Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 351 I want you to look good after I get out of trouble! back yard!

"Are there any other fellow Taoists who want to enter the restricted area of ​​the crack? If they are interested, they can just break through the formation on their own. I, the Poison Saint Sect, will not stop them."

Entering the underground space of Kunwu Mountain, as the old demon Qian sank into the restricted light curtain first, hearing that the Poison Saint Sect headed by Hua Tianqi was so generous in letting everyone break into the formation, all the Jindan monks and Nascent Soul monks present hesitated. Uncertain.

As soon as these golden elixir monks sensed the power of the thunder and lightning formed by the restriction on the light screen, their expressions changed and they retreated. If they did not leave at this moment, they were just watching the fun.

The other Nascent Soul cultivators were naturally not afraid of the power of thunder and lightning, but they became uneasy because of Hua Tianqi's words. After all, except for one of the five or six of them who is in the middle stage of Yuanying, the others are in the early stage of Yuanying. They are not as bold and powerful as Gan Laomo.

Moreover, since the Poison Saint Sect has broken through the illusory formation, instead of entering first, he actually let them enter first. This doesn't feel right.

Seeing the hesitation of these Nascent Soul cultivators, Hua Tianqi showed a trace of ridicule on his face.

The Poison Saint Sect has long known that this ancient ruins are Kunwu Mountain. The purpose of their trip is naturally also for the two heaven-reaching spiritual treasures in Kunwu Mountain that suppress monsters. After all, according to the records of their ancestors, in addition to these two treasures in Kunwu Mountain , not much else of value.

And since he broke the ban all the way, he has determined that it is most likely the monks of the royal Ye family who secretly broke the ban on Kunwu Mountain before.

Now that the Ye family has entered Kunwu Mountain first, in order to delay the footsteps of those who come after them, they must set up a trap on the other side of the restriction.

Before, Gan Lao Mo excitedly rushed into the restricted area first, so he naturally connived and let Gan Lao Mo take the lead. Now he hopes that these casual cultivators present will also serve as cannon fodder to explore the way ahead.

It's a pity that these casual cultivators can cultivate to the realm of Yuanying, and they are all human beings. They are more cautious than others, so they are unmoved, which makes him a little disappointed.

Immediately ignoring the others, Hua Tianqi turned around and rushed to the disciples and ordered:

"You don't need to stay here anymore. You can go back to the surface."

"Yes, Great Elder!"

The dozen or so disciples of the Poison Saint Sect's Pill Formation bowed to accept the order, and then fled upward without looking back, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Everyone, let's wait for an hour before entering the restricted area!"

Hua Tianqi moved his lips slightly and transmitted the message to the other four disciples.

Hua Tianqi didn't know how long this passage was, but with Gan Lao Mo's strength, it should be about an hour.

"it is good!"

The other members of the Poison Saint Sect naturally have no other opinions.

Time flies, just an hour after Gan Laomo entered the restricted area, the other four Nascent Soul elders of the Poison Saint Sect, greeted by Hua Tianqi, also stepped into the restricted light curtain below. After a burst of glow, the five of them Also disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the remaining monks became restless, and someone took the initiative to suggest:

"Fellow Taoists, this old devil and the people from the Poison Saint Sect have already broken through the restricted area. Why don't we work together to break through?"


Kunwu Mountain, at the stone pavilion halfway up the mountain.

Suddenly, a white light flashed on a light screen near the stone pavilion, and a white figure flew out from inside.

And at this moment, several "pop" and "pop" sounds were heard one after another, and four more identical figures emerged from the white light curtain.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I would be the first to enter this ancient ruins!"

Five vaguely pale white figures stood side by side in a row. It was not known which one of them had the real body of the old devil hidden among them and suddenly spoke.

Before the old demon Qian could get excited for a moment, just when the old demon released his suppressed spiritual consciousness to explore all directions, there was a sudden earth-shattering explosion on the light screen from where they had come out, and a large ball of dazzling silver light. It burst out there, and the light was dazzling.

"What? The passage was actually destroyed?"

The five white shadows were startled by the forbidden explosion, their figures flickered, and they flew forward in an instant.

At this moment, a faint cyan light curtain suddenly flashed in the air, and Gan Lao Mo and Wuzi Tong Xin Mo disappeared instantly.

At this moment, as the passage restriction was destroyed and they entered the crack, the five Poison Saint Sect monks who were working together to break the restriction were instantly trapped by a new restriction. Seeing this scene, Hua Tianqi, the leader, looked surprised. Color, said:

"Why did this restriction change again? Did this old devil destroy the original restriction after entering on his own, or did this old thief trigger the backhand planned by Ye Jiabu?"

Having said that, Hua Tianqi still thinks that it is very likely that the old demon Qian was tricked by the Ye family. After all, the old demon Qian does not know that this place is the ancient Kunwu Mountain and will not be so anxious to destroy the return passage. .

Hua Tianqi didn't know whether he was happy or worried when he thought that this place was not far from entering Kunwu Mountain, and that the trap inside had been broken by the old demon Qian, and that they would have to spend a lot of time to break the restriction again.

