Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 340 Yin Yang Cave! Ye family action!

A place outside Shuangscorpion Mountain.

Several foundation-building monks were holding various magic weapons with strange expressions on their faces.

"What's going on? It's been so long and we haven't caught a few poisonous insects?"

"Yeah, it's a bit strange. In previous years, we have gained much more than this."

"Let's ask someone."

These five or six foundation-building monks are also from the local sect of Chaoyun Mansion. At this time every year, the sect will issue tasks to purchase various poisonous insects. This is not the first time that they have taken on such a task.

As a result, they spent a lot of time and gained nothing, which made them depressed.

After everyone gathered and made some inquiries, they realized that half a month ago, someone seemed to have encountered a senior who led a group of weird flying scorpions into the depths of the miasma of Shuangscorpion Mountain to catch various poisonous insects. This made the poisonous insects in the periphery more and more. The less.

After hearing the news, these people suddenly looked at each other.


"It's almost time, we can go to Yin Yang Cave."

Now, more than twenty days have passed since Lu Tiandu came to Shuangscorpion Mountain. After estimating the time, Lu Tiandu moved and left the Shizhu World in an instant.

He came to Shuangscorpion Mountain only a few days ago, and he brought a group of large and small flying purple-striped scorpions to wipe out 80% to 90% of all kinds of poisonous insects and poisons in the mountain. With enough time, he entered the world of stone beads to refine. Take the Xuexin Pill.

There are still several days before the opening of Yin Yang Cave, and I think others have already arrived.

A few days later, a golden ray of light appeared over the mountains of Southern Xinjiang, the largest virgin forest in Southern Xinjiang, covering an area of ​​nearly ten thousand miles, and shot all the way to the west.

Soon after, Dun Guang appeared in the sky above a huge basin and saw the dark yellow poisonous mist that was more than a thousand feet high in the air. Dun Guang suddenly fell towards the edge of the poisonous mist.

"Brother Lu, you're here!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu again after three years, Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin looked surprised and stepped forward one after another.

Not far away, Fucheng, a tall old man sitting cross-legged, was also surprised. He stood up and said respectfully:

"Friend Lu Dao."

"Looks like everyone is here!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and patted the two women's shoulders gently, "In this case, we don't need to delay, let's go directly!"

"Okay, listen to Fellow Daoist Lu."

Naturally, everyone would not object, and each released the poison-avoiding treasures or magical powers they had prepared in advance, and walked towards the poisonous fog.

Just as the four of Lu Tiandu entered the Ten Thousand Poison Valley, the Ye family of the Jin Dynasty, under the secret leadership of two great monks, also secretly gathered towards the southern border, preparing to open the legendary ancient fairy mountain-Kunwu Mountain.

And more than two years ago, Old Man Xiang, who was frightened away by Lu Tiandu at Tianfu Sect, for some unknown reason, wandered around Nanjiang County among several low-level disciples.

Ever since they were separated from Lu Tiandu at the auction three years ago, Han Li and Dayan Shenjun, for some reason, had become enemies with the Yin Luo Sect, whose leader was killed by Lu Tiandu and whose strength was greatly reduced. After a fight between Elder Luo Zong and Lao Mo, the three of them also entered southern Xinjiang.

Half a day later, somewhere deep in the Ten Thousand Poison Valley, somewhere where poisonous insects were infested, as the cuffs of Lu Tiandu shook, a whirlwind instantly enveloped several wisps of green mist and disappeared. The four of them walked forward for a while, and the scenery in front of them suddenly changed. Change.

Just a few dozen feet ahead, a huge ravine appeared. Looking to both sides, it was impossible to tell how long the ditch was in the blur, but its width seemed to be a hundred feet wide. There was also a light black wind blowing out from inside, blowing away the poisonous mist nearby.

"This is the entrance to Yin Yang Cave! Let's go there."

Lu Tiandu said something, and everyone nodded and moved forward again.

Although the dark wind blowing out of the huge ravine at this moment is extremely violent, it is naturally not difficult for monks like them who are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and above.

The four of them took stock of their surroundings as they moved forward.

The huge trench was as deep as an abyss, with masses of dark wind blowing strange vortices of different sizes in the trench. And in these whirlpools, there are faint sounds of howling ghosts and wolves.

Lu Tiandu glanced at the ditch walls on both sides below, and saw that there was a glistening surface, as if there was a thick layer of ice condensed on it.

"What we are seeing now is not the terrifying dark wind, it is just an ordinary dark wind. But once it goes hundreds of feet below, the terrifying dark wind will appear. Without precautions, even Nascent Soul cultivators like us cannot survive in the wind. How long will it last?"

"I brought my sect's Purple Nether Pearl, so the threat of this wind to us is naturally greatly reduced. However, in different places in the Yin-Yang Cave, the size of the shocking Yin Wind is also different. Fellow Daoist Lu, needless to say, the two fairies should be careful. .”

