Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 332 Worrying about you! Goodbye Dayan Shenjun!

"Hey, Brother Lu, you are finally back!"

In the courtyard of Xiaoji Palace in Jinjing, when Lu Tiandu suddenly appeared again after disappearing for several days, Bai Yaoyi's eyes flashed with surprise, then she rolled her eyes and said curiously:

"Brother Lu, have you ever met the monks in Yaochi Palace?"

At this moment, Bai Mengxin on the side suppressed her surprise at suddenly seeing Lu Tiandu and quietly pricked up her ears.

"Yao Yi, why do you ask that?"

Lu Tiandu looked puzzled, "I have met a few old friends these days and had a chat. I am just about to start the auction, so why don't I come to participate in the auction with you?"

"Hehe, four days ago, I remember that after I told Brother Lu about the information about Yaochi Palace, Brother Lu, you hurried out and didn't hear anything from you for several days. We thought you left without saying goodbye! "

Bai Yaoyi blinked her eyes, staring at Lu Tiandu with a pair of clear and soft eyes.

"It seems that I was about to go out at that time. Yaoyi, you stopped me and insisted on telling me some news about the female cultivator of Yaochi Palace!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at Bai Yaoyi with a half-smile, then turned to Bai Mengxin aside and said with a smile:

"Mengxin, you come to judge!"

Bai Mengxin showed a smile on her crystal white face, glanced at the two of them, and said softly:

"Brother Lu, you didn't leave any news when you went out, which made sister Yaoyi worried for nothing!"

She still had half a sentence hidden in her heart: I'm worried about you too!

"It's my fault for making you Yaoyi and Mengxin worry!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the two girls and suddenly smiled, "If something happens to me later, I will definitely explain it to you in advance!"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Bai Yaoyi smiled and said softly:

"Although we know that Brother Lu is extraordinary in strength, there are many great monks in Jinjing now. Some people may want to test fellow Taoists, so Brother Lu, you should be careful!"

Bai Mengxin felt a little sweet in her heart when she heard Lu Tiandu said before that she was also worried about him, and now she added:

"Sister is right. These days we have discovered several groups of people secretly monitoring our other compound..."

"So that's what makes you worried!"

Lu Tiandu knew from the memory of Zhang and Yang of the Heavenly Demon Sect that he had killed before. As for someone else who was also monitoring him, except for the Ye family, a local snake in Jinjing, he didn't know anyone else. .

After he had searched the souls of the two people before, he dismantled most of the formations on Yuhua Mountain, leaving a simple illusion formation, and asked Yinyue to cast an illusion, which would last for about a day or two.

Although the Heavenly Demon Sect has been sentenced to death, Lu Tiandu will naturally not be so impulsive as to immediately kill all the Heavenly Demon Sect members in Jinjing at this time. After all, he still hopes that the auction can proceed smoothly.

But on the last day of the underground auction, it was time for him to take action.

After chatting with the Bai sisters for a while, the three of them headed to Shanxi Fang City together.

This auction in Jinjing is still divided into a special auction for Nascent Soul monks and a special auction for non-Nascent Soul monks. The big auction that only Yuanying monks could participate in was held in Jiuxiao Hall, so as soon as the three of them entered Fang City, they went straight to Jiuxiao Hall.

As in the past, both the public auction and the underground auction will last for several days, and in order to leave enough time for the participants, the time is deliberately staggered for three days.

In the next few days, Lu Tiandu showed up at Jiuxiao Palace on time every morning. However, except for the more than ten items that were sold at the bottom every day, some other rare materials rarely appeared at auctions.

As for the items in this finale auction, most of them are finished magic weapons that are useless to Lu Tian. So in the past few days, apart from the occasional attack, Lu Tiandu didn't come across anything useful.

However, in addition to participating in the Jiuxiao Palace auction, Lu Tiandu participated in several righteous private trade fairs with the Bai sisters, and also harvested several rare materials, which was not bad.

As time passed, the last auction in Jiuxiao Palace had ended, and naturally the next step was an underground auction jointly organized by several demonic schools.

The underground trade fair was similar to the big auction in the past few days. The only difference was that most of the items auctioned were needed by demonic monks, and there were very few particularly rare items.

However, on the last day, there was a barter fair held specifically for Nascent Soul-level monks. At this fair, there were many things that were either cherished or not presented openly.

"Yao Yi, Meng Xin, I'm afraid there will be some twists and turns in this auction, so I won't go with you. Here are two puppets from the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Take them with you. They may be useful in the future. when."

Lu Tiandu patted the storage bag on his waist, and two small puppets appeared in his palms. He handed them to the Bai sisters who looked puzzled:

"I have told you the time and place of the Yin-Yang Cave trip. Please pay attention to safety in the next three years or so. We will see you in southern Xinjiang then!"

"Brother Lu, what do you mean?"

