Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 356 Silver Moon appears! Devour Yuan Cha?

The refining method of Fire Spirit Silk, a fire-attributed spiritual material, is to use a certain rare Yin-attributed ore, which is calcined in the fire for many years. By chance, it is not melted, and this material can be formed.

According to classic records, after hundreds of years of refining, the color of the thick embryo of fire silk is usually light blue. The transparent embryo of fire spirit silk in Lu Tiandu's hand was naturally the result of tens of thousands of years of continuous calcination.

Such top-quality materials are rare in the spiritual world.

Of course, when actually refining the fire attribute armor, these primitive embryos still need to be condensed into silk by monks who are proficient in fire attribute techniques.

This kind of real fire spirit silk can not only be used as a spiritual material for refining battle armor, but can also be refined into Yin weapon magic weapons to enhance the power of flying needle magic weapons.

Of course, as a silk thread magic weapon, it can also be refined and driven, which can be said to have many wonderful uses.

Lu Tiandu played with the transparent jade ball in his hand and then put it away.

I can't use this thing until I go back to find the Peacock Fairy and trade it for the spirit armor refining method, so I'm not in a hurry at this time.

Looking at the fiery red cauldron in front of him, Lu Tiandu casually took a photo, and the top cover that had been lifted off flew over to cover the cauldron. As he gently played several spells, the cauldron buzzed and the fire flickered. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a small crimson cauldron as big as a fist.

Lu Tiandu held the small vermilion cauldron with one hand and observed it attentively. After a moment, a golden-red glow flashed in Lu Tiandu's hand, and he patted the cauldron lightly with one hand.

With a "buzz" sound, the small cauldron was filled with red light, and the rays of light shone brightly. Then, after the cauldron lid was opened, countless fists as big as Yang Fire Crows swarmed out of the cauldron. They were all ugly and extremely red.

These fire crows spit flames from their mouths, flying around in the hall under the control of Lu Tiandu's spiritual thoughts, gathering and scattering, all of them are extremely flexible.

"There are so many earth fire essences condensed in this cauldron. Each of the fire crows that emerged from the illusion is no different from the real fire attribute spiritual bird. If it is refined by Wan'er's Suzaku True Fire, then combined with it I think this cauldron can be used to develop a great magical power."

Lu Tiandu looked at the cauldron with satisfaction and put it away.

After the Baby Training Pill was refined, Lu Tiandu took the time to send it to Hong Fu, Wen Lan, and Nangong Wan.

At the moment, the three of them are still in seclusion refining the Infant Training Pill. They are waiting to control the restrictions in the Demon Suppression Tower and expel the other people in Kunwu Mountain. They happen to be in seclusion in the mountain. It will not be too late to give it to Nangong Wan to refine the treasure. .

As for the method of refining tripod-like spiritual treasures, you can ask Fairy Peacock later.

Speaking of which, after Yinyue and Longmeng's souls merge into one, you can also ask her if she has any method for refining spirit armor or fire-attributed tripod-like spirit treasures.

Although Lu Tiandu has collected the Wind Fire Fan, the Seven Flame Fan, the Star Sword, and the Palm Seal successively for this method of refining the spirit treasure, it does not mean that this thing is easy to obtain. This method is not something that a monk who transforms into a god can obtain.

Lu Tiandu can currently collect four of them, which is already a good chance.

However, there is a split soul of a monk from the spiritual world coming to this human world. I believe that after he advances to become a god, he can trade a few items at a very small price.

As for whether the spiritual treasure can be refined in the end, that is another matter.

At this time, Lu Tiandu shook his sleeves, and a small ball of purple-gold light appeared in front of his eyes.

Within the ball of light, a red flame constantly changes into various mini birds darting left and right, just like living creatures, which is really spiritual.

"Taiyin is really hot!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly as he looked at the flame that was blocked by Fenglei's true power.

With his index finger, a blue flame appeared on Lu Tiandu's finger, and a cold air spread in the hot hall.

This blue cold flame was the dry blue ice flame originally obtained from the Xutian Cauldron. Lu Tiandu, Hong Fu and Wen Lan each refined one third of it.

Since Hong Fu and Wen Lan had the dry blue cauldron and cold flame condensation method left behind by the Ice Soul Fairy from the Xutian Palace, they naturally started to condense their own cold flames with the help of one-third of the dry blue ice flame.

