Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 357 Linglong’s Past! The Ye family has come to an end! Lingbao Yingyue Ring!

"So, I still need Master to help me!"

"Yinyue, why are you so polite?"

Looking at the delicate and delicate silver moon, Lu Tiandu chuckled, caressing the nostalgic slender waist of the beauty in his arms, and said softly:

"You and I have a long-standing relationship. The affairs of my little secretary are my business, right?"


After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Yinyue blushed and snorted, silently leaning on Lu Tiandu's chest, but suddenly the thoughts of Lin Lin and Zongzong who got along with Lu Tiandu as a little secretary appeared in her mind.

Hey, my master is good at everything, even having too many confidantes, otherwise...

Thinking of this, Yinyue sighed quietly in her heart!

Lu Tiandu was waiting quietly with the stunning beauty in his arms at this moment.

The ancient demon clone is about to go down the mountain after receiving the message. It won't be too late to put away the ancient demon clone's trump card before setting off.

Although he had mentioned before that he had asked Yin Yue to use the secret soul-devouring technique to devour the soul of Yuan Cha, it might not actually be that troublesome.

Back then, Yuan Cha took advantage of Ling Long's vitality in the lower realm to be seriously injured and severely damaged Ling Long's soul. In the end, Xueling, the main soul at that time, had to escape from her body.

And the main soul of Xue Ling left on her own initiative, making Yuan Cha think that he had completely captured the body of the demon wolf.

Unfortunately, she didn't expect that Linglong was plotted by Tiankui because of her previous practice of secret arts, and her soul was split. She turned out to be a rare two-soul being in one body, the main soul Xueling and the sleeping split soul Longmeng.

Although the main soul Xueling left the body, it also awakened the sub-soul Longmeng who had been suppressed before and secretly used secret techniques to hide. At the critical juncture when Yuan Cha's split soul borrowed the Silver Moon Wolf Demon Drive to fight against the three elders Kunwu, Longmeng in his body suddenly counterattacked, and the true form of the wolf demon was trapped by the three elders Kunwu.

Although Kunwu Sanlao and others trapped Linglong's true body due to Longmeng's counterattack, there were other lower realm monks standing by at the moment. Naturally, they quickly learned Linglong's true identity in the spirit world, so they did not dare to destroy it easily. With a monster body.

At this time, despite Longmeng's sneak attack, Yuan Cha had already used a secret method to demonize half of Ling Long's demon expellers, and the human monks were unable to expel Yuan Cha's split soul. The two souls Yuan Cha and Long Meng were caught in the struggle for dominance within this demon exorcist.

Seeing this, the ancient monks had no choice but to temporarily seal the Silver Moon Wolf body in the eighth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower with the help of the Black Wind Flag.

Moreover, in order to allow the soul of Princess "Linglong" to finally expel the soul of the Holy Ancestor of Yuancha, the ancient cultivators also spared no effort to build a palace with sufficient spiritual energy for the soul of Longmeng to recover at any time. Loss of vitality.

Next, Longmeng would return to Silver Moon Wolf Body and Yuan Cha's split soul almost every once in a while to fight for the dominance of the demon driver. Once he failed, he would immediately return to the place where he was resettled to regain his damaged vitality.

In such a situation, it didn't take long for Yuan Cha's soul to be at a disadvantage. Finally, in order not to be forced out of this body, Yuan Cha's split soul used the demon's soul-melting method and had no choice but to merge with Long Meng.

Under the spirit-melting method, it didn't take long before a new soul appeared, with Longmeng's soul as the main body and Yuan Cha's soul as the supplement.

However, this new soul had only been formed recently and was not yet stable. Naturally, the ancient cultivators saw the flaw and did not recognize the identity of the fused Demon Concubine Linglong at all, nor did they break the seal and let her out.

