Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 358: Longmeng lost his Taoist heart! 8 spiritual rulers obtained! Fusion soul!

"This person is also a shrewd person!"

At this moment, Yinyue looked at the performance of the eldest elder of the Ye family before and after, and suddenly said something in Lu Tiandu's mind.

"Yes, if this person is not unlucky, if he has the right opportunity, it is not impossible for him to succeed."

Lu Tiandu also looked in agreement.

The Confucian scholar in white knew that this attempt to retrieve the treasure had failed, and that the family's chance of escaping from the control of the good and evil ways had disappeared. The Ye family was about to become a existence that everyone in the world of immortal cultivation in the Jin Dynasty was shouting about, and was about to be destroyed. As a result, in the blink of an eye, he immediately hugged Lu Tian All thighs.

Not to mention Lu Tiandu's superb combat prowess, and the mysterious man in blood robes who once appeared mysteriously, the two of them joined forces to make even the leader of the demonic path, Tianmo Sect, breathless. Moreover, Lu Tiandu now has this top-notch spiritual vein cave, and I am afraid it will not be difficult for him to advance to become a god in the future.

If there is a god-transformation monk behind their Ye family, are they afraid that one day he will not rise up?

One moment the two sides were on the same level, and the next moment this person automatically provided a large amount of resources, adaptable to changes, and was able to stretch and bend, and he already had a somewhat heroic attitude.

As for Lu Tiandu, he has received a lot of benefits for nothing, so why shouldn't he agree?

In Da Jin's game of chess, with his arrival, the demonic forces are about to be reshuffled. Whether the Ye family can take the opportunity to recover depends on their luck.

"Okay, I won't put any restrictions on you. I have a space treasure in my hand. I will take you into this treasure later. When I re-strengthen the seal here, I will send you out..."

Lu Tiandu looked at the Ye family and said.

"I will obey."

Lu Tiandu shook his sleeves, and the Wind and Thunder Prison Suppression Picture turned into colorful sleeves and covered the four people. Except for the three Ye family members who were taken into the magic weapon, the mysterious soul clones naturally returned to the world of stone beads.

Lu Tiandu and Yinyue stepped into the stone house, and two short-distance teleportation arrays, one black and one white, appeared in front of them.

One of Lu Tiandu's avatars is the ancient demon, so he is naturally extremely sensitive to demonic energy. Needless to say, this black teleportation array is the path leading to the eighth-level black wind flag that seals the body of the Silver Moon Sirius. Of spiritual space.

Yinyue looked at the black teleportation array and seemed to recall some bad memories, frowning slightly.

"Let's go, let's go see Longmeng first."

With that said, the two stepped onto the white teleportation array on the side.

In a flash of white light, the two of them had appeared on the eighth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower.

This is a space with a radius of about twenty miles. At a glance, it is lush and green, with exotic flowers and plants everywhere. The aura is much richer than the outside world.

It seems that the ancient monks have put a lot of effort into creating this place of recovery for Longmeng.

The most eye-catching thing in this space is a gorgeous palace hundreds of feet wide in the middle. Lu Tiandu and Yinyue didn't hesitate and flew towards the palace.

During the flight, with a sweep of their spiritual consciousness, the two of them discovered that the palace was actually built in the center of a giant magic circle. There were also 81 small altars about ten feet high built near the palace, scattered throughout the magic circle. at.

On each altar is enshrined a white jade stone man several feet tall. Each of these stone men is wearing golden armor, holding an unknown golden giant blade in both hands and facing the palace. Their expressions are solemn and unusual, as if they are alive.

The moment Lu Tiandu and Yin Yue entered, in the huge palace, a silver box placed on the table flashed with light, as if something had been awakened.

And above the silver box, there was a half-foot-long emerald green wooden ruler floating, slowly rotating and constantly emitting a spiritual light that just covered the box below.

If anyone could enter the palace, they would find that there was a person standing there motionless more than ten feet away from the altar table.

