Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 324 The treasure belongs to you! Pei Ying Dan!


After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, not only the Bai sisters, who were in constant moods, looked in disbelief, but also the old man Wang Xu, who wanted to close the relationship between Lu Tiandu and the Bai sisters by trading treasures with Lu Tiandu, was also shocked.

Free gift of a speedy rare top ancient treasure?

No way?
  Treasures worth millions of spiritual stones are given away on demand? Wang Xu's first reaction was not to believe it!
  "Fellow Taoist, you are joking, how can we sisters afford such a valuable treasure for nothing?"

Bai Yaoyi soon realized what she was doing. Although her heart was rippled by Lu Tiandu's behavior, there was no greed in her eyes at all. She smiled sweetly, shook her head, and said softly:

"Fellow Taoist, I have accepted my wish. However, if fellow Taoist is interested, we can make a deal!"

"That's exactly what my sister said."

Bai Mengxin also nodded in agreement, looking at Lu Tiandu with more and more curiosity, "Fellow Taoist's move makes us a little flattered, and it also makes me more and more curious about the identity of fellow Taoist..."

"What identity can I have?"

Lu Tiandu shook his head, "The two fairies and I hit it off instantly, so what does it mean to send a treasure? It's just a pity that there is only one pair of treasures, and it's a pity that we can't have the beauty of adults at the same time!"

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yaoyi from the left and Bai Mengxin from the right. The two girls immediately blushed and secretly spat. They haven't said they accepted the gift yet!

At this moment, the two women also realized that this fellow Daoist Lu was obviously interested in the two of them, and this gift of treasure had "bad intentions"!

Thinking of the very similar body shape and appearance of the two people, and how direct and generous Lu Tiandu was when they met, and the inexplicable attraction Lu Tiandu brought to them, the two women felt strange and confused at the same time. It gets complicated.

There is only one treasure, wouldn't it be given to one person, and the other person would obviously be outclassed?

Once they figured this out, the Bai sisters looked at each other unconsciously and then looked away inadvertently.

The old man Wang Xu on the side also came to his senses at this moment and shook his head. He is also a man, doesn't he understand what Lu Tiandu is thinking?
  It can only be said that this fellow Daoist Lu is not only powerful and courageous, but he also has a huge appetite!
  The Bai sisters are naturally well-known in Xiaoji Palace, especially Bai Yaoyi, who is very powerful and extremely gentle. She has many suitors, but unfortunately no one has found her favor yet!
  As a result, Lu Tiandu's way of presenting treasures to beauties didn't even bother the usually aloof Junior Sister Bai Mengxin, which made him curious.

"So, since there is only one pair of these precious boots, why don't you, Fairy Yaoyi, accept them?"

While the two women were still thinking wildly, Lu Tiandu said with a smile.


After hearing this, Bai Yaoyi suddenly raised her head and glanced at Lu Tiandu in surprise, and met Lu Tiandu's soft eyes. Her pretty face suddenly became hot, and red clouds flew up her cheeks. While her heart was panicking, she suddenly looked at Lu Tiandu for some reason. He met his cousin Bai Mengxin beside him.

Bai Mengxin naturally heard Lu Tiandu's words, and her expression was stunned. While looking at Lu Tiandu, her heart felt a little sour for some reason.

Sure enough, does everyone like sister Yaoyi?

Bai Mengyao didn't know why this thought came to her mind again!

At this moment, Bai Yaoyi naturally saw her cousin biting her lips inadvertently, and her heart became complicated.

It's just... Although the contact time is still short, she doesn't know why she has a great affection for Lu Tiandu, and Lu Tiandu's meaning is naturally obvious. Maybe there is a possibility that the two will form a Taoist couple. At this moment, she doesn't want to refuse in her heart. Lu Tiandu expressed such kindness.

"Fairy Yaoyi, please accept this! When I have the opportunity in the future, I will find a similar treasure for Fairy Mengxin!"

Lu Tiandu waved lightly, and the flying boots from all directions flew in front of Bai Yaoyi's eyes.

Looking for another rare treasure like this?

None of the three people in the field believed it. In fact, this kind of special treasure is really rare! How could it be possible for Lu Tian to encounter them one after another?

"This... Fellow Daoist Lu, let's make a deal..."

Bai Yaoyi glanced at Bai Mengxin again, hesitated and said.

But before she could finish speaking, Lu Tian waved his hand and said with a smile:
  "Okay, let's call it a deal! I'll let you know when I've decided what to trade with you. That's it!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them didn't understand that this was a free gift.

"Is this Fellow Daoist Lu really attracted to Junior Sister Bai Yaoyi?"

Seeing the look on Lu Tian's face that didn't seem to be fake, Wang Xu thought to himself.

At this moment, Bai Mengxin also came back to her senses, suppressed the turmoil in her heart, and said with a calm expression:
  "Sister, since Fellow Daoist Lu has agreed to the deal, you'd better accept it! Don't refuse Fellow Daoist Lu's kindness!"


