Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 330 Reunion! Demon Sect!

Western Shanxi.

On a beautiful mountain peak called "Yuhua Mountain", there are colorful light masks flashing around the mountain peak at this moment. At a glance, it seems that several powerful restrictions have been placed.

Within a hundred miles of Yuhua Mountain, monks who control escape light or flying magic weapons shuttle back and forth from time to time. When Lu Tiandu used the secret technique of spiritual invisibility to hide in the dark, and released his spiritual consciousness to see this scene, he could only shake his head helplessly.

This is where he found out about Nangong Wan and other girls.

After bidding farewell to the gossipy Bai Yaoyi, he left the Xiaoji Palace Villa and changed his appearance. After all, he is now famous and many people know him.

After looking at the restrictions around Yuhua Mountain for a moment, Lu Tiandu felt his heart sinking. He reached out and turned over, and a white jade token appeared in his hand. Injecting mana and shaking it gently, a white light shot out from the jade token. As soon as it touched the colorful light shield , the light mask cracked a big hole of about ten feet.

This crack flashed and then closed. Before anyone could notice, Lu Tiandu had already escaped into Yuhua Mountain.

"My husband is here!"

A sweet laughter suddenly came to Lu Tiandu's ears, and he immediately recognized that it was Qi Zhenzhen's charming voice. The sky in front of his eyes flashed, and a dignified, elegant, enchanting and graceful beautiful woman appeared in Lu Tiandu. In front of you.

Before he could say anything, another warm smile came:

"Sister, let me tell you, as soon as my husband hears the news of our arrival, he will definitely come to see us as soon as possible!"

Before he finished speaking, the beautiful woman Sun Qingfeng, dressed in purple palace clothes and with fluttering purple hair, appeared next to Qi Zhenzhen in an instant, looking at Lu Tiandu with a pair of clear purple eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"It seems that my sister Qingfeng has the most confidence in me!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, took a step forward, opened his arms, and skillfully embraced the two great monks who were respected and curious by everyone in the outside world.

Feeling the warm jade in his arms and sniffing the fragrance that was so familiar to him, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"Two sisters, how are you traveling? Speaking of which, you have become famous in Jinjing recently. Maybe your legend will be spread throughout Jinjing in the future!"


Qi Zhenzhen leaned in Lu Tiandu's arms and snorted softly. He raised his head and gave Lu Tiandu a charming look. He lightly beat Lu Tiandu's chest with his bare hands. "How famous can we be? How can we be number one in the Jin Dynasty?" Compared to Nascent Soul’s husband!”

Lu Tian was startled, why did the words sound wrong?

At this time, Sun Qingfeng on the side also laughed sweetly and continued with an ambiguous look:

"Yes, we have been separated for just a few years? My husband has actually become the first Yuanying of the Jin Dynasty, tsk tsk... Moreover, it is said that the two concubines of the Bai family from the Beiming Xiaoji Palace are always accompanied here and there. I don’t know how many monks I have envied!”

"Hey, it turns out the root is here!"

Lu Tiandu laughed and said "wave" and "wave" twice, one on the left and one on the right, which made the two women jealous, "I said you guys are carrying guns and clubs, I thought I had committed something wrong." What’s the big question of forgiveness!”

Seeing the disbelief and flushed faces of the two women, and the slower women a little further away who seemed to be coming, Lu Tiandu looked at the two women with a smile and said:

"Let's go, I'll talk to you later!"

As soon as his figure flashed, Lu Tiandu was already flying towards the top of Yuhua Peak with the two girls in his arms. He met the girls again halfway, and they all continued to fly back together.

Looking at the many temporary pavilions built by the girls, Lu Tiandu shook his head and said:

"I have wronged my wives!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Ni Chang in the crowd smiled slightly and said with a sweet smile:

"What? Only now do you know how to cherish a woman's beauty?"

"Have I not always cared for her?"

Lu Tiandu looked like he was smiling but not smiling, which made all the girls laugh.

Nangong Wan on the side seemed to have thought of something, looked at Lu Tiandu and smiled:

"It seems that my husband must have prepared something good for us, right? Otherwise, why would you suddenly mention this matter?"

"My Wan'er still understands me!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "You have been traveling for a few years, so you should know something about Tianji Mansion in Tianji Pavilion, right? This time, my husband has found you the refining method of Tianji Mansion. Next, you can follow Refining some Tianji Mansion according to your own preferences will naturally make it much more convenient next time you travel!"

"That's a good thing!"

Standing with Zi Ling, the stunning young woman Wang Yun, who looked like sisters, smiled, "But husband, you don't just want to use this benefit to fool us into allowing you to have sex outside, do you?"

As soon as he said this, Hong Fu, Wen Lan, Cen Jingjun and other girls also looked at Lu Tiandu with half-smiling smiles, as if they wanted to hear his explanation!

"Fooling? When did I fool my sister Jiayun?"

