Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 336 I just found out about Old Demon Lu today!

Chapter 336 I just found out about Old Demon Lu today! (Please subscribe)


From the moment the bloody light came out, Demon Kun felt something bad. As a result, the three-foot-long bloody sword light broke through his own protective shield in an instant, and an incredible color flashed in Old Demon Kun's heart.

"How can this be?"

He is an existence at the peak of the late Nascent Soul, and should be the person with the highest cultivation level in the field. He is only one step away from the realm of divine transformation. How can a monk of the same level destroy the protective blood barrier he put up with one blow?

Unfortunately, before he could react to this idea, the blood knife struck him. What shocked Old Demon Kun was that not only was his body instantly broken into two pieces, but his whole body of essence, blood, and soul also unexpectedly attacked the blood knife. The place where it was split was flooded.

"Dragon Blade!"

In the flash of lightning, the name of the magic treasure 'Demon Dragon Blade' came to Old Demon Kun's mind. Unfortunately, before he could use the Nascent Soul teleportation to escape, a purple-red light ray disappeared into his Dantian in a flash, and rolled up a The three-inch-long black-red Nascent Soul was submerged in the blood.

After using Blood Shadow Escape, Demon Dragon Blade and Ancient Demon Tongue to kill the most powerful Kun Lao Mo with one blow, the blood light flashed suddenly and he pounced at the other side with incredible speed on Fang Lao Mo, the master of the Yinluo Sect whose expression changed drastically. …

But it was not until this moment that Lu Tiandu released his golden body, held up the dragon-patterned black gold stick from top to bottom, and struck fiercely at the green-robed old man Jingyuan with a sinister look on his face with a fierce wind.

At the same time, Lu Tiandu suddenly waved his Qingluan fan, and with a "hurrah" sound, the void trembled, a strong wind blew, and a two-foot-long light blue bird suddenly appeared in the void.

This big bird covered with cyan runes spread its wings and followed the dragon-patterned black gold stick to break through the protective shield of Old Demon Jingyuan strangely, and pounced on Old Demon Jingyuan.

There was a loud "bang", and the boundless green blade exploded with Old Demon Jingyuan as the center. Everything within dozens of feet was instantly turned into powder by the Qingluan Fan.

At this time, a pitch-black Nascent Soul held a small cyan shield in its arms, with a ferocious look on its face. Just as it was about to escape from the center of the explosion, a vortex of gold and purple swirled above its head, and a cold sound suddenly came from the Nascent Soul's ears. snort.

The black Nascent Soul screamed miserably, and the flying figure stopped instantly. The colorful sleeves in the sky suddenly fell down. Jingyuan's Nascent Soul was instantly suppressed by Lu Tiandu in the Wind and Thunder Suppression Prison Map.

There are only two great Nascent Soul cultivators in Jinjing Tianmo Sect. Previously, Qimiao Zhenren was intercepted and killed by the ancient demon's clone. With the help of the formation, he finally self-destructed the Nascent Soul and was unable to search for his soul. He also wanted to learn the true situation of the Heavenly Demon Sect from this person's Nascent Soul, so naturally he couldn't kill him too.

On the other side, two breaths ago, when he heard that Lu Tiandu was going to fight against four monks of the same level in public in public, killing people and taking treasures, the green eyes of Fang Laomo, who was behind the jade platform, flashed with disdain. color.

"Even if this person surnamed Lu is invincible at the same level, he will naturally only seek death when facing four of his comrades!"

As soon as this thought crossed Fang Laomo's mind, he was still imagining how much loot he could get from Lu Tiandu's death, when the ancient demon's clone and Lu Tiandu took action in an instant, making him almost stunned.

In the blink of an eye, as the screams of Old Demon Kun were heard, Old Demon Fang's expression changed drastically, and a large amount of black energy suddenly emerged from his body, submerging his figure in it in the blink of an eye.

Almost instantly, the man's sleeves shook, and a ghostly cry came from the black mist. Three tall figures appeared strangely in the black air and stood in front of him.

It was the Corpse King that Fang Lao Mo refined from tens of thousands of iron corpses and bronze corpses, one of which had already reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Of these three tall corpses in black armor, one held a pair of short swords glowing with yellow light in both hands, one held a green spear, and the last one actually carried a huge silver mace.

With a thought in Fang Laomo's mind, the three black-armored corpse kings suddenly opened their mouths and sprayed out three streams of green energy towards the blood shadow. There was a nauseating stench coming from the green air, which was the corpse poison that had been accumulated in the belly of the three corpses for countless years.

If an ordinary monk was hit by this poison, he would probably be infected with the poison immediately, and most of his cultivation level would be gone first, so Fang Lao Mo decided to use this corpse poison to block the figure in the bloody light first.

While releasing the three corpse kings to block him, Fang Laomo hurriedly made a seal with his hands, and the black energy all over his body rolled away from him at the same time. In the blink of an eye, a pair of pitch-black battle armor appeared on his body.