After Bai Yaoyi heard what Bai Mengxin said, Bai Yaoyi knew that her cousin was deliberately reducing her pressure, and for some reason she became more and more hesitant.

A top-grade ancient treasure costs millions of spirit stones. This very rare speed treasure can cost up to three to five million spirit stones at auction.

They heard that Lu Tian didn't have any use for this treasure before, so they naturally wanted to trade it. And if you want to trade such treasures, it is estimated that the three of them will be able to collect this large amount of spiritual stones.

As a result, this treasure was given to him by Lu Tiandu in the name of trade?
  Thinking of this, Bai Yaoyi raised her head and looked at Lu Tiandu, but by chance, she met Lu Tiandu's eyes. For a moment, she didn't know what she thought of, her eyes dodge and she felt shy.

Are these boots a token of love?

"Three fellow Taoists don't know where to go next?"

Lu Tiandu casually put away several storage bags and puzzle beads of Master Xiong that Wang Xu had returned before, "Now that Master Xiong is dead, Lu will go to the auction in Jinjing next. Let's say goodbye." Let’s go! When Lu has some free time, he will go to Beiming Island to pay a visit to Xiaoji Palace!”

"Okay, we very much welcome fellow Taoists to come!"

Wang Xu laughed, and for some reason, his eyes looked at Lu Tiandu with a hint of intimacy.

"The lost treasures of my Xiaoji Palace have not yet been recovered, and we still need to continue to investigate... But this time the Ten Thousand Demon Valley is involved again, and it is estimated that the demons in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley will besiege my Xiaoji Palace again. Someone still needs to go back to the palace to deliver the message..."

As he said this, Wang Xu looked at the two Bai sisters.

Seeing that her cousin was silent and had no intention of going back, Bai Yaoyi said softly:

"Senior brother, why don't you go back to the palace to report first? Sister Mengxin and I will go to Jinjing with fellow Taoist Lu. Now that the auction is about to be held, monks from all walks of life are arriving, and Jinjing is mixed with dragons and snakes. Maybe we can find out the news here. …”


Wang Xu quickly glanced at the two women's expressions, nodded, and said with a smile:

"Next, Fellow Daoist Lu has the Mysterious Bead in hand. I don't think anyone else will be able to discover Fellow Daoist's true identity. Master Xiong's death will not be blamed on Fellow Daoist. I hope Fellow Daoist can take care of these two junior sisters!"

"This is natural. Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Wang!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded, then said with a strange expression:

"As for Lu's execution of this Bear Master, I'm afraid it has been known to others now..."

"Why is this?"

Wang Xu's expression changed and he said doubtfully.

"Just before fellow Taoist arrived, Lu had already sensed two rays of spiritual consciousness sweeping over here. One of the owners of this spiritual consciousness was a great monk, and the other should be a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk with a strong spiritual consciousness. .”

Lu Tiandu said calmly, without any worry on his face, "So, there is no need to cover up the killing of Master Xiong. When the people from the Ten Thousand Demon Valley come to seek revenge, Lu will also be able to harvest some demon pills!" ” ˆ ˆ “But the owner of the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons is a monk who transforms into gods…”

Bai Yaoyi hesitated and said. For some reason, she looked a little more worried.

"Don't worry too much. These god-transforming monks have been in seclusion all year round. If the deputy valley master dies and is not beaten to the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons by others, how can they take action themselves? They will only send incarnations or subordinates at most."

Lu Tiandu shook his head slightly, "And it was the old demon Che who took action. Who knows who lives and who dies?"

"Since fellow Taoist friends have this confidence, I am relieved too!"

At this moment, Wang Xu couldn't understand Lu Tiandu even more.

Looking at the torn apart bear corpse in the distance, Lu Tiandu flicked his fingers, and a golden-red hot flame fell on the bear corpse with a chirp. In the blink of an eye, the extremely hard remains of the corpse instantly turned into countless pieces. ash.

Seeing this scene, even Bai Mengxin, who had cultivated the very rare cold flame Fengli Bingyan, was also surprised, not to mention the other two.

"My fellow Taoist, this magical power of fire is truly extraordinary!"

Bai Yaoyi's eyes were filled with strange colors and she started to admire.

"After years of practice, my Tianyang Divine Fire is now able to take effect!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and said nothing more.

After the four separated, Wang Xu returned to Xiaoji Palace to inform the news, while Lu Tiandu and the others flew straight to Jinjing.

Along the way, standing on the ancient treasure flying boat, the three of them quickly became familiar with each other after some small talk.

Bai Yaoyi couldn't stop laughing when she heard that Lu Tiandu accidentally caught an earth-armored dragon in the Tianyue Mountains and provoked the great monks from Yueyang Palace to chase him out. In the end, Lu Tiandu had to return in vain due to his amazing speed. At the same time, Bai Mengxin also sighed at Lu Tiandu's boldness.

Although they were all great monks, it was obvious that Lu Tiandu really didn't take these people seriously.

"Brother Lu, this... that... is..."

