Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 334 Pingshan Seal! Not good!

In the trading hall, two rays of light, one white and one black, flashed, and two figures flew out, blocking the way for Master Xue Gu to return to his seat.

"Huh, you guys..."

The Master of Blood Bones snorted coldly, and was about to say something when Lu Tiandu suddenly said:

"Wait a minute, you two. I have already completed the transaction with this fellow Taoist. If you two have what I need, take it out and see. I still have a few of these Nine Heaven Spirit Peach!"


As soon as these words came out, the two people blocking the road were instantly surprised. Lu Tiandu was also looking forward to what these two people could come up with.

In this white light is a great monk named Zhong from the Confucian sect. He is wearing a moon-white Confucian shirt and has a dignified appearance.

In the black light, there is a young face of twenty-seven or seventy-eight years old, but his face is extremely pale and his eyes have a faint green light. He is the master of the Ten Great Demon Sects with the surname Luo Zongfang of the Bardo Sect.

Of course, only this kind of great cultivator dares to block transactions that have been completed by others. After all, in the final analysis, the world of immortality still relies on strength.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the Master of Blood Bone. He was somewhat impressed that Lu Tiandu had such a good thing as spiritual peach, and he dared to trade it.

However, through the previous conversation, he naturally knew that Lu Tiandu was also a great monk, so he felt confident enough. He cupped his hands and went straight back to his seat.

"Please both of you bring out your own things!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the two of them, reached out and took out two jade boxes again, and opened them gently. There were still two crystal clear and fragrant spiritual peaches inside.

To refine the Longevity Fruit of the Immortality Pill or directly swallow the Tianyuan Fruit that can increase longevity, Lu Tian still needs to consume the world's origin to generate a small green liquid to cultivate it, but he really doesn't lack these Nine Heavens Spirit Peach.

"it is good!"

The late Yuanying monk named Zhong from the Confucian sect nodded, and without hesitation, he casually took out a wooden box about a foot long, "This should be what fellow Taoist needs, and I got it by chance."

Gently opening the wooden box, a spiritual grass emitting three colors of light appeared in front of Lu Tiandu. Looking carefully, it was a flower on the top of the spiritual grass that was emitting light. A faint aroma penetrates the nose, instantly refreshing people.

"Psychic flower? Yes, it seems to be a thousand years old."

Lu Tiandu recognized this elixir at a glance, and his eyes flashed with joy. The main medicinal material for refining the Shen Yun Dan was finally gathered together. Although the medicine was not old enough, it was not a big problem.

After looking at it carefully and finding no problems, he handed a spiritual peach to the man, took the wooden box and put it away.

After the Confucian scholar surnamed Zhong also inspected the spiritual peach, he returned to his seat without saying a word.

"This fellow Taoist, please give me your exchange!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Fang Laomo in the black light.

"There is a ghost stone below. Fellow Taoist, please take a look!"

Fang Laomo shook his sleeves, and a fist-sized green stone appeared in front of Lu Tiandu.

At this time, some demonic monks below also recognized this rare spiritual creature that was cultivated and transformed, and some people's eyes flickered.

Lu Tiandu listened to the noise below, and smiled coldly in his heart. He gave Fang Lao Mo a thoughtful look, checked it, and found that there was no problem, then threw the remaining Nine Heavens Spirit Peach to Fang Lao Mo.

Most of the people participating in this fair were demonic monks, so it was normal to feel greedy when seeing such a rare spiritual creature. Moreover, Lu Tiandu suddenly took out five rare spiritual fruits that can increase longevity. I am afraid that most people became curious about Lu Tiandu's identity.

After Fang Lao Mo went down, Lu Tian didn't feel any strange at all. He looked around and continued:

"But there are fellow Taoists who have what I need. Even if they can't use this spiritual fruit that increases lifespan, if they have other things they want to exchange, they can still bring it up..."

This time, four rare items that were hard to find in the outside world were exchanged at once. Lu Tiandu naturally discovered that it was not that these top-level monks did not have real rare treasures in their hands, but that most of them were kept in their hands and only those that were of great use to him were encountered. Only those who are willing to trade lightly.

