Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 328 Dharma and magical powers! Invincible!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Under the gray sky, a golden figure and a pale golden figure collided together like lightning, and then separated quickly.

With each violent collision between the two, loud sounds of fists hitting the flesh echoed in the narrow space of more than a thousand feet, like thunder.

Near the teleportation array, Han Li, Dayan Shenjun, the Bai sisters, Fucheng, Yanzhu, Canku and others looked at the two people who were like phantoms. Their expressions changed as they listened to the continuous thunder in their ears.

With such a powerful physical power, no amount of ordinary magic weapons can do anything about it. There is no treasure above the high-quality ancient treasure to compete with, and the result of being approached by such a body refiner is needless to say.

"Master Yuanzhi, as one of the most famous monks in the Buddhist sect of the Jin Dynasty, is indeed quite powerful!"

Han Li remembered that because he had practiced the Nameless Body Refining Technique before, now that the Ming King Technique had advanced to the second level, it would not be impossible to practice to the fourth level in the future. Wouldn't it also be as powerful by then?

"But from the looks of it, Senior Brother Lu must have practiced the nameless body-refining technique to the third level. I wonder if it has been completed at the third level?"

As soon as Han Li had this thought, suddenly, there was a loud "bang" in the air. Looking closely, the pale golden figure in the middle of the battle group was suddenly hit by the golden figure and flew out.

"It seems that Senior Brother Lu's nameless body refining technique is better!"

This thought flashed across Han Li's mind as he looked at Master Yuan Zhi who flew more than a hundred feet away before stopping.

"So strong!"

At this moment, the two pairs of beautiful eyes of the Bai sisters were filled with strange colors. When they looked at each other, they both showed a bit of joy.

Although they knew that Brother Lu's physical training strength was extremely amazing, they knew it from Senior Brother Wang Xu, and this was the first time they had seen this scene.

He is absolutely unique among human monks to be able to defeat the Buddhist Vajra Protector with his pure body-refining strength!

Not far away from the two girls, the tall Fu Cheng's face also changed slightly. He secretly said that he was indeed a good person despite his great reputation, and he became even more famous when we met him!

Next, if he wants to enter the Yin-Yang Cave, he probably needs to have a good discussion with Lu Tiandu. I wonder if Lu Tian even knows about the Yin Zhima in the Yin-Yang Cave? Fu Cheng suddenly had this thought.

When Yanzhu and the people from Tianji Mansion saw this scene, their expressions changed dramatically, and they stared closely at the figure of Master Yuanzhi in the distance.

At this moment, Master Yuanzhi stood in the air, with another white lotus appearing under his feet. He closed his eyes tightly and made seals with his hands. The pale golden light around him flickered on and off. After taking more than one breath, he secretly suppressed the rolling breath. There was blood, and the evil spirit on his face faded a little, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Fellow Taoist, this nameless body-refining technique is really good!"

Yuan Zhi said a Buddha's name, twitching the corners of his mouth, and the old voice came out again.

The physical fight between the two looked extremely fierce, but in fact it only lasted a few breaths. In such a short period of time, looking at Lu Tiandu with a calm expression on his face, and thinking of the several mouthfuls of blood that he secretly suppressed, Yuan Zhi became more and more cautious about Lu Tiandu's strength.

Although the battle between the two could not be considered as the full strength of the body refining, but in terms of defense and strength alone, he was already at a disadvantage.

"Fellow Taoist Yuanzhi, I accept it!"

Lu Tiandu nodded slightly, with a calm tone.

This is the first time he has used the defensive techniques and boundless power after the third turn of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, and he has not yet used all his strength.

If combined with his own astonishing speed, it would be possible to kill Yuan Zhi at close range.

Although it was not a life and death battle, it was the first time that he had some understanding of his own body-training techniques and strength.

"The poor monk has been practicing Mingwang Jue for hundreds of years. He also practiced a secret technique. He also wants to have a discussion with fellow Taoists! Please!"