This person is none other than the big-headed weirdo, the seventh uncle of the eldest elder of the Ye family.

Ye Yuesheng's eyes were slightly closed at this moment, his expression was dull, and he was bleeding from all his orifices. If his chest hadn't been rising and falling slightly, anyone would have mistaken him for a dead person.

If you walk out of the hall, in a forbidden corridor, the body of another Yuanying monk of the Ye family who came in with the big-headed weirdo is lying quietly in the forbidden area.

Lu Tiandu and Yinyue stopped at a distance from the small altar.

These eighty-one small altars and the golden blades held by the white jade figures on them are exactly the nine-nine demon-slaying formations set up by Kunwu Sanlao back then. The power of the eighty-one demon-slaying swords in the hands of the puppets cannot be underestimated. watch for.

Moreover, there is also the Jiuzhen Demon-Suppressing Formation below the formation. These two formations were arranged by ancient monks against Yuan Cha or other people with demonic aura.

As for the Eight Spiritual Rulers covering the soul-nurturing box, it is both a protection and a kind of imprisonment for Longmeng.

Except for the free access to the spiritual space under the black wind flag, she could not go anywhere else. But before, the new souls of Long Meng and Yuan Cha were able to escape from the Demon Suppression Tower and trap Xiang Zhili, probably at a high price.

"Sister Longmeng, when we meet old friends, why don't you come out to greet us?"

Lu Tiandu looked at the main entrance of the hall and laughed loudly.

After hearing Lu Tiandu's words, Yinyue beside him gave Lu Tiandu an angry look, and quietly looked at the palace door with her beautiful eyes.

"Is it your kid? Did your kid really find this place?"

Suddenly, a cold and surprised voice echoed in this space.

With the appearance of this voice, Yinyue suddenly fell into some kind of memory.

At this moment, in the palace, on the altar table, the silver box burst into a glow, as if something was coming out of it.

At this moment, the simple emerald green wooden ruler floating in the sky above the silver box suddenly emitted light green light and began to rotate rapidly.

At this moment, the silver box made a "boom" sound, and an invisible force burst out. The Eight Spiritual Rulers above the box received this blow, suddenly enlarged and flew upwards, and at the same time, countless light-colored lotus flowers suddenly appeared.

These lotus flowers seem real and fake, dancing slowly. The strange thing is that among these lotus flowers, there are eight phantoms of spiritual beasts of different sizes, looming, looking up at the ruler and making a clear sound, as if they are worshiping the ruler.

At this moment, under the huge jade ruler that was about ten feet long and eight lotus flowers, a graceful figure in white palace clothes appeared strangely.

This stunning figure has firm peaks, slender legs, snow-white and cold complexion, and sharp phoenix eyes, which are eighty-nine times similar to the silver moon outside.

The only difference is that this woman exudes a noble and noble aura, while the silver moon outside also has a charming and charming temperament in her noble and elegant temperament.

The woman glanced at the Eight Spiritual Rulers above her head and snorted coldly. A stream of light flashed past, and the Eight Spiritual Rulers and the woman suddenly disappeared from the hall.

At this time, as Lu Tiandu and Yinyue watched, not far away, a few feet above the palace, a ray of light suddenly burst out, and a graceful figure suddenly appeared.

Above the woman's head, a strange-looking emerald green wooden ruler about ten feet long and eight lotus flowers shed light green light around her.

"Suan-horned beast, eight-unicorn deer, golden-scaled dragon... it is indeed the Eight Spirit Ruler!"

Lu Tiandu saw the phantoms of these spiritual beasts, and naturally saw the root cause.

"Xueling! It's indeed you!"

As soon as Longmeng emerged, his figure trembled, his phoenix eyes opened, he stared at the graceful silver moon beside Lu Tiandu, and said coldly.

"As expected, you kid brought Xueling over to me."

At this moment, she glanced at Lu Tiandu beside Yiyue and said in a condescending tone.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. I wonder how Sister Longmeng's spirit has recovered?"