In the underground space, the four Yuanying monks who had reached their intention were originally preparing to join forces to break into the white light curtain below. At this moment, there was a loud "boom", and the thick white light curtain suddenly shook violently, and burst out. A dazzling light.

"This... the restrictions here seem to be becoming more and more unstable. What should we do?"

As the light subsided, looking at the crescent-shaped cracks that suddenly appeared on the gently swaying white light screen, the expressions of the four people changed, and the leader, the mid-stage Nascent Soul monk, said helplessly.

If they had not waited for the restrictions here to subside, the pressure they would face if they broke in now would definitely be several times greater than before.

"Brother Hu, I don't dare to break into this situation. Why don't we wait until the ban here stabilizes?"

An old man with a gray beard among the four shook his head and sighed.

The middle-aged man named Hu glanced at the others, sighed secretly, and said:

"It can only be the."

After all, everyone entered this ruins to hunt for treasure, but they didn’t want to put their lives on the line before they even entered.

Of course, if this situation is protected by a heavy treasure, it is not impossible to break in.


At this moment, in a colorful space, five white light shadows wrapped in a cyan light curtain rushed left and right, and the black and red energy in the air continued to impact. After tossing for a long time, the five white shadows that were sent back again stood quietly. He stood motionless in the air.

At this time, a white shadow in the middle suddenly made a gesture with both hands. After a flash of gray light, a monk covered in gray robes suddenly flashed out of the white shadow. The strangeness of his appearance made people suspect that he was a ghost. .

The gray-robed monk's face was obscured by a layer of gray air, making it impossible to see his face clearly, but with his slightly gray hair and attire, he was obviously an old man.

This is the true form of Gan Lao Mo.

At this moment, the old devil's face was extremely ugly, and his blood-red eyes were gleaming with cold light. He looked around non-stop, and murmured to himself full of cold murderous intent:

"What a thief, you actually set up a trap to ambush me. I want you to look good after I escape!"


The door of ten thousand repairs.

Lu Tiandu, who was setting up the last attack formation, looked up at the foot of the mountain when the old demon Qian was trapped in the formation at the stone pavilion, smiled and said to the Bai sisters nearby:

"I didn't expect someone to come in from the outside so soon. Unfortunately, they were trapped in the large formation we set up... and the backhand set up by the Ye family must have been activated. The next wave wants to enter Kunwu Mountain. It is estimated that it will take a few more days, so we will have more time..."

"Yes, when we complete this killing formation, hurry up and don't let the people of the Ye family get there first."

Bai Yaoyi listened to the faint roar coming from the mountain and said.

"Well, hearing this sound must be the monks of the Ye family breaking the various restrictions on the front gate. It probably won't be broken in a short while. We have time."

This front gatehouse is the last line of protection on the periphery of Kunwu Mountain. Passing through the front gatehouse is the core hall.

And here at the Gate of Ten Thousand Cultivations, in addition to the Ice Flame Bipolar Killing Formation arranged by the Ye family, Lu Tiandu also set up a trapping formation and a killing formation, which would be enough for the monks who broke in here to drink a pot. . …

Qianmen Tower is a small palace complex connected to the core area on Kunwu Mountain, with only one main hall and several side halls.

In the main hall, the monks of the Ye family were gathering together, releasing various magic weapons to bombard various stone puppets that kept appearing.

Around the main hall, stone puppets of various shapes poured out from the four corridors.

These puppets all look like animals and birds. Not only is his body extremely hard, but he can also spit out various simple spells, which is really vicious.

Although they had been fighting for a day and a night, the number of stone puppets pouring out from the four corridors around the palace still seemed endless.

At this moment, in a side hall, a big-headed monster was holding a small golden hammer. With one swing, a silver-white electric arc struck out, smashing a stone tiger puppet that was close to him into pieces.

The eldest elder of the Ye family, a white-clothed Confucian scholar, shook his sleeves and suddenly raised a blood-red flying knife. After a bloody sword flash, a formation base in the center of the side hall was instantly chopped into pieces.

At this moment, as the base of the formation was destroyed, there was a sudden loud noise, and the corridor connecting the side hall collapsed. The stone puppets in this direction also stopped pouring out instantly.

Seeing this scene, the eldest elder of the Ye family and the big-headed weirdo both showed a hint of joy on their faces.

"I didn't expect that Elder Xiao guessed it right! Let's go and destroy the other three formations!"

The scholar in white sighed and walked outside.

Half an hour later, the corridors in the other three directions collapsed one by one amidst the roar. No new puppets joined. The remaining puppets in the hall were wiped out in a matter of seconds by the Ye family.

Everyone in the Ye family felt relaxed, and they all took out their spirit stones and sat down cross-legged to restore their magic power.

"This time, I really relied on Elder Xiao. I was able to break through the stone puppet formation in the front gate so quickly. Elder Xiao deserves the most credit!"