Fucheng and others had finished looking at Jugou, and then he coughed lightly and spoke proactively.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for reminding me."

The Bai sisters smiled slightly. They were reminded by Lu Tiandu before that they had specially prepared several treasures in the past three years to deal with Yinfeng.

Fucheng raised his hand, and suddenly a purple ball appeared in his hand, which was about the size of a fist.

As soon as the bead appeared, Lu Tiandu looked at the bead carefully. As a result, he suddenly felt purple shadows flashing in his eyes, and his consciousness was shaking involuntarily. However, Lu Tiandu's consciousness was already comparable to that of the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods. The enchanting effect of the Ziyou Pearl had little effect on him, and his consciousness stabilized in an instant.

However, the Bai sisters also took a look at the purple bead. Their eyes flashed, and they were slightly afraid of this treasure.

At this moment, the old man surnamed Fu held the bead with one hand and spoke an obscure spell in his mouth. Suddenly there was a flash of dazzling light, and a faint halo emerged from the bead, covering an area of ​​more than thirty feet within it. Lu Tiandu and three others were also in the lavender halo, surrounded by The cold wind that was originally strong and cold suddenly weakened by more than half.

"The Purple Nether Pearl of the Nine Nether Sect is indeed well-deserved!"

Bai Yaoyi praised.

At that time, Fucheng had introduced this treasure of the sect when he asked Lu Tiandu to join the team looking for Yin Zhima. Now that he saw it, it was indeed extraordinary.

"This bead is not worth mentioning now. We have to wait to find out how powerful it is. Fellow Daoist Lu, shall I wait?"

Fucheng held the Ziyou Pearl in one hand and used the other hand to release a purple-red light mist, which enveloped everyone and looked at Lu Tiandu.

"Well, let's go down."

Hearing Lu Tiandu speak, the four of them were enveloped in a purple halo. At the same time, they released their protective treasures and flew into the deep ditch.

Time flies, a few days later. Seeing a one-horned ghost coming from the opposite side again, Lu Tiandu's body flashed with golden mist, and the ghost instantly turned into powder. With the flick of Lu Tiandu's fingers, several golden arrows also turned into powder. Wisps of black mist.

Since entering the Yin-Yang Cave, there have been countless low-level Yin ghosts condensed with various Yin Qi. The four of them did not know how many they killed. Unfortunately, there was no trace of Yin Zhima along the way.

"Brother Lu, Fellow Taoist Fu, we have been walking for several days, and there is still no trace of the Yin Zhima. Although these ghosts are not afraid of death, they are just low-level ghosts condensed by Yin Qi, and they do not even have spiritual intelligence. But fighting all the way through this will probably waste a lot of our time. Should we think of other ways?"

Bai Yaoyi stretched out her hand and a ray of silver light pierced an imp, and then she spoke.

"That's right. Maybe we can improve efficiency if we split up. But as I said before, there is a flying yaksha here, which is extremely powerful. After we separate, the probability of you encountering a sneak attack will greatly increase."

Lu Tiandu nodded and said.

"Fairy Yaoyi, don't worry. This underground cave is so big, and Yin Zhima is good at hiding. How can it be so easy to find. Although these little devils are invincible, we can kill them easily. As long as we always pay attention to using our spirit The stone restores mana, which is enough to sustain it for a long time.”

Fucheng looked confident. There was Feitian Yaksha here. He preferred to go slower and was not willing to separate. Otherwise, except for Lu Tiandu, the danger would be greatly increased if everyone else separated.

"That's true, but resisting this terrifying wind consumes a lot of mana. With our mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivation, we can stay underground for at most two months. If we miss this time, we have to wait twenty more Year……"

Bai Yaoyi looked around and sighed.

"Let it go, we will find it."

Lu Tiandu smiled and said, "Look for two more days. It would be best if we can find Feiying Yaksha in advance. If not, we will temporarily separate. The three of you will act together, and I will act alone and inform each other of the news in time..."

"That's fine, let's listen to Brother Lu."

Bai Mengxin on the side nodded.

They were in a huge passage, about dozens of feet high, with black ice glittering on the earth walls on both sides. The black wind, which was much thicker than that at the entrance, kept swirling around them, emitting waves of terrifying screams, which made people jump with fear and find it difficult to calm down.

But as soon as these evil winds entered the halo emitted by Fucheng's Ziyou Pearl, most of them were automatically resolved. Even so, Lu Tiandu and the other three were dazzled by spiritual light, and they didn't dare to let the remaining black wind touch their bodies.

As for those little ghosts, they kept emerging from the surrounding black wind, flying towards several people like moths throwing fire.

