Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 333 Blood Jade! Good luck!

"Hey, Brother Lu, why didn't you come with the Bai sisters from Xiaoji Palace?"

Seeing Lu Tiandu coming over, God Lord Dayan was wrapped in the green misty glow, and his lips moved and said.

Although Lu Tiandu used the shape-changing technique to disguise himself as a middle-aged man in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, as soon as he and Fucheng entered this place, they were discovered by the Lord Dayan who secretly released his spiritual consciousness to observe the people entering the place.

Lu Tian should have been with the Bai sisters these days. They had met them several times before at the big auction in Jinjing.

"They should arrive later."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and said, "A lot of great monks came here for this Pingshan Seal this time, right?"

"Indeed, quite a few."

Lord Dayan nodded and spoke roughly.

Following the introduction of God Lord Dayan, Lu Tiandu also secretly released all his spiritual consciousness. Sure enough, he broke through the formation between the formations arranged in the corner of the hall and the talismans on his body without leaving any trace, and revealed the true appearance of the monks behind Xia Guang. See clearly.

"Hey, brother, if you want to take a picture of the Pingshan Seal, you will have a lot of opponents this time!"

Lord Dayan chuckled lightly, "But with the two great monks Daoyou Qi and Daoyou Sun, if the three of you join forces, no one can stop you this time!"

Lord Dayan naturally knew all about the turmoil caused by the girls in the Yaochi Palace. He had traveled with Han Li and Sun Qingfeng, and he naturally knew the close relationship between Sun Qingfeng and Lu Tiandu. However, when the Nine Kingdoms Alliance's new leader When monk Qi Zhenzhen also appeared with Nangong Wan, Hong Fu and other girls, they were really surprised.

Of course, after being surprised, all that’s left is sighing!

When the girls from Yaochi Palace suddenly disappeared, Shenjun Dayan and Han Li roughly guessed that they must have been included in the magic weapon by Lu Tiandu.

With more than twenty Nascent Soul cultivators, almost the high-end combat power of a top sect, when God Lord Dayan thought of this, he fell to the ground in admiration!

Of course, he also secretly gave a thumbs up to Lu Tiandu, a guy who has many beauties and is still upright and the Bai family sister Feng Huaxueyue in Xiaoji Palace. To such a romantic level, other beauties will not leave him. They are really human beings. Winning the dragon and phoenix!

"We'll see then, maybe they won't need to take action!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

After the ancient demon's clone pulled out the Tianmo Sect's stronghold in Jinjing, the distance would be reached in an instant for the ancient demon in the late stage of becoming a god. If there are any great monks who dare to take action or mid-stage Nascent Soul monks who dare to take action, Lu Tiandu will not mind going on a killing spree!

After a while, as Han Li came over, time passed little by little while the three of them were chatting, and more and more monks were teleported into the hall.

"I didn't expect Old Demon Jingyuan and two other middle-stage Nascent Soul monks from the Heavenly Demon Sect to come here. It seems that their target is also the Pingshan Seal! This makes the task of the ancient demon clone easier."

When Lu Tiandu saw the three figures who came in from the hall and were obscured by the glow, he instantly recognized that they were three people from the Tianmo Sect.

The Bai sisters had also come to the hall before, but Lu Tiandu didn't come forward to say hello.

As time passed, five or six great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage had quietly gathered in the hall. It seemed that this auction was really not to be underestimated.

Two hours later, there were more than 200 Yuanying monks in the entire hall, and in the circular open space in the middle, there was an extra white jade table several feet wide.

Not long after, there was a flash of light near the white jade table, and a figure shrouded in white glow suddenly appeared behind the table.

"It's almost time. The Taoist friends who are supposed to come have also arrived. The exchange meeting will begin now."

The figure in the white light glanced around and said lightly. Then he flicked his sleeves, and three or four bulging storage bags appeared on the table.

The eyes of all the monks in the hall were instantly attracted, and their eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

"This exchange meeting is still the same as before, mainly focusing on various rare materials. According to the usual practice, we will first provide a batch of materials and directly auction them with spiritual stones. The highest bidder will get it, and then all the fellow Taoists will exchange the materials on their own. thing."

"But one thing that is different from previous years is that this time our exchange will be entrusted by a big customer, and a heavy treasure will appear as the finale. This heavy treasure can only be exchanged for a few hard-to-find things in the world. If no one can take these Materials will be auctioned with spirit stones. Whether all fellow Taoists have the opportunity to return with treasures depends on their own destiny."

The figure in the white light said slowly.

Those who know the inside story will naturally know that they are talking about Pingshan Yin, but most of the Nascent Soul monks who participated in the meeting looked puzzled.

"Heavy treasure? Are you going to replace it with something, materials or elixirs and magic weapons? Can you tell me first? Otherwise, if you exchange something needed for this thing in advance, wouldn't you regret it?"

Someone in the green glow suddenly asked.

Listening to this person's inquiry, Lu Tiandu shook his head secretly.

