysterious Bead'?"

Bai Yaoyi suddenly blinked her bright eyes and looked at the beads in Lu Tiandu's hand with a curious expression and asked softly.

"Yes, it is this treasure."

Lu Tiandu nodded and handed the bead to Bai Yaoyi casually, "Moreover, the real name of this object should be called the mirage bead. It is an extremely rare rare treasure condensed in the body of the mirage beast after its death. Unexpectedly, the monsters There is actually one in the valley..."

Lu Tiandu had seen the introduction of this object in the jade slips left by Feng Xian. He discovered the origin of this object when he got the hazy white bead called the enigma bead, and he was immediately pleasantly surprised.

It turns out that according to the records in the jade slips that Feng Xian obtained from the Mahayana monk from the Kongling clan, this mirage bead is actually one of the main materials for refining a secret treasure called the "Thousand Fantasy Pearls" by the Kongling clan.

As long as these thousand magic beads are refined and driven, not only can they change their appearance at will, but they can also imitate the breath of others. Unless the other party's spiritual consciousness is more than three times stronger than the person who cast the spell, otherwise after the change of appearance, others will be very It's hard to find anything unusual.

Moreover, after using this treasure to change the shape, it has little effect on one's own strength, which is really rare.

Moreover, this Thousand Illusion Beads can also be used to perform large-scale illusions when taken alone. It can be regarded as a very useful auxiliary treasure.

However, the materials for refining this treasure are extremely difficult to find. Feng Xian only mentioned a few extremely rare main materials in the jade slip, without leaving any detailed refining methods.

And this mirage bead is one of the main materials.

Lu Tiandu used to change his appearance mainly based on the 'Shape Changing Technique' in the "Shura Xuanyin Sutra". However, this technique is very difficult for people whose spiritual consciousness is two or three times greater than their own or who have cultivated related spiritual eyes. Easily seen through at a glance.

If one can refine the Thousand Illusion Pearls in the spiritual world in the future, it will be much more advanced than the Shape-Changing Technique, and will be very useful when walking in the wilderness.

Therefore, the value of this mirage bead to Lu Tiandu is far greater than that of treasures such as the Sky Corpse Bead and the Sifang Flying Boots.

Soon the three of them saw the mirage and handed it over to Lu Tiandu.

As for the Sky Corpse Bead, this thing was of no use to the three of them, so they naturally had little interest in it. However, when the three of them saw the Quartet Flying Boots floating not far away, a fiery color flashed in their eyes.

Not only were these boots famous, the three of them had suffered a lot over the past few days, and they had experienced the reputation of the boots firsthand.

As for the other person who escaped, he probably practiced some kind of weird escape technique. It is also extremely difficult to deal with. These days, two monks in the early stage of Yuanying used their amazing speed to cross half of the Jin Dynasty, leaving three monks in the middle stage of Yuanying helpless. To be honest, the three of them were still a little angry.

And if Lu Tiandu hadn't suddenly appeared and discovered Master Xiong's identity, even the law enforcement elder Wang Xu would have died, let alone whether the cold marrow could be recovered.

At this moment, the boots were right in front of them, making the three of them extremely interested.

"Are these the 'Square Flying Boots'?"

Bai Yaoyi, who was still pretty and gentle, smiled softly and said. She glanced at the boots that shone with a faint aura, then at Lu Tiandu, and blinked her big eyes, looking curious and expectant.

Through this brief contact, Lu Tiandu finally understood why Bai Yaoyi became the foreign affairs elder of Xiaoji Palace.

Needless to say, this woman has a beautiful appearance. She is naturally easy to get close to, and her voice is very soft and pleasant, which makes people feel very comfortable and makes them chat more unconsciously.

Moreover, this girl always looks gentle and charming during chats. Anyone who comes into contact with this girl will easily fall in love with her.

With such characteristics, he is very suitable for serving as a liaison with various sects outside the sect.

"Exactly this! Let's take a look!"

Lu Tiandu grabbed it casually, and the boots floated in front of everyone.

After killing the Bear Master before, he had already cleaned up the blood on his boots with a flick of his hand. They were naturally very clean at the moment. "These boots should be a top-level ancient treasure with wind attributes. The speed is indeed extraordinary. If I hadn't been proficient in several types of escape, Technique, I’m afraid the beast will escape this time!”

"Yes, Master Xiong's cultivation speed in the early stage of Yuanying is no less than that in the late stage of Yuanying. If he lets go of his cultivation, even the monks in the late stage of Yuanying will be helpless... But if anyone has seen the escape skills of fellow Taoists, I'm afraid they won't I will never be so enthusiastic about this item again!”

Wang Xu took a deep look at the Sifang Feitian Boots, shook his head, and sighed.

The astonishing speed that Master Xiong knew he could not escape even if he let go of his cultivation. Coupled with Lu Tiandu's powerful body-refining cultivators, Wang Xu's scalp went numb just thinking about it.

