Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 335: Tear apart the level 9 demon cultivator! Today I will kill someone and seize the treasu

"I don't know what to call this fellow Taoist?"

Just as Lu Tiandu was about to climb the steps, a tall figure wrapped in black and red glow suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the way. This person's face could not be seen clearly, but his voice was extremely cold.

However, Lu Tiandu knew that this person was Kun Wuji, the Great Elder of the Blood Qi Sect, who was at the peak of the late Nascent Soul.

"What, do you need to notify your name in advance to participate in the auction?"

Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he looked at the black and red glow and the other two demons Jingyuan and Fang who appeared at an unknown time, and said coldly.

As for Taoist Yuan Xu of Fulong Sect on the other side, although his figure remained motionless, his eyes twinkled under the yellow clouds.

Just by looking at the actions of the four people, Lu Tiandu knew that for some reason these four people were vaguely cooperating with him, the disruptor.

It seems that in order to eliminate variables, these people are planning not to prepare him to go on stage to bid?

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu smiled coldly, and murderous intent filled his heart.

"Humph, even though the person here who dares to come on stage is covered by a talisman, Kun can still roughly guess his identity. Since you hide your head and tail and don't even dare to say your real name, Kun still advises you not to do it. It’s better to take a trip through this muddy water!”

After listening to Lu Tiandu's words, Kun Wuji's words were cold and his tone became more and more rude.

And as he spoke, a huge amount of spiritual pressure came over Lu Tiandu.

"What? The surname is Kun? Is this... the Great Elder of the Blood Qi Clan, Kun Wuji? Looking at his figure and his voice, he does look a bit like him."

"It turns out it's this person. He's a master of the late Nascent Soul stage who is one of the most powerful masters of the Demonic Way!"

"What happened now? This man actually provoked Old Demon Kun... Hehe, this man has a very rich fortune, but he got an advantage from Old Demon Kun in vain!"

"Hmph, do you think this person who dares to go up there can't be a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage?"

Someone responded rudely, but the tone of their voice was not that they were confident in the strength of Lu Tiandu's disguise, but that they sounded like they had a grudge against the Xueqiemen.

There was constant noise in the colorful glow of the hall below, and pairs of eyes were fixed on Lu Tian with attention.

At this time, many people also understood. Combined with the reluctant look on the part of the old man with the black crown of the Ye family when he took out the Pingshan Seal, some people guessed that the Ye family spent a lot of money to refine such treasures because they were forced by the evil path. Put it up for auction.

And Demon Kun simply asked about the identity of the person who finally came to power, and the people from these major sects guessed that this person was definitely not from a major sect like them, and was probably a casual cultivator. In this way, they naturally became rude.

Once they understood this, the faces of some of the casual cultivators who participated in the auction suddenly became unhappy.

However, people like Shenjun Dayan, Han Li, Master Blood and Bones, and others knew that Lu Tian was a genuine great cultivator, so they all sneered when they saw this.

Dayan Shenjun and others naturally have great confidence in Lu Tiandu. Seeing Lu Tiandu being targeted by these people, they suddenly felt funny.

The Blood and Bone Master of the Blood and Bone Sect obviously had some differences with the other late-stage Demon Dao Yuanying monks on the stage, so he was naturally happy to see a conflict between the two great monks from both sides.

"A hidden head and a hidden tail? Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of me having a hidden head and a hidden tail?"

Looking at the imposing Demon Kun, Lu Tiandu was not affected at all, and smiled coldly, "As for who will drown in this muddy water in the end, I'm afraid it's hard to say. But I see that your bloody aura is permeating the air, I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster today..."


Hearing the words uttered from Lu Tiandu's mouth, the hundreds of Nascent Soul monks in the hall were suddenly startled, and the air suddenly solidified.

Everyone's minds flashed with disbelief, how could this be possible? Who is this person? How dare you talk to Old Demon Kun like this?

"you wanna die!"

Kun Wuji, who was not far away from Lu Tian, ​​also had a look of disbelief on his face at this moment.

After so many years, someone actually dared to talk to him like this. The blood flames all over his body suddenly burst out, and the talisman attached to his body was instantly destroyed. A tall man with a sinister look on his face, and the blood flames all over his body showed his true self. Allow.

"Today Kun is going to meet an unknown person like you!"

Demon Kun stared at Lu Tiandu, the murderous intent in his words not hidden at all.

