Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 347 Long Meng: You dare to think too! Fuck the old devil!

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"Did you hear the roar from above?"

At a stone step, Lu Tiandu suddenly stopped and spoke to the Bai sisters beside him.

"Hey, it's really some kind of roar, vaguely like a lion's roar..."

The two women listened for a moment, then looked at Lu Tiandu with puzzled faces, "Are you a monk from the Ye family?"

"This should be the tenth-level monster lion beast I mentioned before that was teleported to Kunwu Mountain from other places and dropped behind the Ye family monks. Unexpectedly, this ancient beast turned out to be a monster beast with thunder attributes. The natural lightning escape technique is not weak at all!"

Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with an inexplicable color, and he smiled and explained to the two sisters.

"Lion beast? Is it still level ten? So its strength is no weaker than that of the silver-winged yaksha!"

The Bai sisters looked surprised after hearing this.

"Well, we may encounter this beast on the way up the mountain. If we can subdue it then, it can be regarded as a good spiritual beast guarding the mountain gate."

Lu Tiandu nodded. Of course, if he can't be subdued, just kill him easily. The tenth-level lightning attribute demon elixir is still quite valuable. "Let's move on! There are quite a lot of traps here. Let's be careful... …”

Although this lion beast is much stronger than the monks of the same level when fighting alone, it is a pity that the two great monks of the Ye family took action at the same time, and the elder of the Ye family also had a black blood knife in his hand, which is a magical weapon with amazing power after blood sacrifice. After a battle, , the lion beast had a look of hatred on its face and fled away, leaving half of its paw behind.

The monks of the Ye family have almost repaired themselves this time. Now there are lions and beasts that are good at hiding their bodies and have amazing speed, hiding and watching. This group of people no longer stops and strives towards the Wanxiu Gate dozens of miles away. Go.

Not long after the Ye family monks left, on the mountainside, high in the sky where the stone pavilion where the Ye family monks once rested, a seemingly ordinary thick barrier suddenly flashed with light, followed by a head full of white hair. He stretched out his face, revealing a round face full of wrinkles and small eyes, looking a little funny.

It was the old man Xiang Zhili who fumbled in through the crack opened by the Ye family after discovering the strange phenomena in the world outside.

When Old Man Xiang found out that there was no one here, he immediately ran away unceremoniously and squeezed out of the barrier with his whole body covered in silver light. Then the man stepped on a huge disc and slowly flew towards the stone pavilion and landed. At the top of the stone pavilion, I stood firmly.

"Is this Kunwu Mountain? Tsk! The spiritual energy is indeed different. But who dares to open this seal when he is full and okay? If that thing is released, does he want the whole Jin Dynasty to be buried with him? I am also unlucky. It happens to be right here, I can’t even pretend to know anything about it.”

Xiang Zhili looked around for a moment, and suddenly heard a faint roar coming from above. While he released his spiritual consciousness to investigate, he couldn't help but jump to his feet and cursed, with a look on his face full of bad luck.

"Hey, these people above are actually Ye family monks? Could it be that they broke the seal?"

His spiritual consciousness noticed that ten people from the Ye family were walking up the mountain more than ten miles away. Xiang Zhili frowned, "Hey, there is actually that boy named Lu down there? He looked like he was hugging him from left to right. Why did this boy come in?" Already?"

Old Man Xiang felt a little unhappy when he thought of the scene where he was scared away by Lu Tiandu and the golden-faced man at Tianfu Sect more than two years ago.

Thinking that he was the first to become a god in the Jin Dynasty, he had two heavenly spiritual treasures on his body. However, when he thought of the blood-robed golden-faced man who suddenly appeared behind him and the cold feeling it brought to him, he unconsciously had blood leaking from behind. Breaking into a cold sweat.

"This kid has advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul when he is more than two hundred years old. I am afraid that he will be able to advance to the state of God in one or two hundred years! By then he will be one of my generation!"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the old man and curled his lips as if he was strolling around with his beauty, "When the time comes, this guy will advance to become a god, and his lifespan will still be long. Who can stop this guy?"

He really wanted to find out the secrets from this guy Lu Tiandu back then, but he didn't expect that not only this guy Lu Tiandu was a bit difficult to deal with, but also the mysterious golden-masked man gave him a feeling of fear.

Therefore, when he saw something was wrong, he immediately used his escape technique to retreat. Now that he saw Lu Tiandu here again, and there was no golden-masked man at this time, he made plans to communicate.

After all, Junior Brother Lu back then did look a bit mysterious!

If this mysterious Junior Brother Lu can help with the plan of finding space nodes and smuggling into the spirit world, there may be an unexpected surprise!

"This matter is not urgent. This place is a bit unlucky. After I finish handling the matters here, I will go talk to this boy!"

He muttered a few words to the old man and looked at the monks of the Ye family on the mountain. A cold light flashed in his small eyes.

"Since you think it's unlucky to come here, you still dare to come. I admire your courage."

