Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 325 Invitation! The envy of God Dayan!

In a quiet hall.

Lu Tiandu sat cross-legged on the futon, gently spitting out a ball of infant fire from his mouth, slowly wrapping it around a large golden soybean bead floating in front of him, and slowly refining it.

I don't know how long it took, but after seeing the last remaining small part of the Sky Corpse Pearl being refined into a golden liquid by the infant fire, Lu Tiandu gently sucked it, and the golden liquid slid into his stomach.

As the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill slowly operates, streams of golden air flow through the flesh and blood of Lu Tiandu, and are slowly absorbed by the muscles and bones.

Rich golden light burst out from Lu Tiandu's body. Lu Tiandu closed his eyes tightly and seemed not to notice anything strange. He remained motionless in his cultivation...

The main hall where Lu Tiandu retreats to refine the Sky Corpse Pearl is naturally a residence set up by Xiaoji Palace in Jinjing. At this moment, in another main hall of this courtyard, on both sides of a jade table, two beautiful figures were gently sipping spiritual tea and chatting. They were the Bai family sisters.

"More than half a year has passed, and there is still no trace of that person. Has that person completely disappeared?"

Bai Yaoyi frowned lightly, glanced at Bai Mengxin opposite, and said doubtfully.

"I think that person must be hiding. After all, the news of Master Xiong's death has spread widely. Once that person hears the news, he may not dare to show up for a short time again!"

Bai Mengxin thought for a while and said, "I just don't know if the cold marrow has been sent to the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons. If it has been obtained by the demons in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, we may not have the possibility of getting it back... If so, how can we recover the treasure?" This can only go so far!”

After hearing what Bai Mengxin said, Bai Yaoyi also fell silent.

In the past six months, they mobilized the troops lurking near Jinjing and searched for a long time. Unfortunately, they found nothing. The man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

The most critical thing is that there is no news from the Ten Thousand Demons Valley that the cold marrow has been obtained by them.

If this news is confirmed, they will no longer have to worry about this matter.

"Forget it, let's just report this matter to the Palace Master and the Great Elder truthfully. The auction will be held soon, and we just want to see if we can come across something useful to us!"

Bai Yaoyi suddenly smiled, her consciousness swept across the motionless hall, and said with a smile:
  "Has Sister Mengxin found any useful information?"

"What? Are you really obsessed with this Brother Lu?"

Bai Mengxin smiled slightly, and naturally understood what her cousin meant. Looking at her cousin whose pretty face turned slightly red, she sighed quietly in her heart, but she didn't show anything on her face, and continued:
  "This Brother Lu is very mysterious. Except for the two people who came to visit him before, who should be his acquaintances, no one else has heard any information about this Brother Lu. I haven't found any useful information here. information……"

"Yes, the sea area is vast. Judging from the situation in the past six months, Brother Lu is also an ascetic cultivator. I guess not many people know him."

Bai Yaoyi also nodded, looking very approving, "I talked about Taoism with Brother Lu before. Brother Lu's extensive knowledge and profound Taoism are very admirable. Although Brother Lu is a casual cultivator, I guess he Only if you have received the orthodox inheritance..."

"It's a pity that those two people hesitated before us for some reason, but I don't believe that Brother Lu is a treacherous and evil person..."

Speaking of this, Bai Yaoyi suddenly smiled knowingly and remembered some interesting thing.

Bai Mengxin's eyes were also filled with strange color, and she nodded without saying anything else.

In the half month they had just arrived in Jinjing, after several discussions about Taoism, they were impressed by Lu Tiandu's profound knowledge of Taoism and magical powers and his familiarity with some ancient secrets during their chat.

After getting along with each other and Lu Tiandu's gift of treasures, she naturally discovered that her cousin was in love with her.

This is normal, after all, Brother Lu's strange physique makes it easy for others to have a favorable impression of him.

During this period of time, as Lu Tiandu was preparing to retreat to refine the Sky Corpse Pearl on the eve of the auction, while tracing the cold marrow, the two women also secretly searched for relevant information about Lu Tiandu.

