Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 354 Spirit Core and the Feng Family in the Spirit World! Split up!


A humanoid figure filled with golden light and a green figure two feet high collided with each other like lightning. There was a roar and strong winds, and the surrounding trees, flowers and plants were completely destroyed.

The two figures separated as soon as they touched each other, each hanging in the air and staring at the other coldly.

"Give me back my life card!"

The green glow surrounded the tree figure in a ravine. A pair of green eyes the size of a bowl stared at Lu Tiandu. Mu Kui's voice was unusually dry and unpleasant.

On the other side, although Lu Tiandu blocked the vine spear that sneaked at the three people with a three-flavored kamikaze, it was obvious that Mu Kui also understood the principle of picking on the weak, and he still commanded through some kind of magical power of the wood attribute. He used dozens of extremely hard vine spears to attack the Bai sisters.

However, the Bai sisters, who had recovered from the sneak attack at this moment, did not panic and released the purple flying sword, golden demon-subduing pestle and other treasures they had just obtained to attack these continuous vine spears.

"You were spying on me before, so I'll spare your life. This time you dare to attack me secretly. In this case, go to hell!"

Lu Tiandu looked at Mukui, a rare spirit tree that transformed into a demon, and his voice was extremely cold.

This guy only thought that he was a lion and beast that he had captured with the treasure in his hands before at the stone pavilion. Therefore, he somehow snatched the Mitian Bracelet, an imitation spiritual treasure, from the two square-faced monks of the Ye family in order to restrain him. .

Although the Mitian Bracelet is also an imitation spiritual treasure that integrates defense and trapping enemies, it seems to be able to trap the two imitation spiritual treasures, Tianji Sword and Flying Sea Shuttle at the moment. This is only because Lu Tian has not fully mobilized the power of the two treasures. That’s all.

Previously, the Mitian Bracelet was in the hands of the monks of the Ye family. As long as others did not take the initiative to provoke him, he would not bother to kill people to seize the treasure. After all, it was just an imitation spiritual treasure, and he did not lack this treasure.

But now that this imitation spiritual treasure has fallen into Mukui's hands, Lu Tiandu naturally won't have any psychological pressure to take it.

Therefore, there is no need to completely activate the power of the two treasures to destroy this imitation spiritual treasure at this moment.

Mukui didn't know before that he had practiced the body-training technique to a very advanced level. He had originally used his powerful demon body to catch him off guard, killed him and won the life soul card. Unfortunately, he didn't expect that he would advance instead of retreating. The powerful physical strength forced Mu Kui to suffer a small loss.

Lu Tiandu didn't say much. A strange black-gold stick suddenly appeared in his hand. With a movement of his figure, he shot towards the demon Mukui. At the same time, he suddenly let out a cold snort and struck strangely at Mukui's soul with a shocking thorn.


Being hit suddenly by Lu Tiandu's divine consciousness, Mukui's soul instantly felt severe pain and screamed. Before he could react, countless black-gold stick shadows were bombarding him...

Within a moment, under Lu Tiandu's extremely ferocious attack, Mukui's demonic body was torn apart.

Originally, this demon was planning to escape with the help of the natural wood escape technique and the countless vegetation here. Unfortunately, Lu Tiandu secretly laid out the wind and thunder to suppress the prison. Finally, he used the eighteen moves of Hengtian, and struck down Mu Kui's spirit wood with one stick. His body was beaten into countless pieces.

One scroll up from the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Map, the demon soul that Mu Kui wanted to escape was also sealed by Lu Tiandu. A tenth-level demon soul can then refine a late-stage Nascent Soul puppet.

This battle started suddenly and ended quickly.

With Mukui's death, the vine spear that attacked the Bai sisters also disappeared.

"This thing is actually a spiritual tree that has become a demon?"

Putting away the magic weapon, Bai Yaoyi held a piece of emerald green wood the size of a human head in her hand and said with a surprised look on her face.

"Yes, I don't know what kind of opportunity this demon had to enter the path of cultivation."

