Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 326 The future flagship product of Yaochi Palace! Buddhist monk!

"I didn't expect you, brother, to have so many precious materials in your hands?"

Looking at the various materials that Lu Tiandu kept taking out, Dayan Shenjun and Han Li looked dumbfounded, "This... even several glare crystals were found. Doesn't this mean that in addition to refining the core of the puppet to carry the god? Have you collected the puppet soul of consciousness and all the other materials?"

Not to mention the materials they each had before, in the past few years, they either forced transactions or acted as gentlemen, and the two of them worked together to collect a lot of scarce materials for refining the puppets of the late Nascent Soul, but it seemed that Lu Tiandu could easily come up with such I am also impressed by the many materials.

"My collection time is no less than yours!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head, "Not to mention some ancient monks' caves in Tiannan, the Zhengmo Dao and Star Palace in Luan Xinghai, I have inspected the collections of the two major clans in the grassland, and I also secretly communicated with the Jin royal family The Ye family has done transactions, so it’s not surprising that we collected these materials.”

For example, the glare crystals and other very rare materials in the middle were exchanged by Xuanhun clones from the Ye family's treasury. The sources of Gangyinsha and Five Elements Jade are also different.

"I see."

God Lord Dayan was naturally very excited after sighing. After all, it was one of his wishes to be able to refine a late-stage Nascent Soul puppet.

But soon he looked curious again, "Ye family? I didn't expect you to be connected with the Ye family of Dajin?"

"Why do I feel that the Ye family is involved in this undercurrent in Jinjing? I heard that they have recruited many monks as guests over the years, and even the four major casual cultivators have joined? Could it be that the Ye family has some conspiracy?"

"Yes. Among the four major casual cultivators, two monks who are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul have made offerings to the Ye family!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "As for what the Ye family is planning? Maybe everyone will know in a few years!"

In addition to these two people, the other two major casual cultivators, Yi Xitian and another old man named Hu, are both late-stage major cultivators. The resources that the Ye family can provide are limited, so it is naturally not worth their while to wade into such muddy waters.
  Seeing the confused looks on the two people's faces, Lu Tiandu continued without elaborating:

"This time, Taiyi Sect and Tianmo Sect, the leaders of the Righteous Demon Path, have sent great monks to Jinjing, not only for this auction, but also for another purpose!"

"Is it for a certain treasure?"

At this time, Han Li on the side suddenly flashed his eyes and said.

"Junior Brother Han's guess is correct. It is the 'Pingshan Seal', a replica of the spiritual treasure that the Ye family spent a lot of resources to refine!"

Lu Tiandu nodded and smiled.

"Imitation Lingbao?"

Lord Dayan and Han Li looked at each other and were both surprised, "So the Zhengmo Dao wants to force the Ye family to hand over this imitation spiritual treasure?"

"It's natural."

Lu Tiandu also agreed.

Although the Ye family is the first aristocratic family in the Jin Dynasty and even has a great monk, they naturally have no choice but to obey the pressure from the two top sects in the Jin Dynasty.

Moreover, the restriction imposed on the Ye family by Zhengmo Dao is that there can only be one great monk at most. This is also one of the reasons why the Ye family plotted to acquire the two great spiritual treasures in Kunwu Mountain.

The Ye family secretly hides another powerful imitation spiritual treasure, the 'Mitian Bracelet'. A monk in the middle stage of Yuanying can hold this treasure and be invincible in a fight with the famous old demon of Yinluo Zongqian among the monks in the late stage of Yuanying. Land, it can be seen that the Ye family is still very confident in the power of the real spirit treasure.

If we can get the two spiritual treasures in Kunwu Mountain, plus another great monk hidden by the Ye family, the three important treasures and the two late Yuan Ying monks, in an instant, the Ye family can become the leader of the ten sects of Hezheng Demonic Way. The existence of parallel sects.

This temptation is not insignificant!
  Unfortunately, due to poor information, they did not know that the real spiritual treasure could not exert its full power without the cultivation of a god. In the hands of the late Nascent Soul monks, it was just another imitation spiritual treasure.

Even if they really obtained two intact spiritual treasures, they were just serving as gift boys to the Demonic Path.

What's more, Kunwu Mountain, the place where demons are suppressed, is doomed to the Ye family's destruction when the Ye family doesn't know the truth and makes random plans!
  "The Ye family has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to refine such a spiritual treasure. How can it be easily handed over? I heard that this Pingshan Seal will be auctioned in an underground auction!"

Lu Tiandu casually revealed another important news.

"What? Is there such a good thing?"

After the two people exclaimed, God Lord Dayan quickly reacted, "I asked why there are many great monks who secretly hide their cultivation in this auction. It turns out that the root is here!"

His spiritual consciousness is almost twice as strong as that of ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul monks, and he can easily detect other people's disguises at a glance. It is unusual for several great monks to appear at this once-in-a-decade auction.