After Yuan Zhi finished speaking, he lightly tapped the white light lotus under his feet. The white lotus spun around and suddenly released seven-color Buddha light. At the same time, the mudra in his hand changed instantly, and at the same time, an astonishing amount of spiritual pressure was released from his body. Golden light shone all over his body, and a tall phantom of five or six feet suddenly appeared above his head.

This phantom is covered in golden light, has a ferocious face, has curly hair, and is half-naked. It is exactly the same as the rumored Buddhist King Kong.

"Could this be the secret technique of Zhangba Golden Body taught by Buddhism?"

Lu Tiandu showed a curious expression, "I heard that if you practice the Diamond Art to the seventh level, and then practice the eight-foot-long golden body secret technique, you can finally condense a Dharma-like golden body, which can be used in battles with extraordinary strength..."

"Fellow Taoist really knows a lot about my Buddhist skills!"

Yuan Zhi's eyes flashed, and although he didn't express anything in his tone, deep down he was surprised that Lu Tiandu actually knew such a secret Buddhist technique.

"I'm afraid this person is not a simple overseas cultivator, right?"

Yuan Zhi now became more and more confused about Lu Tiandu's true identity.

After all, even ordinary Buddhist Nascent Soul monks had never heard of this eight-foot-long golden body. Unexpectedly, as soon as he displayed it, Lu Tiandu saw through it!

Naturally, he would not have guessed that Lu Tiandu knew something about the Buddhist golden body from Feng Xian's body training notes.

After all, it was the first time he saw the record of the Zhangba Golden Body in Feng Xian's body training notes, which reminded Lu Tiandu of the Zhangliu Golden Body, Zhangba Golden Body, Eight Treasure Golden Body, etc. in ancient mythological novels on Earth. Buddhist magical powers.

It felt very familiar to him.

According to Feng Xian's notes, there was a Buddhist monk in the spiritual world who had cultivated the Ming Wang Jue to the seventh level, and finally condensed the Zhangba Golden Body. Even when fighting against the God Transformation monk who could initially mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth, he did not fall behind at all. It can be seen that this Zhangba The eight golden body secret techniques are also very extraordinary.

However, since Feng Xian practiced the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu to the fourth level, and used the secret techniques in the technique to combine the Dharma Appearance, Golden Body and physical body that he had practiced after the third level, and displayed the true Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth. After gaining the magical power, it is natural to look down upon the magical power of this eight-foot-long golden body.

Therefore, after learning more about it, this secret technique was not included.

After everyone watching the battle heard the conversation between the two, except Yanzhu who had some understanding of the secret technique, the others also looked at the two in surprise.

This five to six foot tall golden ferocious phantom is probably one of Yuan Zhi's trump cards. I wonder how Lu Tiandu can deal with it without using magic weapons?

"Haha, since Buddhism has the eight-foot-long golden body secret technique, Lu has also practiced a golden body secret technique. So far, he has never had a chance to use it. Today I just want to have a discussion with fellow Taoists!"

Lu Tiandu laughed loudly, and his whole body burst into a bright golden light. With a slight shake of his shoulders, an astonishing amount of spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from behind him. In an instant, the golden light subsided, and behind Lu Tiandu A tall golden figure appeared.

This golden figure is made of jade and is extremely solid. It is covered with mysterious runes and exudes a soft golden light. It looks majestic and mysterious.

This three-foot-tall giant, when viewed from the front, looks like an enlarged version of Lu Tiandu.


When Yuan Zhi saw the solid jade figure behind Lu Tiandu, his eyes shrank.

In his observation, the golden body of Dharma behind Lu Tiandu was somewhat similar to the Buddhist golden body of eight feet, and compared to the Buddhist golden body of eight feet, it actually reached three feet.

As for his own condensed golden body, although it is five or six feet high, that is because his golden body is only at the beginning. As it goes to the back, the golden body will become more solid until it is truly eight feet tall.

And if you are a discerning person, you will naturally know the outcome of this battle from the Fa Xiangjin released by the two!

"How did this kid refine his body?"

The old monk Yuan Zhi fell into deep doubts.

