Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 346 Lions and beasts! Poison Saint Sect!

Chapter 346 Lions and beasts! Poison Saint Sect!

Looking up at Kunwu Mountain, what comes into view is the lush and shaded vegetation all over the mountain.

Further up, the huge straight mountains reach into the sky, seeming to hold up the vast blue sky, giving people a sense of majesty and majesty.

Halfway up the mountain, clouds and mist are lingering, and the aura is permeated. The upper half of Kunwu Mountain is completely hidden in the clouds and mist, giving people a sense of mystery and unpredictability.

"This mountain has the potential to reach up to the sky, holding the sun in its hands!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the huge mountain rising from the ground, which was thousands of feet high, and these words suddenly flashed in his mind.

In the past two hundred years of cultivating immortals, he has traveled to several immortal worlds. Apart from the majestic city of Luanxinghaitianxingcheng and the majestic holy mountain in the middle of the city, this Kunwu Mountain is another one he has ever seen. The mountain holding the sky.

"It is worthy of being called the first fairy mountain in ancient times. It is indeed extraordinary!"

Listening to the exclamations of the Bai sisters in his ears, Lu Tiandu also sighed.

Looking back at this moment, the so-called mountain gorge they came out of was just an insignificant crack at the foot of the mountain.

"It's a pity that this place is full of restrictions, which have the effect of suppressing the spiritual consciousness. My spiritual consciousness can only extend a few miles, otherwise I can see the entire mountain at a glance."

Bai Yaoyi sighed with a smile.

"There will be a chance."

Lu Tiandu smiled as he looked at this huge mountain that reached the sky, "My consciousness can extend to the middle of this mountain, which is probably more than four thousand feet high. Maybe this mountain is even ten thousand feet high... "

"Ten thousand feet? Isn't this the highest peak in the human world? Moreover, Lu Lang, your spiritual consciousness can reach more than four thousand feet. So... Lu Lang, how strong is your spiritual consciousness?"

Bai Mengxin was also surprised when Lu Tiandu said this.

Doesn't this mean that Lu Tiandu's spiritual consciousness can still be released for more than twenty miles even if it is suppressed by the restrictions here?

"Well, I have practiced some kind of spiritual consciousness secret technique, and I have had some other opportunities. Now the strength of my spiritual consciousness is about the same as that of a monk who transforms into gods. I will teach you how to practice spiritual consciousness skills later."

Lu Tiandu explained, "Just now, I have discovered another wave of people who sneaked into Kunwu Mountain this time..."

"Divinity at the level of becoming a god? Doesn't this mean that half of Lu Langqi has already entered the level of becoming a god?"

The Bai sisters looked at each other and looked at Lu Tiandu with surprise.

Their Xiaoji Palace was inherited from the ancient Ice Soul Fairy, and the experience related to breakthroughs in divine transformation was naturally preserved in the palace.

The tyranny of Lu Tiandu's physical training is not even comparable to that of the Buddhist Vajra Protector. Coupled with such a tyrannical spiritual consciousness, doesn't it mean that as long as the true energy is accumulated to the perfection of the Yuanying stage, and there is a spiritual elixir to assist the breakthrough, it can Trying to break through to become a god?

They didn't expect that the man they fell in love with would have the opportunity to advance to become a god!

"more or less!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, looked at the two women's sparkling eyes and slightly excited expressions, kissed the corners of their mouths again, and said with a smile:

"When you break through to the late stage of Nascent Soul, I will have a way for you to advance to become a god in the future!"

"Lu Lang!"

Although they didn't know what Lu Tiandu could do to help them break through, looking at Lu Tiandu's confident look and thinking of all the miracles of this man, the Bai sisters became more and more aroused in Lu Tiandu's arms.

The three of them got tired of it, and then they remembered about exploring Kunwu Mountain. After Lu Tiandu described the appearance of the ten people from the Ye family halfway up the mountain, the Bai family sisters were suddenly surprised:

"It was actually the royal Ye family that opened the seal and ban here in Kunwu Mountain? It seems that they have other purposes for coming here!"

"This is natural. There should be a lot of treasures in this ancient ruins."

Lu Tiandu nodded, "The passive activation of the teleportation array we entered should be related to the Ye family's people forcibly breaking the seal restriction here..."

"And do you remember the other three teleportation arrays I mentioned before? The silver-winged Yaksha here has been destroyed by me, and the monsters guarding the other three teleportation arrays have also been teleported in. Now one of them is secretly following Ye Behind the family..."

After talking about it, Lu Tiandu also showed a half-smiling look.

There are Xuanhun clones among the Ye family, and Lu Tiandu is naturally very familiar with the Ye family's various situations that broke through the seal and restrictions of Kunwu Mountain and reached the mountainside.

"Then won't we run into them when we go up?"

Bai Mengxin suddenly felt worried.