"Hmph, if you want to kill me, I will send you on your way!"

Lu Tiandu sneered, and the aura around his body was suddenly released. The talismans attached to his body also turned into fly ash, and the aura of the late Nascent Soul monks was also revealed.

"What? Is he really a great monk?"

As soon as they sensed the aura of the big man who had transformed into Lu Tiandu, some monks in the hall suddenly exclaimed.

"Wait a minute, you two!"

Just when the two of them were at war with each other and were about to start having sex in the auction hall, several voices came from other places at the same time.

In a flash of light, three more great monks appeared near Lu Tiandu and the other two. They were none other than the Confucian great monk surnamed Zhong, the Master of Blood and Bones, and an old man in gray robe from the Black Sun Sect.

"Old Demon Kun, there is no rule in this auction that requires you to inform your name before you can participate in the bidding. Don't break the rules!"

The great monk surnamed Zhong, who was dressed in moon-white Confucian robes, also showed his figure at this moment, frowning and saying coldly.

"Yes, Brother Kun, what you say is too much. If this happens, who will come to participate in the underground trade fairs we hold in the future?"

At this moment, the Master of Blood Bone also revealed his figure, and when he spoke, he looked like he was thinking about the overall situation.

And the gray-robed old man from the Black Sun Sect also looked very much in agreement.

As for the last remaining great monk in the hall, the Confucian scholar and the great Buddhist monk still sat motionless, watching the situation in front of them coldly.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Seeing the performance of the three of them, Old Demon Kun's eyes shone with cold light, and his tone became even colder.

He was naturally aware that these three people were taking the lead at this moment, and they probably did not want the Pingshan Seal to fall into the hands of these three demonic sects or the Fulong Sect.

Facing four great monks at once, even Demon Kun, who knew that Jingyuan and Fang Laomo were behind him, would probably take action, but his momentum was still weak. He stared at Lu Tiandu coldly, flicked his sleeves and robes, Get out of the way.

Seeing this scene, the square-faced monk of the Ye family, who was almost about to have a conflict with Old Demon Kun because of Lu Tiandu, was quite excited in his heart, put his thoughts aside, and suddenly said:

"In this case, I would also like to ask this fellow Taoist to bring out the exchange items and let me take a look at them!"

At this moment, Ye Laoer, who was presiding over the auction in the white light, looked much better. If there was a conflict at the auction this time, the person who would lose the most face would probably be the organizer.

"it is good!"

Lu Tiandu casually took out a storage bag and threw it over.

During the conflict just now, he originally thought that Old Demon Jingyuan from the Demon Sect would also come forward, but in the end, this man did not move at all, which made him a little disappointed.

But there is no rush at the moment, just wait until all these clowns jump out and start killing them again.

Originally, he thought that there wouldn't be too many twists and turns in taking the Pingshan Seal this time, but now that he saw it, he thought it was wrong.

There are quite a few clowns out there, haha!

After the square-faced monk from the Ye family checked Lu Tiandu's storage bag, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

At this moment, something strange flashed through his heart, and he became more and more curious about Lu Tiandu's identity. If this person had a conflict with other major sects this time, it would be easier to win over the Ye family in the future. With a change of thought, he spoke without hesitation. :

"After my evaluation, the material produced by this fellow Taoist has the highest value and meets the bidding requirements of our Ye family. Therefore, the Pingshan Seal will eventually be returned..."


Just when the square-faced monk of the Ye family was about to finally announce Lu Tiandu as the winner of the Pingshan Seal, a cold voice suddenly came from a black glow standing not far away from him.

Then the black cloud suddenly burst, revealing an old man wearing a green robe and a long beard. He was Laomo Jingyuan, the newly promoted great monk of the late Nascent Soul of the Tianmo Sect.

Seeing that there was another surprise in the bidding, and the person who spoke out this time was the elder of the first demon sect, everyone in the hall suddenly started whispering. Even the square-faced monk from the Ye family changed his expression. He wondered if he should crush the jade talisman left by his family at this moment and inform the chief monk of the family.

"It seems that this mysterious man still can't take away this treasure this time!"

Many people glanced at the Pingshan Seal in the hand of Baixia, the organizer, and this thought flashed through their minds, "And since this person has exposed his wealth, I am afraid that the great monks present will also become greedy..."

Being continuously targeted by the top three demon sects, the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Xue Qi Sect, everyone knew that a great monk with no background would naturally have no choice but to retreat in the face of difficulties.

