Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 345 Gift Talisman! Kunwu Mountain, the ancient fairy mountain!

In the corner of the square, Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin were refining wind and thunder wings, while Lu Tiandu stood meditating under the green bamboo that had grown for who knows how many thousands of years in the middle of the square.

With formation masters like Xin Ruyin around him these years, Lu Tiandu's formation cultivation is naturally not bad. Judging from his observations before and after, this giant teleportation array turned out to be a passive teleportation array.

If you want to actively enter Kunwu Mountain through this teleportation array, you must make major changes. And to complete this kind of modification, it cannot be done in a short time.

As a result, Lu Tiandu also gave up the idea of ​​entering Kunwu Mountain in advance to search for treasures. As for the spiritual bamboo that had grown for who knows how many thousands of years in the middle of the formation, Lu Tiandu did not hesitate and put it away directly.

After a while, Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin also initially refined the Wind and Thunder Wings, stood up and looked at Lu Tiandu with joy on their faces.

"How about giving it a try?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the two girls with a smile.


The two women nodded, and with a "chila" sound, a pair of beautiful silver wings emerged from their backs. Matching the two women's shining silver robes, they floated in the air like a pair of elves.

I saw the silver wings behind the two women flapping slightly, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them appeared a hundred feet away with faces full of surprise.

"This speed is not bad."

Lu Tiandu nodded, "When you master wind and thunder attribute skills in the future and use wind and thunder to drive them, your speed will increase a lot."

"Well, thank you very much, Lu Lang."

After gently flapping their wind and thunder wings, they returned to Lu Tiandu again. The two sisters touched the wings on their backs and said with joy on their faces.

"Why don't you use these boots yourself, Lu Lang?"

Bai Yaoyi thought of the square flying boots she wore on her feet and said.

Although the current speed of the Wind and Thunder Wings is not comparable to that of the Four Directions Flying Boots, the Four Directions Flying Boots are just an ancient treasure, and their speed has its own limit. As long as they train the magic weapon Wind and Thunder Wings carefully, their future potential will definitely be far away. Super square flying boots.

"Forget it, just keep it for yourself, I'm of no use to you."

Lu Tiandu shook his head.

Now that the three of them have expressed their feelings, they naturally get along in perfect harmony. Now that the Ye family is about to break the seal of Kunwu Mountain, Lu Tiandu has no intention of leaving the teleportation array. He simply checks the array and chats. stand up.

After a while, Bai Yaoyi looked curious and suddenly asked:

"Lu Lang, during this meeting, I have always wanted to ask if the man in blood robe who suddenly appeared that year was your friend? And did the death of Qimiao and others from the Demon Sect in Jinjing City that day have something to do with you?"

Bai Mengxin also became curious when her sister asked about it.

After all, the scene when Lu Tiandu and the man in blood-robed massacred everyone really left a deep impression on them.

"He is my clone."

Lu Tiandu did not hide their intentions, "The Heavenly Demon Sect did have other thoughts back then. The Qimiao Master and his group were indeed killed by my clones during the auction... As for the Heavenly Demon Sect Hu Laomo, there was no such thing. If necessary, I will go to Mount Motuo in the future..."

Hearing Lu Tiandu's disdain for the Heavenly Demon Sect, the Bai sisters were all excited but didn't say much.

After all, the strength of Lu Tiandu and his clones had long surpassed the average late-stage Nascent Soul monks. Seeing how confident Lu Tiandu was, they probably had ways to deal with the God-Transformation monks, so they could only tell Lu Tiandu to pay attention to safety.

"I forgot to tell you, these years I went to Tianfu Sect and happened to meet another god-transformation monk from the Jin Dynasty..."

Lu Tiandu knew that the Bai sisters were also concerned about his safety. He smiled and talked about his encounter with Xiang Zhili. After that, he said:

"Next we are going to explore Kunwu Mountain. It just so happens that I have one of the three secret talismans of the Tianfu Sect, the 'Spirit Transformation Talisman' in my hand. Each of you can refine one, which can be regarded as a life-saving trump card."

Seeing the two shining green talismans that Lu Tiandu took out, Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin looked surprised and said:

"We have also heard of the name of Zhenren Tianfu. We didn't expect to see such a secret talisman today. Lu Lang, you are indeed lucky!"

"Haha, I'm just lucky."

Lu Tiandu smiled and shook his head.

Compared to the spirit-transforming talisman that Master Tianfu simplified from the half-page Golden Palace and Jade Book, Lu Tiandu was more interested in the talisman of life and death and other talismans.

However, although I have taken the time to teach the Silver Moon to the girls over the years, and I also got back half of the Golden Palace and Jade Book when I last met the Peacock Fairy, it is not possible to understand the nine immortal world talismans in the Golden Palace and Jade Book. A temporary thing.

