Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 355 Three True Spirit Fires! Want to refine spirit armor!

“This location is almost to the back hill!”

When he reached the end of the stone steps of Qiling Academy, Lu Tiandu walked for about an hour. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally saw a large pavilion in the distance.

Such a distance is much further than Kunwu Palace.

Lu Tiandu immediately sped up a bit and reached the end of the stone steps in a blink of an eye, but then he stopped with a look on his face.

A layer of white light curtain lay in front of him. Looking through the light curtain, there was a huge white wall behind, six to seven feet high, with layers of forbidden light curtains covering the back.

There is a tall stele tower in front of the stone steps. You can faintly see the tall gate tower behind the wall. On the conspicuous top of the stele tower, the three characters "Qilingyuan" are written in silver powder.

Lu Tiandu looked around. The light curtain was extremely wide, covering the huge manor-like Qiling Yard. There was no place that could be accessed by any means.

It was obvious that the ancient monks who sealed this mountain had opened all the restrictions before leaving. Not only the key point of Kunwu Hall, but also all the restrictions in other places were opened.

In this case, Lu Tiandu was unambiguous. With a flick of his sleeves and robes, the Heavenly Jade Sword turned into a white bolt and slashed hard at the light screen.

"Zila!" There was a crisp sound, and the white steel chain split the light curtain open. Without hesitation, Lu Tian moved his figure and put away the flying sword. Before the light curtain could close again, the escape light flashed, and it was already Appear in front of a huge portal.

This is a vermilion portal with carved dragons and phoenixes, white courtyard walls, vermilion portal, and densely packed restricted light curtains above it.

Lu Tiandu used his spiritual consciousness to observe for a moment, and realized that there was no trick, so he could only forcefully break the ban.

Thinking of this, in order to save time, he not only released the Tianji Sword to float above his head, but also stretched out his hand and the Qingluan Fan also appeared in his palm.


With a thought in his mind, strong mana surged toward the Tianji Sword. As a white sword light several feet long slashed towards the huge portal, Lu Tiandu swung the Qingluan Fan with his right hand.

A melodious phoenix chant suddenly appeared in this huge courtyard, and a two-foot-long light blue bird suddenly appeared in the void in front of the vermilion gate.

This big cyan bird is covered with cyan runes, its aura is shining, and it looks like an extraordinary beast. Spreading his wings, the white sword light shot towards the vermilion door filled with light curtains of various colors.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"...

Continuous explosions sounded, and the thick light curtain outside the vermilion gate became thinner and thinner.

He didn't know how many times Lu Tiandu activated the Tianji Sword and Qingluan Fan. With a sudden "click" sound in the air, the several-foot-thick restricted light curtain in front of him was finally broken by Lu Tiandu's attack.

"I didn't expect the restrictions in this place to be so severe!"

Feeling that there was only half of the true energy left in his body, Lu Tian was a little stunned and became more and more curious about what was in Qilingyuan.

The three restrictions behind Kunwu Mountain were a bit tricky before. This time, half of his true energy was consumed in half a day. This was the first time since he advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

He had previously guessed that this place should be a place where ancient monks on Kunwu Mountain cultivated elixirs. If it was really a medicine garden, it would be worthy of such a powerful restriction.

At this moment, the restriction was broken. Lu Tiandu flicked his sleeves, and the vermilion door burst open, and a stream of pure spiritual energy mixed with the fragrance of medicine came to his nostrils.

“It’s really a medicinal garden!”

Feeling the aroma of the medicine that penetrated his heart and spleen, Lu Tian knew that his previous guess was correct without even using his spiritual consciousness to investigate.

Entering the Qi Ling Yuan, a well-planned spiritual field appeared in front of Lu Tiandu.

What disappointed Lu Tiandu was that there were no densely packed high-aged elixirs in front of him. When his consciousness swept away, he found that this medicinal garden of hundreds of acres was only scattered with some high-aged common elixirs.

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and he had already arrived in front of the elixir plant closest to him.