However, Linglong's identity is special after all. The two noble identities of the princess of Tiankui Wolf King and the granddaughter of the monster Mahayana monk Ao Xiao made these ancient cultivators in the human world dare not harm them easily. In the end, they even didn't want to go to Kunwu Mountain. , the mountain was completely sealed off.

As for why Ao Xiao never knew the true situation of his granddaughter Linglong in the human world after Kunwu Sanlao and others ascended, this is probably another story.

It may be that the monks in the human world and some of the surviving spiritual monks in the lower world were afraid that the big bosses in the spiritual world would blame them, so they all remained silent and did not dare to mention the matter in the slightest.

It is also possible that these people returned or ascended to the spirit world and were silenced by Demon King Tiankui, the initiator of the Linglong incident.

It is also possible that Ao Xiao knew about this situation, but in the end for some reason gave up on his granddaughter Linglong, who seemed to have little potential.

If you want to know the real truth, I'm afraid you have to return to the spirit world after Yin Yue.

After Long Meng and Yuan Cha were completely sealed in the Kunwu Mountain Demon Suppression Tower, the two souls had been in a strange situation of sometimes fighting and sometimes merging.

It was not until the two souls merged again more than ten thousand years ago that they became completely stable. At this moment, the two souls have merged perfectly.

As a result, a few days ago, the new souls, mainly Longmeng, pulled Xiang Zhili, the god-transforming monk, into the miraculous celestial phenomenon, allowing others to enter smoothly and open the seal. After using the secret technique of the soul, the new soul finally let The soul power was greatly damaged, and the two souls, Long Meng and Yuan Cha, had no choice but to split again.

But this time, according to Yuan Cha's split soul, it should be the last split.

As long as Long Meng's soul recovers and returns to the body of Silver Moon Sirius, the two souls will merge into one again without any spell casting.

Therefore, in the original plot, Yuan Cha let the Ye family's big-headed weirdo, who was instigated by the ancient demon Xueyan, sneak into the resting place of Longmeng's soul, trying to kill Longmeng's soul with the help of the soul-killing talisman.

As for why the more powerful Blood Flame Ancient Demon did not go, this is naturally because the place where Longmeng's soul rests is not only suppressed or protected by the Buddhist spiritual treasure of the Eight Spirit Rulers, but also the Jiuzhen that was personally arranged by the Third Elder Kunwu. Anyone with demonic aura who approaches the Demon Subduing Array will be chopped into pulp by these giant blades combined with the power of the array.

On the eighth floor of the Demon-Suppressing Tower, the place formed by the Black Wind Flag is bound by the Black Wind Flag and the Great Zhoutian Star Chain specially brought from the spirit world to restrain the demons. Yuan Cha, who is now sleeping, is not in the original plot. The rescue of the Blood Flame Ancient Demon can be regarded as fat on the chopping block, leaving little room for resistance.

Therefore, Lu Tiandu thought that it would be much easier for Yin Yue to fuse Longmeng and Yuan Cha's split souls this time.

Of course, it is estimated that it is one thing, but Lu Tiandu is not ambiguous at all about the trump card that should be prepared.

As for the two groups of Ye family members who entered the Demon Suppressing Tower in advance now, Lu Tiandu didn't take it seriously. They couldn't afford to cause any trouble.

A moment later, a figure with a blood-robed golden face suddenly appeared near the stone steps. It was the clone of the ancient demon that Lu Tiandu had previously sent out to explore other palaces.

After putting away the ancient demon clone, just as Lu Tiandu and Yinyue were about to walk up the stone steps leading to the Demon Suppression Tower, Shi Lei also appeared in front of Lu Tiandu amid a burst of thunder.

Yinyue naturally recognized the lion beast, the seventh-level spiritual beast of the ancient monk Kongxuan Danshi who had fallen in ancient times. Unexpectedly, it was already a tenth-level peak spiritual beast in the blink of an eye.

With a sigh, the two set out on the road again.

After learning about Gui Ling's conditions from Shi Lei's soul transmission, Lu Tiandu didn't say much.