Lu Tiandu plans to wait for the situation in Dajin to be settled, and then he will retreat in Xiaoji Palace for hundreds of years. Then he will practice his own magical powers, and he will also understand a few golden palaces and jade books. In this way, even if he ascends to the spiritual world, he will have enough confidence to deal with all variables.

The two women put away the spirit-transforming talisman at this moment and were not in a hurry to refine it.

At this moment, the magic circle under the three people's feet suddenly began to tremble violently without warning, and then the entire magic circle's brilliance circulated. In the distance outside the magic circle, a large area of ​​the ground suddenly cracked and dazzling spiritual energy burst out. Suddenly, a larger magic circle emerged from the periphery.

This magic circle is also inlaid with nearly a hundred spirit stones, which instantly merge with the original magic circle to form a new magic circle.

"this is……"

When the Bai sisters saw this scene, they were stunned and looked at Lu Tiandu.

"It seems that the teleportation array has been triggered."

Lu Tiandu seemed to be prepared. In an instant, he had a few more teleportation talismans in his hand and patted the three of them gently.

The surrounding magic circle buzzed instantly, and just as Lu Tiandu affixed the teleportation talisman to the three of them, a dazzling white light suddenly erupted from the center of the magic circle, and then the light faded, and the three of them disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At the same time, surrounding the sealed Kunwu Mountain, three other similar teleportation formations were activated at the same time in the remaining three little-known places in the southern border of the Jin Dynasty.

And near these three teleportation arrays, there were three other unknown monsters, which were also teleported away by the giant magic circle that was unique to them.

The person who caused all of this was naturally the cultivators of the Ye family in an unknown lake somewhere in southern Xinjiang.

But at this moment, over the small lake, high-level monks from the Ye family gathered on the lake and were in chaos.

"What's going on? Isn't it said that the magic circle has been set up to cover up the celestial phenomenon of breaking the forbidden sky? What about the concealment magic circle? Is there an error in the magic circle, or is it not activated? With the way it is now, monks thousands of miles away can see it clearly Chu. Countless cultivators will be recruited soon. Do you want our Ye family to be exterminated?"

In the air above the small lake, the square-faced monk from the Ye family grabbed the collar of a white-haired old man with one hand and shouted sternly with a livid face.

A few feet behind him, the other Ye family monks were all gloomy.

In the center of the small lake, there is an extremely thick milky-white light pillar rising into the sky. This light pillar is thirty feet thick in diameter, and it looks like a pillar holding up the sky, soaring straight into the sky.

And in the distance, there are also six unique light pillars appearing, surrounding the small lake in the distance, which is extremely eye-catching.

The monks of the Ye family spent hundreds of years secretly entering Kunwu Mountain to retrieve the treasure. Now that they have caused such a big stir, no wonder the square-faced monk is so angry.

"I don't know. I just checked the concealment formation yesterday, and I have already ordered several disciples to open the formation this morning."

The white-haired old man, a formation master of the Ye family who specializes in presiding over the release of forbidden seals, also said with a panicked expression at this moment. After hearing what the old man said, other people in the Ye family also started making noises.

Someone ordered other monks to immediately go to other places to investigate the problem, and the young Confucian scholar, the first elder of the Ye family, looked at the white-haired old man and asked:

"There is a problem with the concealment formation, but there should be no surprises when the seal of Kunwu Mountain is lifted, right?"

"Reporting to the Great Elder, there is absolutely no problem! A crack has been opened in Kunwu Mountain's seal, and it is continuing to expand and weaken. Even in just one year, the entire seal will disappear completely."

The white-haired old man said quickly.

"Well! That's enough. It seems that things have changed. You and the low-level monks in the clan must gather immediately and start preparing to evacuate. You don't have to go back to the clan. Immediately go to a pre-arranged place to hide. Anyone within one year Anyone who dares to show up will be dealt with immediately according to clan rules!"

The young Confucian scholar glanced at everyone and made a quick decision.

The place where the concealment formation was set up was not too far away, and with the Yuanying monk's escape speed, the investigating personnel soon returned and found that at the destroyed formation, two disciples from the clan had disappeared for no reason.

"It seems that although we acted secretly before, we eventually showed our flaws in the eyes of others. So, let's proceed according to my previous decision!"

The young Confucian scholar glanced at everyone indifferently and said, "The life and death of the Ye family depends on this time. In addition to protecting other low-level disciples, the key to our final comeback still lies in the two heaven-reaching spiritual treasures in Kunwu Mountain..."

"Now that the seal has been opened, our first goal is to enter Kunwu Mountain to hunt for treasure. Fortunately, there is not a big sect in southern Xinjiang. It will take some time for monks from other places to get here..."

