Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 327 Ming Wang Jue VS Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu!

"I don't dare to take it seriously, poor monk Yanzhu, I have seen fellow Taoist Lu!"

The young monk next to Canku smiled slightly, put his hands together and performed a Buddha salute, "These two are fellow Taoist Han and fellow Taoist Dayan, right?"

After the young monk spoke, he looked at Han Li and Dayan Shenjun beside Lu Tiandu.

It seemed that Han Li and the others had been informed by the elder Wang about the identities of the other three and two people because they had been to Tianji Pavilion before.

However, it seems that these people did not expect that Han Li, who had previously claimed to be an overseas loose cultivator, was actually related to Lu Tiandu, an overseas loose cultivator who had become famous recently.

Moreover, in Yanzhu's secret test just now, although the two of them, Dayan Shenjun, were only at the early stage of Nascent Soul, their spiritual consciousness actually gave people an unfathomable feeling, which made him extremely weird.

One of these three people looks to be twenty years old, the other is twenty-four or five years old, and the oldest God Lord Dayan looks to be only thirty years old. They all look a bit difficult to deal with, which makes everyone in Tianji Pavilion hate the three of them. The strength is somewhat elusive.

"I've met Fellow Taoist Flame Bamboo!"

Han Li and the others did not expect that the people behind Tianji Pavilion were actually from the Buddha Sect. However, they did not know much about the Buddha Sect. Naturally, they did not know that Yanzhu, who had just entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul, was quite famous in the Buddha Sect. , so I just dealt with it briefly.

Xuanhun's clone had obtained a lot of information from the Ye family, a local snake, over the years, so Lu Tiandu recognized the two of them at a glance.

This Flame Bamboo has great potential among the four major Buddhist sects, and is vaguely regarded as the next 'Jinghuo Sect Biyue Zen Master', but even so, Lu Tiandu doesn't pay much attention to it.

Lu Tiandu simply nodded to Yanzhu without saying anything, and looked at another elegant silver-robed monk in his thirties.

"The poor monk Yuan Zhi has met fellow Taoist Lu!"

The silver-robed monk in his thirties on the other side of Canku spoke. The man's tone was so old that it was impossible to connect him with the young face.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Yuanzhi. It seems that the support behind Tianji Pavilion is Leiyin Sect!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

"Fellow Daoist speaks too hard!"

At this moment, the fat old man smiled heartily and said, "In this great Jin Dynasty, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are endless monks with great supernatural powers. I want to take charge of Tianji Pavilion. How can I do it without a great monk to take charge?"

This is true. Being able to run Tianji Pavilion into a commercial organization that spans the Jin Dynasty is naturally difficult for him as a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk.

"I already know the purpose of my fellow Taoist coming. You three, please come and have a cup of tea!"

Knowing that the three people from Lu Tiandu were not good-natured, the fat old man still looked very kind.

After a few casual greetings, Canku looked at Lu Tiandu again, as if to confirm something, and said:

"Friend Lu Dao, you still want to exchange the Tianji Mansion refining method from my Tianji Pavilion?"

"This is natural. Mr. Lu is very interested in the Tianji Mansion's refining method, so he will naturally offer something of equal value to complete the transaction with his fellow Taoist."

Lu Tiandu said in a certain tone.

Everyone present naturally understood what Can Ku meant when he said this again. Now, not counting the other elders in the early Yuanying stage of Tianji Pavilion, there was one great monk and two mid-stage Yuanying monks. On the surface, they far surpassed the three of Lu Tiandu. Strength.

If both Lu and Tiandu retreated knowing the difficulty, this matter would naturally be treated as if it never happened.

But it is obvious that what Lu Tiandu means is that he must obtain the secret skills of Tianji Pavilion!


After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Canku pondered again.

Since Tianji Pavilion became famous because of Tianji Mansion, it is natural that there are many great monks who come to ask for Tianji Mansion's secret refining techniques or the method of refining space fragments, but they are all dismissed by the great monks behind him.

This ensures that Tianji Pavilion can exclusively enjoy this secret technique.

However, the Master Xiong in front of him, who Lu Tiandu had heard had killed the Ten Thousand Demons Valley not long ago, was really strong and hard to see through. Coupled with the somewhat unpredictable Han Li on the side, although their side was obviously stronger, for some reason, Chan Ku felt very unsure.

But after all, you have to do it once, and this is what it should be. If even Master Yuanzhi, the Vajra Protector of Leiyin Sect, cannot stop this person by then, he will naturally have to think about other things.

Of course, the great monks he worships are not just from the Leiyin Sect. The other person is not in the attic at the moment.

However, compared to the other person, Master Yuanzhi is more famous, and his strength is among the top batch among the late Yuanying monks of the Great Jin Dynasty.

"I heard that Fellow Daoist Lu killed the old demon Xiong in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons not long ago?"

At this moment, Yanzhu smiled slightly and asked curiously.

"Some small things are not worth mentioning!"

Lu Tiandu smiled casually, "But to be honest, the Sky Corpse Pearl in Master Xiong's body is very useful..."


Hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Yanzhu's eyes narrowed. Even Yuan Zhi, who had been silent on the other side, raised his head in surprise.

"It seems that Taoist fellow Taoist indeed has considerable strength in body refining!"

The old voice came from Yuan Zhi's mouth again, and the monk's eyes were looking at Lu Tiandu eagerly at this moment. It was obvious that he also understood the benefits of the Heavenly Corpse Pearl for body refining.

Lu Tiandu smiled and said nothing more.

If it weren't for the strength of the body refining and the dragon-marked black gold stick in his hand, he could have killed the bear master with his great magical powers and imitation spiritual treasures, but that was not something that could be settled in three or four breaths.

"In this case, according to the usual practice, we still need to have a discussion with Master Yuanzhi, Fellow Daoist Lu!"

Chan Ku was no longer vague at this moment and spoke directly.

"The poor monk also wants to learn the magical powers of some fellow Taoists!"

Yuan Zhi also looked at Lu Tiandu with burning eyes at this moment.

"So, it's exactly what I want."

Lu Tiandu also nodded.

"It's hard to let the great monks compete in Jinjing at will. There is a special mustard space behind this pavilion. Why don't we just go there to compete? What do you think, Fellow Daoist Lu?"

"The guest can do as he pleases!"

Lu Tiandu nodded.

Suddenly, the voice of Lord Dayan came to his ears. Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and replied with a movement of his lips.

God Lord Dayan and Han Li had naturally been to that mustard space because they had seen Tianji Mansion before. They were afraid that the other party had made some preparations in advance, so they sent this message to remind them.

However, Lu Tiandu had thought of this matter before, so he invited the two of them to go together.

Both of them are not ordinary Yuanying early stage monks, and they can also make each other wary.

After all, these people knew that they had killed Master Xiong and were still alone. If they coveted his skills, treasures, and wealth, and did anything unwise, Lu Tiandu would probably have to release the clones of the ancient demon to destroy all those involved. The people and the forces behind it.

As for being trapped in the Kokeshi space, the ancient demon clone can now break the human world space with a single blow, so there is nothing to worry about.

Now that three people are traveling together, the difficulty and cost of killing three people has increased sharply, which can also somewhat dispel the other party's unwise move.

He came here to exchange the other party's secret skills, and did not want to go on a killing spree because of this thing. Therefore, there is no need to leave the other party with an illusion of opportunity.

As a result, just when everyone went down to the second floor, a figure suddenly flashed in front of them, and two women, Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin, appeared. Behind them, a tall, maroon-faced old man in a soap robe flickered and looked directly at Lu Tiandu. “Brother Lu!”

Bai Yaoyi called out softly, looked at Lord Dayan and Han Li again, and then smiled:

"I just happened to see this fellow Daoist Han enter the Tianji Pavilion before, and I guessed that Brother Lu might be inside. I didn't expect that you guys have been talking on the third floor... The rich fellow Daoist Han from Jiuyou Sect also wants to meet you, Brother Lu! "

As he said this, he introduced Fucheng behind him to Lu Tiandu.

Bai Yaoyi was a little confused about Fu Cheng's meeting with Lu Tian, ​​but they were all acquaintances, so she couldn't refuse.

After all, she couldn't guess that Fu Cheng's desire to see Lu Tian was related to her casual remarks that she was planning to go treasure hunting in Yin Yang Cave with others.

After all, who would have thought that the destination of both parties is the Yin-Yang Cave, one of the seven Jedi in the Jin Dynasty!

This place is usually rarely visited by people, but suddenly two groups of people went there. Moreover, Fucheng had not told Bai Yaoyi that his destination was here before, which naturally aroused his suspicion.

Lu Tiandu naturally understood the reason why Fu Cheng came to visit him, so he pretended not to know and exchanged casual greetings.

Everyone in Tianji Pavilion naturally knew the Yuanying monks from Jiuyou Sect and Xiaoji Palace. They were very familiar with the two girls Lu Tiandu and Xiaoji Palace, but they became confused.

After all, Xiaoji Palace's pursuit of the stolen cold marrow was very secretive, and the two women came to the public as participants in the auction.

"Brother Lu, where are you going?"

After going downstairs, Bai Mengxin asked suddenly when she saw that Lu Tiandu and the others had no intention of leaving from the front door.

"Haha, I heard that Fellow Daoist Lu has extraordinary powers. Master Yuanzhi wants to have a discussion with Fellow Daoist Lu, so we are going to the mustard space behind this pavilion..."

The old man Canku smiled and explained first.

Naturally, it was not easy for him to say clearly at the moment that people were coming to his door to buy and sell by force. After all, it would be fine if he won, but wouldn't it be a big loss of face if he lost?

"Yes, I also want to see the mustard space of Tianji Pavilion!"

Lu Tiandu also responded.

"In that case, can we be allowed to watch?"

Bai Yaoyi's eyes flashed and she smiled.

At this time, Fucheng next to him also looked very interested.

One was a long-famous Buddhist Vajra Protector, and the other was a mysterious overseas cultivator who suddenly became famous. Fu Cheng naturally wanted to get to know the bottom of Lu Tiandu through this discussion.