As for the ancient demon clone, I explored three palaces this time and gained some bits and pieces.

However, what Lu Tiandu values ​​​​the most is the several pieces of "cold soul crystals" that the ancient demon's clone found at the bottom of the cold pool called Gouyu Lake.

I don't know how long it took for this cold soul crystal to slowly form at the bottom of the Magatama Cold Pond. Lu Tiandu happened to be refining the Taiyin Xuanzhen Sword later, and this top-level water-attribute material was just useful.

Speaking of Taiyin Xuanzhen Sword, when Lu Tiandu and Youluo parted ways last time, he asked her to help collect some top water-attribute materials from the seabed. He didn’t know that next time he cultivates Xuantian Spirit-Slaying Sword, when they meet , what surprise will Youluo give him?

The location of the Demon Suppression Tower was relatively remote, and the two of them walked for a long time before finally reaching the end of the stone steps.

This place is very different from other places Lu Tiandu has visited. This place is a cliff with a simple stone temple nearby. Entering the stone hall, there is no other entrance except for a dark downward stone staircase not far in front.

This Demon Suppression Tower is different from the secular pagoda. It was built upside down by ancient cultivators. The top of the tower is at the bottom, and the bottom of the tower is at the top. The more demons and monsters are imprisoned below, the more powerful they become.

Therefore, the two of them were not surprised when they saw this scene.

The two of them carefully entered the Demon Tower. The first few floors of the Demon Suppression Tower were very large and very peaceful. The restrictions set inside seemed to have been broken by the four big-headed monsters in front of them.

The further down you go, the more obvious the traces of the fight become. It wasn't until the sixth floor that some blood stains appeared.

And through the Xuanhun clone, Lu Tiandu naturally knew that there was a Ye family monk here who was covered in green and seemed to be poisoned by the shadow of the black shadow snake. His body had been put away by the white-clothed Confucian scholar who came in behind.

When they were about to reach the seventh floor, Lu Tiandu said:

"Let's go, the elder of the Ye family and his party are already waiting for us, let's go and meet them!"

From the information transmitted through the Xuanhun clone before, Lu Tiandu naturally knew that the elder of the Ye family and his party, who had spent a lot of effort to break the restrictions of Lingbao Pavilion, had not found any valuable treasure.

After leaving Lingbao Pavilion, they didn't bother to explore other palaces and pavilions. The four of them went straight to the Demon Suppressing Tower. As a result, they became vigilant when they saw the death of two people from the Ye family who had previously accompanied the big-headed monster on the sixth and seventh floors.

They not only left some small forbidden traps along the way, but in the small stone room leading from the seventh floor to the eighth floor, facing two small black and white teleportation arrays, under the advice of the Xuanhun clone, the four of them did not follow Following the big-headed monster, the two stepped onto the teleportation array and waited quietly.

As a result, there was no news about the two big-headed monsters at the other end of the teleportation array, but through the reminder ban they had set before, they found out that there was a new person coming to the Demon Suppression Tower at this moment.

On the seventh floor, where the three big-headed monsters fought against the Ghost King, it was now empty except for a small stone room in the corner that stood out. As for the body of another Ye family monk who was killed by the Ghost King, it was also collected by the Confucian scholar in white and others.

As Lu Tiandu and Yinyue appeared on the seventh floor, the three Ye family monks, the Confucian scholar in white, the beautiful middle-aged Taoist nun and another old man in green robes who were hiding somewhere, took a breath of cold air.

"Why is this Old Demon Lu here?"

This thought occurred to the three of them at the same time.

When they thought about the possibility of facing off against Lu Tiandu, an extremely powerful old devil, the hearts of the three of them sank.

At this moment, these three Ye family monks really hope that the two big-headed monsters can appear alive as soon as possible.

"What? Are your invisibility skills very good? Do you want Mr. Lu to invite you out? Or maybe he will send you on your way?"

