Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 353 Get the treasure! You dare to sneak attack me?

As Lu Tiandu used the Tianji Sword to break through the hundred-foot-long light barrier, in the blink of an eye, Lu Tiandu and three people, holding the two beauties in their arms, landed on a ground made of white jade.

More than ten feet away in front of them, a mountain gate made of exquisite jasper came into view.

This mountain gate is also strange. Except for two rows of unknown giant trees on both sides, there is nothing else, and everything around is empty.

And through the large open door, along a white stone road in the middle, more than a thousand feet away, a simple, huge and majestic palace partially revealed, standing there quietly.

"It seems that this is Kunwu Palace!"

Bai Yaoyi looked at the majestic palace in the distance, showing a hint of excitement and murmured.

But soon her eyes swept around again, and finally landed on the giant trees on both sides.

"Lu Lang, what tree is this? There doesn't seem to be any restrictions here, but I guess it can't be that simple, right?"

Bai Yaoyi glanced at the thousand-foot passage in front of her, turned sideways and asked Lu Tiandu.

When it comes to such ancient ruins, everyone knows that everything will not be so simple. What's more, the three people in front have already passed two restrictions. It is impossible to open the door here without any restrictions.

Bai Mengxin on the other side didn't see anything, and looked at Lu Tiandu expectantly.

Lu Tian glanced at these giant trees. Each of the giant trees on both sides of the road was twenty or thirty feet tall. No matter the branches, leaves or trunks were extremely brown, they gave people a feeling of lushness and prosperity. Even in the outside world, A rare look.

With a flash of blue light in his eyes, Lu Tiandu looked at it a few more times with the help of Mingqing's spiritual eyes, and then smiled:

"These ancient trees should be the Golden Magnetic Spirit Wood, a spiritual tree known as the Treasure Tree in ancient times. Now it has long been extinct in the outside world. Anyone who steps into the range of the magnetic light emitted by these spiritual trees will be affected by the invisible magnetic light of this tree. Gravity adds to the body, and without strong magic power, it is difficult to move even an inch."

"Furthermore, the magnetic field emitted by this tree is so powerful that it can even superimpose on each other and repeatedly exert gravity on the body. And because this magnetic force is innate, it is difficult for even the divine sense to detect... If it is used within the magneto-optical range, it is mixed with metallic materials All the treasures will be defeated by this tree, and 10% of its power will not be exerted."

"Moreover, these ancient trees have been specially engraved with the ancient Buddhist incantation Great Nimbus Curse. If there are demons, they will be suppressed by these curses, making it difficult to move forward."

Lu Tiandu told the two women the information he knew. As for the Buddhist incantation, it is naturally to prevent the four demons guarding the mountain from plotting the original order card on the altar table in Kunwu Hall.

In fact, if one can extract the golden magnetic aura from the golden magnetic spirit wood, refine the aura into a field-like magical power, and suddenly release it when responding to the enemy, it will definitely surprise the enemy, and it is not impossible to kill the enemy in an instant. .

It is a pity that even the ancient monks did not create this secret method.

Although Lu Tiandu has some thoughts, there is nothing he can do at the moment, but he can try it when he takes over Kunwu Mountain in the future, so he is not in a hurry at this time.

"It turns out to be this kind of spiritual tree. It's quite interesting. I'll give it a try."

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Bai Mengxin looked very interested. With a casual move, a golden flying sword instantly shot towards the corridor. As a result, a surprising scene appeared.

The flying sword had not flown two feet away, but it seemed to be under inexplicable pressure. It let out a moan, the sword trembled, and fell to the ground uncontrollably. No matter how Bai Mengxin drove it, it became motionless.

"This golden magnetic aura is really powerful. If so, we might not be able to get in."

Seeing this scene, Bai Mengxin's expression changed.

She is at the peak of her cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and she is powerless to use ordinary magic weapons. So wouldn't it mean that only late-stage Nascent Soul monks with strong magical powers or monks who are successful in body training can pass through this corridor?

"Why don't you go in by yourself, Lu Lang?"

Although Bai Yaoyi was extremely curious about Kunwu Palace, she hesitated when she thought of the strength of her two sisters.

Regardless of whether it was magic power or physical training, Lu Tiandu thought that it would be easy to pass through this long corridor covered with golden magnetic spirit trees, but it was not easy for the two of them to pass through.

"Nothing, if you want to pass here, you must either rely on powerful magic power or magical power, or be successful in body refining and pass step by step. In fact, there is also a stupid way, which is to follow this stone road and directly remove all the golden magnetic spirit trees. If you defeat him, you won't have to worry about the invisible golden magnetic aura."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, "But although this golden magnetic aura is powerful, it cannot trouble me. Come on, I will take you in."

As he spoke, Lu Tiandu gently hugged the two sisters, and the fourth turn of the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Kung Fu was activated. Suddenly, a three-foot-tall golden solid figure appeared out of thin air behind him, which was his golden body.

