Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 350 Shi Lei! Move Kunwu Mountain?

"We have been delayed in front of this archway for too long. The lion beast has not appeared for such a long time. How about you and I go down and help them. In this way, the time to break the ban can be reduced by at least half."

Near the huge archway, the big-headed weirdo thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"That's fine. We wasted two battles in order to guard against the sneak attack of the ancient ferocious bird, the lion beast. It has been several days now, and the lion beast has not appeared. It seems that it will not appear for the time being. So, Let’s take turns joining them in breaking the ban..."

The eldest elder of the Ye family, a scholar in white, thought for a moment and agreed.

"it is good!"


Just when the Ye family monks were doing their best to break the countless restrictions on the archway of the Gate of Ten Thousand Repairs, Lu Tiandu, with the assistance of the Bai family sisters and several Nascent Soul puppets, also spent two hours surrounding the stone pavilion before the Ye family The ban was laid and two more large formations were set up.

"Okay, the layout here is almost complete, let's go up the mountain!"

After activating the two trapping formations here, Lu Tiandu looked at the two large formations and the surrounding environment gradually integrating into one, and then smiled and said to the Bai sisters beside him.

"Hehe, with these two trapping formations and the restrictions set by the Ye family to destroy the space cracks, even the great monks can intercept them for ten days and a half. This time is enough for us to go up and hunt for treasures!"

Bai Yaoyi sensed the power of the formation, clapped her jade hands, and said with excitement on her face.

"This is exactly the reason. Now that we have stopped the people behind us, and there are monks from the Ye family in front of us who are opening the way for us to break the restriction, our journey will be much easier. Now it's time for us to take advantage."

Lu Tiandu also chuckled and nodded, "Okay, when I release the lion beast that I subdued before, let this beast carry us up the mountain!"


There was a hint of excitement on Bai Mengxin's pretty face, "Tenth-level demon bird, tsk tsk, who wouldn't be a respected person outside, but you ended up being used by you, Lu Lang, in your place, and no one would believe it!"

After hearing Bai Mengxin's words, Lu Tiandu also smiled.

With a slight shake of his sleeves, purple light flashed, and a five- to six-foot-long, four-winged demon bird with purple feathers, the head of a lion and the body of an eagle appeared in front of the three of them.

Although this lion beast was suppressed by Lu Tiandu in the prison space, and had been fed the healing elixir after being restrained, but because it had been hit by a stunning sting before, and was repeatedly bombarded by light beams transformed by the true power of wind and thunder, Time is still short at this moment, and he has not yet recovered, and he still looks a little depressed.

Looking at the lions and beasts who were still a little sluggish, with a bit of stubbornness and resentment in their expressions, Lu Tiandu snorted coldly and said indifferently:

"Don't toast or eat as a penalty. If you make me look bad again, I don't mind taking your demon elixir and using it to make elixirs... I killed the Silver-winged Yaksha before and got the Sky Corpse Bead. It hasn’t been refined yet, so I wonder how the thunder-attribute demon elixir of your level 10 demon bird tastes?”

After hearing Lu Tiandu's indifferent and cold words, the lion beast trembled slightly, met Lu Tiandu's cold eyes, and quickly lowered his head, looking docile.

"Humph, it is your chance to become my spiritual beast. When I ascend to the spiritual world in a few hundred years, I will take you to the spiritual world with me. Maybe you will have some good fortune in the future!"

After giving him a slap, Lu Tiandu naturally had to give the lion and beast a sweet date, so he continued:

"I see that although you have strong demonic energy and are naturally gifted with magical powers, you do not have the corresponding exquisite method to display your magical powers. I happen to have a top-level bird-level skill here that can be practiced to the late stage of divine transformation. You can use it to practice it in the future. When you reach the spiritual world, you might have your own destiny..."

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he didn't care about Lion Beast's puzzled and surprised look. He tapped his index finger, and a golden stream of light suddenly shot towards Lion Beast's huge lion head.

The demonic skills he passed on to the lions and beasts were naturally obtained from Xiao Cuier's grandfather and grandson back then. The demonic skills "Nine Transformations of the Gale" first came from the Qingluan Cave Mansion of the God of Transformation.