Lu Tiandu glanced at the hiding place of the four people, and finally stared at the invisible position of the white-clothed scholar and said coldly.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Lu. The eldest elder of the Ye family, Ye Zhihuang, has met Fellow Daoist Lu!"

Seeing that Lu Tiandu was not a good person, the white-clothed Confucian scholar dared to pretend to be dead. Among the four of them, he was the most skilled in the secret of invisibility. Lu Tiandu saw through it, and there was no need to say anything about the others.

"Are you also after the spiritual treasure in this Demon Suppressing Tower? With your little strength, you actually dare to make trouble on the banned Old Demon of Transformation. I can only say that you are really looking for death!"

Lu Tiandu shook his head and smiled coldly.

"Do fellow Taoists know what is being sealed here?"

The Confucian scholar in white was moved and asked respectfully.

"Haha, what do you think about the spirit and soul of the demonic ancestor who invaded the human world?"

Lu Tiandu's voice was indifferent, "I guess some of you have already entered the teleportation array, right? I estimate that 80% of them will not be able to get out!"

Lu Tian burst into laughter when he said that.

As for the big-headed monster, a late-stage Yuanying monk and another early-stage Yuanying monk, there is a high probability that they will explore the white teleportation array first.

Although Longmeng's Yuan Shen is now weak and may not be able to cope with the Soul Transformation cultivators, is it not a simple matter to suppress or trap the two Nascent Soul cultivators?

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, the hearts of the three Ye family members sank, knowing that they might have made an intelligence error this time. Of course, it is also possible that Lu Tian was trying to deceive them and get the treasure alone later.

Just when the white-clothed scholar wanted to ask something more, Lu Tiandu said coldly:

"Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you anymore. I'm going down to re-strengthen the seal here. This Kunwu Mountain will be my cave from now on. If you surrender, I can spare your life and send you out later. . If you want to take action, I wouldn’t mind taking some time to give you a ride!”

After hearing Lu Tiandu's cruel words, the faces of the three Ye family members became increasingly grim, and each of them looked nervous.

The Xuanhun clone on the side looked expressionless in Yin Yue's half-smiling expression.

"Since fellow Taoist disciples came in after us, have you ever seen my second brother Ye Zhifeng and the others?"

The Confucian scholar in white didn't know what he was thinking at the moment, and suddenly asked about the square-faced monk.

"Are you talking about the other two people who went to Kunwu Palace? They were killed halfway by the monster Mokui in the mountains. As for your Ye family's Heavenly Bracelet, this Mokui actually used the Heavenly Bracelet to sneak attack me, and it has been killed by me. Behead, if you want this treasure, you can also try to defeat me..."

Lu Tiandu was very calm about this matter.

Although the eldest elder of the Ye family was in the original plot to plot the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure and get rid of the control of the good and evil way, which caused the Ye family to be completely defeated in the end, his behavior was generally decent, and the Xuanhun clones could see it from the sidelines these years. .

Unlike this guy's Seventh Uncle Big-headed Monster, in the original plot, in order to become a god, he not only sacrificed his nephew Yuanying monks of the Ye family, but also fed himself to demons in the end, which can only be said to be selfish to the extreme.

Moreover, Lu Tiandu also followed people from the Ye family to Kunwu Mountain, which was considered a kind of friendship. As long as these people did not seek death, Lu Tiandu had no intention of killing them all.

Hearing that the two square-faced monks were dead, the Ye family's monks looked even more grim.

When they heard that Lu Tiandu claimed to have killed a monster in ancient books like Mukui, everyone was suddenly shocked. The expressions of the white-clothed scholars changed. Thinking of the lions and beasts they had encountered before, they hurriedly asked:

"I wonder if my fellow Taoist has ever seen a lion or beast?"

"This demon has been adopted as a spiritual beast by me."

