Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 352 Shock! 1 sword breaks the ban! People are more likely to die than others!

"Great Elder, what should we do?"

At the stone steps shrouded in spiritual mist, the monks of the Ye family looked at the place names on the jade tablets obscured by the mist and looked at the leading scholar in white.

"What do you think?"

The eldest elder of the Ye family remained silent and looked at an old man in the crowd.

This old man should be the most knowledgeable about Kunwu Mountain among everyone. At this moment, in their estimation, the time they can stay in Kunwu Mountain is limited, so they can only make some choices.

"Needless to say, this Kunwu Palace must be the main palace of Kunwu Mountain. The Lingbao Pavilion next to it, as its name suggests, should be the place where spiritual treasures are stored. Needless to say, the Jinshi Pavilion must be the place where materials are stored. The name Xiangyun Palace, It sounds a bit ethereal, like a retreat, probably not an important place, Qiling Academy may be a place where spiritual flowers and spiritual grass are planted..."

The Ye family monk met the gaze of the white-clothed scholar and slowly told his guess about the place names on the more than ten jade tablets.

The others nodded as they heard this, feeling that it made sense.

"The main purpose of our trip is the Tongtian Lingbao. In this way, there are only three places where the Tongtian Lingbao is most likely to be stored. One is the Kunwu Hall in the middle, and the other is the Lingbao Pavilion next to it. The last one is the Demon Suppressing Tower on the side?"

The Confucian scholar in white glanced at everyone and slowly spoke.

"This should be."

The big-headed weirdo pondered for a moment and nodded. The other Ye family monks also looked in agreement.

At this time, the scholar in white glanced at the thoughtful gaze of Xuanhun clone, his eyes flashed, and he said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, Fellow Daoist Xiao once said that he had occasionally heard a few words about Kunwu Mountain. Is there anything you want to say?"

"To report to the great elder, I have indeed obtained some secret information about Kunwu Mountain, but I don't know whether I should say it or not. After all, this matter is important. If I miss the great elder's important matter, I will not be able to escape the blame."

The Xuanhun clone smiled bitterly.

"It doesn't matter, fellow Taoist, feel free to speak your mind, but I will make the final decision."

The Confucian scholar in white waved his hand, looking frank.

"In this case, I won't refuse."

Seeing this, Xuanhun's clone also smiled slightly and continued:

"According to the secret information I have obtained, the heaven-reaching spiritual treasure preserved in Kunwu Mountain is very likely to be in the Demon Suppressing Palace. Moreover, one of the two spiritual treasures is called the 'Eight Spirit Rulers', which is a Buddhist heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, and the other is a Buddhist spiritual treasure. It's called the 'Black Wind Flag', and I heard it's a space spiritual treasure..."

"Space Spiritual Treasure? This is very rare."

Hearing Xuanhun's clone speak in such detail, the big-headed weirdo looked surprised.

Magical weapons such as storage bags and spirit beast bags are among the lowest-level spatial magical weapons in the world of immortality. When it comes to the level of space magical treasures or ancient space treasures, they are very rare in the current world of immortal cultivation, and space spiritual treasures are said to be very rare in ancient times.

As for the Buddhist spiritual treasure of the Eight Spirit Ruler, among the monks of the Ye family, there are some who practice Taoism and some who practice Confucianism, but only those who do not practice Buddhist techniques. Even if they get this treasure, it will be difficult to use it. The power of this treasure.

Listening to everyone's low-pitched discussion, the Confucian scholar in white flashed his eyes and asked:

"I wonder if Elder Xiao knows what kind of monsters are being suppressed in this Demon Suppression Palace?"

The Xuanhun clone smiled bitterly and said:

"This is really hard to understand. The secret article only said that it was a great monster, but it didn't mention what it was."

"Furthermore, we can also guess from the names on the dozens of jade tablets in Kunwu Mountain that this place must have been a holy place for spiritual practice in ancient times. In the end, it was sealed by the ancient monks and disappeared mysteriously. I am afraid that my guess is the same as that of the suppressed people. It’s related to monsters... Moreover, the secret records that ancient monks had the habit of using the power of powerful treasures to suppress powerful demons.”

"Elder Xiao is right. I have seen such records in ancient books."

The white-haired old man who spoke before stroked his beard and greatly agreed with the words behind the Xuanhun clone.

"In this case, then this Demon Suppressing Palace should be one of the options. However, we cannot let go of this Lingbao Pavilion. Even if there is no Tongtian Lingbao, if there are other imitation Lingbao or even powerful ancient treasures, we can't let it go. If we make this trip worthwhile...and divide into two teams, we will have enough manpower."

