Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 331 The way to death! Killing intent!

"How is the investigation going on the female cultivators from Yaochi Palace who suddenly appeared as mentioned before?"

Master Qimiao came back from his meditation and suddenly asked.

"Reporting to the law enforcement elder, we have asked many monks in the coastal area, but we have never heard of the monastic sect in Yaochi Palace!"

An old man with a gray beard below shook his head and said, "Before, we also secretly sent the transmission notes to Master Sun Daxian of Tianlan, but this person's response was also very vague. He only said that we met by chance in the East China Sea, and there was nothing valuable about it. Information."

"So the friendship between them shouldn't be deep!"

A thin old man in green robes on the jade platform not far from Master Qimiao touched his beard and suddenly said, "If we divert this fellow Taoist Sun away, then there will only be one big monk in Yaochi Palace, right? Will the winning rate of planning Yaochi Palace increase a lot?"

After hearing the words of Brother Jingyuan, the new great monk in the sect, several Nascent Soul monks from the Tianmo Sect below looked at each other and looked at each other.

Except for the number of great monks in the Yaochi Palace, there are twenty-six monks in the early and middle stages of Nascent Soul. Except for the top sects of Zhengmo Dao, their strength is not inferior to the other ten major sects of Zhengmo Dao. Could it be that this Senior Brother Jingyuan Do you think they can win over so many monks of the same level with just these people?

As for why senior brother Jingyuan made such a proposal, relevant insiders know it clearly.

I heard that Senior Brother Jingyuan was able to advance to the rank of great monk and received a lot of help from the Supreme Elder. Naturally, this move was just to please his Supreme Elder.

However, the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect have always been looking for beautiful female cultivators with extraordinary qualifications for the Supreme Elder in order to keep their Yuan Yin bodies. Why do they want to target these Yaochi Palace disciples who no longer have Yuan Yin this time?

Most of the female cultivators in Yaochi Palace dress up as young women. Although they all use plain gauze to cover their true appearance, there are many secret techniques that can detect whether the female cultivators have lost their vitality, and since others have not covered it up, it is not difficult to find out.

Therefore, some of the Nascent Soul monks of the Heavenly Demon Sect here are also a little confused about Elder Jingyuan who has always been keen on this matter.

When no one answered, the old man in green robe glanced at Qimiao Zhenren above.

Master Qimiao pondered for a moment, his eyes flashed, and then he said slowly:

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long term. However, secret exploration is indispensable. Junior Brother Zhang and Junior Brother Yang, the skills you two practice are quite good in concealment, and your escape speed is not weak. You are more responsible for monitoring Yaochi Palace. Snacks...Okay, except for these two surveillance operations, the auction is coming soon, everyone else can just do their own thing..."

Everyone agreed and filed out of the secret room. Soon, Qimiao and Jingyuan were the only two people left in the secret room.

"Junior brother Jingyuan, the women of the Yaochi Palace are quite powerful. You know we still have a great enemy who has not yet appeared. It is hard not to cause trouble during this period!"

Qimiao glanced at the old man in green robe and said calmly.

"Of course I know that."

The old man in green robe nodded, but his expression was still a bit indifferent, "And it is precisely because the Supreme Elder and my Heavenly Demon Sect have big enemies outside that I am somewhat enthusiastic about this matter..."

After hearing what the old man in green robe said, Qimiao sat up suddenly and said with a surprised look on his face:

"Junior brother is right to check the place? Is it really the legendary body of Fengming?"

"It's natural."

The old man in green robe looked sure, "I noticed the difference in the female cultivator when I met the person from Yaochi Palace in Yuzhou. At that time, it was not easy to alert the snake, but now after confirming it, there must be nothing wrong, and this The members of Yaochi Palace are a bit weird. Except for one person who is naturally charming, there seem to be several others who also have good physiques..."

Speaking of the strange look on the face of the green-robed old man behind him, what he didn't say clearly was that he didn't know if there was something wrong with his secret skills, or if it was because of the extraordinary cultivation of this Yaochi palace maiden. He secretly sensed that not only these people, The other remaining people also seemed to be extraordinary.

However, this judgment is naturally difficult to express. After all, people with special physiques are extremely rare. How could everyone in a sect have extraordinary physiques?

"It seems that the Yaochi Palace that suddenly appeared is quite extraordinary!"

Master Qimiao sighed, "There is no need to say anything else. If it is really the body of the phoenix, even without Yuanyin, it will be of great benefit to the skills practiced by the Supreme Elder!"

Hu Laomo of the Heavenly Demon Sect is a well-known person in the Jin Dynasty who is proficient in dual cultivation. It is almost an open secret among high-level monks. Not only the monks of the Heavenly Demon Sect offer female cultivators to please their ancestors every once in a while, but also other People who are in need often start from this aspect.

As one of the four late Nascent Soul cultivators of Tianmo Sect, Qimiao knew that Hu Lao Mo had specifically told them to pay attention to certain female cultivators with special physiques.

