Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 342 Save people! Silver-winged Yaksha!


Hearing Lu Tiandu's reminder, Bai Yaoyi, Bai Mengxin and Fucheng's expressions changed, and they slammed their storage bags. Several treasures such as shields, tokens, and jade plates suddenly emitted scorching light, protecting them.

When they turned around and saw the gray thread coming from them, the three of them stretched out their hands and quickly used their magical powers to block it.

As soon as Bai Yaoyi took action, there was a ball of crystal light turned into white cold air. In the ball of light, a fan made of ice jade was held in her jade hand.

With a cold light shining all over her body, she aimed at the gray silk thread that was shooting out and gently slapped it down. Suddenly, a biting snowy wind mixed with countless ice crystals roared out of the fan and swept towards the opposite side.

Bai Mengxinyu pointed a little, and a white ice flame appeared on her finger. The ice flame was like a faint blue smoke, floating in curls. She opened her mouth and blew a breath of cold air towards the white flame on her fingertips.

In an instant, the white ice flames swelled several times in size. After circling for a while, they turned into a white dragon and went straight towards the gray silk to bite at it.

This is the cold flame "Fengli Bingyan" she cultivated.

At the same time, Fucheng stretched out his hand, and a small black tiger suddenly turned into a size of about ten feet and attacked the three mummies.


"These mummies actually came back to life. It seems that they were transformed into incarnations by the silver-winged yaksha..."

Lu Tiandu reacted instantly as soon as he saw these sudden things clearly through Mingqing's spiritual eyes.

And the huge wolf corpse that he killed before should also be one of the incarnations of Silver-winged Yaksha.

Lu Tiandu casually took Yin Zhima into the world of stone beads and temporarily imprisoned him. Lu Tiandu's eyes glowed with blue light and he carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

Sure enough, just a few dozen feet behind him, there was a strong wind, and three swaying figures appeared vaguely from inside, which were somewhat similar to the mummies that appeared behind Bai Yaoyi and the others.

"Go and kill these three mummies."

Lu Tiandu patted the crying monkey's head and said with a smile.

Naturally, these mummies are not ordinary mummies, and the gray silk threads are certainly not ordinary things either. They are a great ghost power called "Evil Soul Silk" that has been cultivated by Silver-winged Yaksha, the corpse king for thousands of years.

Once the corpse evil spirit is formed, it can be immortal, and can absorb the spiritual energy of the five elements and deface various magic weapons. This evil soul silk is the product of the refined corpse evil spirit. It is naturally extremely powerful and is the top of the ghost path. One of the magical powers of the Order.

However, if you encounter the Crying Soul and are restrained by it, you don't have to worry too much.

On Bai Yaoyi's side, although the three of them used their magical powers to block the evil soul thread, they originally thought that the gray thread would be destroyed with one blow. However, the gray thread suddenly became blurry and turned into hundreds of ghosts. A gray thread comes out.

This shocked the three of them, and they continued to cast spells and attack.

Fucheng released a magic weapon and directly attacked the mummies. As a result, the gray threads spat out by the mummies instantly entangled Chang Ge.

The aura on Changge's ancient treasure was also entangled with gray threads, looking like it was being defiled.

"No, this is the aura of corpse evil! Could it be evil soul thread?"

Suddenly, Fu Cheng seemed to understand and exclaimed.

At the same time, Bai Yaoyi looked at these mummies with a confused look on her face:

"Evil silk threads? We have encountered these mummies before. They were all dead objects and were destroyed casually. How did they come back to life?"

At this moment, Bai Mengxin also discovered something strange. Her Fengli Ice Flame had limited power to burn these gray threads, and was not at all as handy as before when dealing with enemies.

At this time, although the three of them spent a lot of effort to destroy the first wave of evil soul threads, the three mummies saw that the evil soul threads did not work for a while, but they did not give up. Instead, their fingers trembled, and countless gray threads suddenly appeared around them. It transformed and enveloped the three of them.

At this moment, the word "Thunder" came to the ears of the three people. A golden light flashed in the air, and with a "bang", a piece of golden thunder suddenly fell near the three mummies, and in the blink of an eye, it smashed the gray threads outside into pieces. Out of gray air, it became invisible.

Before they could react, a black and shiny little monkey about a foot tall appeared. When he saw the mummy that had been attacked by a wave of evil-proofing thunder, without saying a word, he immediately rushed forward and snorted at Dabi.

Suddenly, a ray of light spurted out from the nostrils, and the ray of light swept all three mummies in at once, and then brought out a gray-black aura and brought it back into the beast's mouth.

After the Soul Crying Beast swallowed a few times, it immediately hit its belly with both hands and jumped for joy, seemingly extremely excited!

"Is this the spiritual beast of Fellow Daoist Lu?"

Seeing this scene, Fu Cheng looked surprised and looked at Lu Tiandu who appeared not far away.