"So, brother, you are interested in this treasure?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Lord Dayan understood and chuckled.

He knew that Lu Tiandu still had two imitation spiritual treasures in his hands. Now that Lu Tiandu has advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage, there may not be many people in this Dajin who can stop Lu Tiandu.

Moreover, these imitation spiritual treasures have been put up for auction, and are estimated to cost more than tens of millions of spiritual stones. Except for the ten major sects of the Demonic Path, it is still difficult for other forces to come up with such a large amount of liquid funds at once.

No one can guess how rich Lu Tiandu is. But for Lu Tiandu, an 'overseas casual cultivator', to take pictures of this treasure in front of other major sects, I'm afraid some twists and turns are inevitable.

When he thought about how many monks from Dajin came to seek death because of their greed for this treasure, Lord Dayan had a strange look on his face.

At this moment, Han Li also thought of this and secretly shook his head.

"This is natural. Compared with spiritual stones, the Ye family wants to exchange for some top-quality materials, and I have learned from some channels what the Ye family needs. This treasure is naturally mine."

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "As for the others, if they don't have the ability to offer anything in exchange and still want to kill people and seize the treasure, then they must be prepared to be killed!"

"Haha, it seems that this Jinjing auction is a little unstable!"

Lord Dayan laughed.

The three chatted for a few more words before starting the transaction.

Nowadays, Lu Tiandu only has a few materials for refining the late Nascent Soul puppets. With some of the materials collected by Han Li and Dayan Shenjun, it will not be difficult to assemble them.

As for some of the excess materials that Lu Tiandu took out, they were also traded to the two of them at normal prices. In addition, Han Li exchanged some Gengjing from Lu Tiandu. In total, the two of them also owed Lu Tiandu. Millions of spiritual stones.

Now Lu Tiandu has gathered all the materials to refine the puppets of the late Nascent Soul. After the auction, he only needs to use a large number of monster spirits and soul stones to refine the soul of the puppet that can carry the soul of the monks in the late Nascent Soul. The birth of the first Nascent Soul late-stage puppet can be regarded as a happy event.

But the puppet inheritance left by Feng Xian ends here. As for puppets that have become gods or above, they are already classified as "psychic puppets". Not only must they have the power of gods or above, but they must also have a certain amount of spirituality, and they can execute some simple commands without being distracted.

This kind of psychic puppet is also a rare thing in the spiritual world, and Feng Xian didn't leave any refining method behind!
  The three of them started chatting, and unknowingly they talked about the small caves such as Tianji House and Tianji Mansion for sale in Dajin Tianji Pavilion.

Even the God Lord Dayan from ten thousand years ago was very surprised by this method of using space magic that was only invented in the past few thousand years.

Although he and Han Li are also very interested, because a top-level Tianji Mansion is almost equivalent to the value of a top-level ancient treasure, the two of them are busy refining the materials for the late-stage Nascent Soul puppet, so naturally they will not waste it. Resource exchange is such a cave that is temporarily unavailable.

After all, the shortcomings of this kind of Tianji Mansion are also obvious. Every time it is put away, all newly added things must be put away separately before the Tianji Mansion can be put away to prevent damage to things that are not original in the Tianji Mansion.

But what the two of them were more curious about was the technology invented by Tianji Pavilion in the past thousand years to refine space debris into fixed caves.

After all, during their last trip to the Devil's Valley, Han Li's Ming and Qing Spiritual Eyes enabled them to discover several space fragments. If they could be refined into a secret cave, it would be considered a prepared secret cave.

"Speaking of which, I visited Tianji Pavilion half a year ago and wanted to exchange the small cave refining method from the pavilion master. Unfortunately, Elder Wang could not be the master. Let me come again next time. If you two are free, , why don’t you accompany me for a walk?”

Lu Tiandu suddenly touched his chin and smiled.

"Hey, I need to see this!"

Lord Dayan's eyes lit up and he said.

At this moment, he was naturally very curious about the magical powers of Lu Tiandu who had advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul. Naturally, the secret technique of refining caves like Tianji Pavilion was never spread to outsiders. Otherwise, they would not be the only ones in the Jin Dynasty to handle such treasures.

Lord Dayan also inquired about the secret relationship between Tianji Pavilion and several families of the Ten Zhengmo Sects. He also heard that a great monk in the late Yuan Ying stage served as the chief elder of this pavilion, which made others dare not make any decisions.

Lord Dayan is also very interested in Tianji Pavilion's method of refining mustard seed space. Naturally, he wants to wait for the future to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage before forcing a trade. He has also inquired about Tianji Pavilion's strength.

Now that Lu Tiandu said this, he naturally understood that this time he still wanted to let others try to see if he had the qualifications to force the transaction before finally deciding whether to trade. In this way, he could see the strength gap between other great monks and Lu Tiandu.