The two great monks of the Ye family, as well as the seven or eight monks in the early and middle stages of Yuanying, as well as the three monsters lurking in the dark who may be in the later stages of Yuanying, are indeed a great threat to them.

"Don't worry, just let them clear the way for us in front!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head and didn't seem to take it to heart.

According to time calculation, half a day has passed since the abnormal phenomenon caused by the Ye family. According to the original plot, Old Man Xiang, who is in southern Xinjiang at this moment, should be about to enter Kunwu Mountain.

The intrusion of the old man, the god-transformation monk, would inevitably arouse the alarm of Princess Linglong's other soul, Long Meng, who had already woken up. In the end, Long Meng used her magical powers to trap her in the miraculous celestial phenomenon.

Lu Tiandu didn't want to meet Longmeng before, and he had used his spiritual consciousness to observe secretly before. At this moment, they were still some distance from the mountainside where the Ye family monks were, so there was no need to be too anxious.

"Come on, let's go up too!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the wall of light surrounding Kunwu Mountain in the distance, and smiled as he greeted the two girls to move forward step by step...

Just as Lu Tiandu and the other two started to climb the mountain, a group of monks from the Ye family gathered at a stone pavilion on the mountainside. Most of them were sitting cross-legged near the stone pavilion, holding a spiritual stone in each hand. Seems to be regaining mana.

As the eldest elder of the Ye family, the white-robed Confucian scholar floated above the stone pavilion, looking at a long stone staircase built against the mountain in the distance!

The stone steps are all made of pure white jade and look like a ladder to heaven from a distance.

But when you look closer, you can see that this white stone is really astonishingly wide, with a length of fifty or sixty feet.

No matter whether you look up or bow down, the stone steps are far away in the milky white mist, and you can't see anything at all.

The Confucian scholar was suspended in the air with an expressionless face and remained motionless.

Not long after, there was a sudden flash of light in the sky, and a startling rainbow appeared, flying straight towards the stone pavilion from top to bottom.

The Confucian scholar's expression suddenly changed and he looked at the escaping light.

In the blink of an eye, the light yellow Jinghong arrived in front of the Confucian scholar.

The light faded, revealing a strange big-headed man with a strange appearance. He was the "Seventh Uncle" in the mouth of the Ye family's elder, another great monk hidden in the Ye family.

"Third boy, I have already investigated. After dozens of miles up the stone steps, there is an archway, which seems to be the famous Gate of Wanxiu. However, the archway is sealed by a ban. Unless this ban is broken, there is no way. Up again.”

The big-headed monster said solemnly.

"The Gate of Ten Thousand Cultivations! That's right. It is said that there were once as many as ten thousand ancient monks living in Kunwu Mountain. Only after passing through this gate is the place where the Kunwu Mountain Cultivation Cave Palace is located."

The Confucian scholar took out a breath and looked relaxed. "The difficulty of passing through the seal crack this time was beyond our expectation. Now everyone has recovered for two hours. Without further ado, let's continue to break the restriction!"

The Confucian scholar had just finished saying this and was about to say something else when his expression suddenly changed and he suddenly looked in a certain direction.

"what happened?"

The weirdo was stunned and couldn't help but ask.

"There seems to be some noise coming from over there. Is there anyone else here besides us?"

The Confucian scholar looked a little solemn.

"Others? How is this possible? Even if the movement outside is discovered, it is impossible to enter here so quickly?"

The big-headed weirdo was a little surprised.

With a rush of magic power all over his body, a beast roar came faintly in his ears, like a lion and a tiger, but also like a dragon's roar, and the sound became louder and louder.

"What kind of monster is this? It seems like something is really coming!"

A cold light flashed in the weirdo's eyes, and he turned his hand over, revealing something shiny silver in his hand.

The Confucian scholar also looked into the distance without blinking!

After a moment, a purple cloud appeared in the distance and shot towards here. The roar of the beast came from the fog.

In the blink of an eye, the purple mist flew nearby, only a hundred feet away from the stone pavilion.

The Confucian scholar and the weirdo could already see a dark thing hidden in the fog. A pair of fist-sized red monster eyes stared at the two of them, full of bloodthirsty and furious, and it was obviously not a good person.

"go with!"

The weirdo's face darkened and he raised one hand. A ray of silver light shot out of his hand, and then disappeared in a flash. But at this moment, a huge claw like a chicken claw stretched out from the purple mist like lightning. After a "bang", the silver light on the claw flash.

The beast in the purple mist roared loudly, and the giant claw grabbed the silver light tightly, and revealed its original shape. It turned out to be a small silver shuttle, several inches in size, shining brightly.

However, several drops of green blood also flowed from the giant claws. The monster in the fog suddenly let out a roar of pain, and then the entire purple fog suddenly became thinner and faded. In the blink of an eye, the fog disappeared out of thin air, revealing a lion. A four-winged demon bird with an eagle body came out.