Lu Tiandu nodded and looked at the Bai sisters who were also surprised. Just as he was about to say something, his expression suddenly condensed and he shouted:

"Yao Yi, be careful!"

At the same time as he was reminded, Lu Tiandu took a step forward, clenched his fist and blasted into the void not far away from Bai Yaoyi.

Although the distance was only about ten feet, upon hearing Lu Tiandu's reminder, Bai Yaoyi's flying boots flashed in all directions, and her whole person disappeared in an instant.

And the moment she disappeared, an invisible pale golden figure appeared in her original position. At the same time, Lu Tiandu's fist with golden light suddenly struck the golden figure.

With a "bang" sound, like the collision of gold and stone, the golden figure received a blow from Lu Tiandu and disappeared again. At this moment, looking at Bai Mengxin who was commanding the white token to protect her body in the distance, Lu Tiandu's cold voice It rang again:

"court death!"

At this moment, Bai Mengxin had a stern expression on her face. Just as Lu Tiandu reminded Bai Yaoyi before, her and Fucheng's expressions changed, and they instantly inspired the treasure to defend.

And just when she heard Lu Tiandu's cold voice, a pale golden figure suddenly appeared two feet away from her.

This golden figure was covered with pale golden scales, a pair of silver wings behind his back flashed with green and white light, and a pair of pale golden pupils appeared in his silver eyes.

But what's even more astonishing is that there is no breath around this pale golden figure, and his spiritual consciousness sweeps over it, as if it is just an ethereal body.

It was the Silver-winged Yaksha who had not appeared for a long time.

As soon as this animal appeared near Bai Mengxin, it raised one hand without saying a word. Its body did not move, but its arms suddenly expanded several times.

Several inches of golden light shot out from the black sharp claws, and he grabbed it, just in time to catch the white token Bai Mengxin offered.

As soon as this token appeared, his body grew rapidly, his aura shone brightly, and he seemed to be indestructible.

But an incredible scene happened!

Silver-winged Yaksha looked at the shield as if it were nothing. A golden light flashed on his arm, and his sharp claws penetrated silently. In Bai Mengxin's frightened eyes, he grabbed his dantian.


Bai Mengxin looked frightened and suddenly blurted out Lu Tiandu's name.

Seeing that the black claws were about to scratch Bai Mengxin's body-protecting aura, a white sword light suddenly flashed in the air, and there was a "click" sound, as if it had cut through some kind of metal, and the sharp claws that grabbed Bai Mengxin dropped weakly in an instant.

Before Bai Mengxin could react, a strong arm had already wrapped around her slender waist.


Falling into Lu Tiandu's warm embrace and smelling the familiar scent, Bai Mengyao clutched Lu Tiandu's clothes tightly, trembling slightly as if she hadn't recovered from the shock.     “No matter what, I will protect you.”

Lu Tiandu held the Tianji Sword in his hand, staring coldly in the direction where the Silver-winged Yaksha had just escaped, patted Bai Mengxin's jade back, and softly comforted her.

"elder sister!"

At this time, Bai Yaoyi suddenly appeared strangely nearby and looked at Bai Mengxin in Lu Tiandu's arms.

"Yao Yi, are you okay too?"

Lu Tiandu asked softly.

"Thanks to Brother Lu for the Sifang Feitian boots you gave me, otherwise I would..."

Bai Yaoyi shook her head and said nothing more.

She was also shocked when she saw the golden figure appearing strangely near Bai Mengxin. Unfortunately, she had not yet reacted to such a powerful physical attack.

Bai Mengxin, who had calmed down at this moment, suddenly blushed and hurriedly came out of Lu Tiandu's arms. She lowered her head lightly, twisted her hands together, and said calmly:

"Thank you so much, Brother Lu."

"What are you talking about? I brought you in and naturally I have to protect you."

Lu Tiandu shook his head, "Those mummies appeared just now, and I was about to remind you that the silver-winged yaksha might sneak attack. I didn't expect this beast to be extremely cunning. Not only did it attack so quickly, but it also lurked several mummies secretly... "

It was said that Lu Tiandu looked at a huge gray light cocoon that suddenly appeared in the distance. This gray light cocoon was shaking endlessly. It was Fu Cheng who was accidentally trapped in the evil soul thread.

If Lu Tiandu hadn't cut off one of Silver-winged Yaksha's arms with an angry sword in the end, I'm afraid Fucheng would have been taken away as well.

At this moment, several new mummy incarnations had been eradicated by the crying souls, and Fucheng, who looked a little pale, was also rescued.

"Is that monster the Silver-winged Yaksha?"

Fucheng asked with a frightened look in his eyes.

Fu Cheng felt a chill in his heart when he thought of the scene where his consciousness was confused when he just looked at the golden figure with pale golden pupils.