Unfortunately, only Dayan Shenjun and Han Li, who came to our door more than a month ago based on the mark left by Lu Tiandu, came to visit for a while. When they heard that Lu Tiandu was in retreat and left only a transmission note, they left. , the two women didn’t find out any useful information.

"Sister Mengxin, what do you think of Taoist Fellow Fucheng's invitation to cooperate in treasure hunting?"

Bai Mengyao suddenly remembered something, and after explaining it in detail, he asked Bai Mengyao.

"What this person said was vague, and I guess it involves some secrets. I heard that he has a bad relationship with other elders of Jiuyou Sect. If he discovers any ruins, it would be normal to invite others to explore together."

Bai Mengxin pondered for a moment and said.

"That's what I think too. I have no enmity with this person, so I don't think he would target me. I owed this rich Taoist friend a favor of some magnitude, and I can't refuse it. My sister has more supernatural powers than I do." It’s much better, why don’t I tell Fellow Taoist Fu that you and I will go to the appointment together?”

Bai Yaoyi thought for a while and said.

Although Fu Cheng didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that this treasure hunt required the cooperation of several people who knew everything about it. Now that her cousin was by her side, she naturally didn't want to go into danger alone.

"Sister, have you forgotten Brother Lu?"

Bai Mengxin smiled and said, "If we can get Brother Lu to join us, this trip will be safe!"

"Having said that, I just don't know Brother Lu..."

Bai Yaoyi's eyes also flashed with excitement. With a master like Lu Tiandu accompanying her, she was naturally very relieved. Moreover, she had received the Sifang Feitian boots as a gift from Lu Tiandu before, and her life-saving ability had also improved a lot.

At this moment, a golden light flashed outside the hall, and a loud laughter came from outside:

"Yao Yi, Meng Xin, what are you talking about? Does it have anything to do with me?"

"Ah, Brother Lu, are you out of seclusion?"

Seeing the energetic Lu Tiandu walking in from outside the hall, Bai Yaoyi's gentle words were filled with excitement.

"Yes, I happened to have finished refining a Sky Corpse Pearl. It's just before the auction, so I'm just about to leave."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and looked at the Bai sisters.

After the three of them arrived in Jinjing, there were still about seven months before the auction. After Lu Tiandu purchased a batch of elixir seeds and other available things, and spent half a month with the Bai sisters, they Entered into a short retreat.

After he came to Jinjing, he also secretly searched for Dayan Shenjun and Han Li. For some reason, they didn't leave any traces. He simply left a mark outside. When the two saw it, they would naturally come to find them. he.

As for the girls in the harem, they should be traveling in other places. Jin Jing has not heard of the Yaochi Palace, but I think they will come to join in the fun on the eve of the auction.

Now that he had just refined a Sky Corpse Bead, Lu Tiandu was also looking forward to the other Sky Corpse Bead and the Blood Heart Pill left by King Xuan Ye.

After half a year of practice, he naturally understood that the Heavenly Corpse Pearl was indeed a rare body-refining holy object, and it could be taken repeatedly. It was indeed a good thing.

After refining these things, it is still possible to reach the fourth level of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill decades in advance.

"Hehe, I have two things to tell you, Brother Lu!"

After asking Lu Tiandu to sit down, Bai Yaoyi poured some spiritual tea for Lu Tiandu and then spoke eloquently.

Bai Mengxin, who was on the side, also looked at Lu Tiandu with a smile, which was naturally a bit more intimate than the coldness when they first met.

The three of them chatted like old friends who had been familiar with each other for a long time.

After listening to the transmission talisman that Bai Yaoyi took out, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"It seems that my two classmates arrived in Jinjing just before the auction! I want to see them later."

After giving the two sisters a brief introduction to the relevant information about God Dayan and Han Li, Lu Tiandu asked:

"Yao Yi, what is the other thing you said?"