At this moment, a message suddenly came to Lu Tiandu's ears, and Lu Tiandu looked a little strange when he heard it.

It turned out that the person who conveyed the message was Bai Mengxin, one of the sisters of the Bai family. She mentioned in the message that she knew the whereabouts of the elixir that Lu Tiandu had just called "Soul Melting Grass", and the person who owned the Soul Melting Grass also Looking for something that can increase longevity.

"It turns out to be Mengxin, haha, let's talk about it next time we meet."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, replied, and looked at the people below again.

Bai Mengxin, who heard the voice transmission from Lu Tiandu, opened her lips slightly. After a surprised look on her face, she revealed an expression of sudden realization. She moved her lips and began to communicate with Bai Yaoyi beside her.

After several breaths, no one could come up with what Lu Tiandu needed. During this period, some people wanted to trade spiritual stones or other things. Lu Tiandu shook his head and silently walked back to his seat.

If it were just ordinary materials or spiritual stones, there were many people who were familiar with Lu Tian in both Tiannan and Luanxinghai who were willing to exchange the spiritual peaches in his hands, so there was no need for him to exchange the good things here.

After Lu Tiandu came down, dozens of monks went up to exchange treasures, but they were obviously not as precious as the Nine Heavens Spirit Peach that Lu Tiandu took out, so all the monks seemed a little careless, basically in a hurry. Even fewer can successfully exchange items.

Although there were a few good rare items later, they were not all needed by Lu Tian, ​​so he never took action. When one monk finally returned to his seat, no one came forward.

Seeing this scene, the figure in the white clouds who originally hosted the exchange meeting calmly walked back to the jade table again.

"A lot of good things have appeared in this exchange meeting. Now that all the fellow Taoists have completed the exchange, let's start the auction of the last treasure of this exchange meeting, which is also the finale of this exchange meeting."

After the man said this calmly, he suddenly put his hands together and made two "papa" taps. Then a light flashed at the entrance of the hall, and two male cultivators walked in.

What was unexpected was that the two monks did not have any talismans attached to their bodies and walked towards the center with their true faces revealed.

One of the two people was an old man with a black crown, and the other was a middle-aged man with a square face. One in the early stage of Yuanying and the other in the middle stage are Yuanying-level elders from the Ye family of the Jin royal family who often come out to deal with outsiders.

There was a commotion among the monks present, and many people naturally recognized their identities. In addition to most of the monks who were a little confused, people like Lu Tiandu, Jing Yuan and other people who had been prepared naturally knew the reason, and they immediately cheered up and waited.

At this moment, the square-faced middle-aged man had walked to the table in a few steps. After nodding to the figure in the silver clouds, he turned around and faced the monks and said slowly:

"I think most of the Taoist friends here know me, so I'll make a long story short. This important treasure is actually a treasure that our Ye family has just refined after spending countless manpower and material resources and preparing for hundreds of years. . However, recently, several sects who have good relations with the Ye family have asked the Ye family to purchase this item at the same time..."

"So, in order to avoid hurting everyone's peace, we, the Ye Family Elders Association, after discussion, decided to auction this treasure at the end of the exchange meeting for the sake of fairness. As for which Taoist friend can get this treasure in the end, it depends on everyone's strength. And opportunity..."

As soon as the square-faced middle-aged man finished saying this, he immediately turned around and winked at the old man with the black crown. The old man Wu Guan slowly took out a square box about a foot long from his sleeve, looked at it with some reluctance, and then handed it to the figure in the silver cloud with gritted teeth.

"Hehe, since Fellow Daoist Ye has almost explained the cause and effect, I won't talk nonsense anymore. Let's see the true face of this treasure first, and then let's rely on our strength!"

The figure in the white clouds chuckled lightly, then shook the jade box in his hand, and the lid flew out into the sky, and then a ball of dazzling yellow light the size of a fist slowly emerged from the box.