Bai Yaoyi shook her head and did not take the puppet, "Brother Lu, since you intend to take a picture of the Pingtian Seal, even if someone has other ideas, my sister and I can still help you, Brother Lu!"

"I don't take them seriously!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head, with a relaxed look on his face, "I'm afraid something big will happen in Jinjing next, and you will know when the time comes. You are close to me, I am just worried about your safety."

Lu Tiandu said as he took Bai Yaoyi's little hand and stuffed a puppet into her palm. Then he took Bai Mengxin's little hand while Bai Mengxin looked at her with a slightly surprised look, and also put a puppet in her hand.

This scene made Bai Yaoyi, who was still thinking about the big thing Lu Tiandu said, suddenly come back to her senses. Her expression was startled. When she raised her head, she met Bai Mengxin's slightly red ears. The two women's eyes met, and then separated instantly. My thoughts are different.

"Okay, let's separate now. Please pay attention to your safety. See you in Southern Xinjiang!"

Before the two women could say anything, Lu Tian patted them lightly on the shoulders. His figure flickered and disappeared without even waiting for Bai Yaoyi to show an angry look.

"Sister, you..."

Just as Bai Yaoyi was about to say something, Bai Mengxin said:

"Let's not talk about anything else. Let's go to the auction. If Brother Lu is in danger, we will take action!"

"Yeah, that's what I mean too."

Bai Yaoyi shook the puppet in her hand and said solemnly.


"Well, the news of Zhang and Yang's death a few days ago should have been known to Qimiao, Jingyuan and others as the Yaochi Palace suddenly disappeared. Now, although the Tianmo Sect's station in Jinjing must have become vigilant, but Of course it’s a trivial matter to you, so when the auction starts, you can eradicate the Heavenly Demon Sect’s stronghold in Jinjing!”

After Lu Tiandu passed this idea to the ancient demon's clone, he flicked his sleeves and a faint shadow disappeared in the west of Shanxi in an instant.

After leaving Jinjing, but flying a thousand miles away, Lu Tiandu met Fucheng who had been waiting here for a long time.

"So, I'm sorry to trouble fellow Taoist fellow Fu!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, and in a flash, he transformed into a strong man with a middle-level Nascent Soul cultivation level. "I guess this auction will not be too peaceful. Fellow Taoists, please pay attention to your own safety!" "Thank you very much! Fellow Taoist, give me some advice!”

The red-faced old man in soap robes was shocked, but he didn't ask any more questions. The two of them continued to fly away without saying a word.

During this period, the turmoil caused by Lu Tiandu was still surging. As the law enforcement elder of Jiuyou Sect, Fucheng naturally had his own information channels, and he obviously felt that there was some undercurrent surging in Jinjing.

But after hearing what Lu Tiandu said, he secretly guessed that this auction might not be peaceful either.

However, he was relatively confident in Lu Tiandu's strength, and was looking forward to his trip to Yin Yang Cave three years later.

Not long after galloping all the way, in a dark and barren mountain three thousand miles away from Jinjing City, Fucheng and Lu Tiandu suddenly fell down and stopped in front of a seemingly ordinary stone wall.

The stone wall is slightly green, and most of it is covered with mud and moss. There is really nothing special about it. This place is a wild ravine between two mountain peaks in the depths. Weeds and shrubs as tall as a person are everywhere. If a familiar person hadn't personally brought it here, others would not have been able to discover that there were monks in this place.

Fucheng had obviously been here more than once. He flicked his robe skillfully, and a palm-sized disc flew out. The white light on it flashed, and it disappeared directly into the stone wall.

After a moment, a yellow glow suddenly flashed on the stone wall, and the stone wall disappeared out of thin air, revealing a huge hole with a diameter of more than ten feet wide.

In front of the entrance of the cave, there were two middle-aged monks in the late Jindan period wearing green robes, standing there upright. One of them was holding the Dharma plate released by Fu Cheng in his hand.

"It turns out that Senior Fu has arrived. This senior's face is a bit unfamiliar. I wonder if I could ask him his name."

The monk holding the disc magic weapon first saluted the two of them, then glanced at the big man Ang Zang who had transformed into Lu Tiandu, and asked in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

"This is Fellow Daoist Xiao from overseas. I am his introducer. What can I check? Give Fellow Daoist an identity plate quickly. The two of us are eager to attend the exchange meeting."

Fu Cheng glared and said rudely.

"Haha, since it is Senior Rich who makes the introduction, there is no problem. This piece is the Nascent Soul Level Identity Plate. Not only can Senior use this to participate in this trade fair, but the next three underground trade fairs will also be free of charge... …”

"Of course, if senior violates the rules of the trade fair, this dharma plate will be taken back or invalidated. And according to the rules, possessing this dharma plate requires a payment of 10,000 spiritual stones."

The green-robed monk politely returned the disk to Fucheng, then took out a similar disk and explained it to Lu Tiandu.