Sure enough, when Bai Yaoyi mentioned that Fucheng invited her to explore Chaoyun Mansion in the west of southern Xinjiang three years later, and wanted to invite Lu Tiandu to accompany him, Lu Tiandu didn't look strange at all. Instead, he frowned slightly and said softly:
  "This somewhat conflicts with my plan!"

"Ah, does Brother Lu have something important to do next?" Bai Mengxin asked curiously.

"No, it's not about me, it's also about you two sisters!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the two women and chuckled, "Before, you were busy chasing the lost treasures, so I was not in a hurry to tell you. Now that I heard that your purpose of coming to Jinjing has come to an end, I am ready to Let me tell you something!"

"Have you ever heard of an elixir called the 'Infant Training Pill'? It is said that this elixir also had a good reputation in the ancient wilderness period. It can not only strengthen the monk's Nascent Soul and cleanse the marrow of the Yi Jing, but also helps break through bottlenecks. There are also quite a few benefits... This is the elixir recipe, you can take a look!"

Lu Tiandu said as he took out a green jade slip and handed it to the two girls.

"The key ingredient in this Infant Training Pill is called 'Yin Zhi Ma'. After reading ancient books, I discovered that this spiritual creature could only be born in some strange place where yin and yang generate. It fits this geographical place. , I did some research, and the Yin Yang Cave, known as one of the Seven Jedi, is very consistent."

"Furthermore, the Yin Wind in Yin Yang Cave has a period of calm every twenty years. The most recent one was three years later. Originally, I wanted to invite Yaoyi and Mengxin to investigate with me after the auction. After all, if you can capture the Yin Zhima and refine the Yin-Building Pill, you two will most likely be able to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage in the future..."

"I didn't expect that just after I came out of seclusion, I heard that Yaoyi would also go on an adventure in three years. This actually conflicts with my plan!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the two women looked at the jade slips in their hands, feeling a little excited and moved. Bai Yaoyi's beautiful eyes gently stared at Lu Tiandu, who had a wry smile on his face, and smiled coquettishly:
  "Brother Lu, you didn't tell me earlier. I thought Brother Lu didn't want to accompany me on the adventure!"

Hearing this coquettish tone, Bai Mengxin next to her didn't know that her cousin vaguely regarded Lu Tiandu as her future Taoist companion!

For some reason, she suddenly felt a little unhappy.

"Brother Lu has such a rare elixir and is willing to share it with us sisters. Thank you very much, fellow Taoist Mengxin!"

Bai Mengxin bowed and her tone became softer.

"Mengxin, you're too polite. Your sisters and I hit it off like old friends, so why should you be so polite!"

Lu Tiandu gently lifted up Bai Mengxin, who was next to him. Their skins touched each other. Bai Mengxin's delicate body trembled, and a few red clouds suddenly appeared on her pretty face. He quickly retracted his arms and fell silent.

"Yes, I also want to thank Brother Lu!"

Bai Yaoyi smiled, as if she had not noticed anything strange about her cousin, "I turned back and rejected fellow Taoist Fu. When the time comes, Brother Lu will be by my side. As long as I find that Yin Zhima, won't I just capture it?"

"Haha, you are more confident than me!"

Lu Tiandu also smiled.

Next, the two women introduced some information about Jinjing in the past six months to Lu Tiandu. The biggest news among them was naturally the mysterious monk who killed the deputy master of the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, Master Xiong.

Because a great monk who had been famous for thousands of years was suddenly beheaded, while everyone was discussing, they also mentioned the death of Cheng Buxiu, the second elder of Tianmo Sect, more than fifty years ago.

This incident also caused some turmoil among some of the top monks in the Jin Dynasty. For some reason, no one mentioned it again. More than fifty years passed in a flash, and suddenly another long-famous monk was beheaded, making many people feel that the atmosphere in the Great Jin Immortal World was a bit strange.

For some reason, after Master Xiong was beheaded, the Ten Thousand Demons Valley seemed to make no move to catch the murderer, which made many people feel a little confused.

After chatting with the two women for a while, Lu Tiandu left the villa to look for God Lord Dayan and Han Li.