Lu Tiandu played with a white bone bracelet in his hand and nodded, "This Mukui was able to cut off the connection between the soul and the natal spirit tablet in a short time before. It is really extraordinary. It's a pity that there is no way to subdue this demon, otherwise it can be studied Ichiban.”

Lu Tiandu shook his head.

Because of the rules of heaven and earth, this human world is dominated by human monks. Although there are many monsters in the sea, there are not many demon cultivators who can grow to level seven or above.

Therefore, in addition to the human race with spiritual roots and spiritual bodies, those who can enter the path of spiritual practice with great spiritual wisdom are a small number of demon cultivators above level seven.

Moreover, these monster cultivators are basically monsters with flesh and blood bodies. It is extremely rare that spiritual plants such as elixirs, herbs, flowers, and trees can open up spiritual wisdom and enter the path of spiritual practice.

Based on Lu Tiandu's knowledge, it was only a nine-bend spiritual ginseng that had been captured in Xutian Palace before and had lived for who knows how many thousands of years before it became a psychic.

The wisdom and strength of this Nine-Tune Spiritual Ginseng are far behind those of Mukui just now.

This Mukui might be able to achieve some success in the spiritual world, but unfortunately, he can only be easily killed by Lu Tiandu here.

Materials from level five monsters and above can be used to refine magic weapons. Although the body of the tenth level Mu Kui was shattered by Lu Tiandu, it is still a good wood attribute material, so the three of them did not abandon it. mean.

"Hey, is this Mukui's demon pill? Why is it so weird?"

At this moment, Bai Mengxin dug out an oval object the size of a fist from the grass and said curiously.

This object is green in color, covered with mysterious patterns, and has a restrained aura. If you look closely, it looks quite extraordinary.

"This may not be a demon pill. It would be more accurate to call it a crystal core or a spiritual core."

Lu Tiandu took the object, looked at it, and remembered some of the knowledge about the spiritual world that he had obtained from Feng Xian's notes.

The demon pill is just a collection of demon essence in the demon clan, similar to the Nascent Soul in the body of human monks.

Among the hundreds of races in the spirit world, the human and demon races are only small races. Some of the other races have Nascent Souls similar to those of the human race, and some have spiritual cores or crystal cores, which are different from each other.

For example, the thing where the true energy gathers in the true spirit body is the crystal core.

The Mahayana monks of the Sky Spirit Tribe whom Feng Xian met before also had the Origin Crystal Core in their bodies. This Origin Crystal Core was combined with the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure using a secret method to create the Xuantian Treasure of Houtian. Lu Tiandu has always been curious about the Sky Spirit Tribe.

As Yin Yue's spirit fox body transformed, her soul also made up a lot and recalled most of her memories. Therefore, Lu Tiandu also asked Yin Yue a little bit if she had heard of the Void Spirit Tribe.

Unexpectedly, Yinyue looked surprised at that time.

After listening to Yin Yue's explanation, Lu Tiandu realized that the Kongling tribe that Feng Xian was vaguely talking about was actually one of the four secret tribes in Fengyuan Continent in the spirit world. It was said that there were several Mahayana strongmen in the tribe, who were secretive and powerful.

And Yinyue knew this secret from the practice notes of his grandfather Ao Xiao, a Mahayana monk. Even top-level monks in the spiritual world had never heard of the four secret tribes. How could Lu Tiandu, a monk in the human world, know about it? A mysterious race in the spiritual world?

Facing Yin Yue's doubts, Lu Tiandu did not hide anything. He only said that he got some inheritance from an ancient monk named Feng, and only then did he know about this race.

By the way, Lu Tiandu also inquired about the Feng family address left by Feng Xian from Yin Yue. At that time, when Yinyue heard the address of Tianfeng Valley in Yanzhou, Tianling Realm mentioned by Lu Tiandu, she thought for a moment and then said with a strange look:

"This seems to be the territory of the Zhongfeng family of the human True Spirit family? Master, how do you have any connection with the True Spirit family of the spirit world?"

"Zhenling family? Then Yinyue, do you know who Feng Xian is from the Feng family?"