Lu Tiandu naturally looked down upon the power of the dry blue ice flame because he had many powerful magical powers and also had the pure Yang fire of Tianyang Divine Fire.

Therefore, the Xutian Cauldron, which can be used to drive, has not been used much since it was refined.

At this moment, he only made a slight click, and a blue ice lotus turned into a dry blue ice flame was submerged into the purple gold ball.

As soon as the Ice Lotus entered the Fenglei Pearl, the red bird was like a greedy cat smelling the scent of meat. It flashed and rolled up the Ice Lotus and ate it with a cheerful look.

"Yes, with the help of these dry blue ice flames that I have refined, this Taiyin True Fire flame can also grow quickly."

Seeing the Taiyin True Fire swallowing up the dry blue ice flame, Lu Tian chuckled.

Every trace of the dry blue ice flame has his magic imprint. When the Taiyin True Fire swallows all the dry blue ice flames in his body, the nascent Taiyin True Fire will be considered to have been refined by him.

As for the Xutian Cauldron being unable to be driven without the dry blue ice flame, Lu Tiandu didn't really care.

Although he has refined two layers of Tongbao Jue into this Xutian Cauldron, he has not made much use of this spiritual treasure that can only be used to assist in collecting treasures in the past few battles.

Later, he can give it to Hong Fu for her to refine. Lu Tiandu has several imitation spiritual treasures in his hands. Then he can get two more spiritual treasures, the Black Wind Flag and the Eight Spirit Ruler. Although the Eight Spirit Ruler is a Buddhist treasure, he He can't use it, but with the Black Wind Flag, he has a lot of useful treasures on hand, which is enough for him.

"It's time to leave for the Demon Suppression Tower!"

Lu Tiandu glanced around, put away the Wind and Thunder Pearl, and turned to leave.

Just as Lu Tiandu left the Zhuling Hall and went down the mountain, in a huge underground cave in Kunwu Mountain, the lion beast, Lu Tiandu's newly acquired mount, sat on a huge rock and let out an extremely unpleasant cry. The sound seems to be telling something.

Not far away from her, Gui Ling, an ugly woman in black clothes with a waist as tall as a bucket and a dark complexion, had an ever-changing expression, looking hesitant.

"He really said that as long as I serve him for three thousand years, it will be fine? Will he give me a chance then?"

Gui Ling suddenly confirmed.

After hearing the response from the lion and beast, Gui Ling finally seemed to make up his mind and said:

"Now that the Dragon Seal is in his hand, is he really going to go to the Demon Suppressing Tower? If he can really survive from the Demon Suppressing Tower and control the restrictions of Kunwu Mountain, it is not impossible for me to surrender..."

After hearing Gui Ling's words, the lions and beasts roared several times, and with a flash of lightning, the figure suddenly disappeared.

Gui Ling looked at the disappearing lions and beasts, looked at the pool not far away, and sighed quietly.

Ever since Lu Tiandu killed Silver-winged Yaksha and Mukui and subdued the lions and beasts, Gui Ling already knew that Lu Tiandu, who had obtained her natal soul card, was definitely her biggest enemy.

However, the power of Lu Tiandu's magical treasures and the fierceness of his killing methods made it impossible for her to have any thoughts of confrontation, so she had the intention to lurk deep in the Kunwu Mountains and never show her face again.

No matter how Lu Tian drives some of the souls on the natal soul card, she won't get out even if she kills them. The worst she could do was lose this part of her soul, and she would still be able to recover after thousands of years of rest.

Unfortunately, when the lions and beasts came and told him that his master planned to use this spiritual mountain as a cave, Gui Ling knew that he was in big trouble.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's conditions, Gui Ling also understood that he had the only way to go.

If Lu Tiandu could really survive from the Demon Suppression Tower, she would have no choice but to hand over part of her soul and surrender voluntarily.

Of course, the benefits she received from Lu Tiandu after the lions and beasts surrendered before were also one of the factors that drove her to agree to surrender.


At the stone pavilion halfway up Kunwu Mountain, two days passed by.

Two days ago, as Qian Laomo was the first to be trapped in the trap set up by Lu Tiandu, not long after, the five Nascent Soul monks from the Poison Saint Sect also came out of the crack restriction and were also trapped in the trap.

As soon as the two parties gathered together, they looked at each other and could only join forces to break the formation. Just as the six Nascent Soul monks who were the first to enter Kunwu Mountain joined forces to break the formation, more and more Nascent Soul monks entered the underground space of Kunwu Mountain.

