Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 341 Yin Zhima is obtained! Silver-winged Yaksha is coming soon!

"Sister Mengxin, do you feel that the name of this Yin-Yang Cave is a little untrue? Rumor has it that as soon as the monks enter the cave, they will be separated from the Yin and the Yang. It seems dangerous and dangerous, but it has been ten days since we entered the cave, except for the shocking Yin wind. Apart from some troubles, we didn’t really encounter any big troubles. Is the name of Jedi all just bragging?”

Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin entered a passage and spoke.

"Probably not."

Bai Mengxin shook her head, "This frightening wind is so powerful. If a monk below Nascent Soul enters this place, even if he is protected by a life magic weapon, he will be torn into pieces by the whirlpool of the wind at the entrance. That is to say, we have the Purple Nether Pearl God The light protects the body, and the fact that his cultivation level is far beyond that of ordinary monks, is why he is safe and sound so far..."

"And don't forget about the silver-winged yaksha that Brother Lu said. Even Brother Lu attaches great importance to it. We must not underestimate it. This monster just hasn't appeared now, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The Yin-Yang Cave has such a famous name. Maybe it’s all caused by this monster. When we separated just now, you also collected the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk that Brother Lu gave us. It might be of great use next time..."

"Ok, I know."

Thinking of Lu Tiandu's instructions when they left, Bai Yaoyi felt warm in her heart.

On the other side, Fucheng gently held the Zi Youzhu on his head and headed deeper into the cave with a solemn look on his face. Now that the team is divided into three parts, to be honest, if he encounters the legendary Silver-winged Yaksha, he will be in the greatest danger, but with the Purple Nether Pearl above his head to protect him, he is not very afraid.

When he encountered Silver-winged Yaksha, as long as he could hold on for a moment, he believed that others would come to the rescue.

Most of a day later, Lu Tiandu's figure was shrouded in a hazy purple light and appeared deep in a cave.

Along the way, he was naturally much faster than others, and he naturally explored more places. At this moment, a dark wind suddenly mixed with a scream in a cave. The sound was shrill and harsh, full of violence. .

"It looks like there's another wave of high-level ghosts."

Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed and he murmured. .

As a result, after turning a corner ahead, a cave several feet high suddenly appeared on one side of the passage. Inside, the black wind roared non-stop, and was far more violent than the dark wind in the passage. And the sound of ghost howling faintly came from the cave.

Lu Tiandu held a thumb-sized green-haired monkey in his hand, smiled softly, and stepped into the cave without hesitation.

The cave was extremely dark, and the only sounds that could be heard were the sound of wind and the faint scream coming from the depths. The ghosts inside seemed to have noticed his arrival and became more violent. But the sound didn't sound too far away.

Blue light flashed in Lu Tiandu's eyes, and he could see clearly within a thousand feet, not to mention that the cave was only a few hundred feet long. Seeing countless ghosts mixed in the dark wind, Lu Tian was too lazy to take action. He patted the crying soul in his hand:

"Go, have some extra food!"


As soon as the childish voice of crying soul came out, a green light flashed, and it instantly changed into a size of about a foot and pounced on these ghosts. He snorted softly, and a yellow mist flashed by, and these high-level ghosts were instantly involved in the yellow clouds. …

Lu Tiandu put away his burping cry and continued to move forward.

After walking a hundred feet, my eyes suddenly became brighter.

This is a stalactite cave with a diameter of more than thirty feet. The top and four walls of the cave emit light green light, but in the center there is a stone pillar several feet high. The stone pillar was inconspicuous and rough, but there was a mummy on it tightly tied with iron chains.

This mummy had long gray hair and was completely black. Its head was lowered and its face could not be seen clearly. However, its abdomen had been cut open with a sharp knife, and all its internal organs were missing.

"Another altar. What was this place used for in ancient times?"

Lu Tiandu glanced around at this place, and with a flick of his hand, a golden arrow instantly hit the mummy, and in the blink of an eye, the mummy disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, a dozen feet away behind Lu Tiandu, a faint light flickered on the ground, and a black thing emerged from the ground silently, lying motionless on the spot.

Lu Tiandu sneered and turned around suddenly. A big purple-gold hand had already grabbed the place where the black shadow was lurking behind him.

Seeing this, the black shadow's red eyes flashed fiercely, and after swaying, it shot out like an arrow, trying to escape Lu Tiandu's capture.

Unfortunately, as Lu Tiandu snorted, the black figure instantly trembled, and the figure paused before being pinched by the big golden and purple hands.

