Begin the path of immortality from mortals

Chapter 359 Control Kunwu Mountain! The transformed gods of the Jin Dynasty! reward!

Just when Longmeng and Yinyue used the soul-melting method to merge again after tens of thousands of years.

Also on the eighth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, in a dark and unknown enclosed space.

An incredibly large object floated motionless in mid-air. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a two-headed silver wolf that was over a hundred feet tall.

The hair of this giant wolf is shining silver, as if it is made of pure silver. When people see it, they will feel that the giant wolf is abnormal.

But the strange thing is that this huge wolf body actually has two wolf heads. One is silver-white, and the other wolf head becomes jet black and shiny from the neck, and is shrouded in a layer of faint black air. The black head is even more... It gave birth to a single purple horn, which looked extremely ferocious and ferocious.

At this moment, countless restraining talismans were attached to the surface of this huge wolf body, and the whole body was wrapped with chains that were as thick as a bowl and emitted an inexplicable aura.

These talismans flashed with spiritual light one by one, and one could tell at a glance that they were of extremely high level. The chain was black and dull, but there were faint traces of blood. It was unknown what kind of material it was made of.

In addition to the talismans and chains all over the body, there are also thousands of large bronze mirrors scattered around the huge silver-white wolf body. A series of yellow light beams are emitted from the mirror surface, forming a strange magic circle. Trapped inside.

In this obscure space, layers of restrictions radiate out from the void like waves, endless, faintly covering the huge wolf body.

At this moment, the two forms were completely different. The black wolf head seemed to be sleeping. A burst of black mist rolled in. The eyelids of the black wolf head suddenly trembled, and the huge wolf eyes slowly opened.

The purple light flashed in the huge wolf's eyes, gradually becoming clearer, and a woman's murmur suddenly came from this space:

"What's going on? Why are there some strange movements of the soul? Is Longmeng doing some tricks again?"

This voice was pleasant to the ear, and it was 70% similar to Longmeng's voice, but it was a little less charming and a little more cold.

"A few days ago, the new soul was trying to pull a monk who had sneaked into the divine transformation stage into the miraculous celestial phenomenon, causing great damage to his spiritual consciousness, and Na Longmeng and I were able to separate again. But this time, it is probably the last time. Once it split apart, when Longmeng wakes up from her sleep in that spiritual energy-rich place, she will merge into one again. It seems that I have to make some other preparations..."

After a while, the muttering gradually disappeared, and the true demonic energy shrouding the black wolf's head began to roll according to a certain pattern...

Time flew by and two days passed.

On the eighth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, Lu Tiandu frowned slightly as he looked at Yin Yue, who was still sitting cross-legged and motionless.

"With the consent of both parties, once this soul-melting magic is performed, it will not stop until the two souls merge into one. It is guarded by the shadow of the stone furnace. No matter what, the one who takes the dominant position in the end should be Silver Moon. , but it’s a little hard to determine the time at this time.”

Half a day ago, the mana mark coming from the large array arranged at the summit square had shown that the people behind the mountain had broken through the crape myrtle seven-star array arranged by the Ye family at the summit square, and were now trapped in the trap set up by Lu Tiandu. Two kills in the formation.

Although these people may be able to break through the formation in a few days, Lu Tiandu is not worried about these people.

In the past two days, he had nothing to do and played with the Eight Spirit Rulers. Unfortunately, he had not practiced the Tongbao Jue of this treasure, and there was no reaction at all when injecting the true essence treasure into it.

Moreover, this kind of spiritual treasure that can only exert its full power with the Buddhist cultivation essence, even if he has practiced two levels of Tongbao Jue, he may only be able to exert the power of the imitation spiritual treasure.

Naturally, Lu Tiandu would not spend this time practicing Buddhist techniques for this spiritual treasure.

Seeing that he still didn't know when Yinyue would wake up, Lu Tiandu naturally didn't want to waste time waiting here in vain.

"In this case, I might as well go to the ninth floor to reinforce the seal, and control the restrictions here in Kunwu Mountain is the real thing."

Lu Tiandu glanced at the teleportation array in the corner and had this thought.

With a flick of his sleeves and robes, Shi Lei and a dozen mid-stage Nascent Soul puppets were released to guard around Silver Moon. Lu Tiandu gave a few instructions before walking towards the teleportation array leading to the ninth floor.

He casually broke through the restrictions on the periphery of the teleportation array, and as soon as the white teleportation array was activated, Lu Tiandu's figure disappeared in the aura.

In a similar teleportation array, Lu Tiandu appeared again. The teleportation array here is the same as the one on the seventh floor, and is also built in a stone house.