In addition to the five or six Nascent Soul cultivators who arrived before, four or five monks who appeared to be casual cultivators also came. Among these Nascent Soul cultivators, Han Li and Dayan Shenjun, two people who had refined the treasures, also changed their appearances and hid among them.

However, the most conspicuous thing in this underground space is not these casual cultivators, but another sect in southern Xinjiang, the Immortal Transformation Sect.

Although the Huaxian Sect is a hermit sect, the sect leader, Mrs. Mu, is still famous in southern Xinjiang for her curse skills. Therefore, with the arrival of Mrs. Mu and others, these Nascent Soul cultivators also started to wait and see.

The people of the Huaxian Sect are all female cultivators dressed in emerald green clothes. They are all young and beautiful, with graceful figures.

There were only two people at the head, a woman in the middle stage of Yuanying, with an ordinary appearance; a young woman in the early stage of Yuanying, beautiful and moving. It was Mrs. Mu and her junior sister.

At this moment, it was learned from the elder Daoist Biluo Yayu, the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator who was the first to arrive here, that the five Nascent Soul monks Qian Laomo and the Poison Saint Sect had entered the crack restriction a day ago. Mrs. Mu Suddenly became anxious.

Others don't know where this place is, how could they, the Immortal Sect, not know.

They also know the foundation of the Poison Saint Sect. The Poison Saint Sect has been established in southern Xinjiang since ancient times, and it is vaguely looking for Kunwu Immortal Mountain.

Now that there is a loophole in Kunwu Mountain's ban, the Poison Saint Sect must have gone in to find the Tongtian Lingbao.

What worries them even more is naturally the sudden appearance of the great monk Gan Lao Mo.

Previously, the two girls from the Huaxian Sect came immediately with their troops after receiving Xiang Zhili's flying sword message. Unexpectedly, the Poison Saint Sect was faster than them, which showed that the Poison Saint Sect was well prepared.

As a result, when Mrs. Mu came with her disciples and tried to contact Xiang Zhili through the secret method, there was no response. This made Mrs. Mu and the two people's hearts sink, secretly thinking that something had happened to Mr. Xiang?

Huaxian Sect came in such a hurry. In addition to the task of re-sealing Kunwu Mountain, they also naturally wanted to capture the two spiritual treasures in Kunwu Mountain, especially the Eight Spiritual Ruler.

Their Huanxian Sect has long inherited the Four Elephant Ruler, an imitation of the Eight Spirit Ruler. With a little guidance from the Four Elephant Ruler and support from Xiang Lao, all they have to do is beg and get this heaven-reaching spiritual treasure. It's not difficult to think about.

Therefore, Mrs. Mu and her junior sister looked at each other and made up their minds to enter Kunwu Mountain as soon as possible.

Although they know that it is not the best time to enter now that the restriction has not subsided, they have obtained a replica of the Sun and Moon Shuttle, one of the three ancient spiritual shuttles, a few years ago. As long as everyone works together, they can use the treasure to temporarily stabilize the space fluctuations here. They were confident that they could successfully enter Kunwu Mountain with the help of the Sun-Moon Shuttle.

Therefore, when Mrs. Mu informed the more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators present that this crack led to the ancient immortal mountain Kunwu Mountain, the Nascent Soul cultivators immediately became excited.

In this way, under the guidance of Mrs. Mu, Han Li, Dayan Shenjun and others also worked together to quickly stabilize the restriction fluctuation caused by the Ye family's backhand.

As Mrs. Mu and her two sisters drove a golden and silver giant shuttle into the restricted light curtain, other Nascent Soul monks joined forces in twos and threes and followed them into the restricted area.

And at the stone pavilion halfway up Kunwu Mountain, although the five monks from Gan Laomo and the Poison Saint Sect joined forces, how could the two traps set up by Lu Tiandu be broken so easily?

After attacking for a day and a night, just as the six people were recovering their true energy, Mrs. Mu and others who rushed in excitedly were also trapped in the trap.

When she saw the tired-looking Qian Laomo and others, the leader, Mrs. Mu, although she looked indignant on her face, was secretly very happy.

These people did not enter the top of the mountain before them, so their chances of winning the treasure naturally increased.

However, when they heard that the Ye family monks had already gone up the mountain, everyone became more and more anxious.

In this way, with the joint efforts of the eighteen or nineteen Nascent Soul monks who arrived one after another, the two large formations set up by Lu Tiandu were breached in just half a day.