This technique, suitable for the cultivation of birds and monsters, includes a set of techniques, a set of body techniques, and two secret techniques.

Needless to say, there are two secret techniques: wind concealment and blood shadow escape. If Lu Tian didn’t have the Wuguang Clan’s “shrinking the ground into an inch” magical power for this set of movements, they might also be able to use wind and thunder in the future. I practiced some practice, but of course I can’t use it now.

This technique can be practiced directly to the late stage of divine transformation, and it is considered the top level demon cultivating technique in the human world.

This lion beast is trapped in the trapped spirit formation near Kunwu Mountain. Although it has not practiced any advanced skills for tens of thousands of years, it has accumulated over time over such a long time, and its demonic energy is naturally extremely rich. Now it has this top-notch skill. , it is considered to have great potential in the future.

Moreover, the bloodline of this lion beast is quite good, and it is also a rare tenth-level demon bird. Among the existing spirit beasts in land and sky, its strength is also the highest. After practicing the Nine Transformations of Gale, its combat power will definitely increase a lot. It will be a good help in the future.

At this moment, the lion and beast silently observed the technique passed down by Lu Tiandu. The more they watched, the more surprised they became. With this technique, as long as the true energy of the whole body is condensed, it might not take long to reach the stage of becoming a god. .

Thinking of this, its senses towards Lu Tiandu, its domineering master, naturally changed a lot. It raised its huge lion head and roared.

The Bai sisters didn't know what profound skills Lu Tiandu had taught the lions and beasts, but they were surprised when they heard that it was a demon cultivation skill that could be practiced to the late stage of divine transformation, and they became more and more curious about Lu Tiandu's origins.

At this moment, in their eyes, they only saw that the tenth-level demon bird suddenly became obedient, raised its huge lion head and rubbed Lu Tiandu's arm, but they did not know that an uneasy call suddenly sounded in Lu Tiandu's consciousness. Voice:

"Master, thank you!"

Listening to the childish voice of a girl, Lu Tiandu nodded and patted the lion's head gently to express comfort.

"What's your name?"

With his mind moving, Lu Tiandu asked through his soul.

Although this lion beast is currently unable to transform due to its bloodline, and its wisdom is only that of an eight or nine-year-old girl, it is still a tenth-level demon cultivator.

After the monsters reach the seventh level, they already have some wisdom and are called monster cultivators. They usually have their own names, so Lu Tian has this question.

"Well, master can call me Shi Lei. This name was obtained for me by my former master Kong Xuan..."

Listening to the young voice coming from the soul, Lu Tiandu nodded and said:

"That's not a bad name."

A lion and beast, with Shi as his surname, and born with the attribute of thunder, it is appropriate to take Lei as his name.

"Let's go up the mountain first!"

After Lu Tiandu finished speaking, he patted the lion and beast on the head, turned to the Bai sisters and said:

"Come on, let Xiaolei give us a ride next time."

The two women smiled and didn't say much. Their figures flashed and they were already standing on the lion's broad back.


With a thought in Lu Tiandu's mind, the lion beast under his feet spread its wings, and with a flash of lightning, it had already used the thunder escape technique to escape to the top of Kunwu Mountain.

Time flies, and it’s two days again.

At this moment, the cultivators of the Ye family have broken through the restrictions on the Gate of Ten Thousand Cultivations, and everyone is sitting cross-legged to recover their strength.

And in an illusory space hundreds of feet away from them, Lu Tiandu, who was sitting on the back of a lion beast, was hugging the Bai sisters in his arms and whispering.

There were ten Yuanying monks leading the way, so the three of them were naturally very relaxed.

"It seems that the Ye family will use the Wanxiu Gate to set up a large formation to intercept the people behind. Do you think we should also set up two large formations here to help them?"

Lu Tiandu listened to the conversation between the eldest elder of the Ye family and a white-haired old man, and smiled and whispered into Bai Yaoyi's tender ears.

"Listen to Lu Lang in everything!"