It turned out to be a monster with a snake body and an ape face, and two arms. This monster has black scales all over its body and is about three to four feet long. Each of its two palms grasps a small bone spear about a foot long, which is extremely sharp.

Although the monster was tightly grasped by bare hands, it was still struggling desperately, its blood-red eyes staring at Lu Tiandu with hatred, as if it had a life-or-death feud with the two.

"Another evil ape?"

Lu Tiandu murmured, and the golden wind blade flashed in his hand. The evil ape instantly split into two parts, and was swallowed into his belly by the crying soul.

On the other side, the Bai sisters and Fucheng did not encounter any big dangers along the way, but similar to Lu Tian, ​​they also encountered many mummies built on the ancient soul refining array, which made them feel more and more extraordinary that this place was extraordinary. .


In the blink of an eye, another seven days passed.

Half a day ago, under the guidance of the mana mark, the four people gathered at Fucheng's location. While replenishing the aura of the Purple Nether Pearl, they also exchanged search results. In addition to more and more various high-level ghosts, There are countless various altars, which makes this place feel more and more weird.

Unfortunately, there is still no trace of Yin Zhima.

Now, they are searching more and more towards the bottom of Yin Yang Cave.

This time, after letting the crying soul deal with countless ghosts again, Lu Tiandu followed his usual practice and once again used the Ming Qing Spirit Eyes to inspect the surrounding environment.

"Huh? Another Yin Jing Stone!"

Lu Tiandu grabbed it with five fingers in one direction, and a head-sized black crystal embedded in the stone wall on the opposite side was instantly caught in Lu Tiandu's hand.

This object is a rare Yin-attribute material. Perhaps only extremely Yin places like Yin-Yang Cave can produce this kind of material. Counting this, this is the second Yin crystal stone he has collected.

After looking around and seeing that there was nothing else, Lu Tiandu turned and left.

The further down you go, the more high-level ghosts you encounter. However, for Lu Tiandu, a casual attack such as the evil-repelling divine thunder or the three-flavored divine wind can destroy these endless ghosts, and there are free ghosts around him. Labor screams, and the search is naturally extremely fast.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu suddenly looked forward. There was a tremor in the air, and a golden light flew towards him. Lu Tiandu shook his sleeves and wrapped the object.

Gently opening the sound transmission golden sword, Lu Tiandu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Bai Yaoyi's surprised voice.

Unexpectedly, the Bai sisters discovered Yin Zhima's traces.

Lu Tiandu turned his palm, and a pale white formation disk appeared in his hand. Pointing at the array plate with one hand, there was a sudden flash of sunlight, and the surface of the object became as smooth as a mirror, but there were three light spots of different colors flashing faintly on it.

Two of the points of light are together, and one is in the other direction.

Calculating the distance silently, Lu Tiandu was further away from the Bai sisters than Fucheng, but he was faster, so he was probably still ahead of Fucheng when he rushed back.

"It seems that Yin Zhima has appeared, and perhaps the silver-winged Yaksha is not far away from appearing."

After Lu Tiandu refined two Heavenly Corpse Beads, he naturally became more and more interested in the Ten Thousand Years Corpse King's Heavenly Corpse Bead. As a result, he searched the most places along the way, but still found no trace of this beast.

Lu Tiandu did not hesitate at this moment. As soon as the array was closed, the figure disappeared in an instant.

He had a hunch that the appearance of Silver-winged Yaksha was not far away. Two hours later, Lu Tiandu arrived at an intersection with connections in all directions, where the two Bai sisters were facing a passage to the south, sitting cross-legged.

"Brother Lu!"

Bai Yaoyi looked surprised when she saw Lu Tiandu appear. Bai Mengxin also looked at Lu Tiandu with excitement.

Now that the Yin Zhi horse has been found, it will not be difficult to catch this thing as long as Lu Tian and Tian are involved.

"This Yin Zhi horse is extremely cunning. My sister and I couldn't catch it even if we worked together. However, it has been blocked by me and my sister in this passage. If we join forces, it will naturally not be able to escape."

Bai Yaoyi continued.

"Well, let's set up a few formations just in case, and then I'll be the one to arrest him. But don't let your guard down and pay attention to your own safety."

Lu Tiandu warned.

"Well, with Brother Lu here, I have nothing to be afraid of."

Bai Yaoyi smiled softly.

"Your speed is different now, so I'm relieved. But Mengxin, please be more careful."