If he had known that Lu Tian had taken numerous qi and blood pills, dragon scale fruit, and iron fetus fruit, he probably wouldn't be so suspicious!

As for the people watching the battle, they looked at the huge figure behind Lu Tiandu in shock.

Even Han Li and Dayan Shenjun, who knew Lu Tian well, had to admit that when they saw this scene, Lu Tiandu was so mysteriously tight that no one could guess how many trump cards he had!

"Fight!" Lu Tiandu spoke calmly, and after finishing his words, the golden body of Dharma Prime behind him took a step forward, as if it was carrying an endless hurricane, and shot towards Monk Yuan Zhi hundreds of feet away like a cannonball.


Monk Yuanzhi shouted loudly, and the golden phantom behind him expanded angrily, like an angry-eyed King Kong. He roared upwards, and with boundless power, he faced Lu Tiandu's Dharma.


There was a loud noise, the air exploded, and the cyclone exploded. Two giant-like golden figures, one punched and the other performed a big hand seal, bombarded each other with indomitable momentum.

A huge roar sounded, and even this small mustard space seemed to be buzzing and trembling.

In an instant, at the center of the collision, a ball of golden glow that was several feet in size suddenly exploded, and several astonishing hurricanes swept in all directions.

These hurricanes naturally did not cause any damage to the Nascent Soul monks watching the battle. The glow around them flashed, and while they were protecting themselves, their spiritual consciousness had already swept towards the center of the battle group.


However, when they saw clearly the only remaining figure in the center of the battle group, which was still and still in a punching posture, made of jade and golden light, everyone was secretly stunned.

"He actually destroyed Yuan Zhi's golden body with one punch?"

Everyone who saw Lu Tiandu slowly retracting his right fist and the huge golden figure also retracted his fist felt uneasy.

And in the distance, standing on the white lotus, Yuan Zhi's elegant face turned pale and white as he squeezed the Vajra hand seal and collided with Lu Tian. His breath was a little weak for a moment, and he spit out with a "pop" sound. A mouthful of blood.


Yanzhu's expression condensed, he raised his steps, and the white lotus on the soles of his feet flashed, and he instantly fled towards Yuanzhi, closely followed by Charming Ku, who was frowning.

Lu Tiandu shook his head, and with a thought in his mind, when the golden body shot back, it instantly shrank and turned into a stream of light that sank into his body.

Naturally, Lu Tiandu was not surprised at all when he punched Yuan Zhi's half-assed Zhangba Golden Body to pieces.

Looking at Yuan Zhi who had taken several elixirs of various colors at this moment, Lu Tian waited for a few breaths before saying:

"Is it okay, fellow Taoist Yuanzhi? Do you still want to compete?"

"Fellow Taoist's body-refining magical power is truly astonishing, but it's okay for me to be a humble monk, so I'll naturally continue to learn from each other!"

At this moment, Yuan Zhi's old voice still sounded full of energy. It seemed that either the healing elixir was extraordinary, or the injury was suppressed secretly.


As soon as Can Ku opened her mouth to say something, she was interrupted by Yuan Zhi:

"It's rare to meet fellow Taoist Lu today. There are not many opportunities like this. Fellow Taoist Charm Ku, needless to say, the poor monk has his own opinion!"

After hearing what Yuan Zhi said, Canku and Yanzhu silently retreated to their positions.

"This time let's compete with magic weapons and magical powers!"

Looking at Lu Tiandu who still looked calm, Yuan Zhi said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Lu Tiandu nodded.

When Yuan Zhi saw this scene, he knew that Lu Tiandu still had no intention of taking action first, so he did not hesitate. He raised his hands, and red and green spiritual lights flashed in his hands at the same time. A red Zen staff and a red Zen staff several feet long appeared respectively. A string of emerald green beads.

Yuan Zhi kept moving, and suddenly raised his hand, and the red Zen staff turned into a red dragon and shot directly in the direction of Lu Tiandu.

The emerald green Buddha bead in the other hand was also sacrificed and hung above his head. After the green light flashed, it turned into a green light curtain, protecting it inside.