At the same time, a sinister smile flashed across the corner of Fang Lao Mo's mouth, and a dark ball was secretly held in his hand.

As long as the corpse poison blocked the person's breath, he would sacrifice the 'immortal destroying pearl', catching the person off guard, and with three corpse kings standing in front of him, he was confident that the aftermath would not hurt him.

In an instant, the death of Old Demon Kun made him realize that this person's speed was too weird, and it was impossible to guard against the murderous weapon in his hand. It was absolutely too late to release the magic weapon. Only this immortal-killing bead could cause harm to this person.

Just when Fang Lao Mo thought he had laid out a perfect plan, the bloody light flashed strangely and was instantly submerged in three waves of corpse poison. Before Fang Lao Mo could rejoice, a sharp pain and a sharp pain suddenly came from his soul. The screams instantly came from the black mist.

The divine attack method used by the monk in the late stage of becoming a god with the huge power of his soul was just one blow, and Fang Lao Mo had a dull and painful look on his face.

And not far in front of him, a streak of blood appeared strangely again, a sword flashed in the air, and with a "stab" sound, Fang Laomo's body with his armor on had been split into two halves and dried up instantly.

Before Fang Laomo's dark Nascent Soul could react, a purple-red silk thread shot through the black Nascent Soul. With a flash of purple-red light, Fang Laomo's Nascent Soul disappeared without a trace again.

Almost at the same time that Lu Tiandu killed the old demon Jingyuan at an extremely fast speed, the ancient demon also used thunderous means to kill the old demon Fang.

In just two breaths, three of the four late-stage Nascent Soul monks died.

On the far side, Taoist Yuanxu of Fulong Zong, who was still hesitating whether to step forward to join the siege, had already released his shield, three flying knives and several magic weapons to protect his body. He looked at the corpses on the ground with a look on his face. A look of horror.

"How is this possible? Who is the old demon in this bloody light and shadow?"

Killing two great monks in the blink of an eye, such incredible combat power made the man's whole body become cold instantly, and he dared not take action again.

"It turns out that this is Lu Tiandu's trump card!"

After this thought flashed through his mind, Taoist Yuan Xu defended himself nervously. At the same time, his heart felt cold and he shouted in a hissing voice:

"Fellow Taoist, please stay here. This matter has nothing to do with me. I will leave immediately!"

At this moment, Taoist Yuan Xu, who was originally prepared to fish in troubled waters, chose to beg for mercy.

"Hey, I want to leave now, it's too late, just die!"

In the blood light, the ancient demon clone sneered. Seeing that it was too late to rush to the exit, it was about to forcefully break through the valley at the top of the hall and fly upwards to escape the escaping yellow light. With a flash of blood light, the ancient demon clone instantly pounced directly on Yuan Xu. Taoist.

On the other side, when they saw Lu Tiandu and the ancient demon clones on the stage going on a killing spree, they had received a message transmission from Old Demon Kun, Elder Jingyuan, and Sect Leader Fang, and together they besieged the six or seven Nascent Souls of Lu Tiandu's three sects. The junior and middle monks had just escaped against the flow of people and offered their magic weapons. They didn't know how to take action yet. They were instantly stunned by the three dead late Nascent Soul monks in front of them.

"How can this be?"

When these people saw this scene, they all trembled violently, and their first reaction was disbelief.

This was a great monk. He couldn't transform into a spirit, and he had the highest level of combat power in the human world. He died in the blink of an eye?

However, Lu Tian, ​​who had just killed Jing Yuan, would not hesitate at all. Since these people dare to take action, they are enemies.

With a shake of his shoulders, the three-foot-tall golden statue already held the dragon-patterned black-gold staff, took one step forward, and blasted away at everyone in an instant.

At the same time, Lu Tiandu suddenly slapped the Qingluan fan with his right hand. A strong wind blew up in the hall, and three green Qingluan, which was about ten feet long, cried instantly and shot towards the seven people.

With a flick of his left sleeve, a blue glow enveloped a blue flying shuttle, which shot towards the battle group in an instant. At this moment, on the other side, before Taoist Yuan Xu could break through and escape, the bloody light suddenly burst out and enveloped Taoist Yuan Xu in an incredible look.


A miserable cry came out from the blood light. Between the breaths, the blood light paused and left the air again, but Taoist Yuan Xu was no longer there.

This is exactly the secret technique in which the ancient demon clone uses the innate secret method of the Yuan Shen Blood Spirit clone to induce a riot of essence and blood all over the body of others, and then directly attacks and devours other people's essence and blood at close range.

The ancient demon in the late stage of divine transformation simply used this secret technique, and a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul was left with only a layer of skin without being able to breathe.