Lu Tiandu smiled and looked at Bai Mengxin aside.

"Well, brother Lu, don't worry, I will take care of myself."

Bai Mengxin also smiled and nodded.

After setting up a few trap formations, the three of them flew into a passage to the south together.

Entering the passage, the three of them searched the caves one by one. In order to prevent accidents, Lu Tian usually enters the cave alone to explore, and the two sisters guard the passage to prevent Yin Zhima from taking the opportunity to escape.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the place where Bai Yaoyi found Yin Zhima, which was a small cave.

As soon as Lu Tiandu walked in, he discovered something strange in the cave. Not only was the wind inside extremely weak, but there was even a warm feeling. As a result, in addition to some soft sand, several rare pieces of raw jade were also found piled in a corner of the cave.

There is a faint fragrance left in the air here, which is both medicinal and sandalwood, like a mixture of the two.

After scanning his eyes downwards, he could still clearly see some messy horse hoof-like footprints on the ground, but they were reduced several times.

"It's true, Yin Zhima is indeed true!"

After looking at the footprints and smelling the aroma in the air, Lu Tiandu naturally confirmed that this was indeed Yin Zhima's lair.

Now, although he was frightened away by Bai Yaoyi and the two girls and escaped from his cave, he is still in the remaining caves.

As long as the search continues, arresting him will not be difficult.

At this moment, Fucheng also followed the traces left by the three people into the passage. When he saw the cave, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"Let's continue the search."

Just as Lu Tiandu finished speaking, suddenly, a rumble came from in front of them, and the entire cave shook. Then waves of thunderous roars came from outside the cave. It seemed as if the sound was not far away.

The four of them were startled, and their bodies flashed with spiritual light at the same time. They turned into escaping lights and chased after the roar.

In the blink of an eye, the four people appeared in the passage. Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with blue light, and he could clearly see the object in the wind a hundred feet away. The other three people could only see clearly more than ten feet away, and they all became surprised and suspicious.

The sound of heavy footsteps getting closer and closer one after another, and no one knew what kind of giant it was, but each sound made the entire passage tremble. At the same time, the astonishing roar also came from the same direction, obviously coming from the same thing.

"It should be a mutated corpse wolf, and Yin Zhima is with this corpse wolf."

Lu Tiandu said as he looked at the three people who released the magic weapon.

"Is there such a powerful corpse wolf here?"

Bai Yaoyi was surprised. Fucheng also looked at each other.

After being here for more than ten days, this was the first time they encountered such a monster.

Soon, the mutated corpse wolf appeared in front of everyone.

The three of them suddenly took a breath of cold air. It turned out to be a giant wolf covered with green fur. This wolf is on all fours and is over three feet tall. Its head is as huge as a hut, its eyes are as red as blood, and its four claws are black and sharp, like sharp knives.

But what frightened the three of them the most was that while the giant wolf let out a huge roar, balls of green corpse fire spewed out from its mouth from time to time. Occasionally, the ice walls on both sides were rubbed by the green gas, and strips of varying depths immediately appeared. A circular groove appeared, sparkling with green light, and appeared to be melting.

A white thing on the head of the corpse wolf. Although the lower body was completely submerged in the green hair, the exposed part was completely a white and tender horse head, with a pair of green eyes staring at the four of them.

As soon as they saw this thing clearly, the three of them couldn't help but scream in surprise.

"This is... Yin Zhima!"

"You guys keep an eye on the Yin Zhima to prevent it from escaping. I'll kill the wolf corpse first."

Lu Tiandu spoke.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, fellow Taoist."

After hearing this, Fucheng suddenly became happy and said.

Lu Tiandu nodded, and with a flick of his sleeves, a three-foot-long long sword with white light shining all over appeared in his hand. It was the imitation Lingbao Tianji Sword that had been captured before.


A white light several feet long flashed across the sky, and at the same time as a rumbling explosion sounded, both Lu and Tian disappeared without a trace.

While the three people were watching nervously, Lu Tiandu appeared in front of them with a smile on his face and a white pony in his hand. Not far behind him, the huge wolf head had been separated from the wolf body.

"Finally caught Yin Zhima!"

Seeing the Yin Zhima in Lu Tiandu's hand, everyone suddenly looked eager.

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's expression changed:


In the dark wind behind the three people, three mummies appeared at some point. These mummies roared, opened their mouths and spat out, and gray threads condensed together instantly, shooting towards the three people who relaxed their vigilance in the joy... …(End of chapter)

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