When the cold light flashed, a little ghost was turned into an ice sculpture by the flying knife in Bai Mengxin's hand. After it broke and shattered, the surrounding ghosts were finally swept away. Several people immediately took the magic weapon back to them and continued to float forward along the passage.

There are gusts of sinister wind in this Yin-Yang Cave, and the spiritual consciousness cannot be released too far, and others dare not ride the light escape. However, Lu Tiandu's spiritual consciousness and mana are much greater than those of the other three. He tried it before, and if he used the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill, the losses caused by these frightening winds would be almost negligible.

However, what he was most worried about was naturally the safety of the two women, so he would rather go slower than leave a loophole for Feitian Yaksha who didn't know where he was hiding.


And just a few days after Lu Tiandu and his party entered the Yin-Yang Cave, there were seven or eight monks floating in the air above an unknown small lake in southern Xinjiang, listening to what a black-clothed monk said.

These monks, both spiritual and secular, were some of the Ye family monks who secretly gathered in the Jinjing Palace a few months ago.

One of the big-headed monsters stood shaky in the middle of the crowd, and his cultivation turned out to be in the late Nascent Soul stage.

Next to him was the square-faced monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul who was participating in the auction. Not far behind him, the mysterious soul clone of Lu Tiandu was standing out.

"Four hundred years ago, after our Ye family learned the approximate whereabouts of the 'Kunwu' Lingshan from a ruined tablet in ancient ruins, we began to plan this matter. I don't know if this famous holy land of the Immortal Family in ancient times. For some reason, the ancient monks used their great magical powers to sink it to the ground..."

When the monk in black said this, he paused and then said: "...The formation masters in the clan are currently setting up the last formation at the bottom of the lake. It will probably be completed in a few months. At that time, we will also launch another formation." The super concealment circle suppresses all the shocking phenomena when the ban is broken, so the elders can enter Kunwu Mountain to retrieve the treasure calmly."

After the explanation, the monk in black immediately stepped aside and said nothing more.

"Kunwu Mountain? So the purpose of our trip is actually this mountain?"

"It's incredible! I always thought it was some ancient monk's cave!"

"Tsk, tsk, only fairy mountains like Kunwu Mountain can have heaven-reaching spiritual treasures."

For a while, except for the weirdo, the square-faced monk, and the mysterious soul clone, the other monks couldn't help but whisper for a while, and they couldn't hide the excitement on their faces.


Deep in the Yin Yang Cave.

Three days later, the black wind ahead suddenly became fiercer, and a three-way intersection suddenly appeared in the wind, and three passages, one large, two small, appeared in front of the four people.

"It seems that there are too many three-way intersections! It is not possible to continue like this. If there are a few more forks, two months will not be enough for us to find all the caves. It seems that we must act separately."

This was already the fifth fork in the road that everyone had encountered in the past few days. Lu Tiandu suddenly stopped and said.

Although the Ye family is a few days later than the original time, if he does not capture Yin Zhima as soon as possible, he may not be able to enter Kunwu Mountain from here, so he does not have much time to search slowly at this time.

"We are divided into three teams, Yao Yi Mengxin and you two are in one team, I am in a separate team, and fellow Taoist Fu is in a separate team. Everyone should be on guard at all times. As long as the flying yaksha appears and resists for a moment, I can come over... This Can the aura on the Ziyou Pearl bless others alone?"

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he looked at the Ziyou Pearl in Fucheng's hand.

"If it is the Purple Nether Pearl, I can consume some essence and blood to temporarily bless a few fellow Taoists with the divine light of this pearl. But the time cannot last. As long as the size of the Jing Yin Feng remains unchanged, it can last for about seven or eight days at a time. Bar."

When the old man surnamed Fu heard Lu Tiandu's proposal to detach, he naturally couldn't refuse. After all, they had been here for ten days. If this continued, he would become anxious.

"Okay. Yaoyi and you two, don't go more than three days away. I have deep magic power and fast speed. I will check more places then... In this case, we will leave magic marks on each other first. It will be easier to track when the time comes. …”

Lu Tiandu nodded.

Hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the old man opened his mouth without delay, and sprayed a ball of essence and blood onto the Ziyou Pearl, and the Pearl shone brightly!

The old man fired several spells in succession, and then grabbed the orb in the air with one hand. Suddenly, a dazzling purple light emerged from the bead and slowly flew to the old man's hand.

The old man held up the purple light in his hand with one hand, glanced at Lu Tiandu and the others, and then immediately took a distant shot at the three people beside him. There was a flash of purple light, and the light ball instantly disappeared into the bodies of the three people.

Then a layer of purple light emerged, covering the three people in it, which was the same as the halo of Zi Youzhu.

The four people immediately planted mana marks on each other, and then the four people divided into three groups and entered three channels respectively. (End of chapter)

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