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and he had already led the two Bai sisters into the chest of Dharma Prime's golden body. This place is big enough to accommodate the three of them.

With a thought in his mind, Lu Tiandu raised his tall golden body and strode towards the thousand-foot-long stone road.

The moment the golden body of Dharma Prime entered the stone road, there was a muffled "bang" in Lu Tiandu's ears, and an invisible force squeezed towards the golden body.

However, his expression did not change, and he secretly used the Golden Muscle and Jade Bone Skill. His tall golden figure was not affected by the outside world at all, and did not stop, striding towards Kunwu Hall.

"Lu Lang, your technique is indeed magical!"

Seeing the rows of golden magnetic spirit trees outside, Bai Yaoyi looked surprised.

"When you can practice this technique to the third level in the future, you will naturally be able to develop this kind of golden body."

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly.

Having said that, so far, only a few of the women in the harem of Lu Tiandu have been able to practice this technique to the third level, and no one has achieved the third level yet.

After all, they are not like Lu Tian who takes dragon scale fruit and iron fetus fruit every day.

Just taking the Qi and Blood Pill is several times faster than those who also practice body training. It may take hundreds of years for some of them to reach the third level of cultivation.

After a moment, Lu Tiandu felt the pressure outside the golden body suddenly loosen. He looked up and saw that the three of them had passed the third level.

At this moment, a huge palace appeared in front of the three of them. On the top of the palace's twenty- to thirty-foot-high gate, hung a strange plaque that was neither gold nor wood. On it was written "Kunwu Palace" in three large golden inscriptions with flying dragons and phoenixes.

"This is Kunwu Palace!"

The silhouettes of the three people flashed, and the golden body of Dharma appeared.

The tall golden body of Dharma also turned into a golden stream of light and sank into Lu Tiandu's body.

"Is this the Northern Lights?"

At the entrance of the palace, the three of them looked at the dense silver light threads in the palace. Bai Mengxin on the side looked surprised and sighed:

"It's really not easy to get some treasures from this place!"

"Yes, if it were us, I'm afraid we would have stopped at the second level!"

Bai Yaoyi also shook her head, but after smiling bitterly, she looked happy and said with a smile:

"Such four levels of checkpoints indicate that there must be important treasures here. It depends on Lu Lang!"

After speaking, he looked at Lu Tiandu with a smile.

"Although this Northern Yuan Guang is powerful, there is no need to use force to break the formation. I have a treasure that can easily send us in." Lu Tiandu chuckled and looked at the main hall.

The Northern Yuan Light in this hall is not like the Northern Yuan Mountain in Fallen Demon Valley, which is naturally covered with Northern Yuan Light. Instead, it comes from the hundreds of stone pillars distributed in the hall.

These stone pillars are all made of Arctic Yuan Stone, and the Northern Yuan light shoots out from them, flooding the entire hall. As a result, people cannot clearly see what is behind the hall.

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, and a black ring appeared in his palm. It was the Yin ring in the two ritual rings. After being lifted up, it could avoid the Northern Yuan light.

"go with!"

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand to touch the ring, and the Wuhuan made a strange low sound, trembled slightly, and then shrank and swelled. In the blink of an eye, the ring turned into a giant ring with a diameter of three feet, hanging above the heads of the three people, and sprinkled water. A circle of black light protected the three of them.

"Let's go!"

Although the two women did not know the efficacy of the two ritual rings, they were confident in Lu Tian and followed Lu Tian into the main hall without hesitation.

At this moment, an incredible scene appeared. As soon as the arctic light filaments touched the black light emitted by the Yin ring, the straight light filaments were like disturbed water, and they miraculously turned around to avoid them. It means walking around the road, like a psychic!

"What a magical weapon!"

Seeing this scene, the Bai sisters became even more amazed at the magic of Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and explained the role of the Liangyi Ring. Unfortunately, there were no enemies here, and the Yang Ring in his hand was useless.

A moment later, as the three of them walked to the center of the hall, Lu Tiandu's eyes flashed with blue light, and he naturally discovered an illusory formation secretly deployed by the ancient monks in the Northern Yuan Light.

This was naturally a trivial matter to him, but within a moment, Lu Tiandu and three others had arrived at the back of the hall.

The area here is not too big. Facing the direction of the three people, there are two rows of more than a dozen wooden chairs of various styles forming a meeting hall-like place.

At the end of these wooden chairs, there is another pale golden chair in the middle. The pale golden chair is backed against the wall of the apse, and an inconspicuous picture about a foot long is hung on the wall.

Above the picture is a picture of three people looking at the moon.

Three vague figures, a monk, a Taoist, and a Confucian, were in a bamboo forest, talking about something to the full moon.

These three people are naturally the three elders of Kunwu in ancient times. And there is still a trace of the soul marks of the three people left in this picture.