Bai Yaoyi's face was flushed, her beautiful eyes were full of water, and her nose was filled with the man's hot breath. She fell softly in the man's arms, and her tone became more charming and gentle. "Mengxin, what do you think?"

Lu Tiandu rubbed Bai Mengxin's slender waist with his right hand, turned his head and sniffed the beauty's white and tender swan neck, as if he wanted to get Bai Mengxin's approval.

"The bad guy knows how to play tricks on our sisters!"

Bai Mengxin leaned in Lu Tiandu's arms, her breathing was a little rapid at this moment, her bright eyes were full of tenderness, she glanced at Lu Tiandu shyly, and the bare hand on Lu Tiandu's waist unconsciously stretched out to Lu Tiandu's clothes. Inside the robe, he pinched him gently.

After being teased by Lu Tiandu for a while, the twin sisters felt a little excited at this moment. They raised their heads slightly and stared at Lu Tiandu with two pairs of watery eyes.

Seeing the two women's charming expressions, Lu Tiandu immediately smiled, lowered his head slightly, and kissed two soft lips...


In the past two days, with the actions of the monks of the Poison Saint Sect, the sealed place under the Wuming Xiao Lake was naturally unlocked by everyone's joint efforts, and the place twenty miles north of the Wuming Xiao Lake entered the space crack in Kunwu Mountain, and naturally Found out quickly.

"Great Elder, there is a crack in the ground that was broken open by someone with the help of a large formation. Now someone has deliberately used the illusion array to cover up something. The disciples who are proficient in the formation are trying their best to break it. However, this formation is somewhat clever, so it can be broken. It still takes some time.”

A disciple of the Poison Sect with a red scarf on his head and a blue shirt escaped from the ground and respectfully reported to Huatian Qi.

"It's good to have a clue."

Hua Tianqi, who had green lines on his face, nodded, looked at the five white lights and shadows on the side, and said with a smile:

"Fellow Daoist Qian, now that we have discovered the entrance to this ruins, why don't you and I break this illusory formation and enter this place hand in hand?"

"it is good."

I don't know which one of the five white figures spoke, "More and more comrades have gathered here in the past two days. We still have to go in and take a look as soon as possible!"

Hua Tianqi glanced at the thousands of monks gathered nearby and frowned slightly.

In addition to the five Nascent Soul cultivators and Gan Laomo from their Poison Saint Sect, there are also five or six Nascent Soul cultivators hiding in the crowd, looking like they are always watching.

If things continue like this, I'm afraid it won't take too long for more and more high-level monks to gather here, and then they, the Poison Saint Sect and Gan Lao Mo, will not be able to suppress them even if they join forces.

Thinking of this, Hua Tianqi snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and robes, and released a yellow disc magic weapon. A yellow light enveloped everyone and said:



As the Poison Saint Sect and Gan Laomo disappeared from the ground, thousands of monks on the ground suddenly started whispering. Some people's eyes flickered for a moment, their whole bodies flashed with light, and they also used earth escape techniques to quietly follow the Poison Saint Sect people into the ground.

Thousands of feet deep underground, there is a huge dark space.

With the five Nascent Soul monks from the Poison Saint Sect and the great monk Gan Laomo joining forces, the illusion array arranged by the Ye family here was quickly broken.

In the dark space, groups of dazzling lights flashed at the edge of the space.

Not far away, there is an endless layer of white misty light curtain. Not only is this light curtain extremely thick, it also has layers of amazing thunder and lightning attached to it. Once anyone gets close to it, there will immediately be a strangely thick arc. Hit out unceremoniously.

"There must be an ancient ruin within this restriction!"

After releasing his spiritual consciousness and observing these restrictions for a moment, the real body of the old demon Qian didn't know which one of the five demons was hidden, and he suddenly spoke.

"Oh? It seems that Fellow Daoist Qian already knows this? I wonder what kind of ruins this place is?"

Hua Tianqi's eyes flashed, and although he knew what he was asking, he still pretended to be curious.

Behind him, except for the four Nascent Soul monks surnamed Yuan, there were about ten other Jindan monks. They all looked at their eyes, nose, nose and heart at this moment, motionless.

"Well, of course you have to go in and take a look to find out."