"Now I have the advantage. As long as I get the treasure, even if our plot is discovered, we can still protect ourselves. Otherwise, not only will hundreds of years of planning become someone else's wedding dress, but the Ye family will also be annihilated! This must never be allowed to happen.”

The white-robed Confucian scholar looked at the others with a solemn expression after he spoke.

"We will obey the orders of the Great Elder!"

Everyone in the field was shocked and said in unison.

"Okay, let's go to the location of the opened seal crack!"

The white-robed scholar nodded and looked at the white-haired old man. Everyone flew to the crack location twenty miles away without hesitation.

Just as everyone in the Ye family was moving separately, hundreds of miles away from here, the monks in Southern Xinjiang who saw this celestial phenomenon were all excited.

News of the birth of a rare treasure in Southern Xinjiang County spread instantly, and for a while, the entire Southern Xinjiang was in turmoil...

While the Ye family monks were moving, Lu Tiandu was standing in an unknown place, which was also in the middle of a huge teleportation array. Beside him, the Bai family sisters also looked at Lu Tiandu with puzzled faces.

This place is surrounded by huge rough stone walls, like a huge stalactite cave.

"Did we teleport here?"

Bai Yaoyi took off a green jade talisman with a faint aura that appeared on her waist and asked curiously.

Lu Tiandu and Bai Mengxin also had identical green jade talismans attached to their waists.

It was obvious that this jade talisman was very different from the teleportation talisman Lu Tiandu had attached to them before.

"It was teleported here."

Lu Tiandu nodded. It seemed that the teleportation talismans he had put on the three of them just in case were of no use. The moment the teleportation array was activated, it automatically attached a jade talisman to each person. After being teleported in this way, , they naturally have no problem at all.

This kind of jade talisman has long been out of fashion. Lu Tiandu had just taken it out to study, but before he could take a few more looks, the jade talisman in his hand actually collapsed with a "pop" and turned into little auras. .

Seeing this situation, Lu Tiandu could only shake his head.

"This place is somewhat similar to the original underground cave, but the aura here is so amazing!"

Bai Mengxin suddenly looked surprised.

"Indeed. And there is no frightening wind here. It seems that this cave is on some top-grade spiritual vein. In that case, why don't we go out and explore after you have refined the spirit-transforming talisman?"

Lu Tiandu smiled.

"Well, then you, Lao Lulang, will protect us."

The two women smiled slightly, sat cross-legged around Lu Tiandu and refined the spirit-transforming talisman.

After half a day, the two women had initially refined the spirit-transforming talisman and put it into their dantian for training.

With this spirit-transforming talisman, even if they encounter any big danger next, the two women will have one more chance to fend off the disaster, and they will naturally feel more excited.

Now that they have refined the Wind and Thunder Wings, not only their escape speed has increased a lot, but also with this kind of trump card, they naturally become more and more curious about the next exploration.

"Okay, let's go out and see what's going on outside!"

"Well, listen to Lu Lang!"

Bai Yaoyi and Bai Mengxin walked beside Lu Tiandu in tacit agreement, smiling.

The three of them walked out of something like a hall entrance. Outside was a bluestone staircase that went up diagonally, but they couldn't see the end at a glance.

Lu Tian naturally put his arms around the two women's waists, and amidst their delicate laughter, he hugged the two women and flew upward.

After a while, Lu Tiandu was also surprised. The steps here were really too long, but his consciousness had already discovered the exit. After flying for several more miles, he finally saw the light of the exit. The three of them relaxed.

As soon as they flew out of the passage, the three people's eyes lit up. This was a huge platform. The ground was covered with flat bluestone tiles. It looked like it was thousands of feet wide. They took a gentle breath and the fragrance of plants and flowers penetrated deeply. Heart.

"The spiritual energy here is so abundant! Is this really the former No. 1 Immortal Mountain?"

Bai Yaoyi sniffed the wings of her nose and asked, leaning on Lu Tiandu's chest.

At this moment, they had come out of the underground, but she had no intention of getting off Lu Tiandu.

"It should be Kunwu Mountain, let's go forward!"

Lu Tiandu smiled and nodded, his figure flickered, and he flew away again with Mei.

The giant platform they were on now was built in an extremely deep gorge. Flying out of the winding cliffs, the three of them's eyes lit up.

"This is……"

The Bai sisters, who were hugged by Lu Tiandu, had their eyes wide open at this moment, staring straight at the huge mountain hidden in the clouds and wrapped in a white light curtain, with incredible expressions on their faces:

"This...could this be the first fairy mountain in ancient times - Kunwu Mountain?" (End of Chapter)

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