Just as he finished mumbling to the old man and was about to fly up the mountain to find trouble with the Ye family monks, a sweet female voice suddenly came to his ears. The voice was delicate and gentle, like a lover's cooing call.

But as soon as Xiang Zhili heard this voice, he suddenly felt cold all over, and all his blood seemed to have stagnated.

"Senior,'re out!"

The old man swallowed dryly, and while he stammered and spoke, his two small eyes started to roll around.

"Come out? I came out a long time ago. I don't know how many thousands of years have passed. It's just that the three elders of Kunwu used the power of tens of thousands of people to set up this last layer of restrictions. It's really not something I can tear apart with my own strength. Otherwise, this The concubine has gone out a long time ago. She will wait until now."

The woman's voice was still very gentle, but hearing it in Xiang Zhili's ears instantly made the old man's face turn gray.

"Impossible! Under the suppression of two heavenly spiritual treasures, it is impossible for anyone in this world to break away from the Jiuzhen Demon Subduing Formation. Moreover, the seal has cracked. If the senior had really escaped from the trap, he would have been able to leave this mountain long ago... …”

After Xiang Zhili panicked, he immediately remembered something and regained his composure in the blink of an eye.

"You know about the Jiuzhen Demon-Suppressing Formation and the Tongtian Lingbao! Are they the descendants of Kunwu's third son?"

Although the woman's voice was still pleasant to the ear, her words suddenly became a bit colder. She has been sealed in Kunwu Mountain for tens of thousands of years, and she has a lot of resentment in her heart!

"This junior is not the descendant of the three seniors of Kunwu, but I happen to know some things about my seniors..."

As Xiang Zhili spoke, he kept looking around, looking cautious.

"Hmph! Don't look for anything. It is true that my true body is not out of trouble yet, but it is not difficult to trap you, a monk in the early stage of spiritual transformation... In this case, you can stay here honestly for a few months."

As soon as the woman finished saying this coldly, there was a burst of space distortion above the stone pavilion, and then a white vortex appeared there out of thin air, and a large swath of five-color glow suddenly emerged from the vortex toward the old man's hood.

"Wonderful celestial phenomena!"

When Xiang Zhili saw this, his expression changed drastically. Without thinking, the silver light all over his body turned into a ray of light and was about to shoot out.

However, the five-color ray of light rotated slightly, and a huge suction force suddenly emerged out of thin air, causing the old man's escape light to stagnate slightly.

Then the rays of light rolled past, and Xiang Zhili disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if this person had never been there.

"I didn't expect to use this magical power to consume a lot of my soul power. It seems that I will sleep for a while longer. I hope that when I wake up, I will be truly out of trouble! But who is that person at the bottom of the mountain? Why am I here? Did he feel a familiar aura on him?"

The woman's weak murmur sounded in the void, and then the voice suddenly disappeared without a trace.

On a step not far from the foot of the mountain, just when Lu Tiandu felt a familiar aura suddenly appear on the mountainside, Lu Tiandu, who was walking forward, suddenly grabbed the Bai sisters and said nothing. .

Soon, the fluctuations that mobilized the vitality of heaven and earth came from the mountainside. Just when Lu Tiandu was secretly assessing Long Meng's remaining strength, suddenly, an unusually gentle whisper sounded in Lu Tiandu's ears:

"Who are you? Why do you give me an inexplicably familiar feeling?"

"Are you... Longmeng?"

Lu Tiandu's expression changed, and while he released his spiritual consciousness to secretly investigate, he suddenly spoke softly.

"Who are you? You actually know my name?"

This unusually gentle voice suddenly became extremely cold, and an invisible pressure hit Lu Tiandu.

Longmeng? How could anyone in the human world know her name? Even the white-haired old man just now thought she was Princess Linglong of the spirit world, but this young man who gave her a sense of familiarity actually called her by her real name?

How can this be?

There should be only one person in this world who knows her name: Long Meng!

Xueling! “Do you know the whereabouts of Xueling?”

Suddenly, a cold voice suddenly appeared in the air and asked again, but this time Lu Tian could hear a bit of nervousness in her cold tone.

"I know."

Feeling some kind of confining force generated out of thin air, black lightning suddenly appeared all over Lu Tiandu, like a swimming dragon, surging endlessly, isolating the confining force three feet away, and patted his nervous face lightly. The beautiful hands of the Bai sisters, Lu Tiandu continued:

"I came here this time to save you, Sister Longmeng!"

"What? What did you call me?"

The figure in the sky suddenly became surprised, and Lu Tian felt that there was suddenly a pair of incredible eyes staring at him.

"Sister Longmeng!"

Lu Tiandu blinked, looked somewhere, and said with a smile:

"Xue Ling has mentioned you to me! Now Xue Ling is my woman, and in the future, Longmeng, you will also be my woman. Otherwise, how could I come to rescue you this time?"

"Boy, do you know what you're talking about?"

The voice in the air suddenly became angry.