With the death of the second elder Cheng Buxiu in Tianlan Grassland, the newly promoted great monk Jingyuan Laomo seems to be very concerned about this matter.

"Yes, with this special physique known as the 'No. 1 Furnace', maybe the Supreme Elder will be able to take a step further."

Green-robed Jingyuan's triangular eyes shone brightly, "And you said that if you can capture other high-level female cultivators from the Yaochi Palace and be harvested/replenished by the Supreme Elder, you will be able to face those who are hostile to our Heavenly Demon Sect in the future. Is the ancestor more confident when he transforms into an old monster?"


Only now did Qimiao understand why Jingyuan, who was obviously here to assist him, had been busy paying attention to the female cultivators in Yaochi Palace since she came to Jinjing. It turned out that she still had such a plan.

As for the news that the Heavenly Demon Sect had a feud with an old monster who transformed into a god, the news had been blocked by the Heavenly Demon Sect since it was brought back by the old man from the Black Sun Sect.

Except for a few people who returned from Tianlan Grassland, they kept silent as soon as they returned to their own sect, sealed the cave and retreated and never came out, thus avoiding the assassination. All other insiders had basically been silenced by the Tianmo Sect.

This is also an important reason why Cheng Buxiu's death only caused a little stir and was not mentioned by anyone. After all, the Tianmo Sect has become stronger in recent years and there are many enemies. If it is suddenly reported that he has enmity with an old monster who transforms into gods, I am afraid that People with ulterior motives will also act secretly.

The result of blocking the news is naturally good. Today, the Demon Sect is still the number one sect of the demonic path that is in full swing!

Even among the Yuanying monks in the Tianmo Sect, only Qi Miao, the great late Yuanying monks, knew this matter clearly. Others, such as the Yuanying monks who were secretly assigned the task of paying attention to the traces of Lu Tiandu, could not guess Cheng Buxiu. There was also an old monster who turned into a god behind the death!

"My supreme elder is proficient in the art of dual cultivation, and is no stranger to the secret technique of collecting/repairing. If he can really collect/replenish more than twenty Nascent Soul female cultivators at once, then..."

Qimiao Laodao didn't dare to think about it.

After all, even though the Supreme Elder has hundreds of concubines in his harem, there are only about a dozen of them who have truly reached the level of Nascent Soul cultivation, and there is not a single female cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage.

It is not advisable to arbitrarily exploit concubines who are familiar to them, but other female cultivators do not seem to have this taboo. Moreover, seeing that there will be a war decades later, if this proposal is reported to the Supreme Elder, I am afraid that the Supreme Elder himself will be very tempted.

If these Yaochi palace female cultivators can be harvested and replenished at will, the Supreme Elder's strength will definitely increase a lot!

No wonder Jing Yuan proposed to detach Sun Qingfeng, the great cultivator of Tianlan, to take action against Yaochi Palace. If the cultivators of the Transformation of Gods took action together at that time, it seemed very possible to capture the female cultivators from Yaochi Palace.

"In that case, I also have a treasure, which is also very good for invisibility. I just gave it to my two junior brothers Zhang and Yang..."

Thinking of this, Master Qimiao spoke.

Among the Seven Wonders and Seven True Treasures that he is famous for, there is a treasure that is good at invisibility. He did not take it seriously before and was unwilling to cause other troubles for the sect at this juncture. But now that he knows that this matter is related to the future of the sect, he naturally does not want to I cherish my broom very much.

"With the help of my senior brother, I think I can get a lot of useful information here!" The old man in green robe laughed.

After quickly sending out the transmission notes, Zhang and Yang appeared in the secret room again. A moment later, they quietly flew out of Jinjing City.

"Senior Brother Qimiao, then the Ye family finally decided to put the Pingshan Seal up for auction?"

In the secret room, Jingyuan suddenly spoke.

Master Qimiao came back to his senses, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, nodded and said:

"Junior brother Jingyuan, you may not know something when you first come here. I don't know if it's because the Ye family has recruited a lot of casual cultivators recently, but it's quite confident. This time, it actually withstood the pressure from me and Xuan Qingzi and refused to give to us. The Second Sect sold the Pingshan Seal privately..."

"But in the end, I still agreed to put it up for fair bidding at the underground auction hosted by our Demon Dao... This time, junior brother, you will be the one to take the photo of this imitation spiritual treasure for the sect!"

"Of course there is no problem!"

The old man in green robe nodded. Now that the enemy is coming soon, they naturally want to increase the power of the Demon Sect as much as possible.

This imitation spiritual treasure can be said to be something they must obtain.

"I have secretly used the secret technique of ecstasy to investigate several Nascent Soul cultivators in the Ye family. Although the investigation results did not seem to reveal anything, I still feel that something is wrong."

Master Qimiao pondered for a moment and said, "But this Ye family is just a clown. After we deal with the next person, it will not be too late to join forces with the Taiyi Sect to deal with the Ye family."