The scholar in white finally made his decision.

"These two attics are indeed very possible, but I think Kunwu Palace should not be left alone. Since this place is the core building of the main hall, we must explore it."

The big-headed weirdo nodded first, then shook his head.

"I don't know what Uncle Qi said. But we only have this few manpower in total. It's a bit reluctant to divide into two teams. If we divide it into three teams, the strength will be too thin."

The white-clothed scholar smiled bitterly.

The rest of the Ye family monks also started discussing. Some felt that the Confucian scholar's approach was sound, while others felt that the weirdo's words were reasonable. For a while, I couldn't come to a conclusion.

After the final discussion, the white-clothed scholar and the big-headed weirdo each took three people to Lingbao Pavilion and Demon Suppression Hall, while the square-faced monk who was the second oldest in the Ye family, a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk, took another item from the Ye family. The imitation Lingbao 'Mitian Bracelet' and another Yuanying in the early stage visited Kunwu Palace.

The Xuanhun clone was assigned to the Ye family's eldest elder to explore Lingbao Pavilion.

A moment later, as the big-headed weirdo and the square-faced monk stepped onto the stone steps leading to the Demon Suppression Hall and Kunwu Hall respectively, and finally disappeared into the white mist at the end of the stone steps, the scholar in white withdrew his gaze and said He turned to an old man beside him and said calmly:

"Nephew Fengxian, how many sets of formation flag arrays do we have left?"

"Great Elder Qi. Now except for the last set of Ziwei Seven-Star Formation, we have no other formation equipment on hand."

The old man replied respectfully.

"Well, then let's set up this seven-star array of crape myrtle here. Also put the swarm of hornets and two vampire bats into the array."

The Confucian scholar ordered without hesitation.


The old man immediately agreed, reached out and patted his waist, and a stack of purple formation flags appeared in his hand. He summoned another Ye family monk, and the two of them strode towards the side of the square.

The Confucian scholar then turned back and glanced down the mountain, his face uncertain, silently wondering what he was thinking.

An hour later, the four Confucian scholars also entered the stone steps leading to Lingbao Pavilion.

"Okay, let's set up the formation too!"

In the corner of the square, after the Ye family disappeared, the figures of Lu Tiandu and the Bai family sisters suddenly appeared. Lu Tiandu waved his hand, and a dozen Nascent Soul puppets appeared around him, dozens of formation flags and several The formation disk also appeared in front of his eyes.

The seven-star Ziwei array and two kinds of monsters deployed by the Ye family are not bad, and Lu Tiandu is also preparing to deploy the Five Elements Spiritual Photography Array and two other killing arrays this time. Even if there are monks coming up from the Gate of Ten Thousand Cultivations, it will be enough. They drank a pot.

An hour later, the three people who had finished setting up the formation also stepped onto the stone steps leading to Kunwu Hall.

As for the two middle-aged monks from the Ye family who had gone to Kunwu Hall two hours early, Lu Tiandu didn't take it to heart. There are four major passes leading to Kunwu Hall. Even if the Ye family monks have imitation spiritual treasures in their hands, they will only be able to pass the first pass at most based on the time required.

The stone steps leading to Kunwu Hall were very long. It took Lu Tiandu and the three of them a full meal before they walked out of the stone steps and stopped in front of an empty stone forest.

Here stands a group of stone pillars several feet high that are of average thickness. The surfaces of these stone pillars are exquisitely carved, imprinted with some runes and spells, and flashing with various faint spiritual lights.

Obviously this stone forest is a forbidden formation. But at this moment, the stone forest is all swaying, and many of them are only half-remnants. There are also numerous gravels, stones and some large and small stone pits scattered on the ground.

It was obvious that the restriction at the stone forest at the first level had been broken by the square-faced monk from the Ye family and another person who had arrived before, saving Lu Tiandu and the others from taking action.

After passing through the stone forest, the three of them walked up a sloping stone slope.

This stone slope is all paved with huge bluestones, and there are some stone statues scattered on the stone slope, and some magic weapons such as long swords and axes are scattered all over the ground. At the end of the stone slope, there are fights. The sound reached the ears of the three people.

"Sure enough, even if the two people from the Ye family have imitation spiritual treasures in their hands, it seems that they haven't even settled the puppets in the first level."

Lu Tiandu's consciousness swept over and he had a clear view of the situation here.

The three of them did not hide their figures, and soon set foot on a spacious place that was several times larger than the previous White Jade Square Judas.