Lu Tiandu naturally doesn't care.

However, the two girls from Jiuyou Zong, Fucheng and Xiaojigong, naturally found it hard to refuse, so Canku finally agreed.

Everyone passed through the back door on the first floor, passed through a strict restriction, and arrived at a small open space behind the attic.

In the middle of the open space here, there is a slightly weird teleportation array. It is obviously much more complicated than the ordinary teleportation array, and it is also larger. It is obviously some kind of modified teleportation array.

"If you want to go to the Mustard Seed Space, you can only reach it through this teleportation array."

Because it was Lu Tiandu's first time here, Canku explained specifically.

"Let's go!" Lu Tiandu nodded.

The white light from the spiritual stones around the teleportation array suddenly rose, and everyone was divided into three groups and disappeared in the teleportation array.

After a dazzling and slight dizziness, everyone appeared on a gravel slope. Not far away was a teleportation array similar to the teleportation array.

Lu Tiandu let go of his consciousness at will and looked around.

This is a space that is more than a thousand feet wide. The ground is full of white stones, but there are many stone pits of different sizes in it. The big ones are more than ten feet long, while the small ones are only about ten feet long. It's extremely messy.

Not only was there no trace of green in this space, but no aura could be sensed. The sky also looked gray. It was clearly a place of execution, but it was somewhat similar to the space in the Fallen Demon Valley where the body of the ancient demon was sealed.

"The poor monk has stayed in the late stage of Nascent Soul for a long time, and he just wants to communicate with some fellow Taoists of the same level to see if he can learn anything from them. I also ask fellow Taoist Lu to give me some advice!"

A white lotus flower grew out of Yuan Zhi's feet, and he gently supported himself. In a flash, his figure was already a hundred feet away, hanging in the air. A hint of evil flashed across his elegant face, and he said lightly.


Lu Tiandu stopped talking nonsense. With a flash of golden light, the same figure flashed to somewhere hundreds of feet away.

At this moment, everyone else was standing around, watching quietly.

Yuan Zhi, the silver-robed monk, looked calm and stared at Lu Tiandu for a while. Seeing that Lu Tiandu had no intention of taking action in advance, he said a Buddha's name and a faint golden light suddenly appeared on his face.

I saw him clasping his hands together, speaking Sanskrit sounds from his mouth, and each pale silver rune floated directly from his silver robe. At the same time, not only his face, but also the skin all over his body began to turn into a pale gold color. For a moment, it was like a golden Arhat descending from the sky. The world is ordinary.

"I've heard for a long time that Master Yuanzhi is the Vajra Protector of Buddhism. It seems that this is the rumored Mingwang Jue?"

When Lu Tiandu saw this scene, he suddenly asked.

He had seen Ming Wang Jue from Han Li before, and combined with his performance in the original plot, this person has now reached the fourth level of Ming Wang Jue. However, he has not improved at all in the next two hundred years, which is normal.

After all, the further you go in body refining, the harder it is to advance compared to qi refining. Yuan Zhi doesn't have the many body-refining resources of Lu Tiandu, so it's pretty good that he can cultivate Mingwang Jue to the fourth level.

After practicing Ming Wang Jue to the fourth level, his physical strength can be compared with ordinary magic weapons. However, Lu Tiandu didn't care much when he entered the third level from the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Technique and could easily resist magic weapon attacks.

At this moment, Han Li, who had already learned the Mingwang Jue with the help of many stolen relics, also stared at Yuan Zhi and observed.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Fellow Taoist Master Lu also knows quite a lot about our Buddhist techniques. This is exactly what I practice. I wonder what kind of body-refining technique Master Daoist Master Lu practices?"

The silver-robed monk heard Lu Tiandu call out the name of the technique he was performing. He was startled at first, but then asked again.

"It's just a nameless body-refining technique passed down from Lu's family."

Lu Tiandu smiled.

However, everyone present except Han Li, who was the first to hear Lu Tian mentioned that the three-level nameless body refining technique was passed down from his family, did not seem to believe it.

"Since you and I are both body refiners, why don't we use our body refinement powers to compete first?"

At this time, Yuan Zhi suddenly spoke.


Lu Tiandu nodded.

He understood that trying to force a transaction this time was naturally different from the usual discussions of magical powers with others. This time the other party would definitely give away all their treasures, and naturally he would not hold back.

But since the other party wanted to see his body refining skills, he would not refuse.

In the vast world of immortality, he also wanted to see how powerful this Buddhist protector who had cultivated the Ming King Jue to the fourth level was.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu was running the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, and a dazzling golden light suddenly burst out all over his body. In the blink of an eye, these golden lights condensed into one piece, as if Lu Tiandu's whole body was coated with a layer of jade-like golden light. It looked like Extremely mysterious!

This is also the first time that Lu Tiandu has used the third round of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu in front of outsiders!

Seeing Lu Tiandu's performance, Yuan Zhi's expression condensed, the white lotus under his feet turned, and his whole body shot towards Lu Tiandu in an instant... (End of this chapter)

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