After checking the age of the medicine, it turned out that it was indeed more than 30,000 years old. Unfortunately, it was not a rare variety, just an ordinary elixir.

His spiritual consciousness swept through and found that in addition to the hundreds of old ordinary elixirs, there were also some large and small deep pits in the medicine garden. According to Lu Tiandu's experience, they should be the spiritual eye springs that were previously installed here. Got poached.

"Sure enough, in this important medicine garden, all the elixirs must have been transplanted away by the ancient monks on the eve of sealing Kunwu Mountain. How could it be left for others!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head.

Such things as elixirs are indispensable for ancient monks who relocated from Kunwu Mountain, whether they are establishing sects or families elsewhere, or for their own cultivation, so there is no reason to waste them.

The hundreds of elixir plants surviving here are probably some of the remaining elixir rhizomes or leftover seeds that grew on their own after being sealed in Kunwu Mountain.

As for the ruins of Lingmiao Garden that he obtained before, a treasure land where a large number of elixirs were planted, it was because the ancient demon came across the border with the help of the space cracks in Lingmiao Garden.

After the Lingmiao Garden was shattered, some of the elixirs in the space fragments were picked up by ancient monks, such as the space crack that sealed the body of the Blood Flame Ancient Demon.

Some space fragments that were not found survived. The two Lingmiao Garden ruins that Lu Tiandu entered were such fragments.

Other relics left by ancient monks, such as the three secret medicine gardens in Fengxian Cave Mansion, are specially set up for inheritors. The ruins of Xutian Palace set up by Fairy Bingpo and others are left for Xinghai monks and are opened every three hundred years. Naturally, there is no way for high-year elixirs to exist.

Therefore, although these elixirs are not as good as what Lu Tiandu had obtained before, they are still a rare wealth.

Soon, Lu Tiandu commanded the puppets to pick and collect the hundreds of thousands-year-old elixirs one by one.

These elixirs are ordinary elixirs and can only be used as auxiliary medicines, so they can be picked directly. There is no need to transplant them and plant them again.

After experiencing the Qiling Academy, Lu Tiandu had no hope that anything good could be found in other pavilions.

It's just like when you move house, valuable things are usually taken away, and only things you don't like are left behind.

Of course, there is also the possibility of picking something up, and something that the ancient monks looked down on might be regarded as a treasure by today's monks.

I looked at this spiritual field again. After tens of thousands of years of being abandoned, this spiritual land is now full of energy. It can be regarded as a good spiritual field. It will be good to plant elixirs again in the future.

After leaving the Qiling Academy, Lu Tiandu was looking forward to the Zhuling Hall he was going to next.

Speaking of the Casting Ling Hall, the ancient monks didn't leave anything valuable behind. The only precious thing was a top-quality fire pool built under the Casting Ling Hall.

With this top-quality fire pool, this Soul Casting Hall has become an excellent place for refining weapons.

It is also because of this top-quality fire pool that a refining tripod left behind by an ancient monk has been continuously calcined by earthly fire for tens of thousands of years and became a rare fire-attribute treasure. The Yin-attribute material in the tripod has also been burned. Calcined into some spiritual materials that can be used to refine spiritual treasures.

What's more important is that with the help of the tripod, earth fire and the feminine material in the tripod, tens of thousands of years have passed, and a trace of Taiyin True Fire, one of the three true spiritual fires in the human world, was born in the tripod.

The three true spiritual fires in the human world are the Taiyin True Fire, the Sun True Fire and the Star True Fire.

The reason why these three true spiritual fires surpass other flames in terms of potential and power is naturally their own merit. In the human world, whether it is the various real fires cultivated by human monks or certain demonic fires born by the demon clan, to put it bluntly, they are all acquired flames, which have their power limits, and it is difficult to produce spirituality.

These three true spirit fires are different. They are named after true spirits because these three types of flames are innate. As long as they are born, they will give birth to spirituality on their own and can devour other acquired fires to grow.

In this way, it goes without saying much about the potential of this true spirit fire.