After leaving the stone house, it was obviously another independent space, with an open space several miles in size in the middle. The surrounding area is yellow and mist is billowing, making the place look dark and unclear, and it is unclear how wide it is.

"It's so devilish!"

Lu Tiandu's consciousness swept through the churning mist and discovered some pure true demonic energy mixed in it. "The true demonic energy suppressed here is probably better than that under the seven-star spirit-transforming demon-locking formation in the boundless sea." The suppressed demonic energy becomes purer."

Shaking his head, Lu Tiandu looked at the conspicuous building in the middle of the place.

This is a huge altar with a height of more than 100 feet. It is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. It is trapezoidal on all sides. It is carved with pure white jade. It is magnificent and exquisite.

There is also a large circle of tall stone pillars surrounding the altar.

On the top of the altar, in a milky white light shield that shimmers with soft light, two stone tablets several feet high, emitting a blue-white halo, stand quietly on them.

"Monument of Demon Suppression!"

Lu Tiandu naturally recognized this object at a glance. Not only was this object refined from Huayi Shen Mud, but he had seen this object before when the ten thousand feet of demonic energy suppressed it in the boundless sea.

And the scale of both the altar and the demon-suppressing monument here is much larger than that of Boundless Sea.

Lu Tiandu's figure flashed and he had arrived next to the Demon Suppressing Monument.

Looking at some of the formulas recorded on one of the demon-suppressing monuments, Lu Tiandu typed out several formulas according to the formulas. The aura flickered on the demon-suppressing monument, and a groove was quickly revealed on the monument, with a milky white mask on the outside. It also disappeared immediately.

Lu Tiandu stretched out his hand, and a green seal appeared in his hand. It was the Dragon Transformation Seal that he had obtained in Kunwu Palace before.

Gently press the Hualong Seal into the groove. As Lu Tiandu's huge true energy is injected into the Hualong Seal, a roaring dragon roar suddenly appears in this space, and a green dragon shadow appears on the stone tablet out of thin air. , wandering endlessly.

At the same time, on top of the stone tablet, a blue-white aura suddenly penetrated into Lu Tiandu's eyebrows.

"This is how to open another stone well as the location of the Sky Crystal Tablet and the secret method of using the Sky Crystal Tablet to strengthen the ban on Kunwu Mountain..."

In just an instant, Lu Tiandu received all the information in this spiritual light.

"In this case, it's a worthwhile trip."

Lu Tiandu glanced at another stone tablet, which was the magic weapon that controlled all the restrictions in Kunwu Mountain.

At this moment, as the dragon shadow wandered on the stone tablet, the hundred-foot-high white jade altar shook slightly, emitting a soft light.

At the same time, the tall stone pillars surrounding the altar were shining brightly, and they were integrated with the white jade altar, and the new restrictions were slowly being activated.

"It's done."

Seeing this scene, Lu Tiandu also smiled slightly and waited quietly.

After tens of thousands of years of consumption, the power of the demon-forbidden formation set up by the ancient monks here has indeed dropped a lot. Now that it has been strengthened by the Dragon Seal, it may be able to persist for another ten thousand years.

The seal here can now be re-reinforced immediately. After the reinforcement, the soul of Yuan Cha trapped in the Black Wind Banner's Jueling Space still has some trump cards, and it is impossible to break the seal here. With the help of the pure true demonic energy suppressed here, The cross-border divine thought that summons the demonic deity has arrived.

Of course, the premise is that the soul of Yuan Cha can break the seal arranged by the ancient monks on the eighth floor and come here.

Although Yuan Cha's split soul has been competing with Longmeng for the dominance of Silver Moon Wolf's wolf body for tens of thousands of years and has never made a final counterattack, it is after all a split soul of a Mahayana monk, and there is also the soul of Yuan Cha himself in the soul. Yin, and Lu Tiandu has also read the original plot, and knows that Yuan Cha's split soul is full of tricks, so it is natural to be more careful.

A quarter of an hour later, as the light around the white jade altar dimmed again, Lu Tiandu knew that something big had happened.

"After I control the restrictions on Kunwu Mountain, I want to go down and see if there is anything good in the demonic energy underground."

Lu Tiandu looked at another stone tablet, turned over his hand and took out a blue jade tablet, which was the Tianjing tablet.

According to the information left by the ancient monks, this Dragon Transformation Seal is specially used to strengthen the demon-suppressing seal here, and the spare sky crystal tablet is naturally not aimed at the sealing formation here.

The Hualong Seal is designed to suppress demonic energy, while the Sky Crystal Monument is specifically designed to strengthen the sealing restrictions around Kunwu Mountain. If the Dragon Seal fails to suppress the demonic energy in the end or is not used to re-strengthen the seal, even if the ancient demon or demonic energy flows out, the restrictions around Kunwu Mountain reinforced by the Sky Crystal Monument can still destroy the demon or demonic energy in a short time. Qi is trapped in Kunwu Mountain.