When monks fight, they use magic weapons or magical powers to attack each other from a long distance. If they are suddenly bullied by someone who is faster than themselves, and this person is also successful in body training, this... the result is unimaginable!
  The current fragmented Xiong Master is a living example!
  At this moment, he understood why Lu Tian didn't pay attention to the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons. With such a strong fighting power, if the master of the Valley of Transformation of Gods in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons couldn't come out, who could do anything to Lu Tian?
  And even if the old demon Che takes action, it is still unknown whether he can catch Lu Tiandu!

Hearing Wang Xu's admiration for Lu Tiandu again, the second daughter, who knew Wang Xu, the law enforcement elder, became more and more curious.

Bai Yaoyi's eyes flickered, and she inadvertently took a look at Lu Tiandu secretly. She opened her lips lightly and sighed:
  "It seems that our sisters missed an incredible battle! It's a pity that we didn't get to experience the great supernatural powers of fellow Taoists!"

In fact, compared to Lu Tiandu's unfathomable strength, what she was most curious about at the moment was the strange feeling Lu Tiandu brought to their sisters.

For some reason, the closer she came to Lu Tiandu, the more curious she became about the mysterious man in front of her.

"I think with this treasure, your combat power, fellow Daoist Lu, will increase a lot!"

Bai Yaoyi reluctantly played with the ancient cyan boot treasure in her hand, then handed it to Bai Mengxin beside her to look at, and said with a sweet smile.

"To be honest, this thing may be very useful to others, but it is not very useful to me!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head and said something that surprised the two women.

As for Wang Xu, he nodded secretly, looking very much in agreement.

"how can that be?"

At this moment, not only Bai Yaoyi's lips were slightly opened, looking like she didn't believe it, but Bai Mengxin, who said relatively few words, was also surprised.

After hearing what Bai Mengxin said, Wang Xu also understood.

I'm afraid he said before that Lu Tiandu was incredibly fast, but he was actually the fastest person he had ever seen. I'm afraid the two junior sisters didn't really understand the meaning of this.

But that's true. If he hadn't seen Lu Tiandu's terrifying speed, he probably wouldn't have been able to imagine that a late-stage Nascent Soul monk could be so incredibly fast!

"Hehe, if I say that I know six or seven escape methods and several acceleration secret methods, will the two fairies think that Lu is bragging?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and looked at the two women in turn.

Such a direct look instantly made the Bai sisters panic, and they quickly looked away, not daring to look at each other.

When Wang Xu on the side saw this scene, he secretly looked at Lu Tiandu a few more times, and his heart suddenly moved.

Previously, this fellow Daoist Lu claimed to be an overseas loose cultivator, huh? This casual repair is good!

Our Xiaoji Palace is most in need of this kind of casual cultivator!

"I very much believe what Fellow Daoist Lu said!"

Wang Xu nodded with a very sure look, "To be honest, except for the god-transforming monk who saw the dragon but never saw its tail, I have never seen a monk who is faster than my fellow Taoist!"

"Fellow Daoist Wang is so complimentary!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled lightly. Although he said this, he did not mean to deny it at all.

When he used Wind and Thunder Escape at this moment, his long-distance flight speed had faintly surpassed that of a monk in the early stages of becoming a god, so he was naturally confident.

A few years ago, he had already mastered the Five Elements Escape Technique. After a few years, he could master the Five Light Clan's Great God Shrinking the Ground, and he would be even more skillful and elusive in short-distance battles.

With the combination of Wind and Thunder Style, Lu Tian couldn't think of anyone who could be faster than him in terms of speed.

"Since this treasure is of little use to fellow Taoists, why not trade it to two junior sisters?"

At this moment, the old man Wang Xu said with a smile.


After hearing Wang Xu's words, Lu Tiandu's expression did not change. On the contrary, the Bai sisters suddenly exclaimed, and both pairs of eyes fell on Lu Tiandu, their expectant expressions undisguised.

Such rare treasures, if they fall into the hands of ordinary monks, are treated as the trump card at the bottom of the box, and they cannot be traded for any treasure.

Perhaps it is only in the hands of this mysterious and powerful Daoist Lu that it is so unworthy of mentioning?

This idea flashed across the Bai family sisters in unison.

If they had such speedy exotic treasures, their ability to save their lives would be greatly increased even when encountering great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage!

Seeing the eager and expectant looks in the two women's eyes, Lu Tian shook his head, which instantly made the Bai sisters' expressions stagnant and their hearts chilling. However, when Lu Tiandu opened his mouth, he said something that surprised and surprised them:
  "Trade? How can this be a good deal? Lu is not short of spiritual stones and other items... But it is a great fate that the two fairies and I can meet here. I have no use for this treasure, so I gave it to the two fairies. Bar!"

"However, there is only one pair of these boots. Lu doesn't know which fairy to give them to?" (End of Chapter)

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