She was the grand princess of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan in the spiritual world, the nominal princess of the Wolf King Tiankui, and she had a respected status, but she suddenly became the woman in the mouth of a boy from the human race in the lower realm!

Do you dare to think about it? !

Lu Tiandu felt that the pressure around him suddenly increased a bit, but he was not nervous at all and said with a smile:

"Sister Longmeng, don't be angry! I see that you have just trapped Old Man Xiang, and now you are afraid that the power of your soul is a little lacking? Why don't you go back and rest for a while. Xue Ling and I will come to rescue you later. alright……"

"Boy, let Xueling come out to see me!"

The feeling of weakness coming from the soul suddenly shocked Longmeng, and she looked at Lu Tiandu angrily and said.

Now that she knew Xueling was nearby, she suddenly became excited. As long as she integrates Xueling Yuanshen, it is not difficult to suppress Yuan Cha. When the time comes, she will deal with this kid who dares to talk nonsense!

"I didn't expect that Sister Longmeng, you are still impatient!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, "You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry! Sister Longmeng, it's not good for you to be so weak now. It would be bad if Yuan Cha finds out. Why don't you go back to recuperate first, sister Longmeng, and wait for me and you?" Xueling is ready to come to rescue you?"


After hearing Lu Tiandu's words of evasion, Long Meng was furious. Unfortunately, before she could say anything, a boundless feeling of weakness came over her. In an instant, she glared at Lu Tiandu hatefully and had to withdraw her energy. god.


"Lu Lang, who were you talking to just now?"

After Lu Tiandu put away the shield under the Taiyin Divine Thunder, Bai Yaoyi glanced at Lu Tiandu quietly and asked aloud.

Bai Mengxin on the side also quietly pricked up her ears and looked at Lu Tiandu with a nervous look on her face.

"Just now, that was a Yuan Shen who had been suppressed for tens of thousands of years and was full of resentment!"

Lu Tiandu chuckled and patted the two women on their backs, "Let's go, let's talk while walking!"


Puyun Mansion, where the nameless lake is located, time flies, and two days have passed since the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth occurred here.

At this moment, hundreds of immortal cultivators with different cultivation levels have gathered here, gathering in small groups.

Many of them flew directly into the sky, silently searching for something with the seven beams of light as the center.

There are also a handful of monks on the ground who possess earth escape talismans and know a little bit about earth escape. They also get in and out from time to time, and talk excitedly to some of their companions on the ground.

Apparently the huge seal hidden underneath has been discovered.

Compared with the discovered seal, the crack that was forcibly separated by the Ye family using a magic circle more than 20 miles away has not yet been accurately found.

But just like this, these monks were extremely excited. Some of them had already sent out transmission notes to their respective families or sects, and some even flew away overnight to report the matter in person.

However, there are no major sects here in Puyun Mansion. People from the nearest sects, Poison Saint Sect and Huaxian Sect, are still on their way, so most of the people here are casual cultivators with low cultivation level or they will move if they hear the wind. Spies from various forces, big and small, arrived.

At this moment, a group of more than 20 people from the Poison Saint Sect hurriedly appeared here, causing a commotion here.

The huge power of two middle-stage Nascent Souls, three early-stage Nascent Souls, and five Nascent Soul monks is indeed a force that suppresses everything here.

"Everyone, this place belongs to the sphere of influence of our Poison Saint Sect. If there is nothing else, please stay away from this place!"

Hua Tianqi, headed by the Poison Saint Sect, scanned the cultivation of hundreds of monks in the field with his huge spiritual consciousness, and he suddenly felt happy. Sure enough, local snakes like them came faster.

"What? When did this place become the territory of the Poison Saint Sect?"

"This Poison Saint Sect wants to swallow the treasure for itself!"

Upon hearing what Hua Tianqi said, although the monks around him did not dare to speak out because of the power of the Yuanying monks, they were all obviously dissatisfied. It was obvious that the Poison Saint Sect wanted to monopolize the treasures here with their strength.

Although these people all looked depressed, none of them dared to protest, and they all retreated hesitantly.

There are no other Nascent Soul cultivators here, so how can they dare to provoke these five Nascent Soul cultivators?

"What? When did the Poison Saint Sect become so overbearing? Don't fellow Hua Daoists even allow me to hunt for treasures?"

At this moment, a thunderous sound came from the horizon.

A spiritual light flashed in the distance in the sky, and a large gray mist appeared out of thin air on the horizon, and then flew towards here at an extremely fast speed.

The consciousness of the five Nascent Soul cultivators from the Poison Saint Sect naturally sensed the terrifying spiritual pressure in the mist, and their expressions couldn't help but change.

The fog reached the sky above the small lake in the blink of an eye, and then with a pop, the fog exploded and disappeared without a trace. However, five faint white shadows appeared in the sky, all of them blurred and motionless.

"The five sons share the same demon! The old demon of Yinluo Sect!"

When Hua Tianqi saw this scene, his expression froze.

p.s. Please vote for me at the beginning of the month! (End of chapter)

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