And with this time difference, it is enough to give the human monks outside enough time to react. Whether they work together to kill the monster or find a way to re-seal Kunwu Mountain, they still have the possibility of success.

With this internal and external arrangement, the ancient monks put a lot of effort into targeting the separated souls of Kunwu Mountain and Yuancha, as well as the ten thousand feet of evil energy underneath.

After opening the stele again, and after the sky crystal stele and the stele merged, Lu Tiandu sat cross-legged on the stele and slowly worshiped the stele.


Just when Lu Tiandu was refining the central stone tablet forbidden in Kunwu Mountain, outside Kunwu Mountain, at the crack in the underground space entering Kunwu Mountain, there were already many Nascent Soul monks.

However, the leader was an old man with white hair and a ruddy complexion. He looked like an immortal, and there were several people standing faintly behind him. They were a group of people led by Xuan Qingzi, the leader of the righteous path and the law enforcement elder of Taiyi Sect.

The reason why the people of Taiyi Sect came to southern Xinjiang so quickly is also related to Xiang Zhili who was trapped in the magical celestial phenomenon.

After Xiang Zhili discovered the changes in Kunwu Mountain in southern Xinjiang, he only had time to send a message to the nearest Huaxian Sect and his good friend Feng Laoguai.

It was several days after Old Monster Feng received the message from Xiang Zhili.

Originally, Old Monster Feng was planning to come to Southern Xinjiang to help his old friend, but he got caught up in some urgent matter and couldn't escape in a short time.

The two old men, Old Monster Feng and Xiang Zhili, have no sect or family ties behind them. After advancing to become gods, they have been looking for the counter-spiritual passage. Not only do they have the same ambition, but they are also life-and-death friends, so they each have the soul of the other. beads.

As a result, within a few days, Old Monster Feng discovered that Xiang Zhili's Soul Bead had faded. This immediately surprised Old Monster Feng.

In this situation, either Xiang Zhili was seriously injured or he was trapped in some powerful restriction.

Although Old Monster Feng couldn't escape, he quickly sent a distress message to Hu Lao Mo of Tianmo Sect and Bai Lao Gui of Tai Yi Sect, and he was also willing to offer his life-span-increasing Blood Energy Pill as a reward for their actions.

As a result, Hu Laomo of the Tianmo Sect did not take any action after receiving the message from Feijian, and the Tianmo Sect did not send any great monks of the late Nascent Soul stage to southern Xinjiang.

The elixir that can increase longevity is naturally what Hu Laomo needs, but he has more important things at this time.

This matter is naturally related to Lu Tian.

Decades ago, in the battle of Tianlan Grassland, Hu Lao Mo lost an incarnation. The words left by the mysterious god-transforming monk to visit the Tian Mo Sect within a hundred years still echoed in Hu Lao Mo's heart. Now there are only three or four days left before the end. In ten years, how dare Hu Lao Mo dare to go out at will at this time.

Moreover, a few years ago, during the battle of Jinjing, Lu Tiandu and the mysterious gold-faced man in blood robe killed five late-stage Nascent Soul monks and more than a dozen other Nascent Soul monks, causing an uproar in the entire Jin Dynasty.

During this period, Tianmo Sect lost two late-stage Nascent Soul monks and seven or eight Nascent Soul monks. It can be said that their vitality was severely damaged.

After finding out the causes and consequences of the Jinjing incident, Hu Laomo roughly guessed that the mysterious appearance of Lu Tiandu and the man in blood robes might have some connection with the mysterious god-transforming monk back then.

Three of the five late Yuanying monks from the Tianmo Sect were lost to these people. Now there are only two late Yuanying monks left in the Tianmo Sect to guard the sect. Hu Laomo is also preparing for the future war. Naturally, it is impossible to do it for two A blood energy pill comes out of the mountain to give others an opportunity to take advantage of.

As for Bai Laogui, he swallowed a fire jujube that was thousands of years old three years ago, and was preparing to use the huge medicinal power of the fire jujube to attack the middle stage of spiritual transformation.

At this moment, he faces the risk that if he is not careful, his magic power may be ignited and his cultivation will turn into nothingness. Naturally, it is impossible for him to come out to help the old ghost.

However, the Taiyi Sect is an old force handed down from ancient times after all. Knowing that Kunwu Mountain is of great importance, although they cannot take action personally, they also sent the sect's law enforcement elder Xuan Qingzi and his party to help.