The scholar in white walked towards the young man in black who was transformed into the clone of Xuanhun, and said with a smile.

"You're welcome, Great Elder. I just got some relevant secrets of Kunwu Mountain. I didn't expect it to be used. However, if the Great Elder and the two great monks hadn't taken action, I'm afraid it would still be difficult to break the stone puppet formation."

The Xuanhun clone said with a calm expression.

"Haha, it seems that bringing Elder Xiao here this time will be of great use. When we get the treasure out, Fellow Daoist Xiao will benefit a lot."

The big-headed weirdo also said pleasantly.

"You two are too polite. Even if you don't say this, Xiao will do his best."

The Xuanhun clone smiled lightly and said a polite word.

After hearing this, the scholar in white and the big-headed monk nodded secretly, looking very satisfied.

So after everyone recovered a little bit of their magic power, they immediately walked out of the stone palace and appeared at an exit.

The space in front of them suddenly opened up, and a white jade square appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This square is hundreds of acres in size. The ground is paved with crystal white fine jade, and there are giant white jade pillars ten feet high standing around it.

Each jade pillar is carved with some rare spiritual beasts, fairy birds and the like, which are so lifelike that people can't help but feel awe when they see them.

"The stone steps lead to the core area of ​​Kunwu Mountain, right?"

At this moment, everyone had entered the square. The square-faced man who was the second oldest among the Ye family cultivators used his spiritual consciousness to look into the distance and said with a look of surprise.

At the other end of the White Jade Square, there were more than a dozen stone steps, large and small, each leading to a different place on the mountain.

However, every stone step was covered with the same white mist in the distance, making it impossible to tell where the end of the stone steps led to.

"What should we do? Even if we explore one place alone, we can't explore them all."

An old man let out a breath, turned to the Confucian scholar and smiled bitterly.

"Since this is the core of Kunwu Mountain, there must be various strong restrictions around the main halls leading to it. We are short of manpower, so we definitely can't do it separately. Which way do we want to go? Let's go to the platform over there first. Let’s take a look and decide then!”

The scholar in white was worthy of being the eldest elder of the Ye family. He quickly calmed down and came up with a solution.

After hearing this, everyone nodded secretly. There are others behind who may catch up at any time. Their main target is the Tongtian Lingbao. If they are scattered, they will definitely not be able to do it.

This square is several miles long, and naturally no one will go there on foot. At this moment, one by one takes up the light and flies forward.

As a result, to everyone's expectation, as soon as everyone took off into the air, they fell from the air with a "thud" and "thud".

"Aerial ban? There is such a ban here!"

Fortunately, the Ye family cultivators did not fly high. Although they were a little embarrassed, no one was injured.

"It seems we can only walk there, let's go, walk over and have a look!"

The white-clothed scholar released his spiritual consciousness for a moment, then silently took the lead in taking action.

Not long after the Ye family cultivators left, Lu Tiandu and the Bai family sisters, who were hiding at the end of Baiyu Square, slowly appeared.

It seems that the lions and beasts have been put away by both land and sky.

In fact, just when it sensed that Lu Tiandu and the others were about to arrive, Xuanhun's clone reminded the Ye family of the key to breaking the formation, so the two parties almost arrived at the core area of ​​Kunwu Mountain.

"Is this the core area of ​​Kunwu Mountain? Lu Lang, which way should we go?"

Looking at the huge and clumsy white jade square and the dozens of stone steps in the distance, Bai Yaoyi asked via voice message.

At this moment, suppressed by the restrictions here, their spiritual consciousness can only be released for a little more than two miles, so naturally they cannot see the words recorded on the jade tablets in front of the stone steps in the distance.

"Kunwu Hall, Lingbao Pavilion, Jinshi Pavilion, Xiangyun Hall, Qiling Courtyard, Demon Suppression Tower, Huiming Pavilion, Gouyu Pond, Zhuling Hall, Ziwei Ding..."

"This Kunwu Hall should be the main hall of Kunwu Mountain. If there are inheritance items, they must be in this hall... Lingbao Pavilion should be the place where treasures are stored, but I am afraid there are not many treasures. There is a high probability that they will be brought by ancient monks. Leaving...the Demon Suppressing Tower..."

Lu Tiandu released his spiritual consciousness to sense the words on the jade tablet and transmitted the message to the Bai sisters.

Although he was familiar with Kunwu Hall, Demon Suppression Tower and Zhuling Hall because of the original work, he couldn't explain clearly and could only tell some of his own guesses.

"In that case, let's go to Kunwu Palace first!"

Lu Tiandu finally decided, "Of course before that we have to set up a few more killing formations behind the Ye family. In this way, the treasures here are naturally at our disposal..."

There were three barrier strips placed in front and behind, so it would be no problem to block latecomers for half a month. As for the people of the Ye family, Lu Tiandu naturally ignored them. Lu Tiandu regarded this place as his own back garden.

On the other side, when the Ye family cultivators arrived at the jade stele in front of the stone steps, they looked at the place names on the jade stele and pondered to themselves. (End of chapter)

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