Lu Tiandu shook his sleeves, and Shi Lei's huge body appeared in front of everyone. Regardless of the shock of the Ye family, Lu Tiandu continued:

"There should be four level 10 monsters in this mountain. Another silver-winged yaksha has been killed by me, and the last black rock turtle is still hiding somewhere in the mountain... Okay, let's stop talking and tell you your story. Decide!”

Seeing Lu Tiandu put away the lions and beasts, the white-clothed scholar was extremely fearful. Facing such a vicious person who could easily kill him, he smiled bitterly and said:

"I'm waiting to see what happened to Fellow Daoist Lu. I just hope that Fellow Daoist Lu can keep his promise and give the lower class a way to survive."

If you take action at this moment, you will die. If you don't take action, there is still a chance of survival. Everyone knows how to choose. As for the big-headed weirdo, since there has been no news for such a long time, he is probably in serious danger. What's more, adding two more people will not help.

"Don't worry, Lu never breaks his promise."

Lu Tiandu nodded. Just when he was about to continue saying something, the scholar in white suddenly seemed to remember something and said:

"Now that Fellow Daoist Lu has come in, it means that more people may come in later. I wonder how Fellow Daoist Lu will deal with them? Why don't the four of us stop them for Fellow Daoist?"

"I'll spare the trouble for you fellow Taoist. They are still in the killing array I set up at the Gate of Ten Thousand Cultivations. That's when they got to the top of the mountain. Behind the Ziwei Seven Star Formation set up by fellow Taoist, I set up two more killing formations. Wait. If they break out of the formation and insist on going up the mountain, they will be killed."

"Of course, once I use the Hualong Seal to control the ban on Kunwu Mountain again, suppressing them will only be done by hand."

Lu Tiandu said with a half-smile.

"In this case, I am worrying too much!"

At this moment, Lu Tiandu's meticulous thoughts also made the scholar in white feel more and more difficult to deal with. He finally pondered for a moment and said:

"Now that my Ye family has failed to retrieve the treasure, I am afraid that I have been regarded as a thorn in the side of the Zhengmo Dao. The first family of the Jin Dynasty has fallen in my hands. I really feel ashamed of my ancestors. We have surrendered to our Taoist friends and have a merciless request. I wonder if fellow Taoist can agree?"

"tell me the story."

"My Ye family is also considered the first family in the Jin Dynasty. It has been accumulated for thousands of years. Although it has taken a lot to refine the Pingshan Seal, there are still many treasures. We are willing to offer these treasures and ask fellow Taoists to protect them... …”

"Furthermore, Taoist fellow Daoist, I am afraid that I entered Kunwu Mountain for the purpose of the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, right? Since the spirit treasure in this Demon Suppressing Tower is used to suppress monsters, I, the Ye family, still have a method for refining the spirit treasure that I am willing to give to you. Maybe a spiritual treasure can be refined in the hands of a fellow Taoist."

As the white-clothed scholar spoke, he patted the storage bag on his waist, and a golden jade slip appeared in his hand. With a slight wave, it flew towards Lu Tiandu.

"Could it be that the Lingbao Yingyue Ring is not the result?"

Lu Tiandu remembered the rumors about the Heavenly Bracelet and spoke out.

"It seems that Taoist friend has guessed it."

The Confucian scholar in white nodded, "My Ye family once obtained an ancient ruins. The refining methods of the Heavenly Bracelet and the Yingyue Ring both came from this ancient ruins..."

At this moment, Lu Tiandu shot out a crystal thread from his eyebrows and it did not enter the golden jade slip. As expected, it contained the Yingyue Ring, a spiritual treasure refining method that integrates defense and trapping enemies.

"You have a good plan!"

Lu Tiandu put away the jade slip and sighed, "In this case, Lu will agree to become the guest elder of your Ye family!"

"Thank you, Elder Lu!"

The three members of the Ye family suddenly looked overjoyed and bowed respectfully. (End of chapter)

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