These people can be regarded as having a large number of people. You chased after me, but within a few hours, they arrived at the Gate of Wanxiu and broke into the ice flame bipolar formation set up by the Ye family.

As a result, before everyone could get excited after breaking through the formation, they were once again surrounded by two large formations, one killing formation, one trapping formation, and two large formations set up by Lu Tiandu, which was extremely miserable.

And just when Lu Tiandu came down from the Zhuling Hall to the White Jade Square, he felt that the mana mark left in the Gate of Ten Thousand Repairs was triggered, and he suddenly chuckled:

"I didn't expect these people to be quite fast. There are many people who want to come in. But even if they pass through the Gate of Ten Thousand Xiu, if they break into the three-door killing formation here in the square, I don't know how many people will die?"

After Lu Tiandu smiled, he was naturally too lazy to pay attention to these people. After sensing for a moment, there was still no trace of the Bai sisters here. It was estimated that the two of them had left the Jinshi Pavilion and gone to other palaces. He simply stopped waiting and waved lightly, releasing The silver moon.

In a flash of light, a graceful figure wrapped in a white gauze skirt and a graceful figure suddenly appeared next to Lu Tiandu. Her long silver-white hair was floating in the wind, with a smile at the corner of her mouth, and a pair of almond-shaped eyes looking at Lu Tiandu.


Listening to Yin Yue's sweet call, Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and already wrapped his arms around the beauty's slender water snake waist. Smelling the familiar fragrance, Lu Tiandu smiled and said:

"Does Yin Yue miss me?"

After hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Yinyue snorted softly, put her hands skillfully on Lu Tiandu's shoulders, gave Lu Tiandu a blank look, and said coquettishly:

"The badass master doesn't know which beauty he's been hanging out with these days. Can he still think of his little maid?"

"What you said, how could I forget my little secretary?"

Lu Tiandu stroked Yinyue's soft waist, kissed the corner of the mouth of the beauty in his arms, and chuckled, "Although I haven't been with you in the past few months, I have been busy with you during this period. It’s something!”


Yinyue suddenly showed curiosity after hearing this.

"Look where this is? Carefully use your soul sense for a moment to see what's different?"

Lu Tiandu said with a mysterious look.

"Huh? This place... this place looks a bit familiar..."

Yinyue didn't care at first, but after releasing his spiritual consciousness to investigate, he showed a look of reminiscence. After a few breaths, he was suddenly surprised, "This... this is actually Kunwu Mountain, the former holy land for cultivating immortals in the human world?"

"And... I actually sensed the existence of my other soul, as well as my true body... Why are there only some vague connections?"

Yin Yue closed her eyes and slowly felt the sensation, and the words in her mouth were full of surprises and complex meanings.

"Your true body should be sealed, but we will definitely rescue it this time..."

"As for your other soul, she had a brief exchange with me when she first entered Kunwu Mountain. However, in order to trap Xiang Zhili, she borrowed part of the power of the Yuancha soul that merged with her. Now the soul Due to weakness, the two of them should be separated for the time being. Therefore, we will go to the Demon Suppression Tower now to let you re-integrate this split soul of yours, and then use the innate secret skills of your Silver Moon Sirius Clan to devour the Holy Ancestor of Yuan Cha. This split soul..."

Lu Tiandu smiled and said his plan.

"Fusing with Longmeng? Swallowing the soul of the Holy Ancestor of Yuan Cha?"

Hearing what Lu Tiandu said, Yinyue suddenly became pleasantly surprised.

As for the reason for this surprise, it was naturally the mysterious furnace shadow that Lu Tiandu left in her soul after she and Lu Tiandu both cultivated. With this trump card, although her soul has not yet returned to its peak, it will not be a problem to merge with Long Meng and occupy a dominant position.

As long as she merges with Long Meng, her soul will be able to return to its peak in a short time. By using the innate secret technique 'Soul Devouring', it is very possible to devour the soul of Yuan Cha Saint Ancestor who has been trapped for tens of thousands of years. .

And if she can digest this split soul of the Holy Ancestor Yuan Cha, her soul will definitely grow a lot, which can be regarded as laying a solid foundation for advanced Void Refining.

When she thought of this, Yin Yue suddenly became excited.

"So, I still need Master to help me!"

Maimai looked at her man, and Yin Yue smiled. (End of chapter)

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