After the three of them became familiar with each other, Bai Yaoyi hesitated for a long time and started to squeak when she saw that her cold cousin never asked Lu Tiandu about the reason why Lu Tiandu brought strange behavior to them.

"Yao Yi wants to ask why there is some mysterious attraction between us, right?"

Lu Tiandu smiled and glanced at the two women.

After getting acquainted with each other, the two women stopped asking Lu Tian to call them fairy, and Fellow Daoist Lu also changed his name to Brother Lu.

At this moment, after Lu Tiandu said it directly, Bai Mengxin on the side also quietly pricked up his ears.

"This is related to my brother's special physique..."

Hearing that Lu Tiandu's special physique can actually tell whether a female cultivator has a Yuan Yin body, and that when he gets close, he will have an inexplicable attraction to the female cultivator who has a Yuan Yin body. The Bai sisters looked at each other and secretly spat, Secretly wondering:

What kind of obscene fluid is this?
  "I wonder what special physique you have, Mengxin?"

Lu Tiandu suddenly turned to Bai Mengxin next to him.

"Brother Lu, how do you know that I also have a special physique?"

Bai Mengxin said in surprise.


Seeing Bai Yaoyi suddenly looking at him intently, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and continued:
  "I see that although you sisters both practice ice-attribute skills, they are obviously different. And will Mengxin's skills also have some impact on your personality? That's why I think Mengxin may have some kind of special physique. It will be so!”

"I see."

Although the two women nodded in unison, Lu Tiandu felt that neither of them believed it.

Of course, he himself didn't believe it. After all, he had just given the treasure to Bai Yaoyi. This would mean that Bai Mengxin was more attractive to him. Wouldn't this... mean that he would be doomed?
  "I was born with an ice spirit body!"

Bai Mengxin then whispered softly, and for some reason there was a strange color in her eyes.

"I see. Speaking of which, this is also the first time I've seen the ice spirit body!"

Lu Tiandu smiled.

The only beauties with ice spirit roots around him are Hong Fu and Wen Lan. One has a mutated Xuan Bing body, and the other has a Yuan Ling sword body, one of the three major sword bodies. They are both people with extraordinary qualifications.

Now that he encountered the ice spirit body for the first time, Lu Tiandu was also very curious.

Judging from the meaning of the words of the Bai sisters, they are similar in age, and now Bai Mengxin has reached the peak of the middle Nascent Soul stage, even better than Bai Yaoyi. It should be that this spiritual body has a great benefit in practice.

While chatting along the way, within a few days, the ancient treasure flying boat arrived hundreds of miles away from Jinjing.

Although there is an unwritten rule in the world of cultivating immortals in the Great Jin Dynasty, fighting and flying are strictly prohibited within a thousand miles of the Jin capital, as a sign of respect for the immortal cultivators and the officialdom of the Great Jin Dynasty.

However, Lu Tiandu and other Nascent Soul cultivators didn't take it seriously.

Looking at the giant city in the distance, Lu Tiandu was not as surprised as the Bai family sisters expected the overseas monks to see this giant city for the first time.

After all, compared with Tianxing City in Chaotic Star Sea, this city was far behind, and there was nothing that amazed him.

"Our Xiaoji Palace also has a place to stay in the capital. If Brother Lu doesn't mind it, why not live there temporarily?"

Nearing the gate of Jinjing City, Bai Yaoyi suddenly opened her mouth to invite.

"And the Jinjing auction held once every ten years is divided into one open and one dark. Needless to say, the open one welcomes all monks, and the secret one is an underground trade fair hosted by the Demonic Sect. Anyone who wants to participate in this trade fair They all must be monks who know the basics. When the time comes, we can also serve as introducers to Brother Lu..."

Bai Mengxin also added on the side.

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome!"

Lu Tiandu did not reject the two women's kindness, and it happened that he could continue to get along with the two women and gradually get to know each other.

Next, in addition to participating in the auction to replenish some things he needs, he also wants to meet the rich old man from Jiuyou Sect.

The Peiying Pill is indeed very useful in strengthening the Nascent Soul and breaking through bottlenecks, so Lu Tiandu naturally has no intention of letting it go.

As for the pill formula of Pei Ying Dan, Lu Tiandu also has a collection, but it was not inherited from Feng Xian, but from Xing Gong.

Moreover, he also knows the location of the natural spiritual creature Yin Zhima, the main medicine, and he can actually subdue Yin Zhima to refine the Infant Training Pill.

The only pity is that this Yin Zhima is not a magic medicine and cannot be ripened in batches. Therefore, if you refine this Yin Zhima into the Infant Training Pill, you can only get five or six pills.

However, after all, this old man with the rich surname of Jiuyou Sect had been researching this elixir recipe for decades, so it was hard for Lu Tiandu to just take this opportunity away from him.

Anyway, each person can only take one of this pill, so he can give one to this person when the time comes. The premise is that he will take the lead in the Yin-Yang Cave copy this time.

While pondering, the three of them slowly walked into Jinjing! (End of chapter)

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