At this moment, seeing the people from the Tianmo Sect reveal their identities, even the Confucian scholar named Zhong and Xue Gu frowned secretly.

The Confucian scholar surnamed Zhong had previously traded a rare millennium elixir with Lu Tiandu for a Nine Heavens Spirit Peach. After carefully calculating the value, he had gained a little advantage. In addition, he was not used to the devil's behavior. Stand up for fairness.

But if the three demon sects in the field united to block it, he would not be able to withstand the pressure.

The Master of Blood Bone and the gray-robed old man of the Black Sun Sect also looked unhappy. After all, they had other thoughts, but the Heavenly Demon Sect, the number one demon sect with the old monster who transformed into gods, still had to give face in the end.

When Lu Tiandu saw Old Demon Jingyuan finally appearing, he sneered and waited quietly.

At this moment, the old demon Jingyuan did not look at Lu Tiandu, but looked at the square-faced man from the Ye family and said:

"Fellow Daoist Ye, you should know that the first people to buy this treasure from the Ye family were our Heavenly Demon Sect and Taiyi Sect. This kind of important treasure, which is powerful enough to affect the balance of power among large sects, cannot be owned by individuals or small forces? As for the final agreement, The other ten major sects compete on the same stage because of our unity..."

Listening to Jingyuan's words, and remembering the persecution of the Ye family by Master Qimiao and Xuan Zhenzi, the square-faced monk of the Ye family jumped in shame, and his heart became more and more disgusted with the people of the Tianmo Sect.

However, it was natural for him not to step forward to cause trouble at this moment. After all, there was nothing wrong with his words. Everyone agreed that the final person who qualified for the auction would most likely be a powerful person, but who knew that a mysterious person like Lu Tiandu would come out!

"Everything, as long as this Taoist friend finally reveals that he belongs to one of the ten sects of our True Demonic Path, this Pingshan Seal will naturally belong to the Taoist friend!"

The old man Jingyuan looked at Lu Tiandu with an awe-inspiring attitude.

"That's what fellow Taoist fellow Tianmo Sect said! How can such a valuable treasure be obtained by any cat or dog?"

At this moment, a rude sarcastic voice suddenly came from the crowd below the hall.

As soon as the voice came out, several people around him suddenly felt something bad. The figure moved away from the person and a tall figure wrapped in gray glow was immediately exposed.

"Yes, you, a cat and a dog, can speak in this situation? So, you can shut up!"

Lu Tiandu on the stage had murderous intent flashing in his eyes, snorted coldly, and with a flash of golden-purple light, he disappeared in an instant under the noses of several great monks.

This scene immediately made the seven great monks on the stage shrink their eyes, fully open their consciousness, and secretly become on guard.

As a result, before they could react, Lu Tiandu let out a cold snort, and a strange howl of a monster suddenly came from the gray glow.

In an instant, the golden-purple escaping light hit Hui Xia as fast as lightning. A dazzling golden light flashed past, and a ray of blood sprayed several feet high.

The shrill screams accompanied by the unpleasant "chi la" sound instantly changed the expressions of everyone in the field. They avoided the battle group one by one, raised their shields, and stared closely at the center of the glow.

"So ferocious! Really decisive in killing!"

When someone saw the movement in the field, they took a breath and shuddered instantly.

At this moment, the blood rain has not yet fallen from the mid-air, and the figure of the big man who had transformed into Lu Tiandu has disappeared without a trace. A young man in white stands quietly in the field. Under his feet, two pieces are torn into two pieces and are irregular. The corpse of a huge demon bear about ten feet long was dripping with blood.

The man in white holds a yellow inner elixir in one hand, and is holding a two-inch mini demon bear spirit in the other hand.

At this moment, the demon bear spirit had a look of fear on his face, and seemed to want to say something, but could not say a word.

"This is...the demon cultivator from the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons!"

Someone recognized the identity of the person who participated in the sudden sarcasm. He turned out to be a level nine bear demon who was quite famous in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons.

I wonder how this demon disguised himself to participate in this auction?

However, when this person saw Lu Tiandu's true appearance with murderous intent flashing in the field, he instantly took a breath of cold air again:

"It turns out to be him, Lu Tiandu, who is called the number one Nascent Soul of the Jin Dynasty by some! No wonder he was able to kill the ninth-level demon bear with one powerful blow!"