Next to the pale golden chair, there is a green desk about 10 feet tall.

The desk is covered in emerald green, exuding abundant spiritual energy. It seems to be made of some kind of spiritual wood that has been around for thousands of years. At this moment, it is covered by a layer of green light, and through this light cover, the jade table can be faintly seen. There are several things on it.

"Well, let me break the restrictions here!"

This green mask is also a special restriction. If you don't know how to break it and forcefully break the restriction, the mark of the soul left by the three elders Kunwu in the picture will inevitably cause the three treasures in the mask to attack.

This is naturally the back-up plan left by the three elders Kunwu for the treasure of Hualong Seal.

Of course, after being able to block the fatal blow from the three of them, they can naturally get the treasure.

In the original plot, the restriction of this mask was opened by Mrs. Xian Zongmu, the descendant of Kunwu Sanlao, using a special token in her hand.

However, Lu Tiandu had obtained the Sky Crystal Monument before. From the ancient texts recorded on it, he naturally knew the method of breaking the ban specially left by the three elders. Therefore, there was no need to deal with the picture of three people looking at the moon on the wall first.

He made a magic trick casually, and a ray of spiritual light gently hit the green light shield. With a "pop" sound, the light shield on the table cracked slightly, and several treasures appeared in front of the three people.

Four treasures, a small purple sword, a magic wand, a glowing red scroll and a green seal, came into view.

On the other side of these four treasures, there are three blood-red wooden tokens stacked on top of each other. Between the top two tokens, you can still see a trace of ashes. This location is naturally where the Silver-winged Yaksha's original life was once placed. The location of the spiritual tablet.

With the death of Silver-winged Yaksha, the natal spiritual tablet naturally turned into ashes.

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, and the green seal appeared in his hand. A lifelike five-clawed dragon was engraved on the surface of the seal, and its tentacles gave people a warm feeling.

Like the Tianjing Monument, this Dragon Transformation Seal is naturally used to re-strengthen the seal of Kunwu Mountain.

However, the formation eye sealed by Kunwu Mountain is in the Demon Suppressing Tower and can only be used when you get there.

After having the Sky Crystal Monument and the Dragon Seal, as long as he later dealt with the clone of Yuan Cha and used these two treasures to re-seal Kunwu Mountain, Lu Tiandu could naturally expel the other people in Kunwu Mountain at will with the help of the restriction.

This top cave in the human world has naturally become his exclusive cave.

"Please accept these two treasures!"

Lu Tiandu tapped lightly, and the small purple sword and magic wand on the table flew towards the Bai sisters beside him, "Although this magic pestle is a Buddhist treasure, and although you have not practiced Buddhist techniques, it can still exert some of its power... …”

As for the scroll, it is naturally an ancient treasure of the Confucian sect, and can be traded with others later.

"These... these treasures look quite extraordinary, Lu Lang, you should accept them!"

The two women naturally recognized that these three treasures were top-level ancient treasures, and they might be the portable treasures of the three elders of Kunwu. Their power was naturally extraordinary. They had received many benefits from Lu Tiandu before, but it was not easy to take them away now. Get these treasures.

"You don't have to be polite to me. Just hold your bodyguards. I don't have any use for these ancient treasures."

Lu Tiandu smiled and shook his head, then put away the three natal spiritual tablets and the scroll, "Let's go, let's go to the Qiling Academy to see if we can harvest some spiritual herbs..."

Returning along the original path and passing through the three intact restrictions again, the three of them entered the chaotic stone forest and followed the stone steps at their feet down the mountain.

Due to restrictions in this place, each pavilion is not connected to each other. You must return to the jade monument in the original square to reach other pavilions.

Now that they have obtained the treasure in Kunwu Palace, the three of them are in a good mood, chatting and laughing all the way.


At this moment, Lu Tiandu's expression condensed, and he suddenly looked at a forest next to the stone steps. With a flick of his sleeves, a white light and a blue light instantly shot towards one of the giant trees.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's reminder, the Bai sisters reacted extremely quickly, and instantly slapped the storage bag on their waists. Before the two of them could release the treasure, several wrist-thick green vines shot out from the other side, like Sharp spears were shot at three people from behind.

At the same time, on the side where Lu Tiandu released his Tianji Sword and Flying Sea Shuttle to attack, a burst of yellow light suddenly burst out in the woods, and a huge white bone jade ring appeared out of thin air, rolled up a burst of yellow light, and set it towards Tianji sword and flying sea shuttle.

"The Heavenly Bracelet? You dare to sneak attack on me? You're looking for death!"

Looking at the tall green figure that suddenly appeared and rushed towards him, Lu Tiandu sneered. With a wave of his hand, a golden gust of wind swept towards the vines behind him. The figure flickered and rushed towards the monster Mu Kui who was shooting towards him. (End of chapter)

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