Lu Tian was even angry. The profound meaning behind these words made Zi Ling's face turn red and she spat secretly. Lu Tiandu continued:

"I have been pondering over the refining method of Tianji Mansion in the past few days, and it is really a good thing that came up with an idea... Don't think that this thing is ordinary. In the future, I will let You Luo also participate, with my family's formation method With Grandmaster Ruyin taking the lead, maybe this thing will be a good thing for us to gain a foothold in the spiritual world in the future!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the girls suddenly became curious.

Lu Tiandu then took advantage of the situation and took out the secret technique of Tianji Mansion and started discussing it with the girls.

"So, Ruyin, Qiaoqian, Ying'er, Xiaomei, and Caihuan can first refine some Tianji Mansion to practice your skills. When you have time, you can think about whether there are any ways to improve... If we can really develop a portable Cave Mansion, then it is not impossible that our Yaochi Palace will be able to obtain countless spiritual stones in the future, and even be famous throughout the spiritual world..."

Hearing what Lu Tiandu said, all the girls' eyes lit up.

In particular, women such as Qi Zhenzhen, Wang Yun, Zi Ling, Sister Guijia, Yanli, Liu Yu, who had previously held the power of the sect or had business power, expressed their own opinions on how to run the Yaochi Palace.

The topic soon returned to Lu Tiandu. After all, the girls were very curious about how he suddenly became famous in two or three years.

Before, they didn't think that their husband had any intention of making a big name in Dajin!

Hearing that Lu Tiandu had captured an armored dragon that was good at treasure hunting for them, and seeing the clever way this guy's eyes were turning around, the girls greatly admired Lu Tiandu's luck.

After all, although they have occasionally made gains in the past three years, they are not very good at it.

Soon Lu Tiandu talked about his encounter with Master Xiong and Mr. Xiao after collecting the Earth Armored Dragon. After that, he took out a slender jade bottle six to seven inches high and handed it to the girls to look at.

This jade bottle is green in color, extremely delicate, and has a faint chill.

As soon as Hongfu got his hands on it, he knew what this thing was. He unscrewed the plug, and sure enough, an astonishing cold air seeped out, and it was the cold marrow inside.

"Have you seen this cold marrow? This is one of the gains after I killed Xiao Lao'er and Master Xiong. The top monks of this cold marrow promotion know that only the small half bottle of Xiaoji Palace is left. Now you understand Why have I been together with the Bai sisters during this time?"

Lu Tiandu then glanced at Qi Zhenzhen and the other girls, and said with a faint smile, "They are still looking for the lost treasure, but they don't know that I, the fisherman who got the treasure, live in the other courtyard of Xiaoji Palace..."

After talking about it, Lu Tian also shook his head and laughed. "Hehe, this doesn't seem to mean that husband, you don't have bad intentions towards the Bai sisters!"

Yuan Yao on the side suddenly blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled.

"Hmph, you dare to pick my thorns, it seems that I will punish my Yao'er well today!"

Lu Tiandu snorted and gently pulled Yuan Yao into his arms, "Yao'er, tell me how you want me to punish you today?"

The hot breath from Lu Tiandu's mouth bit her white jade ear, and facing the smiling eyes of the girls, Yuan Yao's pretty face suddenly warmed up, her body became a little soft, and she said coquettishly:

"Hmph, I'm not afraid of you!"

"Huh? I really didn't expect that Yao'er would have such a tough day. It seems that I really want to have a good fight with Yao'er today!"

Lu Tiandu gently touched Yuan Yao's water snake waist with his big hands, saying with deep meaning.

"My bad husband knows how to bully me!"

Seeing that all the girls looked like they were watching a good show, Yuan Yao suddenly became anxious. She lowered her head lightly and hid it in Lu Tiandu's arms, and started to get angry.

Everyone laughed for a while before Lu Tiandu continued:

"Actually, this Xiaoji Palace is the Taoist tradition left by the ancient ascended monk Bingpo Fairy. Senior sister also got the inheritance left by Bingpo Fairy in Xutian Palace. Xiaoji Palace is also destined to us. Maybe there will be another one when we come to the spiritual world in the future. When dealing with the Ice Soul Fairy."

"And there may be space nodes in Xiaoji Palace specially left by Fairy Bingso. I heard about the news that several god-transformation monks from Dajin have been asking about space nodes in the past few years. Maybe they will meet with Xiaoji in the future. There's a conflict in Ji Palace, and I won't be able to do anything to save him..."

"And there should be several other Bingyan cultivation methods such as Fengli Bingyan in Xiaoji Palace. With this acquaintance with the Bai family sisters, when I come to Xiaoji Palace in the future, I might be able to get these few The cultivation method of cultivating cold flames..."

After Lu Tiandu chatted for a while about Xiaoji Palace, he looked at the girls and smiled:

"As soon as I came out of seclusion, I heard that you caused a lot of commotion. I'm afraid you have also been harassed a lot these days, right?"

"My husband's guess is indeed correct."

Ling Yuling smiled casually and shook her head, "Since our travels, there have been countless people chatting with us, inviting us to banquets, and inviting us to be worshippers. Therefore, after we came to Jinjing, we only took a rough tour. We’re just waiting here for my husband to come find us!”

"Yes, you are really too good! I'm afraid there are many monks who want to pursue you secretly!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled lightly, looking at the girls of different elegances, feeling secretly proud.