Lu Tiandu asked at that time.

Since Feng Xian's clone and Yin Yue's body can both come to this human world, they are naturally contemporaries, and Yin Yue's status is extraordinary, and he may be able to access secrets that ordinary monks don't know. For example, among the human race, compared with The secret true spirit family.

"Feng Xian? Isn't this the head of the Feng family who was the most promising person in the human race to advance to the fusion state at that time? This person was quite famous at the time. He had the ability to fight against the fusion cultivators with his peak cultivation level. Hey, I remembered that this person seemed to have He has an extremely powerful golden wind magical power. Master, the three-flavored divine wind you practice will not have anything to do with him, right?"

Sure enough, after listening to Lu Tiandu's question, Yinyue talked about his memories from tens of thousands of years ago, "The human and demon clans are very concerned about every monk who can advance to the fusion state. I heard that this person is practicing Void Refining." In the later period, in order to advance to the fusion, he went into the wilderness alone to look for opportunities. It took hundreds of years for him to come back. However, after returning, this person was extremely low-key. Although he did not advance to the fusion, he was extremely powerful..."

"I see. As for the wind-attribute magical power that the two of us have cultivated, it should be the three-flavored divine wind."

Lu Tiandu nodded, and he naturally understood that it was probably during this time that Feng Xian obtained the Kongling Clan's treasure and was preparing to cultivate the Lingkong Tower, so he kept a low profile.

As for the three-flavored divine wind, Feng Xian naturally learned it from Feng Lei Zhenjun's "Wind and Thunder Prison Suppressing Technique". He asked again:

"I wonder if there was a god-transformation monk named Feng who was in the lower world with you for the demonic calamity in this human world?"

"There should be no such thing."

Yinyue shook her head affirmatively, "The lower realm is not an easy task. Although there is an inverse star disk to protect you, there were only a few people who could actually enter the lower realm at that time. I have known the information about these people, and none of them have the surname Feng. The monk."

"At that time, most of the god-transformation monks in the lower realm used the secret technique of borrowing soul thoughts from the body. The soul was protected by the inverse astrolabe and fought with the body of the monks in the human world..."

In this way, the idea that Feng Xian's clone that brought the half-finished Lingkong Tower to the lower realm should use another identity flashed across Lu Tian's mind.

Speaking of the lower realm, Yinyue naturally remembered that she was plotted by Tiankui. She originally planned to use her soul to borrow her body from the lower realm to see if she could repair the flaw of two souls in one body, but in the end, even her real body was sent down (as written in Chapter 234 earlier). ).

Before the damage to his vitality could be recovered, he was caught off guard by the soul of Yuan Cha that came across the realm. In the end, the main soul was expelled from the body. This soul was seriously injured and was actually refined into a weapon spirit. In the blink of an eye, it was tens of thousands. Years passed.

Seeing the sudden silence of Yin Yue, Lu Tiandu naturally guessed what Yin Yue was thinking. She was plotted twice by Tian Kui and now she has fallen to such a state that no one can forget.

Lu Tiandu naturally hugged the beauty in his arms tightly and comforted her.

Hearing Lu Tiandu's promise that he would avenge himself, Yinyue chuckled and didn't take it to heart.

Tian Kui was already a fusion monk back then. Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, as long as he has not died, he is probably already a late-stage fusion monk.

Although her master has extraordinary talents, even if she can ascend in the future, she will only be a god-forming or void-refining monk. How could she force her man to avenge her?


These thoughts suddenly flashed through his mind, and Lu Tiandu planned to release Yinyue to surprise her after roughly exploring other important palaces.

After putting away Mukui's demon repelling fragments and storage bags, Lu Tiandu looked in a certain direction deep in the jungle. Unfortunately, the demon Gui Ling who had been hiding secretly before had escaped without a trace.

"It's not a problem to keep this monster wandering around Kunwu Mountain. It seems that Shi Lei can communicate with me. If it can be used for me, I can save this monster's life..."

This thought flashed through Lu Tiandu, and with a flick of his sleeves, the huge true body of the lion and beast appeared in front of the three of them again.