Lu Tiandu chuckled, as if he didn't notice the indifference in Longmeng's tone, "I said before that when Xue Ling and I are almost ready, we will come back to rescue you, Longmeng, isn't this now?"

"What? How dare you call me that?"

Longmeng suddenly realized what Lu Tiandu was calling him, and suddenly remembered the bad memory of Lu Tiandu claiming to be her man a few days ago, and she suddenly became furious.

"What? I'm your man, so I can't call you by your given name?"

Lu Tiandu smiled teasingly, suddenly wrapped his arms around Yin Yue's waist, bit Yin Yue's white and tender jade ears intimately, and said with a smile:

"Yinyue, do you think people like this who yell at their men should be spanked as punishment?"

Speaking of which, Lu Tiandu gently slapped Yinyue's buttocks three times as if to demonstrate.

The sound of "pop" and "pop" reached Long Meng's ears above the palace. Seeing the two of them being so intimate in public, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and stretched out her fingers suddenly with an incredible look on her face. Pointing at Lu Tiandu, he looked annoyed and said:

"You... how dare you? How dare you? Boy, let me go!"

When it came to the last sentence, Long Meng almost roared out.

She was so close to Yin Yue at the moment, and they were one body with two souls, so she could naturally sense something from the other person's soul. Although Lu Tian was hugging Yin Yue at this moment, and his big warm hands were patting Yin Yue's buttocks, for some reason, Long Meng almost thought that Lu Tian was scorning her.

At this moment, it was obvious that she had lost her mind!

"What? Are you jealous? Seeing Xue Ling being so favored, are you a very jealous woman?"

Lu Tiandu let go of Yin Yue, who had a pretty face and a rosy face and a look of tenderness and anger, and looked at Long Meng, who was still aloof before but was now furious, and said with a smile.

Naturally, he wanted to make the Demonic Princess Longmeng angry!

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Longmeng suddenly calmed down and stared at Lu Tiandu coldly, looking murderous.

"What? Seeing that you are not favored, you still want to murder your husband? Do you want to be a widow so much?"

Lu Tiandu continued to attack.

"Pfft", after hearing Lu Tiandu's speechless words, Yinyue on the side couldn't help but laugh. "Xueling, is it funny?"

Longmeng was almost furious at this moment, and the fingers pointing at Lu Tiandu trembled, "Boy, you...bastard! Do you believe that I will kill you right now?"

If she hadn't spent a lot of soul power to suppress the big-headed monster before, and she was still a little weak now, she might have been unable to help but take action!

Of course, she automatically ignored the frightening aura coming from Lu Tiandu.

This was all she had left to show off at the moment.

"Hmph, do you dare to lay a finger on Lu Lang?"

Before Lu Tian could say anything, Yinyue sneered.

"What? Do you think that since you are one with me and have two souls, I won't dare to kill you?"

Long Meng looked at Yin Yue, and her voice suddenly turned cold.

"Hmph, don't talk nonsense anymore. With the blood-devouring soul mark here, if my body and soul are destroyed, do you think you can survive alone?"

Yinyue said with a look of disdain on her lips.

"Okay! Okay! Just protect this guy who only knows how to use his words right now. When I fuse you, this guy will have a better time!"

Long Meng's expression was cold, and she stared at Yin Yue coldly, with a cold tone, and said:

"Your aura has become so weak, and now it is inhabiting a monster like the Four-Eyed Spirit Fox. Don't you think it is an insult to our Silver Moon Sirius identity? And your aura is so strong on this person, Are you still this person’s spiritual beast?”

"So what? I'm not only Lu Lang's spiritual beast, but you can't feel the loss of Yuan Yin in my four-eyed spirit fox body, right?"

Yinyue smiled softly, her eyes moved, she looked at Lu Tiandu and said with a smile.