Regarding the Dajin auction organizer's behavior of amassing money through tickets, Lu Tiandu had learned a lesson when he participated in the Jiuxiao Palace auction before and threw out a storage bag containing 10,000 spiritual stones without saying a word.

"This is the Dharma plate. Senior, please keep it."

The monk in the green shirt across from him checked the number of spiritual stones in the bag and then presented the Dharma plate with both hands with a smile on his face.

"Okay, it's almost time. The two of us will go to the exchange meeting first. If you have the opportunity, please give my regards to your master."

When Fucheng saw that Lu Tiandu had the Dharma plate, he immediately said something and took the lead and strode deep into the passage.

"Fellow Taoist, do you know that these two people have extraordinary identities!"

On the way, Fucheng suddenly opened his mouth to explain to Lu Tiandu.

"Oh, fellow Taoist, please tell me."

Lu Tiandu looked curious.

"Fellow Taoist, you should have heard of the four major casual cultivators of the Jin Dynasty. Two of them are in the late Nascent Soul stage, and their master is one of them, Taoist Friend Yi Xitian. I would like to come to organize this fair. Letting these two people guard the door also means to rely on the prestige of their masters."

Fu Cheng chuckled.

"I had the chance to meet this person once. At that time, I witnessed this person display his great magical power and easily kill an eighth-level monster. His cultivation is really unfathomable. This person is also considered to be the most likely person in the Jin Dynasty for thousands of years. One of the two people who have advanced to the divine stage."

Fucheng paused and continued:

"But since I saw fellow Taoist's magical power, I realized that I was sitting in a well looking at the sky. Compared with Zen Master Biyue and Fellow Daoist Yi, I actually think that you, Fellow Daoist Lu, are the last to advance to the realm of divine transformation!"

With the news that Lu Tiandu killed Master Xiong and defeated the Buddhist protector Yuan Zhi, Lu Tiandu was vaguely called the first Nascent Soul of the Jin Dynasty, and was called the last possible advancement along with Yi Xitian and Zen Master Biyue. The words of Fu Cheng, the three great monks who transformed themselves into gods, are not a compliment at all.

"Why do fellow Taoists care too much about others? After receiving the Infant Training Pill in a few years, it will be no problem for fellow Taoists to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage. Maybe there will be a chance to become gods in the future!"

Lu Tiandu smiled lightly.

After hearing this, Fu Cheng shook his head secretly and didn't say much.

However, he heard Lu Tiandu's huge confidence in the advanced god, and secretly envied him.

This time he made good friends with Lu Tiandu, in fact, in addition to the matter of Peiying Dan, he also wanted to attract Lu Tiandu, a great monk with great promise, as a foreign aid.

Jiuyou Sect is one of the ten sects of Demon Dao. There are two great monks in the sect. However, as the law enforcement elder, Fucheng had a quarrel with everyone in the sect due to some things in his early years. This is why he has been unwilling to do so despite the news that he has the Infant Training Pill. The main reason for obtaining Yin Zhima through the sect.

Otherwise, if the Jiuyou Sect can get Yin Zhima to refine five or six Yin-Building Pills, and perhaps add two or three late-stage Nascent Soul monks, it will not be difficult for the Jiuyou Sect to become the second-ranked sect in the Demonic Way.

However, this situation is naturally not the most beneficial to Fucheng. And if he befriended Lu Tiandu now and waited until he advanced to the late Nascent Soul stage, his status in Jiuyou Sect would definitely be different.

At this time, under the leadership of Fucheng, a white light flashed not far away in front of the two people, and a faint entrance to the hall appeared in front, and the sound of bustling came from it.

Entering this hall, the two of them were given a special talisman by a masked monk guarding the door and attached to their bodies. Then the two of them stepped onto a simple teleportation array and instantly arrived at the place where the trade fair was actually held.

This is a somewhat dim and huge hall. Looking around, everyone is surrounded by a green haze, and the whole person becomes looming.

There are four to five hundred seats in the hall, evenly distributed around a circular space in the middle.

At this moment, there are already hundreds of monks scattered around, standing or sitting. These people are also wrapped in various colors of light, and their true appearance cannot be seen.

Lu Tiandu quietly released part of his spiritual consciousness. As soon as he got close to the rays of light on Fu Cheng's body nearby, the rays of light seemed to be tangible, and they all easily blocked the spiritual consciousness he released.

Just when he was considering whether to release all the consciousness of the monks who were able to form gods to test again, a familiar voice suddenly came to his ears:

"Brother Lu, you are here!"

Listening to the familiar voice of God Lord Dayan, Lu Tiandu glanced at a figure shrouded in the glow in front of him on the left, and said secretly:

"It seems that although the formation in this hall is weird, it still can't block the spiritual consciousness of the cultivator. This is easy to handle!"

After flashing this thought, Lu Tiandu blended into the crowd and walked towards the direction of God Lord Dayan! (End of chapter)

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