At the end of the square, a large white light curtain caught the eyes of the three of them. Behind the light curtain was a huge mountain gate, which seemed to be the entrance to Kunwu Hall.

This is naturally the restriction of the second level of Kunwu Palace. At this moment, in front of the light curtain, two monks from the Ye family were fighting with two giant bronze lions about ten feet tall.

A giant ring of white bones hovered above the head of this middle-aged monk with a square face. The yellow light on it turned into a light curtain, covering him and another ordinary-looking middle-aged man in the early stage of Yuan Ying from the Ye family.

The middle-aged monk with a square face wielded a red and yellow flying sword in each hand, and the other man also raised a blue flying sword and kept slashing at the giant bronze lion opposite.

These two bronze lion puppets were covered in green light and seemed to be invulnerable. Even if they were hit by flying swords or knives, they would not be injured at all except taking a few steps back.

No matter how the two people from the Ye family moved, the two giant bronze lion puppets kept rushing towards them and biting them, moving as fast as lightning. Occasionally, when they opened their mouths, blue light beams as thick as the mouth of a bowl spurted out, seemingly It looks quite powerful.

At this moment, as Lu Tiandu and three others appeared, the two Ye family members suddenly changed their expressions as soon as they saw Lu Tiandu's face. They looked at each other and exclaimed:

"Old Demon Lu, why is he here?"

This square-faced monk was naturally the one who presided over the auction of the Pingshan Seal of the Ye family at the underground auction. When he saw Lu Tiandu at this moment, he naturally thought of Lu Tiandu's overwhelming magical power back then, and his whole body became cold all of a sudden.

At this moment, the two men were so frightened that even their attacks on the giant bronze lions were much slower. Suddenly, the light beams ejected by the two giant bronze lions hit the light curtain around them.

However, this Heavenly Bracelet also looked very extraordinary, and the light screen it turned into only trembled for a moment before blocking the attacks of two mid-stage Nascent Soul puppets.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Ye, long time no see!"

Lu Tiandu looked at the wild expressions of the second son of the Ye family and another person, and smiled with a leisurely look.

"I didn't expect to see Fellow Daoist Lu and two fairies from Xiaoji Palace here again. Ye is so polite!"

Although the square-faced monk from the Ye family had his heart sunk to the bottom of his heart, he still saluted respectfully.

At this moment, he naturally understood that Lu Tiandu and the three people must have followed them into Kunwu Mountain. Thinking that the ten people from the Lu family were actually in front to clear the way for the murderer Lu Tiandu, the second son of the Ye family suddenly felt uncomfortable. stand up.

At this moment, he was afraid that Lu Tiandu, a ruthless man, would take a fancy to the imitation spiritual treasure above his head and kill people to seize the treasure. He did not dare to show any resentment in his words, for fear that Lu Tiandu would find an excuse to kill them both.

Although the Heavenly Bracelet on his head was a blood sacrifice and its attack power was extremely amazing, in front of Lu Tiandu, a man who owned several imitation spiritual treasures, he could not think of taking action.

"You also want to go to Kunwu Palace? With your strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to pass through the second layer of light curtain."

Lu Tiandu looked at the two people who were still unable to do anything with the two giant bronze lion puppets, and shook his head, "In that case, I will take these two puppets for you!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Tiandu flicked his sleeve, and a huge colorful sleeve suddenly appeared in the sky. With a roar, it appeared out of thin air near the two of them.

Seeing Lu Tiandu suddenly take action, the expressions of the two Ye family members suddenly changed wildly. They hurriedly poured mana into the Heavenly Bracelet above their heads and retreated quickly.

As a result, the colorful sleeves did not cover his two sides. The golden-purple vortex on the sleeves turned slightly, and instantly shot out several golden-purple light beams, which hit the two giant bronze lions who were about to escape, causing the two giants to move quickly. The figure of the lion puppet is a meal.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the two people, the colorful sleeves suddenly pulled down, and the two giant bronze lions that were so powerful before disappeared instantly.

After the colorful sleeves collected the puppet, they trembled suddenly and retreated towards Lu Tiandu like a tide.


Seeing how easily Lu Tiandu took away the two mid-stage Nascent Soul puppets, the two Ye family members became increasingly uneasy.

If they had used the Blood Sacrifice Bracelet, they would have been able to defeat these two puppets, but they couldn't do it as easily as Lu Tiandu.

Not to mention that with the help of the Mitian Bracelet in his hand, he has the combat power to match the late Nascent Soul monks. Even if the two great monks, Third Brother or Seventh Uncle, come over, it may not be so easy for them to take away these two puppets.