Long Meng sensed it, her eyes shrank, she opened her mouth, and after a long time she couldn't help but curse angrily:

"You actually committed yourself to a person from the lower world and willingly debased yourself!"

"That's enough, shut up!"

Yinyue suddenly shouted coldly and glanced at Longmeng coldly, "That's great, Lu Lang. You will naturally know it after the fusion. I hope you can still be so tough-talking by then. No more nonsense, let's get down to business. !”

"Good! Good!"

Long Meng also sneered, looking at Xue Ling, who seemed a bit unfamiliar to her at the moment, and said:

"Looking at your appearance, your memory has almost recovered, right?"

"What should have recovered has been recovered long ago, let's have a final showdown!"

Yinyue nodded calmly.

"it is good!"

Long Meng also nodded in agreement.

She wanted to ask Yin Yue before why she hadn't come here after tens of thousands of years, but she didn't bother to ask now.

Over the past tens of thousands of years, she has struggled with Yuan Cha's soul from time to time. Although she is a little weak now, she is not comparable to Yin Yue, who is not yet at the ninth level of cultivation. Although Yin Yue's soul was also a god back then. peak.

She glanced coldly at the Eight Spiritual Rulers above her head. After she merged with Xueling's soul, the only little trouble she had was this spiritual treasure.

At this time, Lu Tian, ​​who had been silent until now, spoke:

"I think this Eight Spiritual Ruler is a bit of an eyesore, so I'd better take it away first!"

Yinyue nodded, said "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Lu" and waited quietly. Longmeng didn't say a word.

After tens of thousands of years, she has been trapped here by the Eight Spirit Ruler. Although she has never practiced Buddhist techniques, she has long found a way to use part of the power of the Eight Spirit Ruler. If Lu Tiandu can collect this treasure at this moment, wait for her After fusing with Xue Ling, it is natural to easily capture Lu Tiandu and regain this treasure.

Later, with the help of this four-eyed spirit fox body, he can naturally control the eight spirit rulers, and it will be of great advantage to fight Yuan Cha for the demon body.

Moreover, she also wanted to see what Lu Tiandu had to do.

Lu Tiandu remained motionless and seemed to have no intention of taking action.

With a shake of his shoulders, the three-foot-tall golden Dharma Appearance suddenly appeared. With a gentle squeeze of his thick golden arm, a dragon-patterned black gold stick suddenly appeared in his hand. The golden Dharma Appearance took a step forward, and the shadow of the stick in the sky was already blasting towards the unattended Eight Spirits. ruler.

"What? This kid actually cultivated the Dharma Body in the human world? He is actually a rare Dharma Body practitioner?"

Seeing this golden body, Longmeng was immediately surprised, "This technique that can cultivate a golden body is rare among humans and demons in the spiritual world. Even the Vajra Technique must be cultivated to the seventh level. How on earth did this kid do it to condense such a solid Dharma?"

At this moment, she suddenly remembered the strangeness in her heart that she had ignored when she saw Lu Tiandu before.

"Hmph, when I catch you, I will naturally know your secret!"

Thinking of this, Long Meng's eyes flickered as she looked at the golden dharma image colliding with the spiritual beast in the eight lotuses.

Within a moment, the restrictions placed by the ancient monks around the Eight Spirit Rulers were shattered by Lu Tiandu's golden body, and Longmeng also stepped aside.

Seeing that this unattended spiritual treasure was about to run away, the golden magic image was struck down with a stick, and the eight spiritual rulers made a harsh buzzing sound, and then the spiritual light exploded, instantly shooting in the direction of Lu Tiandu and Yinyue .

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly, flicked his sleeves, and the colorful sleeves suddenly appeared. The purple and gold brilliance of the sleeves flowed. He opened his mouth and swallowed, and the Eight Spirit Rulers disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the golden body of the Dharma also turned into a stream of light and shot in the direction of Lu Tiandu.

"I got the Eight Spirit Rulers, now only the Black Wind Flag is left!"