Although the two women knew from their mouths that some top monks probably already had a portrait of him as the person who killed the Bear Master, and the Ten Thousand Demon Valley must also know his identity, Lu Tiandu didn't take it to heart at all.

Not to mention that this is the territory of the human race. In name, the Demonic Path has to protect the face of the royal family of Jin. How can it allow demon cultivators to come to Jin to cause trouble?

As for outside the city, Lu Tiandu wanted to take the initiative to catch fish and see how many inner elixirs and flesh and blood of the demon cultivator the Ten Thousand Demons Valley could bring to him?
  Of course, this is all after the auction ends.

"Brother Dayan, Junior Brother Han, you are fine!"

Looking at the two people coming out of the small courtyard, Lu Tiandu smiled.

"You...are you already in the late Nascent Soul stage?"

God Lord Dayan's consciousness habitually swept over Lu Tiandu, as if he had just discovered something. He suddenly opened his eyes wide with a look of shock, "Sure enough, when we saw the blurry image of the man who killed Master Xiong, we guessed it was Brother Lu, you are sorry, but today it was confirmed that you have indeed advanced to become a great monk, which is quite surprising!"

As he spoke, God Lord Dayan also had a look of sadness on his face.

A great monk who is over [-] years old, this is really unbelievable.

After all, the two people in the Jin Dynasty who are now known as the most capable of transforming into gods are only over [-] years old and have only advanced to become great monks.

Han Li was stunned when he heard what God Lord Dayan said, but he immediately came back to his senses and sighed:

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Lu!"

"Let's go, there's nothing surprising. Let's talk about it after we go in."

In the hall, both parties talked about their experiences after separation in the past few years.

After hearing that Lu Tiandu broke through to the late Nascent Soul stage in just one retreat after he said goodbye to them, the two of them sighed.

When they heard that Lu Tiandu had killed King Xuan Ye in the Xueling Mountains and Master Xiong in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, just to seize the Heavenly Corpse Pearl for body refining, the two of them were secretly stunned.

These two people are difficult to kill for ordinary great monks. When encountering a vicious person like Lu Tiandu, it can only be said that the outcome is doomed.

"Brother, you are now very famous among the monks of the Jin Dynasty!"

Thinking of the information the two of them had come into contact with recently, Shenjun Dayan also laughed.

Since the teleportation array from Tiannan to the Chaotic Star Sea was opened, Lu Tiandu's deeds in Tiannan and the Chaotic Star Sea have become truly known.

Now, just a few years after Lu Tiandu came to the Great Jin Dynasty, he killed a great monk with one move. The two of them had to lament that under Lu Tiandu's great reputation, he didn't know how many more top monks' blood he had to bury?

God Lord Dayan suddenly remembered something, gave Lu Tiandu a thoughtful look, and said with a smile:

"This Dajin is really a blessed place for you, brother! Not only have you advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul so quickly, but you have also gained a lot along the way, right? Then the relationship between the sisters in Xiaoji Palace and their fellow Taoists is also very great, right? ?”

After hearing what God Lord Dayan said, Han Li also looked at Lu Tiandu with a strange expression.

This Senior Brother Lu shows mercy wherever he goes!

Two sisters who are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, just think about it... tsk tsk!
  "Do you believe me when I say we are good friends?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

Seeing the unbelieving looks on the two people's faces, Lu Tian laughed, "So, you see, you all have your own answers, why are you still asking me?"

"I would like to hear words denying your relationship from your mouth, brother!"

Lord Dayan smiled teasingly, not hiding his envious look.

"Forget it, there's no point in envying me!"

Lu Tian shook his head, who made me the man with golden fingers!
  "Let's get down to business! Some time ago, I heard that you two have done a lot of great things. How about it? Have you collected all the rare materials for refining the puppets of the late Nascent Soul that I mentioned before?"

God Lord Dayan and Han Li naturally also understood what Lu Tiandu said was the ‘big thing’ they had done, and they chuckled and said:

"Except for one thing missing, we have collected everything else. Let's exchange it first!" (End of Chapter)

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