In fact, there is a high probability that people who have not received the information before are unlikely to be the final owners of this Pingshan Seal. After all, it is impossible for ordinary Yuanying monks to come up with precious materials or spiritual stones worth tens of millions of spiritual stones at once.

Anyone who knows about this treasure at this moment has prepared a lot of resources through the sect in advance.

"Hehe! I can only describe this thing as hard to find in the world. You will naturally know what it is in the end..."

The figure in the white light responded with a faint smile.

Although it was not stated clearly, this explanation still caused a commotion among the monks in the hall, and curiosity was involuntarily aroused in their hearts, but no one asked any more questions.

At this time, the figure behind the jade table casually grabbed a storage bag in front of him, and then the black light flashed in his hand, and a fruit that looked like a date, but was dark and shiny appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Okay, the auction has officially begun. The first lot, Yin Zao, is accidentally found on the tomb of a person born on a yin day in a yin year and a yin month... The base price is 100,000 spiritual stones, and the price is increased by 5,000 each time."

"One hundred twenty thousand!"

"One hundred and forty-five thousand spirit stones!"


Pieces of precious materials that are extremely precious to ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators were constantly put on the auction table. Almost every item exceeded its original value, but Lu Tiandu just looked at it indifferently and never made a move.

He has three main purposes for participating in the Jinjing auction this time:

The first was to see if he could come across several elixirs that were missing for refining the Yunshen Pill, the second was to see if he could find some materials for refining the Yuanming Lantern, and the last was to take a picture of the Pingshan Seal.

Other people also collected the types of elixirs and materials they lacked. If they found something suitable, they would buy it. If they didn't have it, they wouldn't force it.

Because Pingshan Yin had a clone of Xuanhun secretly delivering the news, no one present was more prepared than him. There is no problem in taking the Pingshan Seal. The only problem is that other sects will use their power to buy and sell from him.

Lu Tian was very much looking forward to the next barter session. Whether he could collect the corresponding elixirs and materials would depend on this exchange meeting.

The auction of the items put out by the organizer ended quickly, and then the independent exchange meeting officially began.

Sure enough, as soon as the people in the white clouds retreated to the side, several rays of light flew up.

For most monks, if they want to exchange for the required materials and elixirs, it is naturally more advantageous to exchange them early. This can avoid others taking away what they need.

However, the rarer the materials in exchange, the less likely they are to overlap with others, so most monks were able to calm down and did not compete with the few people just now.

Soon the monks flew up one after another, took out the things they cherished a lot, and reported what they wanted to exchange for. Some of them gained something and were extremely happy. Some of them called for a long time and no one came forward. They could only Return with regret.

During this period, Lu Tiandu took action four times, replacing three uncommon elixirs and a piece of ore that would have some effect on his subsequent refining of his natal magic weapon, but he achieved little success.

Finally, when one of the monks returned in frustration, Lu Tiandu stood up from his seat, walked forward calmly, and came to the back of the jade table.

The monks present all looked at Lu Tiandu subconsciously, waiting for him to come up with something rare.

Lu Tiandu didn't hesitate. He flipped over and found three small jade boxes in his hand. With a flick of his hand, the jade boxes opened, and a fragrant and attractive aura suddenly flowed out. He glanced at the bottom with his eyes. He continued in a fake hoarse voice:

"There are three Nine Heaven Spirit Peaches. Each one can increase one's lifespan by one mile. However, one person can only take one. One peach can be exchanged for a rare material or elixir..." Soon Lu Tiandu reported seven or eight kinds of refining. The main materials of the Yuanhun Lamp and several elixirs for refining the Shen Yun Dan were quietly looked down and waited.

"Jiutian Lingtao, this is a good thing!"

Some people murmured, after all, this kind of elixir or spiritual fruit that can increase longevity is more precious than the elixir that can increase cultivation. It has not appeared in Dajin's once-a-decade auction for a long time.

This time, three spiritual fruits that can increase longevity suddenly appeared, and everyone suddenly became a little excited and noisy.

It's a pity that the elixirs or materials reported by Lu Tiandu are all treasures. Many people have never heard of them, let alone used them in exchange.

"Can I check my Taoist friend's spiritual peach?"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from a red glow in the corner below.

"If there is anything I need, you can come forward and check it out. If you don't have it, there is no need to waste your time."

Lu Tiandu looked cold.

In fact, he immediately recognized the figure in the red clouds. This person was also a great monk in the late Yuanying period. Although he was not a member of the top ten demon sects, he was also the great elder of the Blood and Bone Sect of the demon sect on the second ladder. Bone man.

The man in the red cloud ignored Lu Tiandu's indifference and came to Lu Tiandu's side in a flash. He took a spiritual peach and examined it carefully.

Lu Tian, ​​who was on the side, was also curious about what he could get in exchange for this blood-bone master.

"Yes, it is indeed the legendary Nine Heavens Spirit Peach."

Master Xue Gu also confirmed it in a disguised unpleasant voice. After speaking, he shook his sleeves and a jade box flew towards Lu Tiandu, "Fellow Taoist, please take a look at the contents of the box."