"This is exactly the reason. As long as the Ye family can produce the Pingshan Seal this time, both parties can still maintain their relationship."

The old man in green robe also nodded.


Time flies, four days later, the auction is about to be held, and the number of monks near Yuhua Mountain has also decreased a lot. Lu Tiandu came out of a hall built by Nangong Wan and others, looked at the countless transmission notes floating in the air, and flicked them casually. , golden light flashed, and the countless transmission notes turned into powder.

"I'm afraid it will be interesting when the Dajin monks discover that the Yaochi Palace that suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled.

In just a few days, Lu Tiandu has naturally enjoyed the affection of many girls. Especially Yuan Yao, who has a tough mouth, has been specially taken care of by Lu Tiandu several times, and now he is naturally very obedient.

Just as Lu Tiandu was commanding the puppets to remove the formation set up by the girls from the inside out, a sudden movement somewhere in the formation caught his attention.

With a thought in his mind, he asked the puppets to stop collecting the formation flags. A cold light flashed in Lu Tiandu's eyes, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

In a white mist space, two monks dressed in wide black robes, with a dark bead on their heads, emitted a black light like water waves, surrounding them.

This black light is naturally very different from the white fog produced after the operation of the large array, but strangely, if you don't look at it directly with your naked eyes, you can't find the black light in the white fog at all by scanning it with your spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, one of the gray-bearded old men was meditating with a compass-like magic weapon in his palm, while the younger middle-aged man next to him looked puzzled and asked:

"Senior Brother Yang, you said that the auction is about to start. There is no movement from the people in Yaochi Palace. Could it be that they have left secretly?"

"I hope that's not the case. Since these people have come to Jinjing, they should be here to participate in the auction!"

The old man with a gray beard didn't even raise his head, still thinking about how to break the formation, "Elder Jingyuan has been keeping a close eye on him recently. We haven't sent anything valuable back. This time we have no choice but to sneak in to see the situation. I hope we won't be caught." The people from Yaochi Palace found out..."

"With this treasure from Brother Qimiao, no one will discover our traces!"

The big man in black robe didn't have a trace of worry, and suddenly curled his lips, "You said that Elder Jingyuan is really the one who actually wants to take advantage of the Yaochi Palace in order to please the Supreme Elder. Humph! It's a shame that he can think of it. To take down more than twenty Yuanying monks, how many Yuanying monks in the sect must die?"

"Be careful!"

The old man with the gray beard still did not raise his head, and said in a calm tone, "This matter is not something we can worry about. When the time comes to take action, we will just protect ourselves secretly!"

"Brother, you are right!"

"It turns out you are from the Heavenly Demon Sect. You may not even be able to protect yourselves this time!"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from a white mist behind the two of them.

Just when the two people's expressions changed drastically, and they were about to release the magic weapon with panic on their faces, a black gold stick as thick as a bucket fell on their heads with a sharp piercing sound...

After taking a breath, Lu Tiandu picked up the storage bags and several treasures left behind by the two. With a wave of his hand, a golden wind flashed past, and the two broken bodies disappeared without a trace.

The sleeves of the robe flickered slightly, and two Nascent Souls that had been imprisoned and unconscious appeared in front of Lu Tiandu. He grabbed one of the Nascent Souls with his right hand, and Lu Tiandu closed his eyes and performed the Soul Searching Technique.

After a moment, Lu Tiandu breathed out a breath of turbid air, and his face became colder and colder:

"Tianmo Sect, Jingyuan, Qimiao, hehe, since you are seeking death, I might as well not help you!"

From the memories of these two people, Lu Tiandu learned that the Heavenly Demon Sect had discovered his identity and was tracking down the ancient demon clone behind him. Lu Tiandu was not surprised. As long as they dared to come to the door, they could kill them at will.

But this day, people from the Demon Sect actually set their sights on their own Taoist monks. Lu Tiandu could only lament that it seemed that this top sect in the Jin Dynasty had been in peace for a long time and was used to being arrogant. It really didn't take other people seriously. , Yaochi Palace is already very powerful on the surface, but it is still being targeted. It can only be described as greedy!

In this case, there is no need for this Heavenly Demon Sect to exist!

Although the two people did not know the plan of Qi Miao and the two in their memory, Lu Tiandu thought about it carefully and naturally understood the secret plan of the two. It can only be said that some people think that with the presence of the god-transforming monks, they can be unscrupulous, which is really too much. Got it!

In the previous conflict at Tianlan Grassland, Lu Tiandu originally planned to teach Hu Lao Mo a lesson in a few years, but now it seems that his thinking was too simple.

In this case, it seems that Dajin, which has not had any abnormal death of a cultivator in the past thousands of years, is too peaceful. It is time to use the blood of a cultivator in Dajin to wake up some people who are watching the sky from a well!

"In this case, let's let all the monks from the Tianmo Sect here in Jinjing stay here this time!"

Lu Tiandu smiled coldly, and disappeared in a flash. (End of chapter)

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