Han Li on the side also showed interest. The three of them hit it off immediately, packed up, and headed straight to Shanxi Fang City.

Although the portable cave refining method developed by Tianji Pavilion is also called Mustard Seed Space, it is still far from the real Mustard Seed Space.

In the spiritual world, anything that can be called a Mustard Seed (Xumi) space treasure must be a treasure above the level of the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure. For example, the incomplete Yaochi Pagoda that Lu Tiandu carries with him is a perfect treasure of Houtian Xuantian. Top mustard space treasure.

And spiritual treasures like the Black Wind Flag in Kunwu Mountain can only be regarded as space treasures, not mustard seed space treasures.

As for Lu Tiandu's desire to forcibly trade the secret method of Tianji Pavilion, naturally he has a top assistant Xiao Luohu Youluo who is proficient in space laws.

After Youluo advances to the Mahayana, combined with the existing Tianji Pavilion secrets and the several weapon refining and formation masters in the harem, and brainstorming, maybe he can develop a real portable small cave.

This kind of small cave abode does not need to deliberately put away the elixirs, spirit beasts and other things in the cave abode every time for fear of being squeezed and damaged, and the price is naturally much cheaper than treasures such as the Tongtian Lingbao. As long as it is developed, it will definitely be very popular with high-level people. The monks are welcome and very marketable.

With this kind of flagship product, when the spiritual world comes in the future, the sect or business organization of Yaochi Palace will soon be able to gain a foothold and earn a lot of resources by using products like Portable Cave Mansion.

After all, after reaching the point of cultivating the void, it goes without saying that every step forward consumes a lot of resources. With such a financial source, the girls' cultivation speed will not be much slower in the future.

This is the main reason why Lu Tiandu attaches great importance to Tianji Pavilion's portable cave refining method.

The so-called Jinxifang City is actually a small area that uses a clever concealment circle to cover a remote street in the west of Jinjing City all the year round.

Lu Tiandu had been here several times before to purchase elixir seeds and other materials, so he was naturally very familiar with it.

The three people appeared at the entrance of Fangshi. In a flash, they easily passed through the invisible restrictions and suddenly appeared on a slightly deserted street.

This kind of coldness is naturally compared to the bustling city outside the streets, but there are only seven or eight days left before the auction begins, and the city is also extremely lively, with the number of monks increasing more than ten times than before.

The three of them went straight to Tianji Pavilion in Fang City without stopping.

Soon the three of them came to a three-story attic. The plaque hanging on the door of the attic said "Tianji Pavilion" in three big gold characters. There were many monks coming and going at the door. It was precisely in the Jin Dynasty that it was famous. Tianjidian, a commercial organization, is located in Dajin's main name, Tianji Pavilion.

As soon as the three of them entered the gate of Tianji Pavilion, before the waiter came forward to receive them, a silver-robed monk in his fifties with a pale complexion stepped forward quickly and said with a wry smile:

"Fellow Daoist Lu, you are here. Please come upstairs! The Pavilion Master is upstairs! Two fellow Taoists, please come too!"

"Haha, Elder Wang, excuse me!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, and he and Han Li followed the person in charge named Wang, who was in the early stage of Nascent Soul, straight to the third floor of Tianji Pavilion.

In the hall, seeing Elder Wang personally greeting him, some monks who knew the identity of the silver-robed monk began to whisper.

"This is Fellow Daoist Lu, right? I am Charming, and he is the master of Tianji Pavilion. I have long known the purpose of Fellow Daoist's visit through Elder Wang, please!"

As soon as the three of them entered the third floor of the attic, a gentle voice came over.

A chubby old man appeared in front of everyone. He smiled and said to Lu Tiandu, clasping his fists.

This man actually wore a completely different style of ring on each of his ten fingers. Some were sparkling and dazzling, while others were dull and simple. It was really amazing.

Behind this man, there were two monks wearing monk robes of different colors, also staring at Lu Tiandu and the others.

One of them has a handsome face and looks like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy. He is dressed in yellow monk robes, but judging from the spiritual pressure emanating from his body, he is actually a Buddhist master in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

The other person is a monk in silver robes. This person looks to be in his thirties and has a very elegant appearance, but the aura around him undoubtedly shows that this person is a genuine monk!
  "Fellow Daoist Chanku is so polite. I wonder what we call these two eminent monks?"

Lu Tiandu smiled faintly, and while speaking, he casually glanced at the two monks behind the master of the Tianji Pavilion in the hall and said.

It seems that in order to deal with him as a great monk, Chanku invited Master Yuanzhi, one of the three great elders of the late Nascent Soul of Leiyin Sect, one of the four major Buddhist sects behind Tianji Hall!

However, this person has only cultivated the Vajra Art to the fourth level and has not yet condensed a eight-foot-long golden body. I don’t know how many punches he can withstand? (End of chapter)

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