In just a few breaths, the four famous monks were killed by Lu Tiandu and the mysterious blood-light man. Standing in the distance, releasing their protective shields, the Confucian scholar surnamed Zhong, the old devil of blood and bones, and the gray-robed monk were always on guard. The old man and the other five great monks also had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Looking at the corpses and traces of the battle on the pavilion, the five people looked at each other and felt a chill in their hearts. Their figures moved, and they seemed to be hugging each other.

"It's so cruel!"

"The Great Jin Xiuxian world is going to be in chaos!"

"This person is really not to be messed with!"

"What kind of magic skill does this bloody figure practice?"

All kinds of questions came to mind. Looking at Lu Tiandu's murderous figure and the mysterious figure in the bloody light, a deep fear in the eyes of the five people could not be dissipated.

"Hmph, die!"

Seeing that two people had been injured and the other five were still fighting desperately, Lu Tiandu did not take any more action. The ancient demon clone's demon dragon blade flashed red, and the figure moved, instantly turning into blood and pounced forward again.

Continuous screams continued to sound, and the hall was faintly divided into several groups. All the Yuanying monks with fearful expressions watched the massacre in silence.

"Who is this person?"

At this moment, God Lord Dayan and Han Li also looked at the blood shadow in the air with puzzled expressions. Even his consciousness, which was comparable to that of a god-transformation monk, could not see through the blood around the ancient demon clone, which surprised him. stand up.

Originally, they thought that Lu Tian would release Qi Zhenzhen, Sun Qingfeng and other women to help in the battle. After all, although Lu Tiandu's combat power was amazing, he was still unable to face four monks of the same level.

Unexpectedly, the bloody figures suddenly appeared and killed the three monks like chopping melons and vegetables, making everyone suddenly become curious while feeling cold all over.

At this moment, as the last person in the field died, the atmosphere in the dilapidated hall was still a little solid.

At this moment, the Bai sisters were still wrapped in the silver glow. Their lips were slightly open, and they looked over Lu Tiandu and the bloody figure god with incredulous expressions.

Just when Lu Tiandu mentioned killing people and seizing treasures, the two women suddenly became concerned. The two of them had already grasped the mid-stage Nascent Soul puppet in their palms, and were ready to help.

In the end, within a few breaths, the four previously extremely arrogant monks did not even escape the Nascent Soul. This drastic change shocked them so much that they could not recover.

"Brother Lu is too mysterious. Is that bloody figure his friend? But after this incident, so many great monks died, and the ten sects of the good and evil path will undergo drastic changes!"

The two women looked at each other, and this idea suddenly appeared in their minds.

"Haha, they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs. I thought they had so much strength with a big sect behind them!"

Lu Tiandu put away the three magic weapons and glanced at the silent people below. No one dared to look at him at this moment.

"So, it seems that I still have the final say on the rules of this place!"

Lu Tiandu sighed quietly and looked at the square-faced monks of the Ye family who were huddled in a corner and the figure in the white clouds who was presiding over the auction, "Kill people and seize treasures, hehe, it looks pretty good..."

"Friend Lu Dao, this is your Pingshan Seal!"

Facing Lu Tiandu's gaze, the figure in the white clouds wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and quickly stepped forward and handed the small yellow seal in the jade box to Lu Tiandu.

This time, this imitation spiritual treasure caused the death of more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators. At this moment, this man had a look of regret on his face.

"Friend Lu Dao, this is your storage bag."

Seeing this scene, the square-faced monk from the Ye family looked defeated and hurriedly handed over the storage bag containing materials worth tens of millions of spiritual stones from Lu Tiandu.

"What? Are you still going to leave these dead people's relics behind?"

Lu Tiandu saw that this person only handed over a storage bag, and immediately looked at the Ye family member with a half-smile.

"I don't dare, please forgive me fellow Taoist!"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the square-faced monk felt a chill in his heart, and he quickly signaled with his eyes to the old man with the black crown who was hiding behind.

This time they didn't get a single piece of material from the Pingshan Seal that they spent countless resources refining, so needless to say, they felt bitter in their hearts.

And with so many people from the ten major sects dead, the subsequent drastic changes in the world of immortal cultivation in the Great Jin Dynasty will naturally affect the Ye family.

"This person has the Pingshan Seal. The fan and the spiritual shuttle should also be imitation spiritual treasures. With these three treasures, who else in the Jin Dynasty would dare to take advantage of this person..."

Glancing slightly at Lu Tiandu, who was slowly putting away the storage bags one by one, a thought flashed across the square-faced monk:

"Not only is the figure in the blood shadow an old devil, this Lu Tiandu will soon be a famous big devil in the Jin Dynasty..."

At this moment, blood light flashed in the hall, and the ancient demon clone quickly put away various storage bags, magic weapons, fairy-killing beads, black-armored corpses and other things. Lu Tiandu laughed, feeling extremely happy:

"Everyone, I take my leave. We will see you again next time..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a roar in the air, and a hole was suddenly blasted open at the top of the hall. A streak of blood and a streak of golden-purple light instantly disappeared in the complicated expressions of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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