Qian Laomo has never believed in the people of the Poison Saint Sect from the beginning. Now that he has arrived at the entrance of the ruins, he is naturally too lazy to make excuses with the people of the Poison Saint Sect. He laughed wildly, "Then I'll take the first step. .”

After saying that, five white shadows shot straight into the white light curtain. In a blink of an eye, the light curtain in front of them glowed with blue light, and the white shadows disappeared one after another.

"Let you, the old devil, take the lead for us!"

Seeing the old demon Qian rushing towards the forbidden light screen so impatiently, Hua Tianqi sneered secretly. After the light screen returned to calm, he twisted the green lines on his face a few times, glanced at the surrounding monks with twinkling eyes and said slowly :

"Are there any other fellow Taoists who want to enter the restricted area of ​​the crack? If they are interested, they can just break through the formation on their own. I, the Poison Saint Sect, will not stop them."


Kunwu Mountain is the gate of ten thousand repairs.

Lu Tiandu, the Bai family sisters, three lions and beasts and one demon were in the invisible space, watching the Ye family monks use the Gate of Wanxiu to set up the ice flame bipolar formation and leave, then slowly emerged from the void.

"It seems that in order to break the restrictions along the way, the Ye family has run out of many formations that they can use!"

Seeing that the Ye family monks only set up a barrier formation after thinking for a while, Lu Tiandu felt a move in his heart, "In that case, let me add fuel to the fire here and let the people who come after me consume it here for a while! "

During this period of time, as Lu Tiandu and the others got closer to the top of the mountain, Lu Tiandu became more and more curious about this first fairy mountain in the human world. Lu Tiandu had some other thoughts during the previous chat with the Bai sisters.

Since this fairy mountain, which is tens of thousands of feet high, full of spiritual energy, full of various tyrannical restrictions, and equipped with halls for various purposes, has been famous in ancient times. As a sacred place of practice in the eyes of the ancient monks in the human world, wouldn't it be a pity to be abandoned like this? ?

After he takes the girls to the spiritual world, he will naturally build his own base in the spiritual world for everyone to practice. In this way, doesn't Kunwu Mountain have a place to use?

Whether it is to directly move this huge mountain to the world of stone beads and use it as a spiritual spiritual world's spiritual cave in the future, or to use great magic power to refine Kunwu Mountain into a giant cave with the help of the Tianji Mansion secret technique obtained from Tianji Pavilion. This is a promising move.

"This plan is not a bad one!"

The more he thought about it, the more feasible it seemed to Lu Tian.

His trip to Kunwu Mountain not only freed the Yin Yue True Body from the Demon Suppressing Tower, but also naturally meant to obtain the two spiritual treasures, the Black Wind Flag and the Eight Spirit Rulers. Now it seems that this Kunwu Mountain is also a A good alternative cave.

"It's a pity that because of the overwhelming demonic energy suppressed under Kunwu Mountain, it's not a good idea to just move away from Kunwu Mountain now!"

But even Lu Tian remembered that he and the ancient demon clone had directly extracted the spirit stone veins on Biling Island to solve the problem of Biling Island once and for all.

But now the ancient monks use the spiritual veins in Kunwu Mountain to suppress the vast amount of demonic energy below. Even if he and the ancient demon clone later join forces to suppress the Yuancha soul clone, he will not be able to move away before dealing with the massive amount of demonic energy below. Kunwu Mountain.

"This matter is not urgent. But even if we can't move it now, it's not good for others to come to the top of the mountain to cause damage!"

Now that he has decided to use the existing buildings and layout here as a cave in the spiritual world in the future, Lu Tiandu naturally does not want others to come up and cause destruction in order to grab the treasure.

In fact, except for the two spiritual treasures and other valuable items left behind in Kunwu Mountain, the other treasures were all taken away by the ancient monks before the monks evacuated. There are very few truly valuable unowned items.

"Let's go, I happen to know this ice flame bipolar formation, let's go to the back and set up two more formations!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, and the figures of three people and one demon disappeared into the ice flame bipolar formation arranged by the Ye family monks. (End of chapter)

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