Lu Tiandu smiled slightly and said to himself.

"There's something weird about this stick!"

Looking at the weird dragon-patterned black gold stick, Long Meng's eyes flickered.

Although Longmeng has never come into contact with the Xuantian Treasure, she has been fused with the soul of Yuan Cha for a period of time, and has also learned about the Xuantian Treasure. At this moment, she suddenly discovered the dragon-marked black gold stick that can beat the Eight Spirit Rulers. Extraordinary.

"This kid is really weird. He actually makes Xue Ling, who was once arrogant, defend him like this. He really looks a little different!"

With this thought flashing through his mind, Longmeng glanced at Lu Tiandu and the other two, then disappeared into the palace below.

"Let's go in together."

Lu Tiandu took Yin Yue's jade hand and smiled slightly.

Whether it is the Nine-Nine Demon-Slaying Formation or the Nine-True Demon-Conquering Formation here, they are mainly targeted at people with demonic aura. Naturally, Lu Tiandu and the others have never practiced magic skills, so they will not be affected. And as long as Longmeng doesn't interfere, this formation will naturally not attack the two of them for no reason.

As for the restrictions placed outside the main hall, they opened automatically as soon as they touched the three-flavored kamikaze swirling around Lu Tiandu.

During the process of breaking the ban, Lu Tiandu also discovered another dead person in the Ye family. He put away his storage bag and scattered treasures, and Lu Tiandu sent a small fireball.

After a moment, the door of the main hall opened, and Lu Tiandu and the two entered the main hall.

As soon as you enter this hall, a pure spiritual energy hits your face.

"This place is a good place for retreat."

This thought flashed across Lu Tiandu's mind and he looked at the main hall.

This hall is unusually empty. In the center of the hall, there is a square altar table made of spirit wood. On the altar table, the silver soul-nurturing box made of several kinds of spirit trees such as soul-nurturing wood is extremely conspicuous.

And more than ten feet away from the altar table, the big-headed weirdo who had been severely injured by Longmeng's divine consciousness and trapped by illusions stood there motionless.

"This should be the teleportation array leading to the ninth floor!"

Scanning the milky white teleportation array wrapped in a transparent light curtain in the corner of the hall, the thought flashed across Lu Tian's mind, "The altar that suppresses the demonic energy and the forbidden hub of Kunwu Mountain are both on this ninth floor. Maybe After Silver Moon merges with Longmeng, I should go to the ninth floor to control the restrictions here?"

This thought flashed across his mind and he glanced at the big-headed weirdo. He didn't know if Longmeng had left behind this person. Lu Tiandu casually took a picture of several storage bags on this person's waist. With a flick of his finger, a golden wind whirlpool appeared. In a flash, there was no trace of the big-headed monster in the palace.

"You are cautious!"

Seeing Lu Tiandu so decisively kill the big-headed monster beside him, Long Meng's voice suddenly came from the jade box, "Xue Ling, come in, let's merge in the soul nourishing box, right?"

"No, who knows if there is any back-up plan in this soul box. When I relax my mind, you can enter my sea of ​​consciousness and fuse it!"

Yinyue naturally knew that the power of her soul at the moment was not as good as Longmeng's. The reason why she actively fused was because of the mysterious furnace shadow in her soul. She couldn't control this furnace shadow, so it was naturally impossible for her to run out and deliver food to Long Meng.

"Hmph, you are as cautious as this kid!"

Seeing that Yin Yue was sitting cross-legged not far away, Long Meng's rude voice came from the soul box.

After a moment of silence, the silver glow filled the soul box. A palm-sized, extremely agile silver wolf flew out of the soul box. He glanced at Lu Tiandu, who was calm at the side. In a flash, he disappeared between Yin Yue's eyebrows...

The moment Long Meng disappeared between Yin Yue's brows, Lu Tiandu's teasing laughter came from his consciousness:

"Longmeng, I'm looking forward to practicing double cultivation with you..."

...(End of chapter)

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