Lu Tiandu nodded, picked up the yellow jade box, and flicked off the sealing talisman. Suddenly, a piece of blood-red jade the size of a core appeared in front of Lu Tiandu, and strangely, the blood-red jade was covered with half-circles. Transparent filaments, there seems to be some kind of transparent gas flowing in them.

"Blood jade! And it's a top-grade blood jade!"

As soon as he saw this object clearly and his consciousness swept away, Lu Tiandu felt happy.

"... Its color is as bright as blood, with transparent filaments growing on it, just like the meridians of the human body. The spiritual consciousness can be absorbed by sweeping through it..."

It is a key material for refining the Soul Lamp.

"Yes, it's exactly what I need. Let's exchange it!"

Lu Tiandu closed the box and said.

The Blood Bone Master nodded and put away the spiritual peach in his hand, but he did not leave. Instead, he began to ponder.

"Fellow Taoist, do you still have what I need?"

Lu Tiandu asked curiously.

However, this person did not speak this time. Instead, he sent a message to Lu Tiandu:

"I also have a treasure, which can be regarded as a sacred object for cultivation, but it is useless to me. I want to exchange this object for the two remaining spiritual peaches of my fellow Taoist!"

"Huh? This makes me curious. Originally, I didn't intend to exchange anything other than what I mentioned before, but my fellow Taoist said it was a sacred object for cultivation, which made me curious."

Lu Tiandu also sounded curious.

The Blood Bone Master gently pulled out a black metal box from his sleeve robe, casually placed a restraint, enclosed the two of them, and reached out to hand the black box to Lu Tiandu:

"Fellow Taoist, you should have heard of rare treasures such as the Five Elements Spiritual Beads that can increase the speed of practice, right?"

"It turns out to be this thing."

Lu Tiandu nodded, "Fellow Taoists, this thing should also know that it is indeed a rare treasure for monks below the Nascent Soul. However, for big monks like us, it is not only useless, but also will cause damage after long-term use." Cutting off the opportunity to advance to become a god in this life..."

"I wonder how fellow Taoist realized my true cultivation level?"

The old man in the red clouds suddenly lost his voice and his blood-red eyes flashed.

"Haha, the technique I am practicing is extremely accurate in sensing qi. Although fellow Taoist has tried his best to hide his aura, I still found a trace of it. But fellow Taoist, don't be nervous. There are ten people in this exchange meeting today. There is a colleague named Yuanying in the late stage!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, which seemed a bit wild in line with his rough voice.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the Master of Blood Bones was silent for a few breaths, relaxed, and said calmly:

"I didn't expect fellow Taoist to be so familiar with these Five Elements Spiritual Beads. I'm actually surprised."

At this moment, the Blood Bone Master became more and more curious about Lu Tiandu's identity. After all, he only knew the shortcomings of the Five Elements Spirit Bead when he received the inheritance from the ancient monk and the spirit bead in his hand. Now, with the ancient demon tribulation, Many classics in the human world have been lost, and there are not many people who know such secrets.

Now that Lu Tiandu knows the shortcomings of the Five Elements Spiritual Pearl, the value of the Spiritual Pearl in his hand has also been reduced accordingly.

"Do fellow Taoists still want to watch?"

The Master of Blood Bone asked.

"Now that fellow Taoist has taken it out, let's take a look!"

Lu Tiandu took the black metal box and opened it gently. Suddenly a sharp aura of spiritual energy spread out, a flash of white light flashed, and a white round bead the size of a fist appeared in front of Lu Tiandu.

"Golden Lingzhu?"

Seeing this white spirit bead, Lu Tiandu immediately admired his luck.

Among the eight spiritual beads, he has not yet collected the golden spiritual beads and the ice spiritual beads. Originally, Lu Tian did not plan to refine the five elements spiritual beads and the wind and thunder spiritual beads in the next refining of the magic weapon, but if they can exchange it this time When it comes to the Golden Spirit Beads, you can refine all the seven spirit beads into the natal magic weapon. Then the power of the natal magic weapon will definitely increase a bit.

"Is this thing worth two spiritual peaches, fellow Taoist?"

Hearing a hint of surprise in Lu Tiandu's tone, Master Xue Gu's expression changed and he asked.

"If it's any other spiritual pearl, it's naturally worthless, but I happen to be refining a magic weapon in the near future. This thing is useful, so I'll exchange two spiritual peaches with fellow Taoist!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, and after checking that there was no problem, he put away the golden spirit bead.

The Master of Blood and Bone seemed to be in a good mood, and he also put away the two spiritual peaches on the jade case.

Just when the Master of Blood and Bones broke through the restriction and wanted to walk down the steps, he saw that all the elixirs on the jade case had disappeared. Suddenly, two rude voices came from the other two directions:

"This fellow Taoist, all three Nine Heaven Spirit Peach were exchanged by you alone. This is a bit unjustifiable!"

"Wait a minute, I also have what this fellow Taoist needs. Please stay here!"

After hearing what the two said, the expression of Master Xue Gu in Hongxia suddenly changed, while Lu Tian next to him suddenly became surprised. (End of chapter)

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