Among them, Sun Qingfeng and Qi Zhenzhen were both rare female monks.

Although Hong Fu, Wen Lan, Nangong Wan, Ni Shang and Cen Jingjun are all in the middle stage of Yuanying, anyone who has had contact with them will know that the strength of the five women is definitely not that of simple middle stage Yuanying monks.

Lu Tiandu knew that the combat power of each of them was no less than that of ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul monks, and monks of the same level could be easily killed by them with just a few moves without any problem.

Others Wang Yun, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Ying, Xin Ruyin, Xiaomei, Lu Tianxuan, Yan Ruyan, Yuan Yao, Mo Fengwu, Mo Caihuan, Gui Nianwei, Gui Nianxin, Yanli, Ling Yuling, Zi Ling and Ao Although the Sixteenth Girl Shan is only in the early stage of Yuanying, her combat power is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people in the early stage of Yuanying.

Although the remaining four girls, Liu Yu, Han Yunzhi, Wen Siyue and Mu Peiling, are in the golden elixir stage, their abilities are quite impressive.

In addition to the twenty-seven girls on the trip, Wen Qing in the Yaochi Pagoda is in retreat to break through to become a god, Le Shurong and Lin Yinping are in retreat to become great monks, Song Yu, Fan Jingmei and Zhuo Ruting are in retreat to break through to Nascent Soul, and the little secretary Yinyue is in retreat. He is also practicing.

Also far away in Tiannan were Nangong Ping and Leng Qingqiu. Thinking of these thirty or so confidante, Lu Tiandu sighed secretly in his heart.

Along the way, his cultivation has almost reached the highest level in the human world. Surrounded by so many beauties, he deeply feels that this life has not been in vain!

"Hehe, without my husband, how could we have achieved what we have today?"

The girls did not take Lu Tiandu's words to heart. Instead, they looked at Lu Tiandu, making Lu Tiandu laugh.

"Since there is such a fuss now and you can't travel well, why not go back to Yaochi Tower for a while? I still need your help with something else!"

Lu Tiandu thought that there were many Nascent Soul cultivators with ulterior motives outside and suggested.

"Okay, we also have this intention!"

Nangong Wan smiled and nodded, "I wonder what Dao Dao needs us to do next?"

The auction held once every ten years in Jinjing naturally attracts very few girls. Not to mention that they already have no shortage of cultivation resources, and they have also seen trade fairs among the top monks in Tiannan, so naturally they are not very interested.

What's more, even if there is any need, Lu Tiandu will participate in the auction next, and you can buy them together at that time.

"After coming to Dajin this time, I have collected several materials for refining the late-stage Nascent Soul puppet. After winning the imitation Lingbao Pingshan Seal at the auction, we will refine another late-stage Nascent Soul puppet together. One thing is that I am going to refining my natal magic weapon, and I will need your help then!"

Lu Tiandu talked about these two things.

There are still more than three years before the opening of Kunwu Mountain in the original plot. In addition to refining his natal magic weapon and refining the late-stage Nascent Soul puppet, he is also preparing to refine the Sky Corpse Bead and Blood Heart Pill that were first obtained from King Xuan Ye. Transformed, in this way, his body refining strength can be enhanced a bit.

With the help of the girls, completing these things will naturally be much easier.

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the girls were also eager to give it a try. They have also refined a lot of puppets of the early and middle stages of Yuanying over the years, and each of them carried a few. Now if they can refine the puppets of the late stage of Yuanying, then For the girls, the strength can be regarded as a qualitative improvement. After all, most of them want to advance to the late stage of Nascent Soul, which cannot be achieved in a short time!


Just as Lu Tiandu was cozying up to the girls on Yuhua Mountain, in the west of Shanxi, where the Tianmo Sect was stationed in Jinjing, under a luxurious hall, in a secret room full of restrictions, several Nascent Soul monks were quietly Talk loudly.

At this time, the leader, a middle-aged scribe covered in soap robes and with a hooked nose, had a sinister look on his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice:

"But the investigation is clear? The recently famous Lu Tiandu is the person who took away Elder Cheng's relics in Tianlan Grassland?"

"Go back to the law enforcement elder. It has been verified that it is that person."

The next one, a man with a beard in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, had a hoarse voice, but his tone was unusually sure, "But the strange thing is that according to the information we collected, this man doesn't seem to be an overseas monk, but from the Mulan Grassland or Tiannan!"

"That's not important."

Qimiao Zhenren, the law enforcement elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect who was at the top, had cold eyes and waved his hand, "This person is inseparable from Elder Cheng's death. Pay close attention first and don't expose his traces..."

Master Qimiao again recalled the scene where the Supreme Elder was furious after the unexpected death of the second elder Cheng Buxiu more than fifty years ago.

There should be an old monster transforming into gods behind this person, and that old monster transforming into gods once promised to ‘visit’ their Heavenly Demon Sect within a hundred years!

So, since the land and sky have appeared, does it mean that the mysterious god-transforming monk is about to appear?

Thinking of this, Master Qimiao's heart sank. (End of chapter)

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