As for Lu Tiandu, he had subdued dozens of Nascent Soul puppets that had been given fixed orders by the ancient monks since he was in the Xutian Palace. Naturally, the two suppressed bronze lions were nothing worthy of his attention.

"Okay, we are about to enter Kunwu Palace. What do you think?"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the two people who were at a loss, and asked while leading the Bai sisters forward.

"Don't dare. Fellow Daoist Lu and the two fairies can just go in!"

Hearing that Lu Tiandu had no intention of causing trouble, the square-faced monk secretly breathed a sigh of relief and stood aside, shaking his head repeatedly.

Within a moment, Lu Tiandu and three others had arrived in front of this light curtain.

This light curtain covers almost the entire platform, and there are patches of light flashing on both sides of the platform. It is obvious that there are other severe restrictions that make it impossible for people to pass.

This layer of white light curtain is also a bit strange. There are silver arcs flashing on the surface from time to time. As long as someone approaches the edge, there will be a thunderous sound on the light curtain, and dense arcs of electricity will strike down like rain.

"Wait a minute, let me break this restriction!"

Lu Tiandu used his spiritual consciousness to investigate. If this light curtain did not have the strength of the late Nascent Soul, or if he did not have treasures such as imitation spiritual treasures in his hands, it would not be possible to break through it in a short time, but for him, But it's not difficult.

"Okay, Lu Lang, just take action."

The Bai sisters smiled slightly and waited quietly with expectations on their faces.

Lu Tiandu didn't hesitate, he palmed his hand, and a three-foot-long white flying sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

As Lu Tiandu's huge amount of true energy was injected into the sword, the snow-white sword of Tianji Sword trembled slightly, and a dragon roar sounded.


With a gentle wave from Lu Tiandu, a white sword light dozens of feet long disappeared into the light curtain in front of him with a "chi" sound, like a sharp blade cutting through tofu. In the blink of an eye, this powerful light curtain was restrained by Lu Tiandu. Tiandu made a cut.


Lu Tiandu gently hugged the Bai sisters and disappeared in an instant under the surprised eyes of the two monks from the Ye family.

"Is this the Heavenly Jade Sword, the sect's treasure of the Xueqi Sect?"

Looking at the light curtain that closed instantly, Ye Laoer's eyes flickered and he murmured, "This treasure has indeed fallen into the hands of this old demon Lu. So, how many imitation spiritual treasures does this person have?"

Speaking of the latter, the square-faced monk also looked envious.

The Ye family worked hard to refine a Pingshan Seal, but were forced to sell it.

This old demon Lu revealed three imitation spiritual treasures including the Pingshan Seal, and he also killed so many people from the top ten demon sects. As a result, after several years, these demon sects don't dare to let go of anything.

Such a comparison made the square-faced monk feel even more uncomfortable.

Although there are now two great monks in the Ye family, they are naturally incomparable to Lu Tiandu and the blood-robed monk who once mysteriously appeared.

Either of these two people can conquer a sect, and they have become powerful in the Jin Dynasty in recent years.

Although the Ye family has two great monks, they are still struggling to find the Tongtian Lingbao as their last resort. After such a comparison, it can only be said that comparing goods with goods is a waste, and comparing people with others is a death penalty.

"Second Elder, are we still going in?"

Looking at the square-faced monk whose expression was constantly changing, another elderly monk from the Ye family spoke up.

"Hmph, so what if you can go in now? Do you still want to steal the treasure from the mouth of this old demon tiger?"

The square-faced monk glared at the man angrily, "Let's go, we have to inform the Great Elder as soon as possible about the news that Old Demon Lu has also entered Kunwu Mountain, so that the Great Elder can be prepared to deal with it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man reached out and touched the giant white bone ring above his head. A yellow light flashed, and a white bone bracelet appeared on his wrist.


Just as the two people exited the White Jade Square, on one side of the square, on top of a giant tree that had grown for an unknown number of years, two green fist-sized eyes appeared. The pair of eyes retracted and stared at the white jade square. Guangmu's eyes suddenly fell on the two Ye family members who were about to leave.

This demon was naturally Mukui, one of the four demons guarding the mountain, who was frightened away by Lu Tiandu at the stone pavilion and hid.

I don't know when, this demon followed Lu Tiandu and secretly came to the outside of Kunwu Palace. The thing that attracts this demon to Kunwu Palace is naturally its natal spiritual tablet... (End of this chapter)

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