Silver-winged Yaksha, this is the existence known to the human world among the refining corpses, second only to the golden moon corpse. In other words, this is a terrifying existence with magical powers similar to those of a great monk in the late Yuanying period.

Rumor has it that if a monk in the late Nascent Soul stage fights with him, the human side will most likely lose.

Because this refined corpse evolved from the flying corpse, with a flick of its silver wings, it can go up to the sky beyond the sky and down to the underworld. He is born with the two great magical powers of wind and earth. Not only is he invulnerable and powerful, he is also proficient in illusions.

A pair of pupilless silver eyes can make a weak-minded monk easily lose his mind and obey orders obediently without realizing it.

"No, this beast is no longer just a silver-winged yaksha, it has begun to evolve into the legendary golden moon corpse..."

Lu Tiandu shook his head.

Now the silver-winged yaksha has pale golden scales all over his body, and his eyes have also evolved from silver to gold. It is obvious that he has begun to evolve towards the golden body of the moon corpse.

The golden moon corpse is a refined corpse comparable to the god-transforming monks, and is at the top level in the human world. If it really advances to the Golden Body Moon Corpse in the future, it will definitely be a big disaster.

This refined corpse was cultivated and channeled by the corpse of the ancient monk Kongxuan Danshi. Fortunately, it was sealed in the Yin-Yang Cave Trap Spirit Array by the ancient monk. It could not get out and absorb the essence of the yin and moon. Otherwise, it would have advanced to the golden moon corpse. .

And what Silver-winged Yaksha just performed was not only the Wind Escape Technique, but also the Metal Escape Technique. Coupled with his natural ethereal body, it was extremely weird. If it weren't for his amazing speed, powerful spiritual consciousness, and Ming Qing Ling. At present, there is really no way to save Bai Mengxin in such a timely manner.

"Golden Moon Corpse?"

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the three of them took a deep breath.

"It's still early, but even if he cultivates the golden body and moon corpse, he will still die this time."

Lu Tiandu sneered, "Let's go, I just cut off one of the arms of this beast, this time I just want to get rid of this beast, and then we can make elixirs again..."

The current strength of this silver-winged yaksha is much stronger than that of the old demon Kun who was at the peak of the late Nascent Soul, but Lu Tiandu is still confident that he can kill this beast.

Moreover, because Lu Tiandu killed the wolf corpse with one move before, Silver-winged Yaksha came to attack in fear, but this time he was still injured twice by Lu Tiandu.

"Okay, listen to Fellow Daoist Lu."

Fu Cheng nodded.

If there was no Lu Tiandu this time, everyone would naturally not be so smooth. Although he originally wanted to escape from here to make alchemy, but if Silver-winged Yaksha sneaked up on him in the meantime, his safety would be in great danger.

With Lu Tiandu taking care of the Bai sisters, he had no confidence that they could escape again, so now he naturally hopes that Lu Tian can kill Silver-winged Yaksha as soon as possible.

The Bai sisters naturally had no doubts and walked beside Lu Tiandu, one on the left and the other on the right.

After turning seven or eight passages and turning in a row, and flying for more than ten miles, the four of them suddenly saw a large open space in front of them, filled with piles of abandoned ore.

But after flying more than a hundred feet away, the ore pile suddenly disappeared, and a small square appeared.

In the middle of the square is a huge emerald green bamboo. The upper end of the bamboo goes straight into the top of the cave and disappears. A huge magic circle is arranged at the lower end, almost all over the square.

There were more than a dozen tall stone pillars scattered around, and each stone pillar was tied with a black mummy with iron chains. Like the mummies they had seen before, they were all disemboweled.

What surprised everyone was that there was a humanoid monster covered in green hair under the green bamboo. This monster is sitting there. At first glance, the face looks like an ape, but upon closer inspection, it is completely different.

No ape has fangs that are several inches long and extremely sharp. Moreover, this humanoid monster's eyes were silvery white and seemed to have no pupils, which was really weird.

What attracted the most attention was that at this moment, the monster's right arm was obviously missing. As the monster moved behind it, two high bulges suddenly appeared on its back, like two meat buns.

"Silver-winged Yaksha!"

The four of them stared coldly at the humanoid monster under the green bamboo.

"Okay, you actually cut off one of my arms, and you still dare to come here today, so just keep your life!"

The green-haired monster didn't look at anyone else. He stared at Lu Tiandu and shook his shoulders at the same time.

"Zila" was heard twice, and two large meat wings about ten feet long protruded from the two meat buns. The silver light on them was dazzling.

"Really? I also intend to remove your head today."

Lu Tiandu also smiled coldly and looked at Silver-winged Yaksha.

When Silver-winged Yaksha heard this, he immediately showed a ferocious look on his face. The fangs on the side of his mouth suddenly doubled in size, and at the same time, thousands of silver lights shot out from his eyes. (End of chapter)

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