This monster bird has four wings spread out and is five to six feet in size. It is surrounded by purple light and looks extremely ferocious.

"Lion beast! It's actually this kind of ancient ferocious bird!"

As soon as he saw the monster bird's appearance clearly, the big-headed monster screamed out loud.

When the weirdos and Confucian scholars saw this, their expressions changed.


After the two looked at each other, they cast spells at the same time.

The weirdo opened his mouth, and a yellow flying sword spurted out, and after a circle, it turned into a giant sword about ten feet tall. The sword's aura exploded, and after flying briefly in the air, it sprayed out countless dazzling sword energy from above, instantly covering everything within a ten-foot radius.

The Confucian scholar snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and robe, and a small green flag appeared in his hand. Then he threw it at his feet, and suddenly a burst of green energy surged out from the flag, instantly turning into a large fog, protecting all the cultivators of the Ye family below.

The Confucian scholar's sleeves shook slightly again, and a black-red flying knife shot out, slashing hard at the demon bird...

Just when the Ye family monks were dealing with the sudden appearance of lions and beasts on the mountainside of Kunwu Mountain, near the nameless lake somewhere in southern Xinjiang where the Ye family cultivators once gathered, figures were shooting towards the nameless lake at high speed.

This nameless lake was originally located in a remote place. The first people to arrive were basically monks from nearby, and they were all low-level monks, not even a Nascent Soul monk.

However, among the people who had received the news and rushed over, the most powerful group was undoubtedly the team of the Poison Saint Sect, the largest sect in southern Xinjiang.

There are five Nascent Soul elders in the Poison Saint Sect, and for this vision, the Poison Saint Sect has mobilized not only all the Nascent Soul monks, but also most of the elite members of the sect.

At the moment, this group of teams is led by two monks in the middle stage of Yuanying who are stepping on a giant blue turtle. One of them is a middle-aged monk with green lines on his face. He is already at the peak of the cultivation level in the middle stage of Yuanying. The breath is extremely cold and gives people an extremely dangerous feeling. It is Hua Tianqi, the great elder of the Poison Saint Sect.

The other man is a tower-like man with an ugly appearance and a shiny black body. He is the man named Yuan who entered the Yin-Yang Cave with Fucheng in the original plot and was the first to die at the hands of Silver-winged Yaksha.

"Senior Brother Hua, do you really want to mobilize so many troops this time? You actually brought out most of the elites of our Poison Saint Sect. If anything goes wrong, our sect's vitality will be greatly damaged."

Behind Hua Tianqi and the big man named Yuan, a thick-browed old man with early Yuanying cultivation level worriedly said to Hua Tianqi, a middle-aged monk with green lines on his face, while flying away.

"If ordinary exotic treasures were born, I would naturally not take such a risk. But this time, it is very likely that the rumored Kunwu Mountain will be born. For the secret treasure in this mountain, this risk is worth taking."

The middle-aged monk Hua Tianqi said with a stern face and a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Kunwu Mountain? Is this the spiritual mountain that our sect has been looking for since we established our sect?"

Another gray-haired old man asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, this No. 1 Immortal Mountain in the human world was sealed by ancient monks for some reason back then, and the founder of our Poison Saint Sect was a descendant of the ancient monks who sealed this mountain."

"It was precisely because we knew that this mountain was sealed somewhere in southern Xinjiang. That's why we established our sect in southern Xinjiang and have been looking for the whereabouts of this mountain. But unfortunately, there was no news about the ancestor. This matter is also treated as an incident. The secrets known only to the elders of the past generations have been passed down from generation to generation.”

The middle-aged monk's face flashed with blue lines, and he said with a touch of excitement in his tone.

"But how does Senior Brother Hua know that this celestial phenomenon is a sign of the emergence of Kunwu Mountain, or it may be other secret treasures?"

The thick-browed old man who asked the question at the beginning asked with some surprise.

"Hey! In addition to telling Kunwu Mountain that it was somewhere in southern Xinjiang, the Patriarch also had in his hand a spiritual bead that his ancestors had personally refined. This bead was specially refined for Kunwu Mountain. As long as this mountain is Appearing, the spirit bead will be able to sense the famous Feixian Stone on the mountain..."

"I see, this light pillar just appeared suddenly. Could it be that Kunwu Mountain was discovered first?"

Next to Hua Tianqi, a man named Yuan suddenly spoke.

"I asked people before and found out that only the Ye family monks have been to southern Xinjiang recently. Could it be that the Ye family is also planning something?"

When Hua Tianqi said this, his expression darkened, "But now the first one to discover these visions must be our sect. As long as we enter them first, it will not be difficult to obtain some treasures..."

"So, let's speed up! We don't want to be beaten by others..."


After finishing speaking, the five Nascent Soul cultivators used their own methods to turn the others into a ball of green wind and quickly shot away in the direction of the nameless lake...

(End of this chapter)

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