As for the power, as long as the true spiritual fire grows, it will basically be the king of flames. How can the power of acquired fire compare to this innate fire?

These three true spiritual fires are rare in the world. It can only be said that it is a chance that a trace of Taiyin true fire can be born in this casting hall.

And with this ray of true taiyin fire, we can then use the principle of yin and yang to create and restrain each other to seduce the ray of true sun fire that was born in the Hell of Fire, one of the seven great Jedi in the Jin Dynasty.

When the time comes, Huiyangshui will be found, and Xuantian's Spirit-Slaying Sword will be born.

As for the star true fire among the three true fires, except for people with great magic power or true spirits who enter the starry sky and refine it from certain stars, they can only wait for the occasional star debris that has fallen from the starry sky to see if they can be refined from these debris. A trace of star true fire was born.

Arriving at the Soul Casting Hall, Lu Tiandu still released two imitation spiritual treasures and used thunderbolt methods to break the ban.

The restrictions in this place were much easier than those in the previous Qi Ling Yuan. Within a moment, Lu Tiandu entered this pavilion.

The pavilions in front are all of the same style, they are all two-story buildings with a height of more than ten feet.

After Lu Tiandu entered several such lofts in succession, he could only sigh and exit.

These lofts were empty, almost empty except for a few tables and chairs. It seems that the valuable things have long been taken away by the ancient monks.

The few stone houses in the back that looked like warehouses were also empty.

Lu Tiandu didn't care and went straight to the last stone palace.

This stone palace doesn't look very big, maybe more than a hundred feet wide at most, but it is red in color, like a layer of flames burning on the surface of the entire stone palace.

The three characters "Hualing Palace" on the red plaque of the Stone Palace are extremely eye-catching.

Before entering the palace, Lu Tiandu already knew that he had reached his destination when he felt the hot breath coming from the stone palace.

As a result, as soon as he walked into the palace door, there was a thunderous roar in his ears, and Lu Tiandu also looked at the source of the sound.

I saw bursts of red clouds in the main hall, and more than a dozen fire pillars stood upright around the main hall. There were strips of red dragon statues on them, lifelike. Streams of red clouds spurted out from the dragon heads, condensing but not scattering. Covered on a giant tripod in the middle of the hall.

This cauldron is six to seven feet high and has a simple style. Compared with the cauldrons Lu Tiandu has seen before, it is a huge thing.

But what is surprising is that the object is burnt red by red clouds, and its original color has long been lost. The scorching heat emitted from the surface still gives people the feeling of being in a volcano even if it is twenty or thirty feet away. .

However, Lu Tiandu has long been successful in refining his body, so he is not afraid of these high temperatures.

This fire cauldron should be the magical cauldron in the original plot, but I can't see anything about it at the moment.

At this moment, bursts of thunder came from the cauldron, as if some material was being calcined in the cauldron.

Lu Tiandu took one step forward and reached the vicinity of the fire cauldron.

After circling the fire cauldron a few times, Lu Tiandu naturally recognized the large formation operating under the fire cauldron. This top-quality fire pool and weapon refining formation are naturally extraordinary. They will still be useful after Lu Tian takes over Kunwu Mountain, so naturally they cannot be destroyed with force.

Using his Ming Qing Spiritual Eyes, within a few breaths, Lu Tiandu discovered the formation center hidden by the ancient monks in an inconspicuous corner of the hall.

He gently punched out a few spells, and between his breaths, a formation disk appeared in the corner.

As Lu Tiandu's spiritual light of several spells hit the array, more than a dozen fire pillars flashed, and the red clouds spitting out from the dragon's head suddenly stopped at the same time. The sacrificial refining array that had been operating for thousands of years finally stopped. operation.

As the sacrificial and refining formation stopped operating, without the cover of the magic formation, a fire pool dozens of feet deep appeared under the fire cauldron. The dragon fire pillars around the main hall are now connected to the fire pool by a large formation. After tens of thousands of years of calcining, these fire pillars no longer look like mortal objects.