But as soon as Fang came out of the box, the yellow light expanded and contracted like a psychic, and made a low buzzing sound. Seeing this scene, the figure in the silver clouds made a solemn gesture with both hands, and fired several spells one after another. Then he lit up the yellow light and let out a low drink.

The light group flashed wildly for a few times, then suddenly turned around, and the aura completely converged, revealing its original shape, which turned out to be a small earth-yellow seal several inches in size.

This seal is flat on all sides, and the whole body is as moist as jade. However, layers of golden and silver miniature magic circles appear faintly on the surface. The strange thing is that every time the spiritual light flashes, the runes of these magic circles are completely different. , and upon a closer look, it makes people feel that it is profound and wonderful.

In addition, although the spiritual energy emanating from this small seal is peaceful and stable, the spiritual energy contained in it is so huge that everyone can't help but change their expressions after sensing it.

"It turns out to be an imitation spiritual treasure!"

Knowledgeable people suddenly exclaimed, and they naturally discovered that the spiritual energy contained in this small yellow seal far exceeded the top-level ancient treasure.

"This treasure is called the 'Pingshan Seal', which is imitated from the ancient spiritual treasure 'Zhang Tian Seal'. According to the Ye family's monks' personal testing, although this treasure is only ten times as powerful as the rumored Palm Seal, One or two, but there is absolutely no problem in clearing the mountains and opening up land..."

The figure in the white clouds ignored the noise below and spoke slowly while manipulating the Pingshan Seal in front of him. It kept changing from big to small. The astonishing power in the yellow spiritual light made all the monks in the hall stunned. I couldn't help but feel my heart beat suddenly.

Soon, following the organizer's demonstration, everyone in the hall fell into silence, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressing.

Lu Tiandu looked at the pressure of spiritual energy displayed by Pingshan Seal and compared it with the Qingluan Fan in his hand. Although it was not as powerful as the Qingluan Fan, it was still pretty good. As for the flying sea shuttle, it takes a light and fast route. It has its own advantages and disadvantages with this magical weapon that uses force to overwhelm people, so there is little comparison.

Needless to say, the power of this seal-type magic weapon goes without saying, and since then the treasure is only one-tenth of the power of the Heaven Palm Seal. Lu Tiandu is looking forward to the real spiritual treasure Palm Seal.

On the other side, Jingyuan, Fang Laomo and other late-stage Yuanying monks stared at Pingshan Yin with intense eyes. If the late-stage Yuanying monks could have imitation spiritual treasures in their hands, their combat power would indeed increase by one level.

At this moment, the figure in the white clouds who was hosting the exchange meeting naturally knew that the momentum was almost built. He smiled slightly, immediately stopped delaying, put away the treasure, coughed lightly, and finally started to talk about the bidding method for this object.

"Everyone should feel the power of this treasure, so I won't say much more. For the auction of this object, the Ye family has prepared a list. Whoever can provide the most materials on the list can get this treasure..."

"Of course, if the highest material value is obviously too low, it will naturally be invalid. In the end, the spirit stone method will be used again, with a base price of three million, and it will be auctioned again."

Hearing the three million spirit stones, the fiery thoughts of some early and middle Nascent Soul monks suddenly cooled down.

A top-level ancient treasure is worth more than one million spirit stones. The top-level ancient treasures inherited by sects such as the mountain-opening ax and Xuanhuang mirror that Lu Tiandu seized from large sects such as Hehuan Sect and Wanfa Sect are only two. The price is three million spirit stones.

And ordinary Yuanying monks don't even have a decent top-level ancient treasure in their hands. It's good to have one or two high-quality ancient treasures nearby. How can they have the strength to spend three million spirit stones to participate in the bidding, let alone this is the auction. threshold.

Of course, this does not mean that three million top-level ancient treasures are the most powerful treasures. For example, Lu Tiandu’s Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map and Han Li’s seventy-two flying swords mixed with Geng Essence are no less powerful than The value of top-level ancient treasures has already exceeded tens of millions of spiritual stones.