With two treasures, one for attack and one for defense, the man became more stable at this time.

After sacrificing the treasure, Monk Yuanzhi stood on the white lotus and lowered his eyes. He kept changing his hand seals with his hands, as if he was exercising some extremely mysterious magical power.

Looking at the Zen staff that transformed into a red dragon and came with teeth and claws, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, flicked his right sleeve, and a huge colorful sleeve suddenly appeared in the gray sky. In the blink of an eye, it turned into gold and purple. The cuffs of the Yin-Yang Fish actually covered the red dragon.


The dragon spirit in Yuan Zhi's crimson Zen staff roared, opened its mouth and sprayed out. At the same time, a stream of red flames shot into the colorful sleeves, and at the same time, the dragon swung its body, trying to escape.

At this moment, facing the red flames, the golden and purple vortex turned, and with a "boom", several light beams transformed from the true power of wind and thunder blasted towards the red dragon in the blink of an eye. The red dragon paused while being hit, The colorful sleeves suddenly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, they were pulled down to cover the red dragon.

After the colorful sleeves collected the red dragon, they trembled slightly and retreated towards Lu Tiandu like a tide.

"how can that be?"

Above the white lotus, within the green light barrier, Yuan Zhi suddenly opened his eyes, with an incredible look on his face.

His Zen staff was made with many rare materials such as ten thousand-year-old fire coral that he had painstakingly searched for from the Hell of Fire. It was extremely hard and powerful. Generally, few treasures could withstand the bombardment of this Zen staff. The result was a little The opponent's magic weapon was taken away and suppressed before the power was even unleashed?

At this moment, he couldn't even sense any trace of the weapon spirit in the magic weapon.

On the other side, among the people watching the battle, except for Dayan Shenjun and Han Li, who had already prepared, everyone else looked at Lu Tiandu's sleeves in surprise.

I originally thought that Lu Tiandu would also release treasures to fight, but he didn't expect that Yuan Zhi's magic weapon to become famous would be destroyed like this?

At this moment, Yuan Zhi's expression became calmer and calmer. He turned over one hand, and a small silver bottle with a narrow mouth and a long jade ruler appeared in the palm of his hand.

With a wave of his hand, the two ancient treasures instantly burst into glory, becoming larger and shooting towards Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu's expression remained unchanged, but his heart moved. He flicked his right sleeve, and the colorful sleeves appeared again, covering the two treasures in the air.

At the moment when the three treasures were approaching, the jade ruler exploded with light and hit the golden and purple cuffs. At the same time, the silver bottle also circled, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds came from the mouth of the bottle. Then the seven-color Buddha light spread out from the mouth of the bottle. Jet out, directional colorful sleeves.

At this moment, the golden and purple sleeves trembled violently, and a stream of blue light disappeared in an instant, shooting towards the silver vase at an astonishing speed. At the same time, the colorful sleeves suddenly grew larger and covered the giant The jade ruler...

There was a "click", and in the shocked look of everyone, the silver bottle that was still spouting seven-color Buddha light actually let out a whine, and instantly broke into pieces and exploded.

At the same time, a blue stream of light flashed strangely, and instantly shot towards the emerald-green Buddha beads above Yuan Zhi's head in the distance. With a "bang" sound, the original emerald-green Buddha beads suddenly flew away after being hit by the flying sea shuttle. Trembling, the emerald green light emitted instantly dimmed a bit.

Just when the flying sea shuttle shot towards the emerald green Buddha beads again, above the white lotus, the green screen around him was extremely dim, and Yuan Zhi, with a pale face, suddenly said:

"Fellow Taoist, stop it! There is no need to compete anymore. Fellow Taoist has great magical powers, and the poor monk is willing to be defeated!"

After hearing this, Lu Tiandu had a thought in his mind, and the flying sea shuttle trembled suddenly and returned.

"This person is invincible!"

Looking at the merciless Lu Tiandu, Yuan Zhi flashed this thought, "This new person has appeared in the Great Jin Dynasty. Is it a blessing or a curse?" (End of Chapter)

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