Lu Tiandu flicked his hand, and a purple-gold wind and thunder zhengang hit the fire cauldron. With a "buzz" sound, the red cauldron made a buzzing sound like a psychic, followed by a "puff" sound. A layer of red flame emerged, wrapping the cauldron in it again.

"Sure enough, this cauldron is already considered a rare treasure, or a top-notch spiritual material embryo. If we can find a method to refine cauldron-like spiritual treasures, we can refine this cauldron into a fire-attributed spiritual treasure!"

Lu Tiandu's eyes lit up when he looked at Huo Ding.

After tens of thousands of years of earth and fire sacrifices, the half piece of Xuantian Treasure that Feng Xian obtained could grow into a complete Xuantian Treasure. Although the material of this large cauldron is not as good as the Tongtian Lingbao, it is more than enough to be made into a Lingbao.

Lu Tiandu stood in the air, filled with golden light, forming a layer of protection. With a shake of his shoulders, the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Diagram turned into a scroll that filled the hall to prevent the Taiyin True Fire from escaping.

Then he flicked his sleeves, and with a "boom" sound, the huge cauldron lid was instantly lifted off. The giant cauldron trembled slightly and made a "dang" sound. The red flames on the cauldron suddenly rose to twice as high, and instantly It condensed into a red fire bird, spitting red flames from its mouth and rushed towards Lu Tiandu.

Lu Tiandu opened his mouth and spat out, and a golden red flame shot out, instantly surrounding the firebird.

The Zhiyang Fire Crow is a means of protection created by the cauldron after it becomes spiritual. Lu Tian thought of the Suzaku True Fire refined by Nangong Wan and the spiritual beast Fire Crow cultivated by Nangong Wan. After this treasure is refined into a spiritual treasure, he can give it to him. Used by Nangong Wan.

At this moment, there was still a red light in the cauldron. Just when Lu Tian was preparing to use the Ming and Qing Spiritual Eyes to investigate, suddenly an extremely unpleasant bird chirping sound came from the cauldron, and then a red light shot out from the cauldron. He came out and headed straight to the top of the hall. The red light was extremely fast, making it difficult for people to guard against it.

It's a pity that Lu Tian was already prepared. The Wind and Thunder Prison Map scrolled down suddenly, and there was no trace of the red light turned into the true fire of the lunar calendar in the sky.

The shrunken Fenglei prison map turned into a piece of clothing and was draped over Lu Tiandu in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the red light in the cauldron had already disappeared without a trace, and Lu Tiandu immediately grabbed the void in the cauldron with one hand.

With a "swish" sound, a shiny object flew out from the cauldron, circled and fell into his hand.

It was a transparent fist-sized object, as warm as warm jade, but slightly elastic when pressed with your fingers.

"The best fire spirit silk! This material is the best material for refining fire-attribute war spirit armor. It is also rare in the spirit world. In this way, in conjunction with the Yiyi Shen Mud I collected before, Ao Shan collected it when she transformed. With the weird golden horns and other soul-absorbing materials, I can refine my first spiritual treasure armor!"

Looking at this transparent thing, Lu Tiandu felt pleasantly surprised.

Although he is successful in body refining and is invincible in close combat in the human world, when he comes to the spirit world, the enemies he encounters are naturally different. If he has a spiritual treasure-level armor, it can be combined with the great magical power of body refining, "Fa Tian Xiang Di" , among the same level, I am afraid that no one can break his defense.

Although he has not yet ascended, he has already begun to prepare for his ascension to the spiritual world.

If he can still refine the complete Six Tin Heavenly Armor Talisman and the Life and Death Talisman by then, it will be almost equivalent to covering him with several layers of tortoise shells. As long as he does not encounter a fusion monk, he will be almost invincible.

"But the method of refining this spiritual treasure armor may have to fall on Fairy Peacock!"

The graceful figure in colorful palace clothes suddenly flashed in Lu Tiandu's mind. (End of chapter)

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