However, the monks of the Ye family mentioned the sect that wanted to buy it before. At this moment, people who are aware of current affairs have figured it out, restrained their emotions and waited quietly for who will finally get this treasure.

The old man with the black crown was naturally not in the mood to pay attention to the sound of most Nascent Soul cultivators sucking in the cold air. He took out a jade slip and started reading one by one according to the list of materials recorded on the jade slip.

The old man's voice was not loud, but all the monks in the hall could hear him clearly.

All the monks listened attentively, and Lu Tian smiled, tapping his thigh with his right fingers, and waited quietly.

This time, he prepared various materials worth tens of millions of spiritual stones on the Ye family's list in advance. Even if someone could come up with more materials than him, he would not be afraid.

In terms of wealth, there is probably no sect in the human world that can compare to him.

"Okay, anyone who can produce the required materials in the list, and the minimum value of the materials is at least five million spirit stones, can come forward and contact Fellow Daoist Ye."

The figure in the white clouds held the treasure in hand and stepped aside.

This limit of five million spirit stones is normal. After all, if the spirit stones are directly auctioned, these large sects will not be short of spirit stones, and they may be able to reach a high price of more than 20 million spirit stones.

As for materials, not all materials can be purchased with spirit stones, as evidenced by the previous exchange meeting.

After a few breaths, the escape light flickered, and monks who felt they could come up with materials that met the requirements came forward to talk to the square-faced monk from the Ye family.

Lu Tiandu observed for a while, and the other nine late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators who were present came forward. Among them, five of them were from the Demon Dao. Except for Master Blood Bone, whose sect was not one of the top ten sects in the Demon Dao, the other four were from the Great Jin Dynasty. The top ten sects in the Demonic Way.

There are only four people in the Zhengdao, including two from Confucianism, one from Buddhism, and the remaining one from the Taoist sect, all of which are among the top ten sects of Zhengdao.

As for other individuals in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, Lu Tiandu didn't pay much attention to them. These people were just joining in the fun.

After a while, the square-faced monk surnamed Ye spoke:

"Are there any other fellow Taoists who want to participate in the bidding? If no one is available, I will announce the final winner."

"Haha, since there is no one else, fellow Taoist, let's take a look at the materials in my hand!"

Lu Tiandu laughed, his figure flashed, and he stepped forward instantly.

At this moment, there are actually only four photographers left on the stage. Three of them are the great monks of the Demon Sect, namely Jing Yuan, the fourth elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect, Kun Wuji, the great elder of the Xueqie Sect, and the master of the Yinluo Sect. The other one is the tenth member of the Righteous Sect. One of the sects is Taoist Yuanxu of Fulong Sect.

It seems that the materials provided by these four companies should be of similar value, so they were left at the end.

As for the Master of Blood and Bones, Confucian scholar surnamed Zhong and others, they have been persuaded to withdraw due to the huge gap in the value of the materials in their hands.

Seeing that Lu Tiandu, a monk who had frequently taken action before and even took out five Nine Heaven Spirit Peach in exchange for precious materials and elixirs, actually came forward, and the monks below began to whisper.

With such a simple inference, wouldn't this person's wealth also exceed tens of millions of spiritual stones? Suddenly the eyes of some people with evil intentions started to flicker.

The four great monks on the stage also stared at Lu Tian with unkind eyes.

"Hehe, we've got a good show. Han Li, how many great monks do you think will die after these monks in the Jin Dynasty kick the iron plate this time?"

The Bai sisters in the audience were all sweating for Lu Tian at this moment, and the God of Dayan who was not far away from them laughed strangely and sent a message to Han Li beside them.

"This...anyway, I feel like these people are not good!"

Han Li touched his nose and shook his head.

Several great monks from Luan Xinghai and Tiannan died at the hands of Lu Tiandu. As soon as Lu Tiandu came to Jin Dynasty, he beheaded Master Xiong who had lived for thousands of years in Ten Thousand Monster Valley. These people want to use their power to overwhelm others. I am afraid that this I hit my head so hard that I was bleeding... (End of this chapter)

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