Lu Tiandu gave a few instructions through his soul. When he heard that Mu Kui, who had always been alone and powerful, was beheaded by his master, fear flashed in Shi Lei's huge eyes. After listening to Lu Tiandu's request, he nodded repeatedly, and with a flash of lightning, he went to look for Guiling.

The four demons of Shoushan have known each other tens of thousands of years ago, and they have some secret method of communication. They are not afraid that Shi Lei will not be able to find Gui Ling.

It's funny to say that Gui Ling had one of his claws chopped off by someone from the Ye family in Shi Lei. When he wanted to invite Gui Ling to avenge him, he looked like he didn't care about his natal spirit card, but was killed by Lu Tian. They all retreated from the stone pavilion. Although they were shocked and frightened, they still couldn't help but secretly followed Lu Tiandu and sneaked into the vicinity of Kunwu Hall.

Seeing Lu Tiandu break through the second forbidden light curtain with a sword and enter the mountain gate, he suddenly became anxious.

Facing Mukui's proposal to join forces, Gui Ling was a little moved, but he was naturally frightened when he thought of Lu Tiandu's thunderous methods before, and finally did not agree.

As for Mukui killing two square-faced monks from the Ye family later, she just watched with cold eyes.

Until Mukui suddenly attacked the three of Lu Tiandu, Gui Ling was also hiding in the distance and observing secretly, without any intention of taking action. I don't know if I'm really scared, or if I'm ready to wait until both of them are hurt, to fish for it, or to wait for a price based on their strong strength.

In the end, Mukui was easily killed by Lu Tiandu in just a moment. Gui Ling, who was watching, was almost frightened and escaped without a trace with the help of earth escape.

She really planned to be a coward at this moment and never go out for the rest of her life.

Following the stone steps down again, the three of them encountered the bodies of two people from the Ye family halfway. Judging from the traces, it turned out that he was killed by a sneak attack from Mukui's vine spear, and neither of them reacted.

"This Mukui's vine spear magical power is really terrifying!"

Although the Bai sisters knew that something might have happened to the two of them since the Mitian Bracelet appeared in Mu Kui's hand, they still took a breath of cold air when they saw that the two of them were killed by a sneak attack so easily.

Lu Tiandu had already expected this, so he was naturally not surprised.

After casually sending a fireball, the three of them went down the mountain again.

Soon after arriving at the jade monument in front of Baiyu Square, Lu Tiandu thought for a while and said:

"I have just sent Shi Lei to look for the last of the four demons guarding the mountain. I think this demon should not dare to fish in troubled waters at this time. Two people from the Ye family went to Lingbao Pavilion and the Demon Suppressing Tower. In this way, Kunwu There are only three of us left in the mountain. In order to explore other palaces as soon as possible, why don’t we split up?”

Lu Tiandu said, taking out a small yellow seal and a blue shuttle, and continued:

"The restrictions in other halls shouldn't be as powerful as Kunwu Palace. With the two of you joining forces and these two imitation spiritual treasures, it shouldn't be difficult to break the restrictions. How about we continue to meet here?"

"That's fine too."

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, the Bai sisters naturally agreed.

After all, if they continue to travel with Lu Tiandu, the two of them can't be of much help. But with these two imitation spiritual treasures and two mid-stage Nascent Soul puppets, the two of them have nothing to fear even if they meet people from the Ye family. .

And even if there is a big danger, the two women can hide in the flying sea shuttle and escape.

As for Lu Tiandu, who was not in a hurry to go to the Demon Suppression Tower at the moment, he naturally wanted to let the big-headed weirdo from the Ye family and his party pave the way for him to break the ban.

Watching the Bai sisters walking together up the steps of the "Golden Jade Pavilion", traces of the ancient demon's clone suddenly appeared beside Lu Tiandu. A red light flashed, and the ancient demon went straight to the "Gouyu Pool", and Lu Tiandu They all stepped onto the stone steps of "Qi Ling Yuan"... (End of this chapter)

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