In the crowd, Lu Tiandu, who had come here with Lu Tiandu, was also shocked when he saw the blood outside the golden-purple light shield and his ruthless expression.

Is the ninth-level demon cultivator so weak now?

This being was able to fight against the great monks of the human race, and yet his powerful demonic body was torn apart by Lu Tiandu!

His scalp was numb at the moment.

He once thought that Yi Xitian's ability to kill an eighth-level demon cultivator with one strike with the help of a magic weapon was already a rare magical power, but now when he compares it...

But at this moment, the bear demon disguised as a demonic monk was sarcastic and Lu Tian could explain it clearly.

I don’t know how this demon discovered Lu Tiandu’s true identity, but he has already shut up forever before provoking a war between the two parties.

At this moment, everyone in the hall looked frightened, and the atmosphere was still frozen.

In fact, Lu Tiandu's brutal scene suddenly stunned everyone, and no one dared to be arrogant enough to block Lu Tiandu's attack!

At this moment, a burst of golden-red flames suddenly burst out from Lu Tiandu's body, and all the residual blood stained on the protective shield around him was instantly burned away.

While he took out a jade bottle and put away the essence that could be used to refine the puppets of the late Nascent Soul, he said calmly:

"Oh, no one's making any noise now!"

With a wave of his hand, Lu Tiandu put away the remains of the demon bear on the ground before he stepped forward.

"I didn't expect that Brother Lu's spiritual consciousness is no weaker than mine!"

Lord Dayan remembered what happened when Lu Tiandu used the Shocking Thorn just now, and he was extremely surprised in his heart, and this thought flashed across his mind instantly.

"So I, a casual cultivator, am not qualified to bid for this treasure?"

Lu Tiandu smiled as he glanced at the ugly-looking old demons Jingyuan, Kun, Fang and Taoist Yuanxu with twinkling eyes.

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Confucian scholar surnamed Zhong and Old Demon of Blood and Bones retreated without leaving a trace. At this time, they naturally did not want to get involved in this matter.

A great monk who can kill great monks, suppress Buddhist guardians, and easily kill ninth-level demon cultivators is said to be the first Nascent Soul of the Jin Dynasty. No Nascent Soul monk dares to refute.

Among the nine late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators present, only Kun Wuji had the record of killing someone of the same level, and the others had no choice but to die when facing Lu Tian.

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, cold sweat broke out on the cheeks of the square-faced man from the Ye family. Only then did he realize that the storage bag in his hand was hot to the touch.

He looked directly at Old Demon Jingyuan at this moment.

The green-robed old man had already communicated with Old Demon Kun and others since he discovered that Lu Tian, ​​who had revealed his true appearance, was one of the people they had deployed for surveillance before, and was related to the death of Cheng Buxiu, the second elder in front of the door. Ugly, he still said indifferently:

"Fellow Taoists, please abide by the rules set by the ten major sects of good and evil."

There are three or four late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators at the moment, and there are several early-stage Nascent Soul cultivators in the hall. So what if Lu Tiandu is alone and invincible at the same level? Do you dare to act wild here?

How can the face of the first demonic sect be tarnished by a casual cultivator like you?

"What a rule of good and evil!"

Lu Tiandu suddenly grinned, "Since you have your own rules, I also have my own rules. If you tease me today, then I will kill someone and seize the treasure!"


Lu Tiandu shouted coldly, and a dazzling golden light suddenly erupted from his body. A huge golden figure three feet tall instantly appeared behind Lu Tiandu, and a black gold stick of different thicknesses instantly appeared in the hands of the golden Lu Tiandu. .

At the same time, Lu Tiandu's hand flashed with light, and a green feather fan about a foot long appeared in his hand, and he instantly waved it towards Old Demon Jingyuan...

What was faster than Lu Tiandu was that before Lu Tian could finish speaking, a streak of blood light flashed out from the crowd in the hall and rushed towards Old Demon Kun's position in a flash.

A "hiss" sound came, and a three-foot-long bloody sword suddenly appeared in the bloody light, and it slashed hard on the light shield under the old demon Kun's cloth...

This knife has a strange shape, no more than two fingers wide, and as thin as paper, flashing with a strange blood light.

The light mask received a blow, and after a flash, it shattered inch by inch, and this strange blood knife took advantage of the situation and struck directly on the body of Old Demon Kun... (End of this chapter)

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