As for Che Laoyao, the last surviving god-transformation monk in the Jin Dynasty, he has not appeared for thousands of years. No one knows what magical powers he has. Naturally, the human race's god-transforming monks have no friendship with the old monster Che, and the old monster Feng will naturally not ask this monster for help.

Four days ago, as Mrs. Huaxian Zongmu and others joined forces to use treasures to stabilize the forbidden wave, after entering the forbidden crack, although there were many monks behind, except for two or three people who had heavy treasures to protect themselves or had great magical powers. After entering the restricted area, with the arrival of Taiyi Sect Xuan Qingzi and others two days ago, other monks were temporarily prohibited from trespassing here.

These people were intimidated by the power of the leader of Taiyi Sect. Although some people were unconvinced, they did not dare to force their way in and could only watch in secret.

Before Xuan Qingzi came, he naturally received the warning from Bai Laogui that a god-transformation monk might have been trapped here, which was extremely dangerous. He was a late Nascent Soul monk. Although he knew that his old lover, Mrs. Mu, had entered Kunwu Mountain, he was unwilling to trespass without knowing the circumstances.

As a result, while everyone here was waiting quietly with their own thoughts, a forbidden light curtain that had been broken by the Ye family monks suddenly burst into a dazzling blue light, causing everyone to look surprised.

Just as everyone was making endless noises, what surprised everyone was that the white light curtain before was strengthened by several layers in the blink of an eye.

"No, the restrictions here seem to be being repaired and reinforced!"

Someone familiar with the formation suddenly exclaimed, but before anyone else could react, the space here collapsed with a loud "rumbling" sound.


Xuan Qingzi discovered that the ban on Kunwu Mountain was being re-strengthened before, so he secretly wondered if Xiang Lao had re-strengthened the ban?

Seeing the changes here at this moment, naturally he didn't want to stay any longer. He instantly rolled up the Taiyi Sect's people, a yellow glow flashed past, and he instantly escaped to the ground.

The others were also using their own methods at this moment, scrambling to escape to the ground.

Just as the space crack was being repaired, twenty miles away, the large formation under the nameless lake suddenly erupted with light, and strangely disappeared.


This change was naturally the result of Lu Tiandu refining the magical stone tablet that controlled the ban on Kunwu Mountain.

At this moment, on the ninth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, on top of the huge white jade altar, Lu Tiandu looked at the re-refined stone tablet in front of him and nodded.

Now that the restrictions around Kunwu Mountain have been repaired and strengthened, it is no longer possible for outsiders to re-enter through the cracks through which the Ye family monks entered.

He has mastered the key points of the formation, and can naturally mobilize the numerous restrictions imposed by the ancient monks in Kunwu Mountain. The life and death of these intruders in Kunwu Mountain are already under his control.

"Now is the time to see if there is anything good under the demonic aura here."

Looking at this sealing altar, Lu Tian recalled the scene when he obtained the Demonic Marrow Diamond under the overwhelming demonic aura of the boundless sea.

The true demonic energy contained in this place is richer than that of the Boundless Sea, and I am afraid that rare materials such as the Demonic Marrow Diamond are indispensable.

Now that it had taken three hours, Lu Tiandu did not hesitate, made a magic formula, and in a flash, he had submerged under the altar.

After passing through the restrictions in the altar and using the Earth Escape Technique to escape thousands of feet down, Lu Tiandu once again saw the isolation zone formed by countless pure spiritual energy.

This isolation zone is naturally much larger than the boundless sea. When the ten thousand feet of demonic energy here is dealt with in the future, and such a huge amount of spiritual energy is released, the vitality of the heaven and earth in Dajin will be restored a lot.

The evil-proofing divine thunder all over his body turned into golden armor, and Lu Tiandu's figure flashed through the white light curtain and entered a dark space shrouded in black mist.

The intensity of the true demonic energy here was beyond Lu Tiandu's expectation. After releasing the ancient demon clone, the two of them did not stop and continued to dive downwards.


A little while later, Lu Tiandu suddenly appeared with a happy face on top of the hundred-foot-high white jade altar.

“I didn’t expect that I would gain so much this time!”

Lu Tiandu chuckled when he thought of the dozen pieces of magic marrow diamonds and hundreds of spontaneously formed high-level magic crystals found under the vast demonic energy.

And in order not to waste this place where demonic energy gathers, Lu Tiandu and the ancient demon clone set up a large array to condense magic crystals. Naturally, they will be able to harvest a lot of magic crystals in the future.

"Now that everything is ready, we will wait for Yinyue to complete the soul fusion, then swallow Yuan Cha and conquer the Black Wind Flag. This Kunwu Mountain incident will be completely over."

Thinking of this, Lu Tiandu raised his feet and ran towards the teleportation array in the stone house in the distance. (End of chapter)

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